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Theohuanacu is a territory of the Golden Throne, joining the federation in MC 2019 after a Macabéan invasion. It is the largest island of the archipelago continent Xipil.


Rebels, Pirates, and Secessionists

At the dawn of the 21st century MC, a confederation of southeastern Theohuanacan coastal port cities led by Tlaloc, Palenque, and Tiwanaku operated as safehavens for piracy, their governments long ago coopted by criminal elements. Their ships, officially unaffiliated but nevertheless given safe harbor, raided the western Theohuanacan coasts in search of loot and slaves to sell in the newly lucrative Firmadorian markets. Western Theohuanacu was devastated as pirate ships destroyed, murdered, and raped their way up and down the coastline. In MC 2004, Tapexa's harbor was heavily damaged in an attack led by Captain Jonah "Green-Skinned" Deringer. Inxuahtl and its surrounding townships also suffered heavily from repeated pirate attacks on municipalities as small as secluded fishing villages. By MC 2007, the resurgent pirates attacked and took Callisto, capital of the Thacu Islands. The raiding expanded to the southwestern Panooly and the northeastern Indran coastlines.[1]

The freestate government in Zealand waged a shadowy war against mounting subversive forces,[2] in the name of Theohuanacu, but the national government proved largely incapable of extending their control beyond the capital city. Located in the center of the country by design, Theotihuacan was faraway from North Point, the freestate capital of Zealand. The two governments drifted as North Point became the increasingly dominant partner in the relationship. As fewer government forces intervened in the west, rebel movements, such as the the Free Inxuahtl Movement, consolidated their forces and launched a revolution engulfing most of central and western Theohuanacu.[3]

A nascent Golden Throne had meanwhile aligned itself with Holy Panooly and, possibly to protect southerwestern Panooly coasts without involving itself militarily, issued a contract to the southeastern Theohuanacan pirates to escort a division-sized mercenary unit to the inland southwestern city of Nichahuan. But the operation turned sour when the contract was suddenly rescinded. No longer receiving pay from the Golden Throne, the mercenaries established a government of their own in the city and began taxing its inhabitants. Relations between the private military contractors and their pirate escorts deteriorated for unknown reasons, causing the mercenaries to expel the latter. In retaliation, the pirates joined with the remnants of the local rebel forces previously defeated and jointly attacked and sacked Nichahuan. Survivors were sold into slavery.[4]

In 2010, the Zealand Freestate seceded from Theohuanacu to become an independent state. It became known that rebels had captured stockpiles of nuclear weapons after overruning Theotihuacan. They were not slow to use them, almost all of them exclusively within the confines of central Theohuanacu. Theotihuacan and most of the center surface of the island were devastated and became uninhabitable, remaining so to this day. The western freestate was largely protected by the fallout by virtue of the mountain range running north to south, seperating them from the rest of the continent. The pirate cities, however, received the brunt of the fallout, leading to largescale population loss as a result of heavy radiation poisoning. Tlaloc was particularly affected.[5]


Revolt and the End of the Slave Trade

  1. "Taking advantage of this chaos, the Soria rounded the western coast of Theohuanacu and raided along the Inxuahtl coastline for the duration of the spring and summer. Local fishing villages were razed, their people raped, murdered, or sold into slavery. Larger towns did not escape Deringer's wrath, either. Tapexa, where he had first been sold into his current life, was attacked several times. Its port was utterly devastated, thousands of its inhabitants killed or captured..." p34482159, Titanomachy, International Incidents, NationStates
  2. "In western Theohuanacu, he had helped Zealand's soldiers track indigenous militants back to their safe havens along the coastline." p33847989, Titanomachy, International Incidents, NationStates
  3. "The insurgency had multiplied. FIM forces were now some among many more. Tens of thousands had risen in arms, forming into militias and war parties that moved eastwards toward the capital city of Theotihuacan." p34482159, Titanomachy, International Incidents, NationStates
  4. "Jonah accepted a contract to escort and reinforce a division-sized force of nominal mercenaries tasked with taking the inland city of Nichahuan...the imperial faucet closed shut and the so-called mercenaries turned to what a sadist may call taxation." p34482159, Titanomachy, International Incidents, NationStates
  5. "In North Point, the government seceded to form an independent Theohuanacan state. Nuclear stockpiles held around the capital were overrun and captured, and then the militias used them on each other...When they made port in Tlaloc, they found it almost...dead. The nuclear war hadn't come here, but the people said that radioactive clouds had stormed through several times." p34482159, Titanomachy, International Incidents, NationStates