The Astrian Civil War 1986 - 1993
The Astrian Civil War was a conflict lasting from 1986 - 1993, revolving around multiple factions that sought both reform or revolution. The monarchy of Astrium had grown politically unpopular, as King Fredrick III's administration proved incapable of protecting the people from natural disasters, economic meltdown and terrorist attacks. His son, Fredrick IV, was initially viewed as a reformer, though these hopes were dashed, as the new King emulated his father in policy. Corruption spiralled, and nepotism in both government and corporations thrived openly. With reforms blocked by the King's officials, educated resistance began campaigns to spread awareness and seek popular consent for the abolition of monarchy. The nascent republican movement grew in tandem with more hard-left factions, including anarchists and Communists. In 1986, the Parliament, holding within the King and his High Minister Lord Adam Falstirm, was bombed successfully by revolutionaries. With the the government leaderless, the Kingdom fell into anarchy, with various cliques arranged broadly into loyalists and revolutionaries, though significant inter-factional rivalries also caused small scale conflicts. The loyalists ultimately emerged victorious following a brutal campaign, leaving hundreds of thousands dead in their wake.
Foreign Intervention
Overseas, the Astrian Civil War was viewed as an open proxy war primarily between Celesterra, and the Great Zhi, with Celesterran support being vital the loyalist victory, while the Great Zhi opportunistically backed the Republicans. This caused significant political turmoil within the Imperial aristocracy, and tension between the Republicans and their benefactors. The government of the Anguang Emperor was heavily criticised by conservatives at home. The Celesterran regime achieved a diplomatic success by backing the loyalists, achieving huge economic benefits through assisting in Astrium's recovery.