User talk:SokoloviSiviTici/Interior

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Fin's notes:

Q1. What is the common name of the interior region?

 Possible etymologies:
 a. Yürek-Kök (Old Turkic, heart-sky)
 b. Topraq-Qaryn (Old Turkic, earth-belly)
 c. Dund-kheer (Mongolian, middle-grassland)

Q2. What are the dominant inhabitants called?

 Possible etymologies:
 a. Yol-Kişi (Old Turkic, way-people); Yolkish
 b. At-Kişi (Old Turkic, horse-people); Atkeshi
 c. Qan-Kişi (Old Turkic, blood-people); Qankesh, Kaankesh, Kanesh

Q3. When and why did the urbanization process begin?

Q4. When was the Khaganate established?