Anahuac on NationStates

List of political parties of Anáhuac

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Anáhuac has a multi-party political system, which means that there are more than two dominant political parties.[1] While democracy has existed in the nation since its independence, modern democracy is usually dominated by two alliances representing most of the political spectrum: the Alianza Republicana and the Coalición de la Noble Izquierda, both formed in the immediate aftermath of the Anahuense Civil War to reduce political heat and tensions. Since the early 2010s, nationally, there are three political parties that dominate: the FSA[2], the UDA[3], and the PFI[4]. Other smaller political parties survive in isolation or by joining either coalition locally or nationally.

National parties

As of 2022, Anáhuac has seven nationally recognized political parties by the Instituto Federal Electoral (Federal Electoral Institute).

Logo Party Leader Founded Ideology Position Representation
1637014914417.png Unión Democrática Anahuense

Anahuense Democratic Union (UDA)

Mako Cortés Villarreal c.1947 (ref.1994) Anahuaca nationalism
Liberal Conservatism
Economic Liberalism
Christian democracy
Center to Center-right
61 / 128
202 / 500
1637015456680.png Partido Federal Institucional

Federal Institutional Party (PFI)

Fátima Salazar Medina 1924 Revolutionary nationalism
Big tent
23 / 128
113 / 500
PSDGR.png Partido Socialdemócrata de Anáhuac

Socialdemocratic Party of Anáhuac (PSDA)

Moctezuma Aguillón 1982 Social democracy Center-left to Left-wing
3 / 128
15 / 500
Convergencia.png Convergencia por la Democracia

Convergence for Democracy (CD)

Sofía Sepulveda Moreno 1998 Participatory democracy
Social democracy
8 / 128
24 / 500
Partido Verde.png Partido Verde Ecologista de Anáhuac

Ecologist Green Party of Anáhuac (PVEGR)

Ángel Kirchner 1993 Green politics
Green conservatism
6 / 128
43 / 500
PCGR.png Partido Comunista de Anáhuac

Communist Party of Anáhuac (PCA)

Clemente Fortuny 2002 Rugidoense socialism
Left-wing to Far-left
4 / 128
32 / 500
1637018104377.png Frente Sindicalista de Anáhuac

Syndicalist Front of Anáhuac (FSA)

Carlos Trejo 2002 Syndicalism
Left-wing nationalism
Left-wing populism
Economic democracy
Centre-left to Left-wing
23 / 128
71 / 500

Other political parties

  • Redes Sociales Progresistas (Eng: Progressive Social Networks) (Centre-left, not officially registered as party, cannot compete in elections)
  • Fuerza por Anáhuac (Eng: Force for Anáhuac) (Centre-left, not officially registered as party, cannot compete in elections)
  • Partido Solidaridad (Eng: Solidarity Party) (Right-wing, not officially registered as party, cannot compete in elections)
  • Unión Nacional Sinarquista (Eng: National Synarchist Union) (far-right, not officially registered as party, cannot compete in elections)
  • Partido Anarquista (Eng: Anarchist Party) (Left-wing, cannot compete in elections)

Local parties

Local parties are registered with the Electoral Institute of each state according to their own criteria and regulations, which may differ from those of IFE but maintaining a national relation due to the highest court in the law of political parties, the TSJN. This list is complete as of 2021.

  • Asociación Democrática de Zaragoza (Eng: Zaragoza Democratic Association)
  • Partido Alianza por Tectetán (Eng: Alliance for Tectetán Party)
  • Fuerza, Trabajo y Unidad por el Rescate Oportuno de Vizcaya (Eng: Strength, Work and Unit for the Timely Rescue of Vizcaya , registered for 2022 federal elections)
  • Fuerza Vizcaya (Eng: Vizcayan Force , registered for 2021 elections)
  • Partido Nueva Alianza (Eng: New Alliance; active in several states)
  • Unión Nacional Fernandista (Eng: Fernandista National Union; lost national recognition in 2022; maintains minor positions in Vizcaya and Pesquería)
  • Partido del Trabajador (Eng: Worker's Party; absorved by the Syndicalist Front in 2022; maintains positions in Mendoza, Vizcaya and Isla Roca Roja.

Former parties

During the 19th century the two most important parties were the Liberals (Liberales) and the Conservatives (Conservadores).

  • Partido Conservador (Eng: Conservative Party) (1849–1867)
  • Partido Liberal (Eng: Liberal Party) (1843–1918)
  • Partido Progresista Constitucionalista (Eng: Progressive Constitutionalist Party) (1910–1929)
  • Partido Fuerza Popular (Eng: Popular Force Party) (1945–1948)
  • Federación de Partidos del Pueblo (Eng:Federation of Parties of the People) (1945–1954)
  • Partido Autentico de la Revolucón Anahuense (Eng: Authentic Party of the Anahuense Revolution) (1954–2000)
  • Partido Socialista Federal (Eng: Federal Socialist Party) (1987–1989)
  • Partido de la Izquierda Legítima (Eng: Party of the Legitimate Left) (1978 - 2002)
  • Acción Singularista (Eng: Singularist Action of Anáhuac) (2018-2022)
  • Partido Socialista Anahuense (Eng: Anahuense Socialist Party) (1923 - 1970) Dissolved after the Anahuense Civil War


  1. Constitución del Instituto Federal Electoral. Instituto Federal Electoral. Retrieved June 26, 2022.
  2. ¡La izquierda vence! La verdadera democracia se restaura ante los ojos de los disidentes. El Sureño. Retrieved June 26, 2022.
  3. 90 años del partido albiazul.. Unión Democratica Anahuense. Retrieved June 25, 2022.
  4. Consecuencias de la Revolución Anahuense y el Falcónazo. Historia Universal de Anteria - Edición Guri. Retrieved June 26, 2022.