Conglomerado Magno

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Conglomerado Magno
"Great Conglomerate"
FounderGraciela "La Patróna" Alacrán
Founding locationLa Espejanes, Prybourne
Years active1937–present
TerritoryWestern Prybourne
MembershipSociedades Agrarias Reunificados
Los Segadores
Iglesia Capitologista Reformada
La Nueva Administración
La Barredora
Leader(s)Isabella "La Garra" Alacrán (Boss of All Bosses)
Criminal activitiesGambling, labor racketeering, loan sharking, prostitution, and stock manipulation (officially)
Burglary, theft, murder, extortion, drug trafficking (allegedly)

The Conglomerado Magno (English: "Great Conglomerate") is a powerful and highly organized Prybournean Cartel operating primarily in the San Crinuatla region of Prybourne and its surrounding territories. This influential criminal organization traces its roots back to the early 1930s when it was originally established as a covert network specializing in illicit gambling and smuggling operations. It has repeatedly been said to be one of the world's strongest criminal organizations and indisputably the most powerful in Prybourne or the Canterian territories.

However, as of December 1983, it is the de facto ruler of much of Western Prybourne. Due to the largely "unprofitable" conditions in which the part of the country is considered by the National Conglomerate, the cartel is entirely left alone and sanctioned by the Grand Nagus of Prybourne to administrate the region.


The Conglomerado Magno began as a relatively modest criminal enterprise but rapidly expanded its operations and influence. By 1953, it had grown into a substantial criminal syndicate, gaining notoriety for its strategic use of violence to achieve political objectives. Over time, it emerged as one of the world's most formidable criminal organizations and unquestionably the dominant force within Prybourne and the Canterian territories. As of December 1983, the Conglomerado Magno holds a unique position within Western Prybourne. This region, deemed economically "unprofitable" by the National Conglomerate, has been left largely unregulated and sanctioned by the Grand Nagus of Prybourne for administration by the cartel. This arrangement blurs the boundaries between criminal enterprise and governance, allowing the Conglomerado Magno to exert substantial influence over Western Prybourne. Under the Conglomerado Magno's rule, Western Prybourne has experienced a transformation, marked by economic exploitation, territorial control, and a subtle but pervasive corporate influence. The region has become a symbol of unchecked corporate power, where the lines between legality and criminality have become increasingly blurred.

Leadership & Structure

The Conglomerado Magno operates within a meticulously structured hierarchical system. This intricately designed framework not only facilitates the efficient functioning of the organization but also serves as a protective barrier, shielding the identities of its upper echelon members. Each independent organization within the Conglomerado Magno adheres to a well-established chain of command, with the boss at the apex. These underbosses, individuals of paramount authority within their respective domains, are surrounded by an inner circle of trusted leaders, often referred to as the "Subjefas".

La Jefa de Todos Los Jefes

La jefa de todos los jefes, The Boss of All Bosses, or sometimes just referred to as the "Jefa" is at the apex of the organization wielding supreme authority over the entire cartel. The current Jefa is Isabella "La Garra" Alacrán who is the eldest daughter of Cartel founder Graciela "La Patróna" Alacrán. A Her role encompasses critical decision-making, the formulation of overarching strategies, and the maintenance of crucial alliances with other criminal entities. She is the guiding force that shapes the cartel's direction. Beyond leadership, the boss embodies the very essence of the Conglomerado Magno's power and influence, a figure whose name commands both fear and respect in the criminal underworld. The Jefa remains a closely guarded position, hidden even from most high-ranking members. Only a select few, known as the "Las Lideres", which consist of her inner circle, have direct access to her.

Las Lideres

The inner circle of the Subjefa, or underbosses, functions as a decision-making council is the "Lideres". The inner circle of underbosses together with the "Consejera" occupies the second-highest tier within the cartel's hierarchy, just below the Jefa. They oversee TBA, TBA, and TBA, within their respective factions ensuring that orders are carried out effectively. They convene regularly to discuss critical matters affecting the cartel, such as strategic moves, alliances, disputes, and resource allocation. While the underbosses have a collective decision-making role, they also serve as trusted advisors to the Jefa. They provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their expertise and experience in managing the branch organizations.

La Consejera

La Consejera serves as a trusted advisor within the Cartel, often seen as the Jefa's 'right-hand woman.' Her role extends beyond mere counsel; she acts as a mediator in disputes and frequently represents or assists the cartel in meetings with other cartels, rival criminal organizations, and important business associates. In practice, "La Consejera" typically holds the third-highest position within the administration of the family. Traditionally, she is a senior member, deeply respected within the cartel, and possesses an intricate understanding of the organization's inner workings. A Jefa will often appoint a close and trusted friend or personal advisor as her official "Consejera," a role that goes beyond mere advice and is crucial in the decision-making and diplomatic efforts of the cartel.

La Subjefa

La Subjefa, or the Underbosses, are responsible for overseeing and leading the various branch organizations and factions of the cartel. Together, they form a the "lideres" council that deliberates and makes important decisions, with the Jefa having the ultimate and final say. the Subjefa typically manage the day-to-day operations of the branch organizations or oversee its most profitable criminal enterprises. They often receive a percentage of the cartel's income, derived from the Jefa's share. An underboss in the cartel is typically the first in line to assume the role of acting Jefa in case the current Jefa is imprisoned or incapacitated. Due to their significant responsibilities and proximity to the Jefa, they are frequently regarded as the most likely candidates for succession.

La Capitana

Las Capitanas, or captains, are individuals entrusted with the leadership of a crew, a collective of soldiers who directly answer to them. Typically, each crew comprises approximately 10–20 soldados, alongside numerous Asociada. A Capitana's appointment is made by the Jefa and requires them to report directly to the Jefa or the Subjefas. The Capitana is obliged to share a percentage of her earnings, as well as those of her subordinates, with the Jefa. Additionally, she assumes responsibility for carrying out various assignments, which may include acts of violence and even assassination. In the realm of labor racketeering, it is often a Capitana who exercises control over the infiltration of union locals, ensuring the cartel's interests are safeguarded. When a Capitana accrues significant power and influence, she can sometimes wield more authority than certain superiors within the organization.

La soldado

La soldado, the Soldiers, are inducted members of the cartel and hold a prestigious position within both the organization as a whole and their specific branch. Traditionally, to attain the status of Soldado, an individual must already be an established member of one of the cartel's branch organizations. While each branch organization may have its unique prerequisites, all members must meet certain criteria set forth by the Jefa which qualifies them as "Establecida" - Once a member is "set" she is untouchable, signifying that any act of violence against them must first receive authorization from their immediate superior or the Jefa. During periods when the cartel is actively recruiting new members, often referred to as "when the books are open," a soldado may endorse a promising associate for promotion to the role of a new Soldier. Soldados constitute the backbone of the cartel, serving as the primary workforce responsible for carrying out various criminal activities such as assault, murder, extortion, and intimidation. In return for their dedicated service, they are entrusted with lucrative rackets to manage, assigned by their superiors. Moreover, they enjoy complete access to their cartel's extensive network of connections and wield the substantial power associated with their branch organization.


An "Asociada", or Associate, is an individual who, while not a formal member of the cartel, is actively engaged in its operations and works for one of the branch organizations. Associates encompass a diverse spectrum of individuals who contribute to the cartel's endeavors. The role of an Asociada can encompass a wide range of responsibilities, from tasks closely resembling those of a soldado to more basic duties such as serving as a courier or messenger. This is often where aspiring members begin their journey, proving their value and dedication to the cartel. During periods when a branch organization is open to new members, the most exceptional Asociada are carefully assessed and selected for elevation to the rank of Soldado.Asociadas can also play crucial roles as intermediaries in criminal transactions, sometimes handling drug dealings to divert law enforcement attention from actual members. Additionally, they can include individuals with whom the cartel conducts legitimate business, such as restaurant owners. In certain instances, an Asociada might function as a corrupt labor union representative or a businessman involved in illicit activities.


List of Cartel organizations