Vitosian Survivor Season 21: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 1

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This is the Part 1 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 21!

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Episode 1

Episode 1
The host, Cornilio Roquez, says that this season will have 20 contestants and will have a few special twists, including one at the end ... and one at the beginning. Before the game even starts, everybody will be able to spend some time together before two people are sent packing at the end of the day.

On the men's boat, Manuel CCs that his name is Manuel Zavaglia and he is an animator. He is very good friends with Season 9 alumni, Rami al-Abbasi and started watching the show when he got on. Ricky CCs that his name is Eric el-Iman but they can call him Ricky. He is from Hedersett, Maydover Island. Robert CCs that he is a fiberglass fabricator and an a writer with two books published. He says that a few of his friends got him to apply since they are huge fans of the show so he hopes to find something rewarding with the experience. Evan CCs that he is a massive social butterfly. During the day, he is a model and, during the night, he is a party animal. He knows how to be charming and how to be organized. Leon CCs that, as a bouncer, he has to know how to read people and to be aggressive when need be. He will tell people what they want to hear but, if people piss him off, he will tell them what they NEED to hear. Corbin CCs that he's been watching the show for the past 3 years. His uncle introduced him to Season 8 and he got hooked and they both watched Heroes vs Villains live! Now he's on the show!

On the woman's boat, Lauren CCs that her name is Lauren Rodger and she is a fashion designer. Her Dad also happens to be Alan Rodger, an actor. She wanted to be on Survivor because the show is one amazing journey she'd like to experience. Her goal is to win and she hopes to do whatever it takes to get to the end. Ellen CCs that she is a geophysical engineer but does not want anybody to know that. She wants to lie about her occupation so people underestimate her. She is not used to being sneaky as she is, normally, super honest, but this is a test for her because this is a game built of deceit. Sienna CCs that she is all about getting people to do what she wants. She IS in sales, after all and she is good at what she does. She is a superfan of the show and wants to show people that she has what it takes to be a beast at the game, although she, mainly, wants to prove that to herself. Holly CCs that she is recently single and ready to mingle. The show usually has a lot of really hot guys and she wants to take one home with her after she wins. She says that she is a model and nobody can pass up a model.

Cornilio welcomes everybody. They have three hours to mingle before they are split into tribes. Jasmine CCs that she got really suspicious when Cornilio said that. She suspects that something is up. Shawnisa tells everybody that she is a vlogger known as Shawnisa Bradford. She CCs that she wants people to know the real her as she has nothing to hide. Ricky says that, since people are being open about themselves, he says that his name is Ricky el-Iman, he was born in Emmiria and immigrated to Vitosium when he was 8 and he is a mechanic. Sienna CCs that people are being super friendly with each-other but it never lasts. Nekisha, Danny, and Lauren are alone. Danny says that they need to stick together. He wants to go to the end with people he can trust and he feels like he can trust the two of them. Danny CCs that he is a super competitive person. He will do whatever it takes to get to the end and he will not allow anybody to bring his game down. So, naturally, he will make a lot of early-game alliances to secure his safety. Danny is in the forest with Holly, Sienna, Corbin and Ricky. He says that now is a good time to make an alliance. Sienna says that they don't know if they will be on the same tribe. Danny says that they could have a cross-tribal alliance. Danny CCs that he wants to make sure that he is secured with as many people as possible. Sienna CCs that Danny has a point. Danny is with Jasmine in the water. He says that socializing like this before tribes are made is unusual so he thinks that they could work well together if they get on the same tribe. Jasmine says that she is in. She CCs that Danny is the only person to approach her with an alliance so far so she took it. Sienna is with Charlize and Corbin in the forest. She says that it may be good for the three of them to stick together. Charlize and Corbin agree to it with Corbin CCing that he is accepting every single alliance. Corbin and Jontey are sitting down at the beach. Corbin tells him that he finds it hilarious how everybody is either being social or strategizing like crazy. Jontey says that he can tell that some people are going to drive him nuts. Corbin CCs that a part of him feels a bit of trust towards Jontey as they are both graphic designers and they happen to notice how crazy people are getting. Jontey tells Corbin that Danny is going to people and making alliances like crazy. Corbin doesn't think Danny will last long. Jontey CCs that one of the biggest players in these first few hours is Danny. He doesn't trust him. Robert is with Manuel, Leon, and Jade. He tells them that he is not familiar with the show as his friends got him to apply. Jade says that the experience can be tough but it can be really rewarding. Robert says that he was approached by Danny for an alliance and he turned it down. Leon comments how bold that is, CCing that he gets this feeling like Robert may be useless moving forward. He knows little about the game and he has turned down an alliance, which probably turned Danny against him already. Manuel CCs that Robert was bold to turn down an alliance but it's probably too early for that sort of commitment. He thinks Robert will be judges for this but he isn't going to go around accepting every alliance either. Robert says that Danny rubbed him the wrong way and making alliances is sketchy. Jade thinks Robert is just trying to get people to underestimate him, CCing that he could very well be a huge mastermind or a huge idiot. Telling people that "alliances are sketchy" is not going to make people want to work with him. Holly is trying to flirt with Leon, who flirts back. He CCs that Holly is gorgeous. He suggests that the two of them ally and go far together, which Holly agrees to. Holly CCs that Leon is super attractive and super nice. Holly tells him that she really hopes that they are on the same tribe. Leon says the same. Holly CCs that she is all for a showmance that will turn into a full blown romance and Leon is her type. Jasmine and Jontey are walking along the beach. Jasmine tells him that people aren't even on tribes yet they are making alliances like crazy. Jontey says that a part of him is worried because he hasn't been approached for one but he also feels like these alliances will fall apart in hours. She agrees, saying that he should be on the watch out for a twist. There is no reason why they should all mingle before being put in tribes. Jontey says that he never really thought of that. She CCs that something is up and it may rely on them having to be social. Jasmine tells him that other people may have caught on and are making these alliances to counter what twist may occur. Jontey says that he is starting to get a little worried now. Jontey CCs that Jasmine is really smart. If it wasn't for her, he would have been blindsided by whatever is going to happen next. Jasmine CCs that she is mentally prepared.

Cornilio tells everybody that six people will win immunity and decide the two tribes, which will be guys vs girls. He then says that 1 guy and 1 girl will be leaving soon after. Jasmine CCs that she KNEW something was up. Jontey CCs that his last minute socializing hopefully will pay off. Evan CCs that he is so happy that he was socializing with everybody!

Danny, Jevonn, and Jontey win immunity, as well as Ellen, Lauren, and Sabrina. The host says that each group will decide on one person who will go home immediately. Sabrina CCs that she is so glad that she won immunity or she would be stressed. Both groups submit a parchment. Cornilio announces that the two people who will be going home are Holly and Robert. After they leave, Cornilio says that they can now go to their camps.

On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Danny CCs that things went south for him before the twist, which is why he fought hard for immunity. If he didn't win, he may have gone home instead of Robert.
Ricky approaches Danny and tells him that people are comparing notes with all of his alliances. Ricky CCs that somebody has to be first but the guy looks like he could be good at challenges and he wants the tribe to win. Danny CCs that he may have played way too hard. Danny approached Jevonn and says that he heard from Ricky that his name is being thrown around. Jevonn says that Robert, Jade, and Nekisha are talking about him making alliances with everybody. He says that he is starting to doubt if he, Danny, is trustworthy as well and if the alliance made earlier meant anything. Danny says that it did. Jevonn says that he has a lot to prove now. Jevonn CCs that, if he had the option to send anybody home right now, it would be Danny. He is playing way too hard. Danny approaches Robert and says that he has heard that he is spreading his name around. Robert says that Danny is making alliances and alliances are sketchy as he would never be in one. Danny CCs that he was shocked to hear that but it makes sense why Robert turned him down earlier. Danny, Nekisha, and Jade are alone. Danny says that he played way too hard and he is sorry if he caused them to doubt him. He says that he takes full responsibility and will tone things down. Nekisha is surprised and says that she respects him for how he approached them. Nekisha CCs that she is still unsure of Danny. Jade agrees and says that Holly and Robert are more untrustworthy to her anyway. Danny is confused, to which Nekisha tells him that Holly is being flirtatious with Leon and Robert finds alliances to be sketchy. Jade says that Manuel and Leon are not impressed with Robert. Danny CCs that he may have found a way to save himself. Nekisha CCs that she will give Danny another chance and clear things up with Jevonn and Lauren. Danny approaches Leon and says that he doesn't think Robert can be trusted. Leon agrees but also says that Danny is making alliances with everybody and can't be trusted either. Danny says that he has been apologizing to people and promises to tone it down. He says that, right now, there are bigger fish to fry and, if they are on the same tribe together, he could be useful. Leon CCs that, in a way, he does agree with Danny. Danny CCs that, hopefully, all of this will help him.
On Frostbite, Eddie and Jevonn are talking in the shelter. Eddie says that he is a father to two amazing twins who have recently graduated from college. He says that he is super proud, CCing that he will always be proud of Leonardo and Miguel. They have done so much. Jevonn says that he and his wife, Tembi, have a four year old son named Dominic, who is a very fast learner. Eddie says that they must be amazing parents then. Eddie CCs that he and Jevonn have this bond over being fathers and that really makes him trust him. Danny and Ricky are at the water well. Danny thanks Ricky for the heads up. Ricky says that he did not want him to go home. Danny says that he really appreciates it and feels like he fixed things with people. Danny CCs that he feels indebted to Ricky and wants to go far with him. Ricky asks what he does. Danny says that he is a software systems engineer. He says that he met his wife, Shahla, on the job as she is, also, a software systems engineer. Ricky says that it was the same with him and his husband, PD (Pejman Dara), except he was a client and not a fellow mechanic. Ricky CCs that PD called two weeks later to meet up for coffee and, once the conversion turned to celebrity crushes, it was like "wait, we are both gay" and that is when they started to date.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Shawnisa, Sienna), everybody is working on the shelter. Ellen CCs that Charlize being an architect was very useful. Charlize CCs that one person that could have worked more was Shawnisa. After the shelter is built, Jade and Shawnisa are laying down in it. Shawnisa tells Jade that she wants to work with her. Jade says that she has no problem with that. Shawnisa says that she the vlogger and the property appraiser could take over this game easily. Jade says that they could, CCing that she isn't too sure on who to trust right now but she won't say no to an alliance with somebody. Shawnisa asks Jade that she doesn't look like a property appraiser, which Jade thinks is a random thing to say and says that her parents are appraisers and taught her what she needed to know. She then says that Shawnisa doesn't look like a vlogger. Shawnisa says that she has been a vlogger for two years. Jade CCs that she, especially, doesn't trust Shawnisa. Shawnisa CCs that she feels like the talk went well. Ellen and Jasmine are at the water well. Jasmine says that her father is Cymry while her mother was from South Timeria and she has been to both places to visit her parents' families a lot growing up. Ellen says that her parents were born in Vitosium but her main heritage is Persian. Jasmine asks if she has ever been to Emmiria. Ellen says that she hasn't but she feels like she should. Ellen CCs that three generations on her mom's side and two generations on her dad's side grew up in Vitosium so she has never had a reason to go to Emmiria but she wants to. Ellen says that being a cashier doesn't pay enough for random trips to Emmiria and she has had to save up a lot for things over the past couple of years. She CCs that she is lying but feels like this could cause Jasmine to underestimate her.
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Evan, Jevonn, Leon, and Manuel are sitting in the shelter. Manuel asks Leon if he misses Holly. Leon says that he barely knew her so it is hard to miss somebody he only knew for 3 hours. Leon CCs that it is no secret that Holly's flirting made people wary of her. He would like to see where things go after the game but, right now, he wants to focus on the game. Manuel says that the only person whose job he doesn't know is Jevonn. Leon says that he is surprised that Manuel doesn't recognize him. Jevonn says that he is a special effects technician that works on Seth Cochran's action skits and, sometimes, acts in them. Manuel says that he normally watches people play games online. Jevonn says that he takes no offense. He CCs that he has worked with Seth's team for 4 years and he has made a lot of good memories with them. Leon says that he is the only one without any internet fame. Jevonn says that he did not know Manuel was an internet star either. Manuel says that he is both an animator and a comic illustrator. Leon says that he is fanboying being in between Jevonn Gaines and Manuel Zavaglia. Leon CCs that this is the best day ever. Manuel CCs that he definitely finds himself trusting Jevonn and Leon but we'll see if anythign actually works out.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Shawnisa, Sienna), Jasmine and Lauren are in the shelter together. Lauren CCs that she is keeping a really big secret: her dad is Alan Rodger, an actor. If anybody finds out, they may vote her off because she doesn't need the money, which is not true at all. She's very independent. Jasmine says that it's cool that she is a fashion designer. Lauren says that she has been in the business for 3 years and she has had no problems working and being a mother with her wife. Lauren CCs that her and her wife, Alicia (Byers), got married three years ago and the support she has received has been amazing. They had decided, a year after their marriage, to have a child, which she carried, and she can't be more happy to have an amazing wife and an amazing child (Faith Byers-Rodger). Jasmine says that she doesn't think that she could be a mother. She doesn't feel ready to take on that responsibility but hopes for the best for her and Alicia. Lauren thanks her. Jasmine CCs that it is amazing getting to know these people. She feels like, on her tribe, she can trust Ellen and Lauren the most and feels like they should make a three person alliance official. Charlize, Sabrina, and Shawnisa are in the water. Charlize says that she really wants to win immunity today. Sabrina and Shawnisa are both in agreement. Charlize tells Shawnisa that, before they even do the immunity challenge, she wants Shawnisa to know that she is getting a little annoyed with how lazy she is around camp. Shawnisa CCs that she can't believe that Charlize just said that. Charlize CCs that SOMEBODY had to say it and she wants Shawnisa to try her best in the challenge. Charlize and Shawnisa end up in a screaming match. Shawnisa CCs that she refuses to let her get away with that. Sabrina CCs that Charlize is right about Shawnisa. Sabrina joins in and Shawnisa storms off. Jade CCs that it is only Day 3 and the first fight on their tribe has started. She has no idea what it is about but if it causes them to lose immunity today, she is going to be PISSED.
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Corbin and Evan discuss how weak Ricky was in the challenge. Corbin feels like Ricky was throwing it. Evan says that, if Ricky throws the challenge today, he is out. Corbin agrees, CCing that he saw how weak Ricky was in the challenge and it worries him. Evan CCs that Ricky seems really nice but somebody would have to be the first to go if they lose. Corbin sits with Ricky in the shelter. Corbin lets him know that his performance in the challenge on Day 1 worries him because they need to win immunity. Ricky says that he threw the challenge because he didn't want that responsibility but will not throw this challenge. Ricky CCs that Corbin may not be the only one who noticed. If they lose, he may be blamed for it.
Frostbite wins Immunity. It is notable that Shawnisa chose to yell at Charlize throughout most of the challenge, causing Charlize to yell back but still put in effort in the challenge, which Shawnisa did little of.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Shawnisa, Sienna),, Sienna CCs that she is LIVID that Shawnisa cost them the win. Sienna, immediately, yells at Shawnisa for yelling at Charlize over putting effort in the challenge. Shawnisa insists that Charlize was responsible for the loss and should go. Sienna and Shawnisa then get into a yelling match.Charlize CCs that, at least, the vote is easy tonight. At the water well, Jade is talking with Ellen and Nekisha, saying that Charlize and Sienna may constantly go after Shawnisa and vice versa so, if they keep Shawnisa, they will have shields in front of them. Nekisha CCs that she is unsure if she wants to allow Jade to manipulate her number one, Sienna, like that. Jade CCs that it is a good strategy but the main problem is if it will be worth it.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, stuff happened.


Charlize votes for Shawnisa
Ellen votes for Shawnisa
Jade votes for Shawnisa
Jasmine votes for Shawnisa
Lauren votes for Shawnisa
Nekisha votes for Shawnisa
Sabrina votes for Shawnisa
Shawnisa votes for Sienna
Sienna votes for Shawnisa

With a vote of 8-1, SHAWNISA BRADFORD is the first castaway voted out.

Episode 2

Episode 2
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna), on the way back to camp, Jasmine CCs that Tribal Council made the experience much more real for her. She wants to continue to lay low and let others go after each-other. Charlize CCs that Shawnisa is gone and she is so happy about that. At camp, Sabrina says that she is going to miss all the drama. Jade tells her that it, probably, won't end with Shawnisa going. Sienna says that they can always have an argument if Sabrina doesn't feel at home. Everybody, including Sabrina, laughs and decides to call it a night. Jasmine CCs that it is odd how people can joke about that and still be civil. She respects that but knows that the peace won't last for long. Sabrina, Jade, and Sienna may be the ones to cause drama next.
In the morning, Jasmine and Lauren are talking in the water. Lauren CCs that it is Day 4 and she still can't believe that she is really here. She loves the show! Lauren says that a part of her misses home already. Jasmine says that the experience won't be easy but it'll feel great having tried their best at something they wouldn't normally do in their real lives. Lauren says that she is right, CCing that Jasmine is a super nice person and loves to help people. She just hopes that she doesn't fall for any of the manipulations in the game. There is a small montage of Nekisha trying to find an idol. She CCs that she wants to rely on advantages to get farther. If it is in the game, she wants it. As she is continuing to find an idol, Nekisha CCs that people often complain about idols being used but, if they are there, why would somebody not use them? It's all about using them to your advantage, which is why it is called an advantage. She finds the idol, CCing how excited she is. She says that she is a HUGE superfan and this is a huge moment for her. She says how you see how excited players get and, now, she gets to feel that excitement as well!
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), in the water, Manuel tells Jevonn that it's been really exciting to be on the show. Jevonn agrees and says that it's been a blast so far. Manuel CCs that he was a tad nervous about the challenges but oddly excited as well. He really can't wait for the next one. Later, Eddie CCs that, at home, he is a construction supervisor. He is used to being the leader and he wants to be the leader for this tribe as he is the most qualified. Around the campfire, Eddie starts giving out orders on who should fish today and who should go collect fire, while also saying that it is Jontey's turn to cook today. Jontey CCs that Eddie does not even have a system. He just decides who is doing what on that day and it has been going on since Day 2. Eddie is with Corbin and Danny in the boat, CCing that he chose the three of them for fishing on purpose. Corbin and Danny seem like alpha males and, if he can control them, he can control the whole tribe. Eddie tells them that the three of them could be powerful together. All three of them dominated the immunity challenge. Corbin and Danny agree. Eddie says that he organized this on purpose to get the three of them alone. Corbin CCs that he doesn't know how to feel about Eddie at all. A part of him finds him obnoxious but, hopefully, that will change. Danny CCs that his strategy is to be in a strong alliance but he doesn't know about Eddie. He is super smart but acts bossy and doesn't know when to NOT spill strategies. Later, at the water well, Corbin tells Danny that people have noticed Eddie being bossy and that could bring them down should they align with him. Danny says that he is aware and feels like people may target them because all three of them were out in the fishing trip. Danny CCs that all people have to do is put two and two together and think "Eddie wanted them to be alone for a reason" and all of their games have sunk. Later, Evan is in the water with Ricky. Evan CCs that he doesn't know Ricky all that well. Evan says that he is happy that their tribe didn't go to Tribal the other night. Ricky says the same and feels like he may have been targeted. Evan says that he did hear Ricky's name but he'd rather get to know him and maybe work with him. Ricky CCs that Evan seems nice but he wonders if Evan was conspiring against him. Manuel is in the shelter with Danny, Jontey and Ricky joking around. Manuel CCs that his strategy is to be in everybody's good graces.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna),Nekisha CCs that, since Day 1, her and Sienna have bonded and she trusts her the most and that one person you can trust is what you really need in this game. Nekisha and Sienna are at the water well. She tells Sienna about the idol, who is also excited about it. Nekisha tells Sienna that this needs to stay between them. Sienna CCs that her and Nekisha made an alliance on Day 1. The problem is that she also made alliances with everybody on Day 1. She is not to be trusted, she says chuckling.
Frostbite wins a reward! Comfort items!
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Eddie starts giving out orders on what to do with the comfort items. Jontey and Ricky, however, are at the water well. Ricky says that he sees a lot of him in Jontey and thinks that they could work together. Jontey hopes that what he said isn't an insult and they both laugh. Jontey CCs that he does not have a concrete ride or die but a part of him trusts Ricky. Ricky says that they should target Manuel, then Leon, then Eddie, then Evan, then Jevonn. He says that Corbin and Danny are good at the challenges but should be taken out before the merge. Jontey agrees, but CCs that, at the same time, Ricky is way too idealistic. Corbin talks to Eddie alone in the shelter and says that he needs to tone down the bossy behaviour. Eddie is, clearly, offended. Corbin says that he wants an alliance but his attitude will drag everybody down that he is allied with. Eddie is shocked and tells Corbin that he has a lot to say for somebody that doesn't do much around camp. He CCs that Eduardo Manzanares will not stand down. If Corbin wants to target him, then he will target Corbin back. Corbin CCs that he meant to be helpful but did not word it in a good way.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna), Sienna talks to Sabrina in the forest and whispers to her that Nekisha has the idol. Sienna CCs that she is not loyal to a single person. She is not trustworthy at all. Sabrina asks how she knows. Sienna says that Nekisha came up to her and tried to strike a deal with her, to which Sabrina says that they should flush the idol with Nekisha with it. Sienna agrees. Sabrina CCs that Nekisha is a massive wildcard and a massive wildcard doesn't need an idol because that is way too dangerous. Sienna is with Nekisha in the shelter. She tells her that Sabrina doesn't trust her. Nekisha says that she needs to get rid of Sabrina before Sabrina strikes first. Sienna CCs that everything is going according to plan.
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Evan is on the beach doing a bunch of random poses before doing push ups. He CCs that he needs to stay fit or he will get worse at the challenges. The poses, however, are for any other bisexual man or gay man on the tribe. He lays down on the sand, CCing that he came out as bisexual three years ago. He is proud to have a supportive family but wishes others had the same. Ricky is with Jontey in the shelter. Ricky says that Eddie needs to go so they can control the tribe. Jontey says that targeting Eddie is good since everybody would be on board. Jontey CCs that people want Eddie out but Ricky wants him out to become the new tribe leader, which won't end well. Jontey tells Ricky that, after Eddie goes, they need to lay low ands not be so obvious like he was. Ricky agrees and says that, at the end of the day, he wants to outlast the other Eric/ks. Ricky CCs that no Eric/k has made it past 18th place and he wants to be the first. Eric Foster got 18th and Eric Powell got 20th.
Heatstroke wins Immunity! They choose to steal Ellen.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna), Ellen CCs that her role is to head to Tribal Council and discuss who to vote for BUT she can't be voted for. Charlize tells her to try and get the biggest threat out. Sabrina says that as long as the biggest threat is not somebody that they are targeting. Ellen CCs that there is a lot of pressure. She may just sit back and see what people have to say.
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Evan, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Corbin, Danny, Jevonn, and Manuel are all in the shelter. Manuel CCs that Eddie has been really good in the challenges and, despite people wanting him to go, it may be too soon. Manuel says that, if Eddie goes, they will lose and lose. Corbin admits that he is right. He CCs that he wants Eddie gone so bad but he is useful to the tribe. Manuel feels like they should target Jontey, with Danny agreeing but Corbin and Jevonn aren't too sure yet. Evan is in the water with Ricky and Jontey. Evan says that the most likable person on the tribe is Manuel. He has the entire tribe wrapped around his finger and they should target him to loosen control. Evan CCs that it's really early but Manuel will make it to the end, easily. As far as anybody is concerned, Manuel is his biggest threat here. Ricky CCs that he knows that Manuel is likable but that is a social threat in front of him so he isn't too sure. Jontey CCs that it is no secret that Eddie did the best on their tribe in that challenge so it comes down to if taking out Eddie is worth it right now.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Manuel calls out Evan for targeting him, which Evan agrees to and asks how he heard about it. Manuel refuses to tell. Jontey says that Manuel was targeting him so he shouldn't get annoyed that somebody was targeting him. Manuel says that he is not but Evan got caught. Jontey says that Manuel got caught as well. Ricky says that he has no idea what is going on. Evan says that somebody ratted out his plan and then tells Eddie that everybody wanted him gone while he was choosing a different target. Eddie gets livid and calls Corbin out for conspiring and says that he is targeting Corbin tonight. Corbin says that he is switching his vote to Eddie tonight and he isn't changing that. Jevonn says that everything is getting so chaotic today. Manuel says that he did not mean for things to get this way. He targeted Jontey because he didn't want to target Eddie. Jontey asks why him. Manuel says that he was one of the weaker physical people on the tribe. Jontey yells at Manuel that he is as well. Ellen says that she is so unclear as to who she should vote for. Cornilio tells them that it is time to vote!


Corbin votes for Eddie
Danny votes for Evan
Eddie votes for Corbin
Ricky votes for Evan
Evan votes for Manuel
Jevonn votes for Evan
Jontey votes for Manuel
Leon votes for Jontey
Manuel votes for Evan

Ellen votes for Corbin

With a vote of 4-2-2-1-1, EVAN GIBBONS is the second castaway voted out.

Episode 3

Episode 3
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), as they head back to camp, Jontey CCs that they should've taken the shot while they could because he is out for blood. Corbin CCs that he drew a line in the sand and he hopes that he made the right gamble. He backstabbed his former ally, Jontey, but then the plan changed to Evan. At camp, Jontey says that a lot went down tonight and he isn't happy. Eddie says that he is not the only one unhappy. Eddie CCs that he found out that he was the ORIGINAL plan before Evan was targeted. At Tribal Council though, the votes were everywhere. Leon says that he is livid that he was not told that the plan had changed and says that he voted for Jontey because he was told that. Jontey tells Leon that he didn't need to vote him. Leon says that a majority of people came up to him. Jontey asks who the majority was and Leon says that it was Corbin, Danny, Jevonn, and Manuel and Eddie was told, according to Corbin, about the plan. Jontey CCs that Corbin was one of his closest allies! They bonded over being graphic designers!!! Jontey yells at Corbin that they were allied and he was a part of the plan to send him packing! Corbin says that things changed. Jontey yells at him that he has no loyalty to anybody and, that, nobody should trust him. Leon agrees with that, especially because he wasn't even told of the new plan and was left to be the only vote for Jontey. Manuel CCs that he screwed up badly and he takes responsibility for that but he is keeping his mouth shut because he doesn't want to become the main target right now. Corbin CCs that he may be on the outs at this point. He has to find a way to get the target off his back!
In the morning, Corbin tells Manuel that he could have spoken up and not let him take the brunt of the yelling. Manuel tells him that Corbin made an alliance with Jontey, apparently, so he isn't responsible if a former ally gets mad at him. Manuel CCs that Corbin and Jontey had been allied at some point so Corbin, rightfully, got yelled at. He is only responsible for not updating Leon but everybody in their four person alliance also had that responsibility. Corbin says that Leon called him (Manuel) out as well but he (Manuel) said nothing! Manuel said that he knew to keep his mouth shut as talking too much is how you go early. Corbin CCs that he can not believe the nerve of Manuel. Ricky is alone in the shelter and talks to himself about how risky last night was. He CCs that he decided to tell Manuel about Evan. He should lay low until the Final 14 but he wants to be good with Manuel and Evan is a wildcard.
Ricky talks to Manuel in the shelter and says that Evan is targeting him. Manuel says that this is news to me, CCing that he thought that he was good with Evan. Manuel talks to Danny and says that Evan could be a better target than Jontey as he is sociable but also weak in challenges like Jontey. Jevonn says that he does feel more comfortable with that, CCing that he did not talk to Evan much and vice-versa. He would not be surprised if Evan targeted him. Corbin, Danny, Jevonn, and Manuel are at the water well. Manuel says that, moving forward, this is a good four. They all agree. Danny comes up with the name "CDJM" as it is simple and could be a placeholder. They all agree. Danny CCs that CDJM is, no doubt, a strong alliance. Right now, Evan is their target and all they need is a fifth wheel to take control of the alliance. Corbin CCs that he really trusts this four! Jevonn talks to Eddie on the beach and says that the votes are heading towards Evan. Eddie says that he is fine with that as it isn't him. Jevonn CCs that his friendship with Eddie is useful for the alliance.
Eddie is laying on the beach. He whispers to himself that he has been too abrasive and too brash and he needs to lay low. Eddie CCs that he has no choice but to lay low. A part of him thinks that Corbin wasn't just being rude to him. Eddie and Corbin are in the shelter. Eddie apologizes for getting so upset with him. Corbin apologizes as well for wording it poorly. He CCs that, at the end of the day, he does respect Eddie. Eddie says that his boys may be grown up but he should still set an example and he is sure his wife, Eva, is annoyed with how he has conducted himself. Corbin says that they both made mistakes. Eddie CCs that apologizing to Corbin was the right thing for him to do. He needs to tone down his behaviour or he will go next.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna), Jasmine and Jade are in the shelter. Jade asks Jasmine who she plans to target. Jasmine says that she wants to go after Charlize as they have not bonded much compared to other people on the tribe and she thinks that Charlize is a wildcard. Jade says that Charlize can be confrontational. Jasmine says that it isn't about that. She says that she just can't read Charlize. Jasmine CCs that she likes and respects her but she has this feeling that there is more to her that could be dangerous for her in the game. Jade CCs that Jasmine has a point but she is here to further her game and two people going after each-other is perfect for her. Jade approaches Charlize at the water well and tells her that Jasmine wants her out. Charlize CCs that she isn't surprised but that just means that she will have to strike first. Charlize approaches Jasmine and tells her that she was approached and, apparently, she is going after her. Jasmine CCs that Jade is so conniving and two faced! They were allies! They made an alliance called The Femme Fatales! They spoke about helping each-other during the pre-jury! All of that has gone out the window. Jasmine says that she has not, once, thought about going after her. The person that she is planning to go after is Jade. Charlize says that she is on board with that. Charlize CCs that Jade approached her so it would only make sense that Jade and Jasmine were targeting each-other and she is being caught in the middle. Charlize says that they haven't had the chance to talk and bond so they might as well do so now. Jasmine agrees. Later, Lauren is cooking at the firepit and gives food to everybody. Lauren CCs that, as part of being the team mom, she is doing what she can to provide people with what they need. After all, she IS a mother in real life. Sabrina is with Sienna. Sabrina CCs that she has lied about her occupation. She tells people that she is a freelance painter when she is a licensed gynecologist. Sienna says that she is a sales clerk but she wonders if she is lying as well. Sabrina tells Sienna that Lauren playing the tribe's mom is, no doubt, strategy. She may have a kid in real life but people saw Mike Tajima and his tribe dad strategy. Sienna says that there is no doubt that Lauren is working the social angle. Sienna CCs that she wants Lauren's social game to end just because it can. While Lauren is with Ellen and Nekisha in the shelter, Sienna tells her that people are catching onto her mom strategy and are targeting her. Lauren CCs that this is news to her. Nekisha CCs that she has not heard this before. Sabrina comes up and calls Lauren out for pretending to be everybody's mom while she is, secretly, plotting to take everybody out, especially Ellen. Ellen's look is of pure shock, with Lauren saying that what Sabrina said is not true. Sienna says that it is but they don't like her going after Ellen. Sienna CCs that there is a chance that the plan worked. If not, it is what it is. When Sabrina leaves, Sienna tells her that many people know about this now and, that, Sabrina told her first. She leaves, CCing that, maybe, Sabrina will be targeted for this. Lauren CCs that, if they lose immunity, Sabrina is as good as gone.
Heatstroke wins Reward and Immunity and choose to bring Jasmine to Tribal Council.
On Frostbite (Corbin, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Manuel CCs that it has been three days since Evan left and the drama still lingers. Jontey is with Manuel in the shelter and tells him that, if Corbin, Danny, Jevonn, and him are together, that may unite the other 4 against them and things may be said when the tribes meet up again. He feels like the only way that he can prove that the alliance doesn't exist and it was just a voting bloc is for Manuel to vote one of them out. Jontey CCs that he just gave Manuel a very difficult ultimatum. Manuel CCs that, in a way, CDJM will just bring him down so it may be time to turn on them. Manuel talks with Jevonn at the water well and tells him that, thanks to Leon, people know about CDJM and it may be a good idea to turn on the alliance, especially since Eddie made Corbin and Danny get closer. Jevonn says that, if they have to choose between Corbin or Danny, they are, basically, taking out one of the tribe's best physical players really early. He CCs that this is a really bad situation for them but it is either they try and turn Jasmine against Jontey or they vote Corbin or Danny out and risk being targeted later. Corbin and Danny are at the shelter. Corbin tells him that something seems very off. Danny says that Jontey is up to something and he'd rather vote Jontey out right now. Corbin CCs that Jontey needs to go or he'll be going instead. Danny CCs that Corbin is one of his closest allies in the game. He can't lose him this early.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Jasmine starts off by saying that she does not know the tribe dynamics but she can be an ally at the merge and it is the best time to make an alliance with her now without the other tribe knowing. Jevonn whispers to Jasmine that he is open and they can talk about it at merge. Corbin stands up and says that, right now, Jasmine is the key of who goes home. He tells her that the targets right now are him and Jontey, who is a massive liar. Jontey says that Corbin betrays his allies! Leon says that Corbin, Danny, Jevonn, and Manuel were working together and they could be an alliance. Manuel says that the alliance doesn't exist. Corbin says that Leon is lying about an alliance. Leon says that all four of them told him that Jontey was the plan but then left him to take the fall while they flipped and sent Evan home. Corbin says that none of that is true. Danny says that the plan was always Evan. Eddie says that even he knows that Jontey was the original plan. Cornilio tells them that it is time to vote!


Corbin votes for Jontey
Danny votes for Jontey
Eddie votes for Corbin
Ricky votes for Corbin
Jevonn votes for Corbin
Jontey votes for Corbin
Leon votes for Corbin
Manuel votes for Corbin

Jasmine votes for Corbin

With a vote of 7-2, CORBIN COUTO is the third castaway voted out.

Episode 4

Episode 4
On Frostbite (Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), as they head back to camp, Danny CCs that Corbin was his closest ally and it really sucks to see him go. He felt like they bonded a lot so he hopes that they can be friends outside of the show. Jevonn CCs that it was hard for him to betray CDJM but he had to to further himself in the game. He could have risked a tie but, if Corbin lost, he, Manuel, and Danny would have been the next to go and Eddie, Ricky, Jontey, and Leon would've solidified as a four person alliance. At camp, Eddie says that Corbin was a great guy and he hopes for the best for him. Danny says that a part of him doubts that is how he really feels. Eddie says that he and Corbin made up before Tribal so he would appreciate Danny not coming at him. Danny says that he did not know that so it just came across as fake. Eddie tells Danny that he needs to learn what respect is. Danny tells Eddie to watch it before he finds himself going home for real. Danny CCs that he does not like Eddie and he is sure that Eddie feels the same way about him. Eddie CCs that Danny is super disrespectful so he may be the next one out.
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna), in the morning, Sabrina and Ellen are talking by the beach. Sabrina says that she is ready to call out Charlize after last night. Sabrina CCs that, last night, Charlize tried to form an alliance to get her out.
Charlize talks to Sienna and Lauren in the shelter and tells her that Sabrina loves to start drama. She CCs that, yeah, Jade tried to turn her and Jasmine against each-other but Sabrina likes to stir the pot a lot more. Charlize tells them that she could be the next Renata Wrayburn or the next Rudi Seibach. Sienna CCs that, to clarify, Charlize is saying that Sabrina could use other people's conflicts to her advantage but is trying to say that she starts these conflicts ... so Sabrina has no way to use them to her advantage. Lauren says that Sabrina has been looking down on Jasmine a lot and she doesn't appreciate that. Charlize suggests an alliance and they could pull in Nekisha, Jasmine, and Ellen, leaving Jade and Sabrina on the outs. She CCs that she is sick and tired of those two so it is time that they go. Sienna approaches Sabrina and tells her that Charlize is making this huge alliance to go after her. Sabrina is pissed and tells Sienna that they need to throw the next challenge and take Charlize out.
While Charlize is cooking some rice in the shelter (with Sienna, Jasmine and Nekisha), Sienna says that, at home, she has a four year old daughter named Karissa Josephine Parry. She has her last name as the father decided to abandon them when she was still pregnant. Charlize, Jasmine, and Nekisha all hug her. Sienna says that the father was a jerk to begin with. Nekisha says that she relates as a single mother. Sienna CCs that Karissa does not exist at all. She wants people to feel sorry for her so that she can go farther in the game. If she does have a daughter, she won't name her Karissa Josephine to avoid her being tied with the massive lie. Nekisha says that she has an eight year old daughter named Tavina (Stone). Her and her ex-husband got a divorce about three years ago. Sienna CCs that Nekisha is going to HATE her after the game is done but the lie has already been said. Sabrina approaches them and tells Charlize that she knows what she was up to last night. Charlize tells Sabrina that she is a massive trouble maker and she has no respect for anybody on the tribe, especially Jasmine. Jasmine CCs that Sabrina would make comments under her breath as she walked by starting a couple days ago and she has heard from a few of the people on the tribe about how Sabrina flat out doesn't like her at all. She doesn't know why but she is glad that she is not alone. Charlize then yells at Sabrina that her s**t stirring has pissed people off. Sabrina says that her and Jade are on the outs for little reason. Jasmine speaks up and says that Jade tried to turn her and Charlize against each-other. Charlize CCs that she wants Sabrina gone so badly. She needs to get off her high horse. Sabrina tells Charlize that she will do everything in her power to send her home the moment they go to Tribal Council. Charlize tells her that she doesn't care. Sabrina CCs that it is WAR!
On Frostbite (Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Leon is in the shelter with Ricky. He says that his sister got him the job as a bouncer for her friend's night club. Before that, he was a security guard. Ricky asks why he stopped being a security guard. Leon says that nothing ever happened so he would be standing in one spot for 10 hours everyday and he wanted a job that was more active. He CCs that he would, definitely, be a security guard again but, right now, he is content with his position and where he works. Leon says that his brother, David Contino, has a charity to help those with special needs in school. Ricky comments on how awesome that is. Leon says that he is super proud of David and even helps him out at times when there is an event. Ricky CCs that getting to know Leon is making him trust him more. Eddie is in the shelter with Manuel and Jontey. He says that a part of him feels good since it seems like Leon is the next to go. He CCs that Leon outed a four person alliance, which lead to one of them going. He feels like, despite the drama between him and Danny, he may be safe for another round. Eddie tells them that he can offer a lot of loyalty to them if they want it. Manuel says that he appreciates it with Jontey saying that he, definitely, needs a loyal ally. Manuel CCs that Eddie and Jevonn have been talking about getting Leon out next and he is not opposed to that since he is safe. However, the alliance put Leon in a bad position, which is why he feels like he needs to make it up to him. Manuel talks with Leon at the water well. He says that the alliance did no favours with him and, with the alliance being done, he wants to ally with him and regain his trust. Leon CCs that he is so surprised as, out of everybody in that alliance, Manuel is the only one to approach him and admit to that. He feels like he can trust Manuel a bit more. Leon says that he is all for it and says that it was a game move back then but, moving forward, he, no doubt, wants to work with him. Manuel says that he is very grateful, CCing that it feels like a huge weight is off his shoulders.
Frostbite wins Reward and Immunity! Heatstroke chooses to steal Eddie. Ricky CCs that this immunity means that he has made it to the Final 14 and is the first Eric to do so!
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sabrina, Sienna), Sienna CCs that she is confident that she is not going home. As far as anything is concerned, she is not a threat. Charlize and Sabrina want each-other out and Lauren was the worst performer in the challenge. Everybody is around the campfire. Lauren apologizes for her performance in the challenge and says that she is not done yet. She CCs that she feels so bad right now. Sabrina says that Lauren isn't going home so she doesn't need to worry. She CCs that her target is Charlize and Charlize alone. Later, in the shelter, Jade is talking with Ellen in the shelter. She feels like Lauren not going will be the end of the tribe. Ellen says that she doesn't want to believe it but it seems like it may be time for Lauren to go. She CCs that Lauren is such an amazing person but what happened at the challenge was horrendous. If this was the merge, it would be a different story. Sabrina talks to Sienna at the water well. Sabrina asks, aggressively, if Sienna is voting for Charlize tonight. Sienna says that she is, CCing that she has no loyalties to anybody and she feels like her vote won't matter this round since it may be super chaotic or unanimous. She feels like throwing her vote to a random person then blaming it on Jade is the best move for her. Charlize is with Jasmine in the shelter. Charlize says that Sabrina is a loose cannon and needs to go. Jasmine agrees, with Charlize saying that she will rally the votes no matter what. Jasmine tells Charlize to not overplay or else the votes won't be in her favour. Charlize CCs that she can't stand Sabrina and wants to see her torch snuffed.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Sabrina starts off by saying that she has gone around and spoken to everybody and she feels like they are all on the same page. When Cornilio asks what that page is, Charlize says that Sabrina wants her out but she doesn't care. Sabrina says that Charlize's attitude and her targeting her is why she wants her out. Charlize says that she wants Sabrina out because she is arrogant, full of herself, looks down on others, and she sucks at challenges. Sabrina yells at her for trying to ruin her image. Charlize says that she ruined it herself and blaming others for calling her out on it won't work. Everybody, including the host, is shocked. Jade raises her hand and says that she has been told that the majority is not voting for either Charlize or Sabrina tonight but Lauren for losing them the challenge when they had a huge lead. Lauren apologizes again. Cornilio says that it is time to vote!


Charlize votes for Sabrina
Ellen votes for Lauren
Jade votes for Lauren
Jasmine votes for Sabrina
Lauren votes for Sabrina
Nekisha votes for Sabrina
Sabrina votes for Charlize
Sienna votes for Jade

Eddie votes for Sabrina

With a vote of 5-2-1-1, SABRINA TSUDA is the fourth castaway voted out.

Episode 5

Episode 5
On Heatstroke (Charlize, Ellen, Jade, Jasmine, Lauren, Nekisha, Sienna), on the way back to camp, Charlize CCs that she actually pulled it off and she is so happy. She could NOT stand Sabrina at all. Jade CCs that she got a vote at Tribal and she doesn't care. At camp, Sienna says that she would not want Karissa to act that way at all. Nekisha tells her that she feels the same way with her daughter. Sienna CCs that she is keeping up this lie about her having a daughter and it has worked tremendously for her. People sympathize with her and trust her more. However, that means she may be a bigger jury threat down the road because of it. It all comes down to how she plays this lie. Jade says that Sabrina is gone so there is no need to talk about her right now. Jasmine says that tonight was a rough night for everybody like the last Tribal Council and thinks that they should discuss happier things to lift the tension. Charlize CCs that Sabrina was a ball of negativity that was super unpredictable. With her gone, the game should be much easier now.
In the morning, Jade and Nekisha are at the water well. Jade says that people have been bugging her about the one vote but it seems like everybody cares about it more than she does. Jade CCs that reacting to the vote will just result in her going. Charlize and Jasmine are sitting on the beach. Jasmine says that they should come up with a name for their duo. Charlize thinks of "Friendship Fatale", which Jasmine really likes. Charlize CCs that, on this day, they are now known as Friendship Fatale! She wants to make sure they reach the final 2 together. She has so much respect for Jasmine and trusts her a lot so she feels like they could be a game-lasting duo as long as nobody catches on. Ellen and Lauren are at the water well. Ellen CCs that, at the beginning of the game, she said that this was a test for her to see if she could be deceitful. At this point, she feels super guilty about everything, including her vote to Lauren last night so she wanted to come clean. Ellen apologizes and said that she was one of the votes for her to go. She says that many people mentioned her (Lauren) as a target and she felt like it wasn't going to move so she voted with the majority but it turns out that it was just one other vote. Lauren says that she feels a bit hurt that Ellen didn't come up to her and mention what was going on. Ellen apologizes again and says that she just wanted to be honest with her. Lauren CCs that she is a bit hurt but she understands. At least she was honest about it. Ellen CCs that she has lied a lot in the game but she wanted to be true to herself and be honest to somebody who really deserves it.
On Frostbite (Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel), Danny and Eddie are alone in the shelter. Danny says that he was immature to him and that is not who he is and he apologizes for it. Eddie says that he didn't help things and apologizes for that too. Danny says that he wants to move on from all the silly fights and start over on a blank slate. Eddie says that he is fine with that. He CCs that him and Danny have been at it for a week ever since his bossy attitude pushed him and Corbin away. He takes responsibility for that. He apologizes to Danny for being so bossy and rude at the start of the game. Danny forgives him and they hug. Eddie says that he doesn't want his kids to see that kind of behaviour from him and think it is okay. Danny says that what they will see is a respectful father. Eddie is taken aback at the compliment and thanks him. Danny CCs that Eddie is a good person and he is glad that they are able to move on from all the pettiness from earlier. Danny and Ricky are at the water well. Danny apologizes to him about not including him in the alliance. Ricky thanks him. Danny says that Ricky saved him at the beginning and he doesn't want to come across as ungrateful so he wants the two of them to make it to the end together. Ricky says that he is ecstatic for that to happen. Ricky CCs that Danny doesn't owe him much for that since it was on Day 1 but Danny wanting to go to this length makes him trust him a lot. He can see the two of them in the end. Ricky says that the best way for them to shake on this deal is with a name. they both think and can't think of one, leading to Ricky to say that they can figure one out later. Danny CCs that he is glad that he is on good terms with Eddie and Ricky.
At the Challenge Arena, Cornilio reveals that they will be merging early, even though they are only at the Final 14. He does reveal that, at times throughout the merge, they will become tribes temporarily. Jasmine CCs that this is nuts. Leon CCs that they will become temporary tribes at random times throughout the season, which makes it more interesting for him since there is an element of surprise to everything.
On Venom (Charlize, Danny, Eddie, Ellen, Ricky, Jade, Jasmine, Jevonn, Jontey, Lauren, Leon, Manuel, Nekisha, Sienna), Nekisha CCs that she is super excited to be in the merge but the twist where they will go back into tribes at certain points in the game does worry her. Eddie CCs that he is doing his best to make Silvana, Leonardo, and Miguel proud. He managed to make it to the Final 14 so far. Sienna and Eddie are in the shelter. Sienna says that Karissa's father was a deadbeat dad who abandoned them when Karissa was three. Eddie hugs her and tells her that she deserves better. Sienna thanks them and "tears up", saying that she wants Karissa to have the best life possible and that is why she is on the show. Eddie says that he is here for his family as well so he relates. Eddie CCs that she did not know what to think of Sienna at first but she has such a big heart. Sienna CCs that the more she lies, the bigger of a chance she has at winning the game. Like she said before, she will NOT name her daughter "Karissa" just so she isn't associated with the lie. Jade is with Ricky and Jontey. She says that she is on the outs with the girls. She CCs that this is true. She overplayed and it bit her in the ass. Hopefully, the guys will sympathize and keep her around. Jontey says that he felt the same way, CCing that he doesn't feel like anything has changed. He does not feel safe at all. Ricky says that he sees nothing wrong with Jade or Jontey and feels like this could be a good trio to move forward with. Jade and Jontey love the idea. Ricky CCs that, at this point, he is really good with Danny, Leon, Jade, and Jontey now. Lauren and Nekisha are talking. Nekisha says that this is the point in the game where everybody matters like the both of them not being the best at challenges. Lauren asks why, to which Nekisha says that the biggest physical threats will be targeted first. She CCs that her and Lauren are really good friends in the game as they have really bonded a lot. Lauren CCs that one of her closest friends here is Nekisha, for sure. She can see them and her wife hanging out. Lauren says that she does feel like she can sit back and relax. Nekisha, however, says that being too passive won't be good for her either. Manuel is with Ellen and Jasmine. He says that he thinks that them and Leon could be a formidable four person alliance. Ellen says that she is up for whatever with Jasmine agreeing. Jump cut to Leon joining them with Manuel expressing the idea of an alliance. Leon says that he is in. Manuel CCs that he plans to recruit more but he wants to see if these four can be on the same page. Ellen CCs that Leon and Jasmine are fun people to be around so she feels secured with them.
LEON wins Immunity! Leon CCs that, until he feels completely safe, this immunity will buy him another three days.
Ricky CCs that one of the alliances he is in is a trio with Jade and Jontey but he is so curious on why she was on the outs. Ricky talks with Lauren and asks her about Jade. Lauren says that Jade's adopted Renata Wrayburn's tactic of turning people against each-other to get what she wants. She tried to turn Charlize and Jasmine against each-other early on. Lauren CCs that she can not trust Jade at all. Ricky CCs that Detective Ricky el-Iman has a lead onto the mystery. Ricky is with Charlize and Jasmine in the shelter. Ricky says that Jade claimed to be on the outs and Lauren mentioned that she, Jade, was becoming the new Renata with turning people against each-other. Charlize says that Jade lied about the both of them to each-other. Jasmine says that they decided to compare notes instead of fight like Jade wanted. Ricky CCs that he is starting to question his alliance with Jade but he doesn't know if it is the right time to turn on her.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Ricky starts off by saying that he is so confused on where the vote is going. Jade says that she has been doing some damage control since she found out that she was on the bottom. Jevonn says that he's heard his name, as well as Lauren's, Jontey's, Ellen's, and Danny's. Ellen says that she is so confused as to why her name has been brought up. Jontey says that people see her as a wildcard. Ellen is audibly shocked and says that her name is Ellen Marie Panahi, she is 27, and she is an engineer. Manuel says that what Jontey means is that, gameplay wise, nobody knows where her head is at. Ellen says that she is voting for Jontey. Jontey just shrugs and says "that's fair, I guess". Jade says that a lot of people expect her to vote for Charlize but she is not. Her vote is going towards Ellen. Eddie raises his hand and says that he was the first person to bring up Ellen's name because she is just a massive wild card to him. Ellen is overwhelmed and calls everybody insane and says that there is no basis for anything! She calls out Jade for being a rude b***h since the game has begun. Jade, beyond offended, yells at Ellen that there was no reason for her to say that. Ellen gets up and mockingly dances while, in a mocking voice, talks about how she is going to turn Charlize and Jasmine against each-other. Jade says that she does NOT know how to react, getting up and sitting down a couple of times, trying to say something. It's time for the votes!


Charlize votes for Jade
Danny votes for Ellen
Eddie votes for Ellen
Ellen votes for Jade
Ricky votes for Ellen
Jade votes for Ellen
Jasmine votes for Jade
Jevonn votes for Ellen
Jontey votes for Ellen
Lauren votes for Jade
Leon votes for Jade
Manuel votes for Ellen
Nekisha votes for Jade
Sienna votes for Ellen

With a vote of 8-6, ELLEN PANAHI is the fifth castaway voted out.

Episode 6

Episode 6
On Venom (Charlize, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Jasmine, Jevonn, Jontey, Lauren, Leon, Manuel, Nekisha, Sienna), as they head back to camp, Jade CCs that she has no idea how to react to Ellen's sudden craziness at Tribal Council tonight. As everybody arrives at camp, Jevonn CCs that this has been one crazy experience so far and tonight was the most mind blowing. As Ellen is being called out, Jade is then catapulted towards the closest bus by Ellen. Manuel says that he does not know how to process what happened. He CCs that Ellen was so quiet most of the time that he feels blindsided by her performance. Alone, by the shelter, Leon asks Jevonn if he is next. Jevonn doesn't know that as the targets keep shifting. Leon says that he will be super loyal to him if he is protected. He says that he doesn't want to try an immunity run as he knows that he will be voted out the moment it ends. Jevonn says that he has nothing against him and working together could be good for them. He CCs that, as of earlier today, he and Leon began to bond a bit. He knows that a lot of people have it out for him but a part of him wants to protect him.
In the morning, Jevonn and Leon are by the water well. Leon CCs that he has decided to trust Jevonn the most out of anybody. He has nobody else to turn to so, if he is screwed over, he's screwed over. Leon says that Eddie, Ricky, and Lauren are not receptive to him. Jevonn says that people have been discussing taking him out. Leon tells him that he is not giving up. He CCs that he worked HARD to get here and if Eddie, Ricky, and Lauren don't want to give him a chance, he may try to take them out. Jevonn says that he is good with Manuel so they can use him as a vote FOR him as opposed to AGAINST him. Leon says that Manuel has been super friendly to him so he trusts the guy. Leon CCs that the two people who have been the most friendly to him have been Jevonn and Manuel. If he can form a secret trio with them, he may be good for awhile. There is a montage of Manuel being super friendly to people and giving them advice. During the montage, Manuel CCs that he is trying his best to be the best person he can be with everybody. Jontey CCs that what really connects him with Manuel is how hardworking he is and he relates to that a lot. Sienna CCs that Manuel was sharing this story about his sister and he wishes that she had a brother like him. Nekisha CCs that a part of her really trusts him and she really wants to work with him. Manuel ends the montage with a CC with him saying that what works is how genuine he is with these conversations but also using that side of him as strategy. Nekisha and Jasmine are in the shelter. Nekisha CCs that she wants to get to know Jasmine more and vice versa. They are closely allied but know little about each-other. All she knows is that her father was Cymry and her mother was Timerian. Nekisha says that she was born and raised in Brandon, Manitoba before moving to Saint John, New Brunswick eight years ago. Jasmine says that she was born in Tenby, Cadair, where her parents met, until she was 5. Then they moved to Vitosium. Nekisha points out that Jontey's family was also from Tenby, Cadair. Jasmine CCs that she is starting to feel a good connection with Nekisha. What surprises him is that Jontey's family is from Galway. Jasmine and Jontey are in the shelter. She brings up that, according to Nekisha, both of their families have a connection with Galway. Jontey says that his dad is Cymry while his mom is Timerian. Jasmine says that it is the same with her. Jontey asks where in Timeria her mom was from. Jasmine says Johannesburg, South Timeria. Jontey says that his mom is from Calabar, Nigeria. Jontey CCs that he was shocked to find a major similarity between him and Jasmine. He already had this bond since the very beginning of the game when she caught on to the twist so it has to be fate that they know share this huge connection. Jontey says that they can not share this similarity with anybody else as they may be targeted. Jasmine agrees but says that people may catch on as his last name is Gaffney. Jontey falls back and says that he did not think about that. Jasmine CCs that she and Jontey have this massive connection that may spell the end of their games if people put two and two together and think that they will form an alliance because of it. If they think they will, they are completely correct. Jevonn and Manuel take a walk along the beach. Jevonn tells him that there is no reason for Leon to go home this early when they can use him as a third person for a trio. Jevonn CCs that Leon could be very useful and he wants a trio between them and him. Manuel CCs that, when Jevonn brought it up, he had no problems. He and Leon got along great so it only made sense. Manuel tells Jevonn that he is all for it but the only concern he has is how many people want him out. Jevonn says that they can fix that by having somebody else targeted. He has an idea of who they can target as they are a massive wildcard. Manuel CCs that Jevonn told him a potential new target and he wondered if they could pull it off. Jade is with Ricky at the water well. She is so shocked how she was able to recover. Ricky is glad that Jade trusts him. Jade counters that she is glad that Ricky trusts her. Jade CCs that her time in the game was DONE before the plans changed. She is going to take this chance and rebuild her game completely.
REWARD! One person has to sit out (Danny) while the others compete in teams of three. Eddie, Jasmine, and Sienna win and request to bring along Danny since he had to sit out. Cornilio allows it. They have a nice spa by the beach and a feast to go along with it. During this, Danny CCs that he is speechless at the gesture Jasmine made. He is going to remember this. Eddie CCs that he wishes that he could bring his wife along to this reward as she would love it. Sienna CCs that she really needed this. Jasmine CCs that she loves the break from the game she is getting.
On Venom (Charlize, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Jasmine, Jevonn, Jontey, Lauren, Leon, Manuel, Nekisha, Sienna), Lauren is on the beach alone. She CCs that she really needed this reward. She has underestimated everything to do with this game. She has so much respect for everybody who has done this and she has a lot of respect for herself for lasting this long without all the necessities that she is used to. Manuel joins her as she cries about missing her wife (Alicia) and daughter (Faith). She also says that she hopes that Faith can look at this years later and think of her as strong for making it this far. She wants Faith to be the strongest woman she can be. Manuel says that with the parenting her and Alicia are doing, Faith will, no doubt, be the strongest woman. Lauren CCs that she needed this talk with somebody. She has been holding back on how hard this experience has been for somebody who is not used to this and she wants to make it farther to continue testing herself. Manuel CCs that he has a lot of respect for Lauren. He doesn't know much about her but he can see the struggle and the strength behind her resolve. The reward winners return. At the water well, Charlize and Jasmine meet up with Jade. Jade CCs that this talk needs to go right or she will be out next, no doubt. She says that what she did was strategy but she was reckless and stupid. She adds that she wants them to know that she is not against them anymore and she wants to rebuild the trust that was lost between them. Charlize retorts that Jade is nothing but a slippery snake while Jasmine says that she doesn't want to write off Jade. Charlize says that she agrees and, that, she will give Jade a chance for now. Jade thanks them. Charlize CCs that she wants Jade out, plain and simple, but Jasmine is her closest ally so she will give Jade a chance for now. Jasmine CCs that she does not trust Jade so, if it turns out that she is trying to deceive them, her fate is sealed.
NEKISHA wins Immunity! She CCs that she didn't think she had it in her but she did it! Leon CCs that he threw the challenge and it may bite him in the ass.
Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Lauren and Sienna are in the shelter. Ricky brings up targeting Leon while they have the chance. Ricky CCs that Leon is vulnerable so they may not have another chance. Eddie says that he knows Danny is doing his business right now but he, no doubts, wants Leon out to avenge Corbin. Lauren says that she is good for whatever as long as it isn't her. She also adds that she wants them and Danny to be the Final 6. They all agree. Lauren CCs that she has finally figured out a good alliance to roll with. Jevonn is with Danny by the water. Jevonn asks him if it is worth risking his game to avenge somebody who went home really early. Danny says that he wants to but he also wants to know what Jevonn is getting at. Jevonn says that, if he moves on, it may help his game. If Leon goes, all people will think about is "who will Danny target next?" Danny says that Jevonn has a fair point. Jevonn tells him that Leon only flipped because nobody told him what was going on and he felt blindsided. Danny says that he knows. He CCs that he is so conflicted right now. He doesn't know what to do. Danny tells Jevonn that there are five others ready to vote out Leon so he doubts there could be a chance. Jevonn CCs that he is trying but he is not making much progress by the looks of it.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Ricky says that he is debating switching his vote. Eddie looks shocked. Ricky says that he was approached by Jevonn, who made some really good points. Eddie says that it is best that they stick with the original target. Jade comments that Eddie looks more worried and scared than he should be. Leon says that his mind hasn't been made up yet. He also says that he has been told two different targets to vote for and he would rather be in the majority. When asked the targets, Leon says Jade and Nekisha, which shocks the BOTH of them. Nekisha wants to know who said her name. Leon says "Ricky", who, immediately, denies it. Leon says that Jade was mentioned by Jontey. Jontey corrects him, saying that he threw Ricky's name under the bus, NOT Jade. Ricky is, beyond, shocked at this. Jontey tells Ricky that he should not be surprised. Jade asks Jontey, for clarification, if he has anything against her. Jontey says that he doesn't, although Eddie might as he brought up her name to him. Jade looks furiously at Eddie, who denies it over and over. Jevonn says that he heard Sienna's name. Sienna tells Jevonn that he heard Lauren's name from him. Charlize, Ricky, Jade, and Sienna then argue over who could be telling the truth and who is lying.


Charlize votes for Lauren
Danny votes for Lauren
Eddie votes for Leon
Ricky votes for Jontey
Jade votes for Jontey
Jasmine votes for Lauren
Jevonn votes for Lauren
Jontey votes for Lauren
Lauren votes for Leon
Leon votes for Lauren
Manuel votes for Lauren
Nekisha votes for Lauren
Sienna votes for Jevonn

With a vote of 8-2-2-1, LAUREN RODGER is the sixth castaway voted out. She is beyond confused but feels like all the chaos tonight was planned because of the votes.

Episode 7

Episode 7
On Venom (Charlize, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Jasmine, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel, Nekisha, Sienna), as they head back to camp, Jevonn CCs that everything went according to plan. They didn't know if they had Charlize and Jasmine's votes so he came up with a plan to cause chaos to cause a majority that way. Back at camp, Ricky, immediately, calls out Jontey for stirring shit up. Jontey says that he did what he had to do to gain the majority. Ricky tells him that he (R) should have sided with Corbin and Danny and voted him out. Jontey says that 3 votes would not have gotten him out. He CCs that, at this point, he is messing with Ricky. After they found out about the alliance from Danny, things changed. He admits that he was going to vote Leon out before that but, as he said, things changed. Ricky CCs that things didn't go according to plan. Now, he needs a new plan.
In the morning, Jevonn, Leon, and Jasmine are in the shelter alone. Leon admits that he was scared last night as he didn't know where the votes were going. Jasmine says that she was on board to vote him out with Lauren until a few hours beforehand. She says that she hopes that her voting for him to stay is a good indicator that she is on his side now. Leon says that it is, CCing that nobody knew where Charlize and Jasmine were going to vote as they were semi close with Lauren but also didn't hang around her as much over the past 3 days. Jevonn asks Jasmine what changed her mind. Jasmine says that Nekisha was the one to change her mind. Jevonn CCs that he doesn't know if this means that he can relax but he clearly has an enemy in Ricky now.
Lauren is with Eddie and Ricky in the water. She tells them that the alliance is golden, for sure. She says that she is a bit paranoid that somebody will flip, though. Ricky reassures her that nobody will flip. All they have to do is keep the alliance a secret until they gain the majority. He CCs that Lauren is a useful asset as she has Charlize, Jasmine and Nekisha under her thumb. What is even better is that, after the alliance was solidified, SHE came up with the idea to use them as numbers then turn on them before the alliance. She is loyal to a fault and he wants to use that. At the water well, Nekisha CCs that Lauren has been distant today so she took it as her wanting to hide their alliance. However, it appears that she was wrong. Nekisha comments how good that is for them. Lauren says that they will remain good with them as long as they go with the plan to vote off Leon. Nekisha CCs that Lauren may have just admitted that the other five have an alliance. Danny is with Jevonn, telling him that there are five others ready to vote out Leon so he doubts there could be a chance. If Jevonn can convince Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Lauren and Sienna, he will have the majority. Jevonn CCs that Danny may have, unintentionally, revealed an alliance. Jevonn is with Leon and Manuel and tells them about the people Danny mentioned. Manuel says that they are in an alliance for sure, CCing that this is perfect as, right now, the outsiders have the majority. Leon says that the bad news is that Charlize, Jasmine and Nekisha seem close with Lauren, although not with each-other. Jevonn says that one would expect what Jade did to make Charlize and Jasmine a duo but they hardly talk to each-other; they just seem united to take Jade out. Jevonn CCs that they need an idol to pull this off for sure. Later, Nekisha pulls Jevonn aside and tells them that they may be on the outs. Jevonn says that he knows they are as Danny revealed to him that Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Lauren and Sienna are in an alliance. Nekisha says that Lauren confirmed an alliance that included Danny. She says that "we will be good as long as Leon goes". Jevonn asks Nekisha if she is willing to lose Lauren at this point. He adds that she has that alliance, her, Charlize and Jasmine. She may be the most powerful person in the game right now. Jevonn CCs that this scares him. Somehow, the wildcard he wants to target has the most people on her side. He is determined. Nekisha says that she can try to talk to Charlize and Jasmine. Jevonn says that he will think of a plan to gain majority in the meantime if he can't find an idol.
(Charlize, Danny, Eddie, Ricky, Jade, Jasmine, Jevonn, Jontey, Leon, Manuel, Nekisha, Sienna) Back in the present (in the shelter), Jevonn tells Jasmine that Nekisha approached him as well, CCing that, right now, making Jasmine think that Nekisha orchestrated this plan helps him in the future. Ricky is talking with Eddie and Jade. He says that Jontey needs to go next. The guy is influential and super charismatic and that is dangerous for them. Ricky CCs that Jontey emerged as this mega-threat and he knows that Jontey wants him out. Eddie is surprised that Lauren had eight votes against her. Ricky says that he thinks Danny flipped and ratted out the alliance. Eddie says that he was beginning to trust him again so it sucks to hear that. Jade CCs that she is listening to them talk and she is not surprised that this didn't work out. Eddie and Ricky have such huge egos that Danny probably flipped to get away from them. Jade talks to Danny at the water well and warns him that Eddie and Ricky want his head. Danny asks why. Jade says for flipping on the alliance. She says that it doesn't bother her but the two of them are taking what happened to Lauren like it's a personal attack. Danny CCs that this is not good. Nekisha talks with Jade in the shelter. Nekisha says that what happened in the past should remain in the past. Jade thanks her. Nekisha says that all of the alliances broke last night so it is time to regroup. Jade agrees. Nekisha CCs that she's hear to adapt and play. She is not here to wither away. Jasmine approaches them and asks Jade if she is still with Ricky. When asked why, Jasmine says that she is starting to catch onto something. Jade says that she would rather be with them. Jasmine CCs that, thanks to her social connections, she has been able to pinpoint who orchestrated what. However, when it comes to one person, while he hasn't fully orchestrated anything, he has been in the shadows the most out of anybody and she wants that position. Jasmine says that people have been debating going after Eddie and seeing him as the leader but she thinks that Ricky is the leader. He can be charismatic, he can be convincing, and he has this way of talking sometimes that makes you want to follow his word. Jade agrees but says that, when he is mad, that facade drops. Jasmine asks her if Ricky was the de facto leader of the alliance. Jade says that he and Eddie are but Ricky has a louder voice. Jasmine CCs that Lauren may have had numbers but Ricky has the ability to control them. he needs to go. Jasmine says that Ricky is a dangerous strategic threat and him getting so upset over a plan not working can lead to his downfall. Jade CCs that all she knows is that SHE is not a target right now.
Cornilio announces that, for one round, they will be back in their original tribes!

The Temporary Heatstroke:

Danny Maxwell
Eddie Manzanares
Ricky el-Iman
Jade O'Keefe
Jasmine Roarty
Nekisha Moore

The Temporary Frostbite:
Charlize Ademola
Jontey Lynch
Jevonn Gaines
Leon Zhen
Manuel Zavaglia
Sienna Parry

On Frostbite, Jontey CCs that he likes the temporary tribe but he has no idea who the target would be. Maybe Charlize. Everybody is in the shelter. Jevonn asks Jontey if his name is short for anything. He responds that J-O-N-T-Y can be short for Johnathan J-O-N-T-E-Y. Charlize CCs that she feels the tension. Nobody wants to split off right now and make any alliances obvious.
On Heatstroke, Ricky CCs that, if he can recruit Danny, he can get out Nekisha at least then work on recruiting others to get rid of Jontey when they merge again. Jade wonders who the target on the other tribe will be. Nekisha says that she is guessing Jontey as he might have the least connections on that tribe. Ricky CCs that, thanking about it, winning immunity is the best option for him to go.
Frostbite wins Immunity! Jontey CCs that Ricky does NOT look pleased right now. Ricky CCs that he still has a plan. Heatstroke argues who to bring over. They settle on Sienna.
On Heatstroke, Ricky is alone with Danny. He says that, right now, they could be a majority alliance of five this round. It'll be them, Sienna, Eddie and Jade against Jasmine and Nekisha. Danny CCs that, once again, he may be in the middle. Danny says that he would rather be with the majority. Ricky says that the target is Nekisha. Jasmine and Nekisha are alone. Jasmine tells her that she wants Ricky out and, right now, they are split 3-3 as they have Jade. Nekisha wonders if they actually have Jade. Jasmine says that she is banking on it. Jasmine CCs that Jade wants to work with her so this will be the best way to know if Jade is true to her word or not. Jasmine talks to Danny alone and says that people have been discussing getting Ricky out and this may be the best opportunity to do so. Danny says that he is unsure as there are only 6 voters. Jasmine says that they have Jade. Danny CCs that he is so confused where Jade stands right now.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Ricky begins by going over to Sienna and whispering Nekisha's name. Jasmine asks Sienna if Ricky is trying to control her vote. Ricky, shocked, asks where this came from as Jasmine has not been the type to stir shit up. Nekisha says that people were convinced that Eddie was the leader of the alliance when it was Ricky. Jasmine says that Ricky has been playing under the radar until recently where his game has been so obviously in the open. She says that she has so much respect for Ricky as a player as a result that it is so obvious that he is this huge threat. Nekisha says that people need to take advantage of this opportunity. Ricky says that all they are spouting is desperate bullshit. Nekisha says that all Ricky SPOUTS is bullshit. Ricky says that they can think all they want but it doesn't matter. Nekisha says that it matters greatly. Jasmine says that this is the perfect opportunity for people to play THEIR game and not somebody else's game. Eddie says that what shocked him was Danny flipping on the alliance. He hopes that Danny sticks with them this time. It is time to vote.


Danny votes for Ricky
Eddie votes for Nekisha
Ricky votes for Nekisha
Jade votes for Ricky
Jasmine votes for Ricky
Nekisha votes for Ricky

Sienna votes for Ricky

With a vote of 4-2, Ricky el-Iman is the seventh castaway voted out and the first member of the jury.