Foreign Relations of Neo-Korea

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The State of Neo-Korea maintains formal diplomatic relations with a variety of other powers, as a result of concentrated efforts in the 1990s to repair those interactions frayed during the Hikaru Sakuma period. This includes almost every nation in Esvanovia, alongside multiple extraregional diplomatic partners. Foreign affairs, such as embassies and the establishment of formal relations, are organized under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Bilateral Relations


Country Current Status Formal relations began Notes Neo-Korean Ambassador Ambassador to Neo-Korea
Meridon Allied Circa 1980s Long period of time until relations were renewed was caused by the fallout of the Great War. Repairing of these relations occured gradually, and primarily started with renewed economic interaction. Relations recently strained due to the 2034 Matsumae Invasion Mr. Ryuu Kawaguchi Mr. Constantin Lucroy
Anagonia Allied 1960 One of the first nations to recognize Neo-Korea in the modern period, owing to positive relations and the potential for utilization of the state as a pseudo-catspaw in the Hiakemirian region. Close economic and political relations maintained to this day. Ms. Kaneko Harumi ???
Darlingtown Allied Circa 2010s/2020s Neo-Korea would rapidly attempt to befriend the fledgling Darlingtown upon SACHI's exile from Kaskaida, with the two nations sharing close economic and political relations as a result of these efforts. Neo-Korea relies heavily on Darlingtown to supplement its limited uranium production for the creation of both nuclear power and weaponry. Mr. Miki Noboru SACHI(?)
Marquesan Neutral (Leaning Hostile) Early 2000s Relations reluctantly resumed by the Beom Dae Government during the Marquesan Civil War, in an attempt to bolster the legitimacy of the new Marquesan State. This effort would also involve (highly limited) trade beginning between the two nations, although no other major diplomatic initiatives have occurred. Mr. Sada Kaede ???
Aureumterra Tense (Leaning Hostile) 1990s Relations heavily compromised by mutual distrust of intentions due to ideological differences, alongside the recent conflict brewing between Aureumterra and Sombreland. No efforts at reconciliation have been made by either side. Mr. Morine Satoru ???
Atkemri Tense (Leaning Neutral) 2000s Relations temporarily ceased due to Invasion of Jungg'o, with relations still being somewhat tense into the modern period due to the aftereffects of the conflict. Efforts at reconciliation both economically and politically started, showing some fruit. Ms. Horie Midori ???
