Badussy War V

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There is a war in the flop archipelago that many people would call Badussy war V. It all started on August 10, 2023 when the Floptropican island of Sloughttopia became independent and later declared war on the daboyzzian region of El Goblino after an invasion and assasination attempt on the royal family. At the same time that they were at war, Duolingo revealed that he was a secret spy for da boyz this whole time and floptropica declared war on them. After Sloughttopia declared war on the whole of Da boyz (instead of just that region) they formed a kind of alliance but have not officially formed and alliance with eachther to fight against da boyz. The most recent addition to the war is Landiland. Landiland first made an appearance when they were still a Floptropican territory and they (without the help of Floptropica) accused Sloughttopia of being Da Boyz spies. The lack of help from their colonizers caused them to become independent. Them and Sloughttopia eventually made a deal to ally to defeat Da Boyz.

Duolingo has gone viral within the flop community after making a bombastic comment about da boyz being better than flops. After being questioned it responded with "because they are". But...soon after it said this, "Daboyz wish they were this cool". This has created a controversy like the one about whether or not Meifei was a da boyz spy.

Sloughttopia has launched multiple nuclear attacks on Da Boyz which has destroyed the Da Boyz economy. All of the other countries in the Flop Archipelago have declared war on Da Boyz who has an extremily long history of starting wars and even commiting war crimes. Members of all three countries' governments have demanded that the UFN hold a meeting to remove Da Boyz from the United Flop Nations, stating that they go against UFN morals and that they would have too much power over them if they remained a UFN country.

At a certain point, Da Boyz was in control of a large part of the Sloughttopian city of Samoflop. People like Aminah Aziz Jindstadt have revealed to the public, that Da Boyz was illegally importing settlers onto their occupied land and allowing them to trap and murder native Sloughttopian citizens. In this event alone, an estimated 13,000 people were brutally murdered by Da Boyz revoltists and colonists.

Da Boyz has also launched over 1,000 bombs on Sloughttopia which triggered the Sloughttooian government (who had previously warned Da Boyz multiple times) to launch one of the largest nuclear bombs ever produced in the Flop archipelago on the border between the Da Boyzzian County-States of El Goblino and Duoville. This killed an estimated 50,000 people, farther weakening the Da Boyzzian economy. Da Boyz are calling Sloughttopia relentless and over reactive but Sloughttopia claims that they are protecting the highest extent that they can.

A support train has formed between the 3 allied Flop countries. Floptropica is supporting Sloughttopia with Weaponry and supplies, while Sloughttopia is doing the same for Landiland. The countries have unofficially formed the Flop Alliance to Defeat Daboyz or FADD. People expect that the war will be done by the end of 2024 if this stays the same.

Floptropican citizens are upset at the way that the president of Floptropica, Deborah Ali Williams is handling their economy during this war. For the first time ever, Floptropica has been surpassed by another country (Sloughttopia) in GDP. Flops are worried that this may trigger a downfall of their economy. They are having small protests, stating that she shouldn't be in charge of their country if she continues to stay caught up with her job as the first lady of the All Peoples Funeral home. Other Flops say that it is important that she keeps her job at the funeral home, because of the fact that the All Peoples Funeral home was the funeral home used during the first Badussy war.