Legislative Assembly of Trjebia

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Legislative Assembly

Mendhri Bharlemedh
13th Session
Founded1979 (1979)
Orweels Bho, Liberal Alliance
since June 30, 2020
Prime Minister
Redhe Sje, Liberal Alliance
since June 14, 2016
Leader of the Opposition
Seats89 MLA's
Trjebia Legi2021.svg
Political groups
Government (27)
  •   Liberal Alliance (20)
  •   Left-Green Alliance (6)
  •   Independnent (1)

Opposition (24)

Open list proportional representation elected in four constituencies
First election
May 7, 1945
Last election
June 15, 2020
Next election
Before June 16, 2024
Meeting place
Parliament Building
Oidhelagh, Dremem, Trjebia

The Legislative Assembly of Kingdom of Trjebia (Trjebian: Mendhri Bharlemedh), also known coloqually as the Assembly (Trjebian: Mendhri) or Parliament is the unicameral legislature of the Kingdom of Trjebia and is the main body in the legislative branch of the Trjebian government.

The Assembly has 89 MLA's elected by open list proportional representation through 4 constituencies. Elections are schedualed every 4 years, however the Assembly can vote to dissolve itself early. As the legislative branch of the government, the Assembly is tasked with passing laws, approving yearly budgets, and recommending ministers to the Executive Body, as well as recommending judicial appointees.


Original insitutions

Trjebia historically has not had a strong liberal democratic tradition. For most of Trjebia's history the monarch ruled with absolute power, with a royal court to advise him, with a formal cabinet coming into existance in the late 18th century. The Legislative Assembly's earliest iteration was formed in 1897 after the last partition of Trjebia, known as the Royal Body, after a series of reforms to establish the Kingdom as it's modern city state. This assembly was neither democratically elected nor authorized to pass laws however, with it serving more as both an advisory council and forum for Trjebians in recently conqured territory, known as Sjdhredhri. The monarch of Trjebia remained supreme in lawmaking during this time.

Establishment of Legislative Assembly

During the 1920's, as the Nelbec Empire fell and new republics were formed around it, Sjdhredhri members of the Royal Body, influened by repubican ideas from Seketan and Alqiuya, began to pressure for a legislative branch with the power to recommend or pass legislation and a Prime Minister to be appointed to advise the monarch on behalf of the legislature. Initally these ideas were rejected by King Teadhor V and conservtive figures, however as the liberal-minded buisness class grew, these demands were met in 1945 with the reformation of the Royal Body into the Legislative Assembly and the appointment of Trjebia's first Prime Minister James Ghej.

This initial Legislature was semi-democratic, with 1/3 of its members elected by the general population. The remaining members were appointed either by the monarch directly or class sectors of Trjebia. For example, the shipyad and dock sector was allocated 2 representatives, while the law sector was allocated 3.