Monteprescan Cuisine in the Cantilettan Republic

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Montepresca is a district within the republic of Cantiletta, a republic in the space colony Antonini. Montepresca borders Canelazzo to the west and Contarmo to the north and northeast. Monteprescan cuisine has variation even within the district itself. In the north, where there are more mountains, dishes such as __________ are popular. Seafood is also very popular near Lake Canelazzo. However, in the south where there are more farms and vineyards, staples such as 1 Pan Zuccherato or Sugary Bread, found in Ulivino County, 2 Delizia Del Lago, Delight of the Lake, found in Campo D'Uva County, and 3 Aspro a tart wine are common dishes and drinks. Photo of Deliza Del Lago The dish has baked chicken with a sauce that has diced onions, paprika, cheese sauce, garlic powder, basil, olive oil, parsely, heavy cream, garlic, and fresh spinach. The dish is served alongside some french fries and a couple hard boiled eggs.

Delizia del Lago.jpg

Counties of Montepresca

  • Campo D'Uva
  • Contadinos
  • Forgione
  • Litturgos
  • Montepresca
  • Pino Innevato
  • Rosmarino e Finocchio
  • San Martino de Porres
  • Sante Capelle
  • Ulivino
Montepresca Counties.svg

History of Pan Zuccherato

Pan Zuccherato is a flaky pastry sometimes filled with raspberry jam inbetween layers of phyllo dough. It originated as a savory snack made with olives but once the dish became more widely accessible to make and the country's economy and food industry was more stable and thus there were more food choices, the filling changed to become sweet instead of savory. The pastry is then cut into a circular shape before being baked. Although the dish originated in Ulivino County it is popular all over Montepresca. Although the dish is eaten all over the district, there are some regional variations in the type of filling. Certain counties in Montepresca use cream instead of raspberry jam while others only use raspberry and blueberry jam.