National Congress (Jinchun)

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National Congress

ꡂꡏꡋ ꡗꡜꡞ
Song Lat-so, JNDP
Svgfiles 2024-01-28-19-16-54-173859-4202385113771706890.svg
Political groups
Patriotic Front for the Fatherland (1000)
  JNDP: 981 seats
  Independents: 19 seats
Bloc voting
Last election
12th Jin Congressional Election
Next election
Elections suspended

The National Congress (Jin: ꡂꡏꡋ ꡗꡜꡞ; G-m-n Y-h-iGuomin Yihui) is the unicameral legislature of Jinchun. Elections to the National Congress are not considered to be free and fair; the Jin National Democratic Party has dominated the body since its foundation.


Although the National Congress is theoretically endowed with all legislative power, as well as the power to remove the Premier and Cabinet in a vote of no confidence, it serves as a de facto rubber stamp body, simply approving all government proposals.


The National Congress is composed of 1000 members. Typically, around two dozen are independents nominated by the JNDP, while the remainder are JNDP members. The National Congress elects a speaker to oversee its proceedings; these elections are usually uncontested.


Elections are held using bloc voting. In each constituency, voters are presented with a single candidate; either a JNDP member or an independent pro-JNDP nominee. Voters can then (in theory) vote in favour of or against the nominee, and a nominee must recieve more "in favour" votes than "against" votes to be elected. however, the voting process is not secret, and voter intimidation is rampant, leading almost all citizens to vote "in favour". Nonetheless, in the most recent (12th) election, a record 28% of the population voted "against", causing more than 100 candidates to lose their seats. The National Electoral Commission then quickly falsified the results, reporting an impossible 100% "in favour" vote with 100% turnout, and suspended all future elections.