Alamedan Wars of Independence

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The Alamedan Wars of Independence (1811-1825; Alamedan Garzan: Guerras de Independencia Alameda) were several wars in Alameda aiming to establish an politically independent country from a variety of foreign and domestic powers within Alameda. The Alamedan Wars of Independence cover the Alamedan-Muscogean Revolution from 1811 to 1815 in East Alameda, the Third Tallapoosa-Qanasi War from 1815 to 1825, the Annexation of West Alameda from 1819 to 1822, and the Royalist War from 1814 to 1817.

In 1805, Alameda was occupied by Asherion with the cooperation of the Anigiduwagi Qanasi tribe and various smaller Anigiduwagi tribes. They agreed on the condition that Asherion and Great Norumbia recognize the Muscogeans as Belisarian-adjacents and that the Anigiduwagi would be given majority control over Occupied Alameda. The primary intention behind this was to prevent the Muscogeans as being recognized by any legislation by Great Norumbia that protected the indigeneous Norumbians. Alongside this, it allowed the Anigiduwagi to target the Muscogeans alongside the Alamedines. The actions of the Anigiduwagi against the Muscogeans were known as the Tewaricetoo, where many Muscogean tribal villages were redistributed to smaller Anigiduwagi tribes. The occupation and the actions of the Qanasi led to the formation of the Alamedine-Muscogee Free Government, which claimed to be the legitimate government of Alameda and was composed of both Alamedines and Muscogeans. While initially during the occupation, Alamedines were not interested in outright independence and saw themselves under the Garzan crown. However, as time went on during the Tewaricetoo and Alamedines became targets of the Anigiduwagi during the Tewaricetoo, Alamedine-Muscogean Nationalism began to arise as a result. By the time of the revolution of 1811, most people apart of the Free Government believed they did not belong to Garza or were subjects of the Garzan crown due to a lack of response by Garza to the occupation.

The Alamedan-Muscogean Revolution broke out in 1811, as an attempt by the Free Government to join the coalition of states opposed to Great Norumbia.