Vitosian Survivor Season 15: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 2

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This is the Part 2 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 15!

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Episode 6

Episode 6
On Yesard, on the way back to camp, Mike CCs that Tribal was insane. This was the first and, hopefully, only time that the Brandon versus Kyle rivalry got to the point of a screaming match. With Kyle gone, it may bring the old alliance back together. He wonders if he made the right choice. Brandon CCs that, at Tribal, he fought for Kyle to go and it worked. He assumes the other vote for him was Hayes and he blames Kyle for that, not Hayes. At camp, Cody says that he thought he talked Kyle out of it but, apparently not. Cody CCs that he could've left that evening so he had to help put the target on Kyle. At this point, he s just trying to protect himself. Brandon tells Hayes that he knows that he was the 2nd vote but says that he blames Kyle for that, to which Hayes is grateful. Hayes CCs that Tribal Council was so chaotic that he didn't want to speak up. It turns out that laying low was the best decision he made in the evening. Dean asks why he was targeted, to which Cody speaks up and says that he felt like Dean was the weakest in the tribe. The two get into a screaming match as Dean argues that he is not the weakest while Cody argues that he was. Dean CCs that, since Cody spoke up, the crosshairs are on him now.
Opening Credits
On Grezant, in the morning, Kaylyn and Sarah are sitting down at the water well. Sarah says that she started dating Gabby back in Grade 10 and her family was very supportive of them. She was often asked why she changed her name when her and Gabby got married and she did because her maiden name was so common and so boring. Kaylyn asks what her maiden name was, to which Sarah says that it was Smith. Sarah CCs that she is doing this for Gabby and her. Even thought he game is stressful, she can't lose focus on the prize. Kaylyn CCs that her family is very supportive of her and Stephanie as well and she hopes that it is a lasting relationship. Sarah says that she hopes that it works and she wants to be invited to the eventual wedding. She CCs that, growing up, she used to be the entitled brat but, around the age of 15, she had isolated everybody. When she decided to change, she became more open minded as well and that is when she started to discover other aspects of her life. Sarah asks if she has any siblings. Kaylyn says that she has an older brother named Jesse and a younger sister named Caroline. She says that there is a two year difference between her and the others. Sarah says that she is the oldest of four girls. She says that her younger siblings are named Kayla, Megan, and Amy, who is the youngest. Sarah CCs that it is amazing to find a good friend like Kaylyn in a tough game like this. It makes things more tolerable. Kaylyn CCs that she feels lucky to find a good, trustworthy ally like Sarah. She says that, after the game, she wants to keep in contact.
On Yesard, Mike CCs that his entire game has been socializing with others. He likes to idea of being the leader of an alliance but he knows he needs to be careful. Dean and Jack are alone in the shelter. Jack comments how tough the game has been so far. He CCs that he was not expecting the game to be so stressful but he is lucky to have a friend like Dean around. Dean jokes about how they went from being on the bottom to being on top and then on the bottom again. Jack jokes that they may be on the top again. Dean says that he has no idea where they stand. Dean CCs that he has been super good friends with Jack since the beginning. The two of them have supported and protected each-other. Dean says that, with everybody targeting each-other, maybe they can get Cody out. Jack says that he is good with that plan. Jack CCs that they joke about everything and have a lot in common so he expects them to talk outside the game as well.
Cornilio Roquez, the host, announces that a tribe swap will occur.

New Grezant:
Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle.

New Yesard:
Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike.


Andrew arrives on Exile. He CCs that he is grateful for the immunity but it takes away from potential bonding time and he needs that. He hopes that this doesn't bite him in the ass.
On Yesard (Alicia, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Libby, Mike), Libby CCs that she is VERY worried as Alicia and her were on different sides PLUS the four guys could be working together. Mike welcomes Alicia and Libby to the Yesard camp. Mike CCs that he has no idea if the four guys WOULD team up but it is a huge possibility. Hayes talks to Jack and says that they have no idea how much the girls bonded so it may be dangerous to let Grezant win immunity. Jack agrees. Hayes CCs that the good thing about the swap is that he may still be in the majority as long as nobody tries anything funny. Hayes tells Jack that he is with them, for sure. Jack CCs that he and Dean are unsure about moving forward with Andrew, Cody, and Hayes. Jack talks with Dean. Dean says that he can't trust those three. Jack says that Andrew is exiled, Cody is on Grezant BUT Hayes is with them. Dean says that, if they blindside Hayes, that would be epic but it would be hard to do. Dean CCs that it is time for the two of them to get back on top and he will do whatever it takes to get back on top, even if that means organizing a huge blindside.
On Grezant (Cody, Brandon, Jessica, Kaylyn, Sarah, Shontelle), Cody CCs that the tribe swap may have been the worst thing to happen to him and Brandon. Kaylyn welcomes Cody and Brandon to Grezant. She CCs that the girls have majority over Cody and Brandon. A part of her wants to throw the challenge to give the girls a better chance at merge. Jessica gives a "tour" of the shelter. Cody CCs that he needs to either throw Brandon under the bus or find a crack within the four girls. Jessica and Brandon talk in the shelter, alone. Brandon asks her if there is anything they need to know. He CCs that he and Cody were put in a tough spot. Hopefully, he can get info to get out of it. Jessica says that Shontelle's closest ally was voted out. She was pretty upset but things seem fine now. Brandon CCs that he found a lead. He talks with Cody and says that Shontelle's closest ally was voted out last tribal. Cody thinks that they can use that to flip Shontelle over onto their side.
On Yesard, Alicia CCs that she has been trying to rub Dean's ego. The only problem is that Dean lacks one. Alicia says that she will do anything for him in the game if he keeps her safe. Dean says that he has no idea where he is voting but he will inform her. Alicia CCs that it is frustrating that Dean won't budge and it may mean that she is the next one to go. Alicia talks with Libby and says that the two of them are in major trouble right now. Libby says that she got that feeling from Mike as well. Libby CCs that her and Alicia are screwed so it may be one of them going next. Hayes is talking with Mike and Jack. He says that it may be good to get to know Alicia and Libby. He feels like some of them are very paranoid about the old Grezant tribe dynamics. They agree. Dean approaches them and Mike talks about taking Alicia out and bringing Libby in to go after the other tribe, to which Dean agrees to. Mike CCs that a part of him wants to throw the challenge to ensure that Brandon is safe. Mike says that they should throw the challenge as it'll mean that Cody and Brandon will be safe. Dean, Hayes, and Jack agree. Alicia and Hayes are in the shelter together. Hayes CCs that, when the tribe swap happened, he was worried about tribe dynamics but his old tribe were not that close. Hayes tells Alicia that he is happy that there was a tribe swap. He says that his tribe was constantly targeting each-other. Alicia CCs that she doesn't know if this is true or not but this is good if it is. Alicia tells him that she was worried when she came over but that is reassuring.
GREZANT wins IMMUNITY! Kaylyn CCs that she came up with the idea to throw the challenge to help get Cody or Brandon out but it appears that Yesard was, somehow, worse.
On Grezant, Sarah CCs that Cody and Brandon got really lucky. Cody CCs that they noticed the girls throwing the challenge so it was up to him and Brandon to win the challenge for them. Shontelle congratulates the tribe on the win.
On Yesard, Dean CCs that the plan to throw the challenge worked perfectly! He says that the plan is working far better than he thought it would. Mike talks to Hayes and says that it may be good to send Libby out instead. Hayes says that he is alright with that. Libby talks to Hayes and tells him that she will be super loyal to him. She CCs that she may be on the way out. She will promise Hayes the WORLD to get his vote to stay. Plus, he looks influential and can help take Alicia out. Hayes and Alicia are in the water. He says that he's asked and the plan is to vote Libby out and keep her. Alicia says that she is alright with that. Hayes says that he wants to ally with her. He CCs that he really vibes with Alicia. She seems trustworthy.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Kyle joins them but sits away from them. Dean starts by saying that a plan is in place and, that, the tribe THREW the challenge to achieve that plan. Alicia and Libby begin to campaign for their lives. As the vote ties, Hayes has a massively shocked face. Libby laughs and says that she just realized that the "plan" was for Hayes to go, which gets Hayes to ask Dean, Jack, and Mike if that was true. He says that he will be loyal to them!


Alicia votes for Libby
Dean votes for Hayes
Hayes votes for Libby
Jack votes for Hayes
Libby votes for Alicia
Mike votes for Hayes

Kyle votes for Libby

Alicia votes for Libby
Dean votes for Hayes
Hayes can not vote
Jack votes for Hayes
Libby can not vote
Mike votes for Hayes

Kyle votes for Alicia

With a vote of 3-3-1/3-2, Hayes Bierwirth is the fifth castaway voted out.

Episode 7

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 10