Aisling Defense Force

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Aisling Defense Force
Óglaigh na hAisling
Service branchesAisling Army
Aisling Air Corps
Aisling Naval Service
CeannasaíGearóid Oswald
Defense MinisterMicky Kerley
Knight-CommanderHyram Millian
Military ageAny male or female may elect to serve on or after their 18th birthday.
Active personnel1,190,379
Reserve personnel510,162
Budget113.1 billion
Air Corps:
Naval Service:
Percent of GDP3.9%
Domestic suppliersBrais Roi Arsenal, Armachd, Athar, Areiva

The Defense Forces of the Temuair Empire (Aisling: Óglaigh na hAisling) is comprised of three service branches and is charged with the defense of the Aisling homeland, territory and interests. The Defense Forces are commanded by the reigning Ceannasaí, who is also the command-in-chief of the Defense forces, and considered the highest ranking military officer in the land.

In 1933, Ceannasaí Bieito María Neira established the Military Media Act, which decrees that no media, fictional or otherwise, be it film, television, or written word could be published in Temuair or abroad containing the symbols, uniforms, likeness or actual portrayers of the Aisling Defense Force unless it is approved by the government of Temuair, and is judged to fairly, accurately and competently portray the actions, ideals, and beliefs of the Aisling Defense Force and the Aisling people. As such, works of fiction concerning the Aisling Defense Force are generally rare, where as nearly all documentaries are published by the AIsling Defense Force. According to the writings of Ceannasaí Neira on the subject, "the Military Media Act was designed to preserve and respect the honor, courage and sacrifice of the men and women of the Aisling Defense Force and to not allow the sacred honor of service to be sullied by the ignorant or disingenuous."

Terms of service

Any subject, male or female may choose to enlist in the Defense Forces following their 18th birthday. There is no maximum acceptable age. Furthermore, unless judged mentally incompetent, and deemed incapable of understanding the Oath of Service, the Defense Forces may not disqualify or deny service to anyone for any reason, except in cases where a criminal violation has occurred that would preclude service, or in cases where the subject has previously been accepted into the Defense Forces, but departed without completing their contractual obbligatos. Further, no person determined to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics may take the Oath of Service. Subjects who elect to join the Imperial service must complete a term of service of no less than four years for active duty, or ten years for reserve forces, though a longer term may be required during wartime or other emergencies.

Servicemen and woman have the right to resign from Imperial service at any time, except during a declared emergency. There is no penalty for resigning from service before completing full term, except that, once out, a subject can never again join the service.

Upon completion of their term, provided it surpassed the mandated minimum, a subject is granted full citizenship into the empire and receives several rights and provides thereof, the most conspicuous of these being the right to vote for and hold government office.


Oath of Service

The Oath may only be delivered by a sworn and commissioned officer of the Imperial Defense Forces, and can not be administered to any person determined to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.

I, being of sound body and mind, without coercion or inducement of any sort, and having been informed of the meaning, and consequences of violating, this Oath of Service, do hereby declare my intent to enter and serve the Aisling Defense Force for not less than my mandated term, and as long as may be required by the government.

I swear to uphold and defend the Articles of Governance against all enemies both foreign and domestic. I swear to protect and defended the rights and liberties of all citizens and subjects outlined by the Articles of Governance. I swear to preform and obey all lawful orders from the Commander-in-Chief of the Aisling Defense Forces, as well as the lawful orders of all lawfully designated officers or designated persons set above me, and to require such obedience for all persons lawfully placed in my charge.

I agree that once lawfully discharged from the Aisling Defense Force to remain in inactive reserve for the entirety of my mandated term, and to, upon completely separating from the Aisling Defense Force, carry out all duties and obligations and to enjoy the privileges of citizenship including but not limited to the duty, obligation and privilege of exercising sovereign franchise for the rest of my natural life unless stripped of honor by verdict, finally sustained, of court of my sovereign peers.

A final line

I swear this before Deoch, and all the Gods of Temuair.

Was removed from the Oath of Service in 1967 following a High Court ruling that requiring servicemen to swear an oath to any sort of religious deity violated the Articles of Governance regarding religious freedom.


Aisling Army

See main article: Aisling Army

Aisling Air Corps

See main article: Aisling Air Corps

Aisling Naval Service

See main article: Aisling Naval Service

Special Forces

See main article: Aisling Special Forces Command

While not considered their own branch of service, many of the military's elite special operations capable formations are organized under the joint-service Aisling Special Forces Command.

See also