Vitosian Survivor Season 9: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 3

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This is the Part 3 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 9!

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Episode 11

Episode 11
As everybody returns to the merge camp, Lauren CCs that Hardy was her closest friend in the game and, somehow, he is gone! She says that Alicia is invincible!!! In the shelter, Adrian, Andre and Kaeghan wonder how they will get rid of Alicia if she keeps winning immunities and using idols. Adrian says that they can't give up. If Alicia is invincible, then, maybe, they go right after Renata. Adrian CCs that Alicia is Renata's bodyguard right now. What makes more sense is to stop going after somebody like her and go after the ringleader.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Lauren is alone on the beach. She CCs that the game has been insane so far. She never expected herself to deal with Liz, be eliminated, come back in and then lose her closest ally. It has been a roller coaster of emotions for her. Renata joins her on the beach and says that Hardy really was a fantastic person. Lauren asks why he went. Renata says that it wasn't her choice and says that it was Anabel who came up with the plan. She says that Andre helped vote Hardy out after Sam left. Apparently, he felt like Hardy was responsible. Renata CCs that this is all a lie. She hopes to recruit Lauren onto her side after blindsiding her closest ally. Lauren says that neither of them even voted Sam out. Renata says that Andre didn't know that. Lauren tells Renata that the game does crazy things to people. She CCs that she doesn't fully believe Renata but you never know what paranoia does to somebody. Adrian is talking with Journey. He says that it is better that they go after Renata instead of Alicia. Journey feels like Alicia could be vulnerable and, if she is, it is worth another shot. Adrian says that they are at the Final 8. If Alicia wins immunity, he hopes that Journey can help vote out the ringleader of the tribe. Journey is confused at what he said. Adrian explains that Renata is the one controlling Alicia and has been behind most of the votes since the merge. Journey says that she thinks that Renata is playing under the radar, yes, but Alicia is her own woman. She CCs that Adrian is spewing nonsense and she doesn't know if he is truly trustworthy. In the shelter, Alicia tells Renata that she really feels like she has no choice but to keep winning immunities and using idols. Renata says that she knows for a fact that people want her gone so it is the only way to move forward. Alicia is frustrated but Renata reassures her that she will never vote her out. Later, Kaeghan sets up a fake basketball game, despite lacking everything needed. Kaeghan CCs that he got really bored and it hit him that he could have some weird version of basketball! There is a slight montage of this.
Everybody gathers and it is revealed that is time for the loved ones to come out. You have:

Adrian's younger brother, Levi Silva
Alicia's older brother, Brendan Lorentzen
Anabel's older sister, Erika Benanti
Andre's dad, Corey Loureiza
Journey's wife, Laurel Edgren
Kaeghan's mom, Lily Veitao
Lauren's oldest son, Matt Paivas
Renata's fiance, Roman Wrayburn

The host, Cornilio Roquez, reveals that the first placer will spend a night with their loved one in a hotel while the second placer will be allowed to bring their loved one to camp for a night.
Adrian (and his brother, Levi) win first place while Journey (and her wife, Laurel) win second place! Adrian decides to give up his reward to Renata (and her fiance, Roman Wrayburn), CCing that, in the event that Renata has caught on to him targeting her, this should lessen that.

In the hotel, Renata and Roman have a very romantic evening together!
Back on Verdesia, Journey CCs that it is amazing that Laurel is here with her! She introduces Laurel to everybody! Lauren has a small montage of her being the tribe mom. Andre CCs that Lauren is one of the sweetest people he has ever met. Adrian is alone with Lauren. He talks to her about allying going to the Final 2 together. He CCs that his main goal is him, Andre and Kaeghan in the Final 3. Lauren in the finals with him is asking for him to lose as everybody loves her. He just needs an extra vote to go against Renata and her minions. Lauren says that she has heard that Andre took out Hardy. Adrian is very surprised and says that they all tried to get Alicia out, CCing that this sounds like Renata's handiwork. She says that Hardy was targeted by Andre because he, wrongly, believed that her and Hardy took out Sam. He says that he and Andre know that Sam left because of Renata and Alicia, not her and Hardy. Lauren CCs that she is very confused. Either Adrian is lying or Renata is lying. The next day, Renata returns! Alone in the shelter, Lauren talks to Renata about Adrian insisting that Andre didn't target Hardy. Renata says that Adrian has been in everybody's ear strategizing. If she believes him, then she is believing a mastermind. Lauren supposes that she is right. Renata CCs that Adrian giving up the reward for her was big. While she feels like he could be a threat, she feels like giving him three more days isn't bad. She has somebody else on her sights.
ALICIA wins Immunity!
In the shelter, Adrian and Kaeghan are chatting. Kaeghan says that, once again, Alicia won Immunity. He says that the only time she was really vulnerable during the merge so far was when David left. Adrian says that David was a huge strategic player. Kaeghan wonders if Renata could have controlled David or if getting rid of David helped her out. Adrian says that they were allied according to him so they would have worked together and had even more control of this game. Kaeghan supposes that he is right. He CCs that he is starting to wonder if they are on the outs. He says that it could easily become guys versus girls with them on the outs. If Renata really got to Lauren like he said, then it is Alicia, Renata, Lauren and Anabel versus them and Journey. Andre joins them and asks if they should try and talk to Journey before it is too late. Meanwhile, Anabel is with Alicia. She says that, at this point, it really does seem like guys versus girls. Alicia is shocked that they have Lauren and Journey with them. Just a couple days ago, if it wasn't for an idol, she would have been out. Anabel CCs that Alicia is a mega threat. If it was her choice, she would have pushed for her to go but, right now, the best thing they could do is get rid of the boys before they band together. Andre finds Journey in the water. He asks if her mind is made up yet. She says it isn't, CCing that, right now, she is in the middle. She doesn't know what to do at this point. Renata is in the forest with Lauren. She tells her that she has an idea to help appease everybody. Lauren asks if she is going to try and convince Alicia to give up her immunity necklace. Renata says that she isn't too worried about Alicia right now, especially with the way she has treated people in this game. She says that it is better that another girl goes instead this round instead of her.

Adrian votes for Renata
Alicia votes for Anabel
Anabel votes for Andre
Andre votes for Renata
Hardy votes for Anabel
Journey votes for Anabel
Kaeghan votes for Renata
Lauren votes for Anabel
Renata votes for Anabel

With a vote of 4-3-1, ANABEL has been eliminated.

Episode 12

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 14
As Kaeghan leaves, he says "Also, John wasn't the one who orchestrated David going; it was me."

Episode 15

Episode 15
It is the Final Tribal Council!

John starts off the tribal by asking Journey and Renata what their strongest social move was. Journey says that she made a lot of connections with people like Adrian, Kaeghan, Renata, Lauren and him. She tried to be as supportive as possible and to let people know that she was always with them. Renata says that her strongest social move was at the beginning of the merge. She knew that David was a powerful player so, by making sure she was good with him, she would be good with all of his allies.

Sam says to the both of them that he is so glad to have played this season with them and it was intense! He asks why the other person should win. Journey says that Renata knew what to say to people. She was a good social player. Renata says that Journey played more with her heart and she is a kind and caring soul.

Hardy says that there is no doubt in his mind that Renata controlled everything from Final 10 onwards. His question is just to Journey. What move did Journey make in this game that was separate from Renata. Journey says that she was the deciding vote in a lot of Tribal Councils. Had she simply decided to switch her vote, an entirely different outcome would have happened. Janeane, Anabel, Andre, Kaeghan and Lauren were all votes that she was integral in.

Anabel says that her question is for Renata. She asks Renata if she was truly loyal to anybody or if her loyalty was only to herself. Renata says that, in this game, you can't play to help another person win; you always have to look out for number one. She owns up to backstabbing Anabel and Alicia but she did it due to how huge of threats they had become to her. In the end, her only true loyalty was to herself. Her best path to the end was to play ruthlessly. Hardy and Andre, notably, nod their heads.

Andre says that he wants to know one thing from both finalists: if they had an option of which juror they would want to be beside them in the finale instead of who they are sitting beside now, who would that person be? Renata says that she is very happy to be beside Journey but, if she had to pick another person, she would have gone with John. She feels as though, while he was very unpredictable, he would have been the best person to beat. John looks shocked while Andre chuckles. Renata then clarifies. She says that John constantly bragged about wanting to make big moves and made himself this enormous target. Had he not been scapegoated for David's elimination, she would've wanted to bring him to Final 2 as his behaviour was annoying a lot of people. Adrian and Alicia look shocked while Sam chuckles. Journey says that she felt like she was really good with John so she would've wanted him in the end with her.

Alicia says that

Kaeghan says that Journey constantly told him, Adrian and Andre that she wanted to work with them then she would turn on them. It was a pattern and it got infuriating. It was one thing if she did this once but she did it again and again and it became unnecessary. says to Journey that there were some things she did in the game that were very unnecessary. At least with Renata, they knew she wasn't on their side but, with Journey, she kept giving them false hope. It would be one thing if it was done once but she would constantly tell them that, yeah, they are good to work together and then flip on them over massive targets. He wants to know her strategy on why she made these moves. Journey says that she didn't know if she could truly trust them. Yeah, they spoke a lot and they built something between them but she didn't want 4th place and she didn't want 3rd place. She wants 1st place.

Lauren says that she had so much fun playing with them this season. She says that she feels good with the both of them being in the finale and wants to know one thing from the both of them: what their biggest struggle was in the game. Renata says that she had a handful of people adamantly wanting her out. They caught on to her and they were determined. She respected them but knew she had to find a way to get them out so she could get farther. It was just a matter of how and that was her biggest struggle in the game. Journey says that her biggest struggle was trying to figure out what to do next. She would make a move, only to wonder if it was a good move or a bad move and how she would continue forward in the game. Being in constant doubt really didn't help so a lot of her struggles came from within.

Adrian tells Renata that he has wanted her out of the game since Janeane left. He made it her mission to get her out and she succeeded in their one-sided rivalry. That is all.

It is now the reunion! Cornilio Roquez addresses that Liz Guerra refused to attend the reunion, hence why she is not here tonight.

Cornilio then reads out the votes ... and Renata wins the season!

Cornilio Roquez congratulates Renata on winning the season and asks how watching the season back was like for her. Renata says that the game was so difficult and she is glad the edited show had her efforts there. Cornilio asks if any moment from the show surprised her watching it back. Renata says that Janeane telling Adrian that her going out would mean that she, Renata, was in control, was shocking to her. She also didn't know the "Core Four" (Adrian, Andre, Kaeghan, Sam) existed so kudos to such a good alliance. She says that another moment she wants to point out is how Kaeghan got David out. It was so exciting to watch that gameplay!

Cornilio asks anybody how they were planning to vote before the questioning. John says that he and Journey got along so well so he wanted to support her. He didn't really know what to believe when the jurors coming in told him what was going on so he took everything with a grain of salt. Adrian says that he made it clear that Renata had his vote. She beat him despite all of his efforts. Lauren says that she was on the fence with her vote. Hardy admits that he was leaning towards Renata but says that Journey could have swung him over to her side.

Cornilio says that David Primesto was, no doubt, the second most powerful player in the game. He wants to know what David thought of the season after he was eliminated. David says that he loved watching Renata run circles around people. It really seems like, once he was out, it was a blessing in disguise for her and he is very happy she took every opportunity and ran with it. Cornilio asks Rami if he would have played differently. Rami says that he was so controlling over his alliance that, if he was a viewer, he would be shocked if he made it past his first Tribal Council. He got super excited to play the game and didn't think. It was tunnel vision. If he had to do this all again, he would have wanted to think things through instead of being impulsive. Cornilio asks Regina if she has any favourite moments from the season. Regina says that her favourite moment was the tribal idol play. She says that she wishes Sam didn't go but it was so exciting to watch! Cornilio then asks Sam what his thoughts were on the triple idol play. Sam admits that he felt safe at the time, even with the idol plays. He thought that it was going to be Lauren or Journey as he didn't want to believe that a member of his alliance could've gone. Afterwards, he was weirdly ecstatic as it was the most epic way to go from the game.

Cornilio says that there was one friendship in the season that the viewers really loved to watch. That friendship was between Hardy Halloway and Lauren Paivas. He asks the two of them if they have been talking to each-other since the filming. Lauren says that Hardy is an amazing person and her and her family adore him and his family. Hardy says that, after the filming, his parents really got to know Lauren and her husband so now both families have been spending some holidays together. He says that he is so glad that he met Lauren as she is an amazing person and an amazing mother.