The Astrian Civil War 1986 - 1993

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Astrian Civil War
Tanks rolling through destroyed city.png
Tanks rolling past ruins during the Siege of Doldister
Date19th April 1986 - 15th October 1993
Astrian Isles

Loyalist Victory

  • King Alster I Coronated
  • Appointment of pro-monarchy Councillors and Regional Ministers
  • Establishment of anti-revolutionary precautions
  • Many leaders and opposition to the Loyalists executed shortly after the war


Supported by


Supported by

Commanders and leaders
  • Monarchists King Alster I
  • Governmentalists High Minister Lord Harold Fornson
  • Monarchists General Scott Garrett  
  • Monarchists General Alexander Mitchel
  • Monarchists General George Bernard
  • Governmentalists General Adrian Oscar  
  • Monarchists Air Marshall Chester Marvin  
  • Governmentalists Air Commander Wayne Jackson
  • Monarchists Admiral Russel Troy
  • The Communist Forces of Astrium Commissar Jacob Harris  
  • The Communist Forces of Astrium Commander Adil Charles
  • The Communist Forces of Astrium Commander Edward Marco  
  • The Communist Forces of Astrium Air Commander Maxim Herbert
  • Republican Freedom Fighters Willard Travis
  • Republican Freedom Fighters Marshall Maximillian Roosevelt
  • Republican Freedom Fighters Marshall Bryan Donald  
  • Anarchist Rebels Layton Spencer  
  • Strength

    In 1986

    • Army 325,000
    • Air Force 95,000
    • Navy 165,000
    • Total 585,000

    In 1993

    • Army 570,000
    • Air Force 185,000
    • Navy 310,000
    • Total 1,065,000

    In 1986

    • Army 465,000
    • Air Force 35,000
    • Navy 0
    • Total 585,000

    In 1993

    • Army 125,000
    • Air Force 17,000
    • Navy 0
    • Total 142,000
    Casualties and losses
  • Dead 337,000
  • Injured 285,000
  • Dead 493,000
  • Injured 528,000
  • Civilian Dead 296,000

    Civilian Injured 361,000
    • Total Dead 1,126,000
    • Total Injured 1,174,000
    • Displaced 6,000,000+

    The Astrian Civil War was a conflict lasting from 1986 - 1993, revolving around multiple factions that sought both reform or revolution. The monarchy of Astrium had grown politically unpopular, as King Fredrick III's administration proved incapable of protecting the people from natural disasters, economic meltdown and terrorist attacks. His son, Fredrick IV, was initially viewed as a reformer, though these hopes were dashed, as the new King emulated his father in policy. Corruption spiralled, and nepotism in both government and corporations thrived openly. With reforms blocked by the King's officials, educated resistance began campaigns to spread awareness and seek popular consent for the abolition of monarchy. The nascent republican movement grew in tandem with more hard-left factions, including anarchists and Communists. In 1986, the Parliament, holding within the King and his High Minister Lord Adam Falstirm, was bombed successfully by revolutionaries. With the the government leaderless, the Kingdom fell into anarchy, with various cliques arranged broadly into loyalists and revolutionaries, though significant inter-factional rivalries also caused small scale conflicts. The loyalists ultimately emerged victorious following a brutal campaign, leaving hundreds of thousands dead in their wake.

    Causes of the conflict

    The Revolutionaries had been increasingly disturbed by Fredrick III and his son Fredrick IV for being useless on the world stage and at home. Fredrick III had consistently failed at assisting the people during famines, natural disasters and when terror attacks rocked the capital. Subjects all over the kingdom had begun to wish for a new dawn when Fredrick IV took the throne, but when they saw an identical reign of Fredrick III's approaching, despair and hopelessness surrounded the kingdom. A new light had emerged from the darkness, a possibility of a new King for some, a new country for others.

    During April of 1986 the communists and Republicans had grown to be more popular than the government therefore, protests, demonstrations, and riots fell upon major cities and population centres across the kingdom. On April 13th 1986 protests began in the centre of Doldister, Communists, Anarchists, and Republicans had gathered in their own sections of the city to start demonstrating against the King and his government. Slowly through the days and nights of the longest unrest the kingdom had seen, the protesters became more violent and unsatisfied with the stubbornness of the government. Therefore on the night of April 17th the protests had turned to riots, destruction of government institution buildings and surrounding areas prompted the King to send in the Armed Forces to quell riots. However, this only made the rioters more furious and progressed towards the parliament building, where King Fredrick IV and the High Minister, Adam Falstirm, were staying along with many delegates from across the kingdom.

    Throughout the final day of riots on April 19th 1986, the rioters had gathered around the parliament building of Astrium, armed with Molotov cocktails, poles to beat people and police, and a few with explosives and guns. In the evening of that day rioters stormed the building and forced their way to the main room, where the most important leaders of the Kingdom were. While the rioters had burst in, one threw and detonated an explosive device that resulted the collapse of the celling, crushing many of those inside of the chamber, recorded inside of the building the deaths of the King, High Minister, and 127 Councillors were accounted. Soon after this explosion was noticed inside the parliament building, the police and Armed Forces opened fire into one of the crowds, therefore the protesters and rioters with weapons retaliated.

    Protests around the city had also devolved into violence and with the news of the killing of the King, spiralled even further into armed combat between two sides. While the days moved on with no end to fighting in and around the capital, armed revolts had sprung up all over the country, with leaders taking their place and creating organised armies. Therefore by the 24th of April a full scale civil war had begun with Loyalists wishing to keep the monarchy in power and the Revolutionaries attempting to tear apart the old government of the Kingdom.

    The explosion inside of the parliament building that killed King Fredrick IV, High Minister Lord Adam Falstirm, and many other councillors is seen as the starting event of the Astrian Civil War where from there the two sides organised themselves into armies and factions.


    The Communist Forces of Astrium, led by Commissar Jacob Harris, had been growing in power since the start of the 1980s and were increasingly violent as their unrest was consistently ignored by the government. Their aims to force the kingdom to overthrow the monarchy and place in a communist dictatorship and leader, however the populous who supported Commissar J Harris were blinded by the need for a revolution, the freedom of the worker, and the equality of all individuals in the nation.

    The Anarchist Rebels, this faction of the civil war had no clear leader or military organisation, simply fighting as groups of armed guerrillas who were prompted to fight against government due to the disruption that had been inflicted by the outbreak of the Revolutionaries. The intentions of this faction however were very clear, destroy the kingdom and become a state free from government tyranny, starting with the monarchy.

    The Republican Freedom Fighters, the head of this faction was Willard Travis, elected by a large group of freedom fighters who saw him as a powerful leader who could manage the revolt against the monstrous and undemocratic government that had ruled over the country for centuries. There was a pure and simple aim for this faction, bring down the corrupt monarchy and install a republic, granting freedom, rights, and equality for all people of the nation. Unfortunately, the only way to achieve peace was through bloodshed and death, the fighters understood this was a way of life and that their sacrifice would be justified.

    The Loyalists, there was only two parts of this side of the civil war, made up of Monarchists and Governmentalists, both led by the newly proclaimed King Alster I and his High Minister, Lord Harold Fornson. The two parts of this side had the same goals, restore the Kingdom, maintain the nation, and destroy the Revolutionaries.


    1986, the Revolutionary forces take advantage of the disarray in government due to the loss of structure and the kingdom's parliament. Advancements were seen in every section of the kingdom that had an uprising, particularly the island of Altney was caught of guard and by the start of the year had almost completely collapsed to revolutionary forces. With the Battle of Altney clear to be won by the Revolutionaries, they set it up as the main base of operations that would oversee the fighting all over the Astrian Isles. Around other sections of the Isles you could see the Siege of Doldister and the Revolutionary Advance in the East begin.








    Ending and results of the Civil War

    The end of the civil war on the 15th of October 1993, saw the Loyalists come out victorious, they had defeated the Revolutionaries in battles and assaults leaving hundreds to thousands dead. With this victory came the surrender of the Revolutionary leaders and their forces, most notably Commissar Adil Charles and Willard Travis, who were invited by King Alster I to the Palace of Bellington to agree to an unconditional surrender and sign the Treaty of Bellington that would force all of his troops to lay down arms and turn themselves in to the authorities.

    After the signing of the Treaty of Bellington the King, Alster I, made a speech on how the ending of the civil war had opened a new age for the kingdom to take, one without the same mistakes that their predecessors made and one that would strive for the future, towards technology, peace, and power.

    While the speech and treaty was done, there were still fighters remaining in areas of the kingdom, holding onto a lost battle, these fighters fought until the bitter end and were all killed in action or captured and sentenced to death. Soon after any of those found to have taken part in the civil war against the Loyalists were immediately charged with treason and killed.

    Foreign Intervention

    Overseas, the Astrian Civil War was viewed as an open proxy war primarily between Celesterra, and the Great Zhi, with Celesterran support being vital the loyalist victory, while the Great Zhi opportunistically backed the Republicans. This caused significant political turmoil within the Imperial aristocracy, and tension between the Republicans and their benefactors. The government of the Anguang Emperor was heavily criticised by conservatives at home. The Celesterran regime achieved a diplomatic success by backing the loyalists, achieving huge economic benefits through assisting in Astrium's recovery.

    The major intervention of the two powers was obvious, Celesterra supported with boots on the ground and in delivery of Celesterran machinery to the loyalists, while The Great Zhi offered formal recognition of government, loans, military advisors, tech and intelligence to the Revolutionaries, most particularly the Republican Freedom Fighters.