Vitosian Survivor Season 15: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 1

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This is the Part 1 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 15!

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Episode 1

Episode 1
Alicia, Angel, Andrew, Brandon, Charlotte, Cody, Dean, Emma, Hayes, Jack, Jessica, Kaylyn, Kyle, Libby, Mike, Sam, Sarah, and Shontelle are on two different boats heading towards the beach. On the beach, Cornilio Roquez, the host, tells the viewers that this season will be just as unpredictable as the last. He says that, just because you are voted out, that doesn't mean your role in the game has ended. He says that, after somebody is voted off, they will stick around and, eventually, one person will rejoin the game. On top of that, they get one vote at the next Tribal Council while waiting or the opportunity to get back in. On the men's boat, Mike CCs that he is a father of three and he wants to secure their education. Lachlan (12), Violet (10), and Aaron (7) deserve the best future that they can get. Dean CCs that his half-sister, Lizzie Gullo, played the game before. As the season aired, he went to war with members of the Elite 7 for their treatment of people in the cast. Thankfully, Lizzie had a much better experience on the Amazing Race. Brandon CCs that he competed in many sports while in high school and university. While everybody can tell that he is a physical player, other people will never guess that he is a musician ... and a chemist. Nobody will expect the musical chemist, "Doc D". On the women's boat, Jessica CCs that her name is Jessica Marie Laguas. She is a model who loves to show off her model. She says that she doesn't have a horrible past of hating herself. She just feels like sharing who she is and she will flirt with whoever to win the game. Emma CCs that she is ready for the game and everybody better watch out for Emma Sardina. She says that even SHE would be scared of her in the game. Kaylyn CCs that she is best known for her ex cheating on her on Season 12. She says that she isn't going to let that be her story, however. She is here to play hard. Everybody arrives on the beach where Cornilio greets them. He says that, for the first time in awhile, the tribes will be split up with men on one tribe and the women on the other. He then sets them on their way. Kyle CCs that he is excited that the game is men versus women. He feels confident that they will win every challenge and the women will just fight amongst each-other. He says the only woman not like that is his fiancee, who is tough as steel.
On Yesard (Andrew, Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Sam CCs that he can see himself winning the entire game. He is a construction worker so he is confident about the challenges and he is really social so he knows that everybody will love him. Andrew suggests they all introduce each-other. He starts by saying that his name is Andrew Ambrogi and he is a marine mechanic. He CCs that his dad was a mechanic and his dad before him was a mechanic. He felt like it was only right to follow in their footsteps. Dean says that he is a writer, CCing that he is, actually, a podiatrist. He feels like people knowing his real occupation will just ensure that he goes first. He doesn't want his enemies to have that satisfaction. Brandon says that he is a musician while Mike says that he is a court messenger. Jack says that he is a locomotive inspector. He CCs that he feels amazing to be here in his own skin. He was so nervous but feels like people will like him no matter what here. Kyle says that he is a skiing instructor. He also says that he is, recently, engaged. He CCs that he met his fiancee, Avila (Paiva), during one of the classes he was teaching. He has never met a woman who wasn't trying to manipulate him for his money until her. Sam says that he is a construction worker while Cody says that he is a DJ. Cody CCs that a fun fact about him is that he used to be friends with Harrison Morris from Season 12. Being on Survivor, though, changed him and they stopped being friends. Hayes says that he is a bartender. Andrew says that, now that introductions are out of the way, they should start with the shelter. He CCs that he has no problem being the leader of the tribe, especially if it helps. While working on the shelter, Cody says that he knew Harrison Morris from Season 12. Dean says that he feels really sorry for him, CCing that Harrison was horrible to Lizzie so, naturally, he and Harrison don't get along. Cody says that Season 12 changed him for the worst and it was hard to see. He CCs that Harrison was tolerable and friendly but he grew to be a very cocky person a few months before he left. Then, after he came back, he never changed back. He dated Mackenzie and was really good friends with Sohrab and that was when things escalated. He says that Harrison started to believe that he was this super famous person and he got really close with Mackenzie and Sohrab, who convinced him to abandon all of his friends. What is worse is that Harrison was pushing people away with his huge ego that he developed a few months before he left for the game. He CCs that Harrison is dead to him. If he wants to be friends to him, he needs to apologize to him and everybody else he backstabbed. Dean says that he is also connected to Season 12. He says that his half sister is Lizzie Gullo. Brandon asks if he is "Dean Forsberg", to which Dean confirms. Brandon CCs that Dean is a legend for his wrath during and after Season 12. He hopes that he doesn't end up on his bad side. Brandon says that more people need siblings like Dean because Lizzie was treated horribly. Dean says that, at least, Hunter and Lizzie are together and they did amazing on The Amazing Race. Brandon says that he recognized another person connected to Season 12 and says that, when Cornilio said Kaylyn's name, he recognized her from what Joey cheated on her during the loved ones reward. Jack says that he recognized her as well. Sam says that he has only seen Seasons 2 and 6 so he has no idea who anybody is talking about. He CCs that he didn't need to watch all of the seasons. He got the jist of the show and then applied. Plus his girlfriend is obsessed with the show so that helps. Sam says that his girlfriend, Kristin (Wilkey), loves the show and encouraged him to apply ad even showed him those two seasons. Mike says that he and his wife, Emily, love the show. Brandon CCs that it is amazing that they can talk about their love of the show like this. He says that his favourite player is Renata.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Emma, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Alicia CCs that Alicia Bellmore, Alicia Caligaro, and Alicia Lorentzen were not likable and she wants to be the first likable Alicia. As they start to work on the shelter, Emma says that she is a nurse aide so, if anybody gets hurt, she will check out the injury first. She CCs that she wants people to rely on her. She wants people to depend on her. She was bred for this game! Nobody should trust her but they all will. Libby says that she is a flight operations coordinator. Emma says that she wasn't starting an introduction. Shontelle CCs that she feels confident with her tribe. Every one of them is a strong, powerful woman. However, she doesn't want this to be men versus women forever. Charlotte says that she has never done anything manual in her life. She says that her life is gourmet and she already knows that the lack of five star food is going to be hard for her. Alicia says that, at least, Charlotte can learn what this sort of thing is like firsthand. Charlotte CCs that she loves to cook amazing meals for herself. She used to be a professional chef, which is why she is able to do so, but now she is a caterer as she wants people to pay for her service firsthand. Charlotte says that she applied because she wanted to test herself. Alicia says that she should really be proud of herself for wanting to challenge herself because more people need to do that. Alicia CCs that she can tell that Charlotte is spoiled but she likes it when people want to try new things and so she respects her. Emma says that she applied because of her boyfriend. She says that he is a huge fan of the show and got her into it. Shontelle asks how long they have been together. Emma says that they have been together for 8 months. Shontelle CCs that it is amazing to see everybody get along. A loyal tribe is a successful tribe! Jessica and Charlotte are at the water well. Jessica CCs that she could not care less about anybody here but she wants to be safe. Jessica says that she wants an alliance with her, to which Charlotte agrees to. Jessica then says that she wants to work on getting Sarah out. Charlotte says that, as long as it isn't her, she is fine with that. Back at camp, Angel points out that Jessica and Charlotte have been gone for 15 minutes and says that the first alliance has formed. She CCs that she calls it as it is. She doesn't trust Charlotte or Jessica so she will throw the under a bus and repeatedly run them over with it. Kaylyn says that she is fine with targeting the two of them.
On Yesard (Andrew, Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Kyle talks to Sam about teaming up. Kyle CCs that Sam and him have a lot of common interests like sports and music. Kyle says that they can rule the game together. Sam says that he is up for that. He CCs that he wants to go down in Survivor history as the most ruthless player to ever play the game. Samuel Christopher Costa will become a household name. Kyle, Brandon, Andrew, Hayes, Sam, and Cody are all at the water well. Kyle CCs that he wants the best of the best with him. He chose the strongest guys, no doubt. He says that the alliance consists of himself, Sam, Andrew, Brandon, Cody, and Hayes. Kyle says that he feels confident with this group. The others agree. Sam says that they will kick ass for sure. Hayes CCs that he feels good with this group.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Emma, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Emma CCs that last night was rough on her. She has never done something like this before. Emma talks to Shontelle by the water and says that she wants them to win rewards because she is NOT eating rice for 39 days. Shontelle says that they will, no doubt, win a reward like that. Emma says that, in her real life, she has an amazing boyfriend and an amazing family and she misses them already. Shontelle tells her to keep hanging on. She CCs that she can understand how Emma feels but she knows that her family is proud of her for even making it on. Sarah talks to Libby and says that she is already really enjoying herself out here. Libby says that it is a bit tougher than she expected but she has no problems as she has been through worse. Libby CCs that she has an amazing daughter named Olivia. She says that Olivia is 6 years old and loves meeting new people. She says that she is also really polite. Libby says that she was in a horrible marriage with Olivia's father for 8 years and they got divorced a year ago. She CCs that she won't go into what happened in the marriage but it was rough. She says that nothing will compare to the last three years with him. Sarah says that she really respects her for being so strong and for getting out of a horrible marriage. Sarah CCs that, since last night, her and Libby have started talking a lot about their personal lives. She really feels like she can trust her in the game. At least for now. Charlotte is talking with Angel and Jessica and says that everybody getting along is not what she wants. She says that she wants to stir up trouble and turn people against each-other. She says that she could not care less about any of them. Charlotte CCs that Angel and Jessica are the only people she wants to ride with in this game. Nobody will suspect them and they will run the game. She knows that because she is used to having her way. Jessica says that the game has just started and she is already over everybody else. Angel CCs that Charlotte and Jessica view themselves as sharks but they are really minnows in shark costumes.
On Yesard (Andrew, Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Andrew, Cody, Dean, Hayes, and Sam are around the fire. Hayes says that he loves camping and used to start campfires all the time using whatever he could. He says that his parents taught him everything about this. Sam, visibly, rolls his eyes. Andrew CCs that, since the group has formed, Sam has been developing this attitude towards Dean, Hayes, and Jack. Andrew talks to Sam at the water well and says that he needs to stop giving Hayes attitude as they need to stay loyal to each-other. Sam says that he doesn't like Hayes or his dumb name and sees no reason to be loyal to him. Andrew CCs that Sam is getting on his last nerve. Andrew brings Hayes to the water well and says that Sam has a problem with him and, if the group is going to work out, they need to work things out. Hayes says that he has done nothing wrong to Sam. Sam says that he just doesn't like him. Hayes tells Sam to, at least, give him a chance because it has only been a couple days. Hayes CCs that Sam is being ridiculous right now. Brandon shows up and says that Dean has complained to him about Sam's attitude. He tells Sam that he needs to tone it down. Sam says that Dean should f*** off and mind his own business. Brandon CCs that Sam is becoming more trouble than it is worth. The Baneful Bros, which are Andrew, himself, Cody, Hayes, Kyle, and Sam, may have been made too early. Andrew says that this is a big concern that they need to nip in the butt. If Sam doesn't start treating people with respect, people will turn on him fast. He says that he is saying this as a friend and that he doesn't want to see Sam go. Sam apologizes to Hayes and says that he will treat him better. Hayes CCs that he doesn't trust or like Sam at all. He doesn't want him in the game, period.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Emma, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Alicia talks to Kaylyn in the shelter and says that she wants to target Charlotte and Jessica so badly. Kaylyn agrees, CCing that Charlotte and Jessica really seemed like sociable people at first but then they just started to hang out with each-other and it is becoming so obvious that they are aligned. Kaylyn says that they don't know how screwed they are. Charlotte and Jessica are in the water. Charlotte says that Shontelle is, no doubt, fake. She knows it. Jessica agrees and says that the fakest people on the tribe are Alicia, Kaylyn, and Shontelle. Charlotte CCs that it is her and Jessica in the end for sure. They have been plotting how they are going to take out everybody. She tells Jessica that the only other person she trusts aside from her and Angel. Charlotte CCs that Angel is a very real person. She speaks her mind a lot. Jessica says that Angel is the only other person she wants to associate herself with in the game.
On Yesard (Andrew, Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Sam CCs that Andrew has been looking out for him since Day 1 and he really appreciates it. He knows that it will be Andrew and him in the end and he knows that Andrew feels the same way because they are the best of friends in this game. Sam tells Andrew that he has his back and he wants his main loyalty to be to him (Sam). As Andrew tries to say that he doesn't want to make a Final 2 right now, Sam says that he knows that Andrew and him are really tight so he knows that they are good to the end. He says that it is set in stone. Andrew CCs that he is starting to get a little creeped out right now. Dean and Jack are talking in the shelter. Dean tells Jack that he has a feeling that they may be on the outs as the others don't talk to them much. Jack agrees and says that they need to find a way to split up Andrew and Sam. Dean agrees. He CCs that Jack and him have caught on that Andrew and Sam are a tight duo as they have been around each-other all day. There is a small montage of Dean finding the idol. He CCs that he knows that he is on the outs so he really needed this.
On Yesard (Andrew, Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Andrew CCs that it sucks that they lost but the Baneful Bros have the numbers. He just hopes that they can stay together long enough to vote together. Cody CCs that Sam has been clinging to Andrew since he called him out for how he was treating Hayes. It is insane but they need to focus on who of Dean, Jack, or Mike will go. Cody tells Hayes that he is Team Baneful Bros and they need to make it to the end somehow. Hayes says that it may be good to target Dean as the guy does not hold back and that is dangerous. Cody agrees and says that, if they play their cards right, it could be a unanimous vote. Cody CCs that he isn't really Team Baneful Bros but as long as he is in the majority, he doesn't care. Hayes tells Cody that it may be good to replace Sam with Jack or Mike. Cody completely agrees but says that Sam is connected to Andrew's hip to it will be hard to get Andrew on board. Hayes CCs that Sam is such a liability that he needs to go as soon as possible. Cody talks to Kyle, Brandon, Andrew, and Sam about how Hayes suggested Dean and he agrees with Dean being the biggest threat of Dean, Jack, and Mike. The others agree. Andrew suggests that they just keep this within the alliance while Cody and Kyle suggest trying to flip Jack and Mike since they wouldn't have the votes anyway. Kyle CCs that they have the numbers so, if they decide not to, it isn't like they will ever have the numbers. Kyle talks to Jack about targeting Dean and says that it is good to vote for Dean if Jack wants to stay in the numbers. Jack then goes and tells Dean. Jack CCs that he really trusts Dean so he needs to protect him. Dean CCs that Kyle may have just sealed his fate.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Dean uses the idol, convinced that he is the target.


Andrew votes for Dean
Brandon votes for Dean
Cody votes for Dean
Dean votes for Andrew
Hayes votes for Dean
Jack votes for Andrew
Kyle votes for Dean
Mike votes for Dean
Sam votes for Dean

With a vote of (7) -2, Andrew Ambrogi is the first castaway voted out.

Episode 2

Episode 2
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), on the way back to camp, Sam CCs that Dean is dead to him completely. He took Andrew away from his game and he is out for revenge. At camp, Sam calls Dean a bunch of random insults. He then kicks the flag. Dean CCs that Sam is dangerous and not because he is a threat to his game but because he is a threat to him personally. Sam has a complete meltdown in the shelter and almost tears it down before Brandon and Cody stop him. Brandon tells Sam that he needs to calm down RIGHT NOW. Brandon CCs that they are all blindsided as Andrew was seen as the leader of the alliance, despite Kyle making it. He says that Dean made a big move but Sam is taking things too far. Sam calls Dean a bunch of expletives. Cody tells Sam that it looks like he wants to hit Dean for making a good move for his game. Sam confirms that and says that, if it was allowed, he would send Dean to the hospital. Cody tells Sam that, if he even TOUCHES Dean, he WILL regret it. Cody CCs that the real piece of s**t is Sam and he wants him out NEXT.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Cody talks to Dean and says that, from now on, he has his back one hundred percent. He says that the move he pulled was great but it should have been Sam instead. Dean says that he understands and doesn't even want to be around Sam because he is fearful for his life. Cody says that he should be because Sam admitted that he was ready to send Dean to the hospital. Dean CCs that he is scared because it is clear that Sam is not all the way there and is too unpredictable. Mike talks to Kyle and says that it is clear that Sam is next so it is best that they think about what comes next. Kyle says that Brandon is a mega superfan and that makes him worry. Kyle CCs that he made this alliance too soon because the alliance is full of mega threats. Mike says that he is good with targeting Brandon. Mike CCs that he is taking a back step and letting other people play the mastermind role. He wants to play under the radar. Mike says that Brandon has spoken to him the least out of everybody so he is fine with that, for sure. Kyle says that he wants Mike to know that he is a super loyal guy. In his real life, he protects the people he cares about and he wants to protect Mike in the game. Mike appreciates that. Kyle CCs that the Baneful Bros is over for him. He needs to focus on individual allies and not a group. Jack tells Hayes that he and Dean felt alone in the game, which is why they made the move. Hayes says that he respects the move and it is what it is. He CCs that Andrew is gone and the fallout from Tribal Council made it clear who should go next. The guy is a loose cannon and a time bomb and he can't trust him at all. On top of that, he wanted HIM gone for no reason. Hayes tells Jack that he is good because they all know who is going next. As he walks up to the shelter (from behind), he hears Kyle say "Brandon and Hayes are huge threats" to Cody. Hayes CCs that he was NOT expecting this from Jack. He needs to tell Brandon about this. Hayes pulls Brandon aside and tells him that he just heard Kyle mention their names as threats to Cody. Brandon says that he was not expecting the alliance to be over so soon but it is what it is. Brandon CCs that he doesn't know how to respond to this.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Emma, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Angel CCs that their tribe has, suddenly, become so confusing. Everybody was against Charlotte and Jessica but she has started to hear Emma, Kaylyn, and HER name. At least she has Shontelle in the game, who is her closest ally. Angel tells Shontelle that the game is getting nuts. Shontelle agrees and says that Alicia has thrown out Emma's name, Libby has thrown out her (Angel's name), and Sarah has thrown out Kaylyn's name. Angel is, visibly, taken aback. She can't believe that Sarah and Kaylyn are targeting each-other. Shontelle says that, despite their connection with previous contestants, they must have no intention to work with each-other. Shontelle CCs that it is insane how things change in the game and she can't help but sit back and watch with Angel. The two of have have become very close friends in the game. Angel says that everybody just wants to start building their resume right away but they'll get knocked out first. Shontelle chuckles and agrees. Angel CCs that she will only strike if anybody believes Libby. She says that Libby is a great person but is a bad liar. Angel tells Shontelle that her wife, Leonda, is going to be proud that she is playing smart and laying low. Shontelle says that Angel's family must feel the same way. Angel says that they need to remain under the radar if they want a chance at the grand prize. Angel CCs that she trusts nobody in the game except for Shontelle and it may remain that way. Charlotte and Jessica are at the water well. Charlotte CCs that she can't help but spend a lot of time with Jessica. When she wants time away from the others, her and Jessica can gossip and talk about themselves. Charlotte says that she is the only one out of the four children to not be married and she really wants that. Jessica says that she will get married for sure. Charlotte says that every boyfriend she has ever had had been the jock type or the badass type and she is looking for somebody more humble and somebody who can handle her. Jessica says that she hears her. Charlotte says that, onto a different subject, she says that her parents have been amazing to her and her siblings and she was spoiled. Jessica says that her upbringing was the same way, although her parents had her work to learn things about the adult world. Charlotte says that she used to be a professional chef before she became a caterer. She says that, despite being very spoiled, she didn't want to rely on her parents forever. Jessica says that she felt the same way. Jessica CCs that she gets along very well with Charlotte and they spend a lot of time together. If people have a problem with it, they may be jealous. Emma is in the shelter alone with Shontelle. She says that she hates having to sleep out here and how they can't have nice meals. Shontelle says that they all knew what they signed up for. Emma CCs that she misses her family, good food, and her bed. Emma says that she has a good life at home. Shontelle asks why she even signed up for the show in the first place. Emma says that she is feeling VERY attacked right now. Shontelle says that she isn't attacking her and is asking a very valid question. Emma just storms off, CCing that nobody in the game cares about her. Kaylyn and Sarah are at the water well. Kaylyn says that, if the plan worked, people won't expect them. If the plan failed, one of them is going for sure. Kaylyn says that she is thinking that a majority of people will send Emma home as she is the easy target. Sarah agrees. Kaylyn CCs that Emma has gotten super emotional and it reminds her of Liz Guerra from Season 9 and nobody wants Liz 2.0. Sarah says that she wants to make it really far with her so Kaylyn can rub it in her ex's face. Kaylyn says that she wants to be in the finals with Sarah. Sarah says that she is ready to make this Final 2 happen! Sarah CCs that her and Kaylyn came up with the name "The Danger Duo" as it sounds like a comic book thing and her and Kaylyn love comic books. Elsewhere, Alicia is in the shelter with Shontelle. She says that she wants to take a break from game talk and jokes about how shocked anybody would be to hear that. Alicia CCs that she has been in game-bot mode since she came off the boat and she just needs to relax for a bit before it all blows up in her face like it has others in the past. Shontelle chuckles and says that she is okay with that. Alicia says that she wants somebody to know who she is, to which Shontelle says that it would be nice to get to know her a bit more. Alicia says that her full name is Alicia Brooklyn Cortes. She has two moms and two other siblings. She said that one of her moms is biological but she considers both of her moms to be birth parents to her since, in a way, they were. She loves them so much. She CCs that her parents are Danielle and Sabrina Cortes and nobody can say otherwise. Shontelle asks if she ever thought about the donor. Alicia says that nobody but the hospital knows so it isn't like the person would be like a dad to her anyway. She adds that she doesn't care. Shontelle says that she respects Alicia a lot and is so thankful that she got to know a bit about her. Shontelle CCs that it took Alicia 6 days but it is nice to see her open up about herself.
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Hayes CCs that it is time to send the destructive wildcard packing. The plan is to throw the Immunity Challenge. Mike tells Hayes that this may be the easiest vote in the entire franchise. Mike CCs that his children don't act the way Sam does and he is proud of them for not being that way. He says that Sam's aggression is worrying everybody and, if they don't take him out soon, Sam will explode and somebody WILL get hurt. Cody and Kyle talk a bit down the beach. Cody tells him that he wants to make sure that he is around Dean to keep him safe. Kyle says that Sam would be dumb to actually hit Dean. Kyle CCs that Sam has been super aggressive since Tribal but he doesn't think he would ACTUALLY strike somebody. Cody says that Sam should have gone instead of Andrew. Kyle agrees. In the shelter, Sam is alone. He talks to himself, saying that it is obvious that they all want him out and that nobody messes with Sam Poelman. As Dean walks towards Brandon, Sam gets up and walks towards Dean and knocks him to the ground. Brandon, Cody, Kyle, and Mike, immediately rush over and takes Sam off of Dean. Security rushes over and Sam is escorted away. Jack CCs that he will never forgive Sam for attacking Dean. He says that Sam is a horrible person. Cody CCs that he said that, if Sam attacked Dean, he will regret it. Now, he will as the world knows that he is a dangerous person. Hayes CCs that he wasn't near Dean when it happened and, now, he just wants to be near him to make sure that he is okay. Dean CCs that what Sam did left him shaking. The guy was so aggressive so he shouldn't have been surprised when he was jumped. He says that he just wanted to hold onto that feeling that it wouldn't happen on Survivor.
At the Challenge Arena, everybody is there. Cornilio says that, earlier, Sam assaulted Dean and was, thus, removed from the game. Emma then raises her hand and says that she wants to quit, which shocked EVERYBODY. Cornilio asks if she is sure. Emma says that she wants to go home and, that, nobody cares about her. Shontelle tells Cornilio that she asked Emma why she signed up for the experience when she knew what she was getting into and she flipped. Emma says that she didn't sign up to be ridiculed. Shontelle, obviously, frustrated, says that all Emma has done for three days is complain about wanting to go home and how she hates everything about the game. Cornilio says that, if Emma wants to go, she can go. Emma then says that she is quitting for sure. Cornilio says that Tribal Council will be cancelled but they will still have the Challenge. Instead of Immunity, the winning tribe will win a feast and an advantage for the next Immunity Challenge.
YESARD wins the second REWARD!
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Shontelle CCs that it is Day 6 and somebody has been ejected and somebody else walked. She says that she is still trying to process everything. Angel CCs that Emma just quit and she is already over it. She says that the Emma show is over and that is it. Sarah CCs that some people should not sign up for the game. When things don't go your way, you don't just run ... you face the music. Angel says that everybody wanted Emma out anyway. The others agree. Angel CCs that Emma did everybody's work for them. She was uncomfortable to be around so they didn't need to throw any challenge to get rid of her. Jessica says that Sam assaulting Dean was horrific and she is glad that he is gone, even though none of them were on that other tribe. The others agree. Jessica CCs that Sam resorting to violence is scary so she is glad that nobody else has to deal with him.
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Brandon CCs that a part of him is still shocked at Sam. He also was not expecting Emma to quit the game. Dean CCs that Sam did this to himself. No apology will make him forgive him.
The episode ends.

Episode 3

Episode 3
Andrew awaits in a cabin as Cornilio approaches him. He says that, while he was going to attend a tribal council and vote, Sam was ejected and Emma walked, meaning that Tribal Council is cancelled. Cue the opening.
Opening Credits
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Libby talks to Alicia and says that she just does not trust Angel at all. Alicia says that Angel seems nice but has not spoken to her much. She CCs that she has not trusted Angel since Day 2 when Angel brought up her name to Sarah as to who the weakest people on the tribe were. Libby says that she isn't weak unlike what Angel thinks. Alicia says that Angel may see a more competitive side to Libby now since it is Day 7. Libby says that she needs to talk to Angel about this. Elsewhere, Charlotte and Jessica are at the water well. Charlotte says that she doesn't see Alicia as a strong person. Jessica says the same about Sarah. Charlotte CCs that they need to figure out who will be the next target. Jessica says that, after Sarah, they go after Alicia. Charlotte says that she could care less about Alicia so she is fine with that, to which Jessica agrees. Jessica CCs that she is ready to get rid of some of the people in their tribe.
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Mike talks Dean about how proud of him he is for staying in the game after all that. He says that he is here if he needs to vent. Dean thanks him. Mike CCs that he wants to be the father figure to everybody in the tribe and he hopes that, if they like him enough for it, he won't be voted out. Cody talks to Mike about how his family accepted him when he came out as bisexual. Mike says how that is wonderful. Cody says that all of his friends know and he is just lucky his family was just as supportive. Cody CCs that he misses his family a lot, which is why he is glad Mike is here to be the dad away from home. Kyle tells Mike that he has proven to be super trustworthy. He says that he wants the two of them to go far. Mike agrees and says that he feels like they can really go far together. Kyle CCs that Mike is very likable and very trustworthy. Brandon tells Mike that he does not get along with his parents at all, which is okay with him. He says that he was great at sports and joined so many clubs and he was still neglected. In the end, he is happy that he did that but is also happy that he let it go and is living for himself. Brandon CCs that venting to Mike makes him feel better. He is like an actual parental figure and he feels like he never had that. Mike CCs that, out of everybody, he can't see himself manipulating Brandon. He says that the guy is super sweet and lacks support. Brandon says that it was just him and his older brother, Toby (Desroches), who was the favourite. He was told by his dad that he was actually a mistake, which hurt a lot. Mike says that his parents are downright awful people. Brandon says that he agrees. Mike says that the two of them have really bonded and, after this, he wants him to join the Talettis for dinner. Mike CCs that he and Brandon have bonded so much over the past 3 days and the guy deserves to be surrounded by love.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Kaylyn tells Sarah that she has been dating this amazing person for 8 months named Stephanie (Bach). Sarah says that she hopes it works out really well. Kaylyn says that she hopes so too. Kaylyn CCs that Sarah is, no doubt, her number one ally in the game. They talk so much strategy together and they know a lot about each-other. Kaylyn says that, real talk, they need to do what they can to make sure nobody even mentions them at all. Sarah says that she has been very secretive about the two of them. Sarah CCs that The Danger Duo may or may not run the game. She doesn't want to be too overconfident as that will destroy her game. Kaylyn says that she feels really good with Alicia, Libby and Shontelle but is unsure about Angel. Sarah says that she feels really good with Libby and Shontelle. Kaylyn says that they need to make sure that they are good with everybody. Kaylyn CCs that she is not worried about controlling the vote like others are. She just wants to make it through to the next round. Elsewhere, Alicia talks to Libby about how she is so annoyed that Charlotte and Jessica chose to isolate themselves. Libby says that it will be their fault if they lose. Alicia CCs that, since Day 1, Charlotte and Jessica have chosen to just socialize with themselves. It seemed like Angel was with them but even she hasn't hung out with those two in awhile. Alicia says that she is ready to split them up. Alicia walks up to Jessica and asks if they can talk. In private, Alicia says that she likes her but everybody else is annoyed at them. Jessica is confused, to which Alicia says that, at the next Tribal Council, she plans to vote one of them out to split them up. Jessica CCs that she is SHOCKED that Alicia had the balls to tell her that. Privately, Charlotte and Jessica talk. Jessica tells Charlotte what Alicia said. Charlotte says that Alicia is just jealous of them. She says that Alicia and Sarah need to go. Jessica says that she can help rally people up to get Alicia out. Charlotte says that they are good with everybody on the tribe so that will be easier done than said. Charlotte CCs that Alicia just declared war and she is going to regret it. Charlotte goes right up to Libby and says that Alicia is gone, end of story. Libby is really confused, to which Charlotte says that Alicia is gone at the next Tribal Council. Libby tells Charlotte that she is not going to do what she says just because she wants it that way. Libby CCs that she doesn't like Charlotte's entitled attitude at all. Jessica talks to Angel and says that Alicia is dangerous and needs to go. Angel says that, since they are good friends in the game, she will think about it. Jessica CCs that Jessica Laguas is not gone yet.
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Brandon is talking to Mike about how he thinks Kyle is very sneaky. Mike says that he hasn't seen Kyle be sneaky but he trusts his (B) word. Brandon thanks him and says that he is also unsure of Jack and where he stands in the game. Brandon CCs that when you play the game, you understand the paranoia. Kyle talks to Dean about how he doesn't trust Cody that much. He says that it may be good for Cody to be targeted next. Jack says that he was on the bottom in the Andrew vote so, if Kyle wants Cody gone, he will vote his way. Kyle CCs that he really made a mistake in choosing the biggest threats for the alliance. Hopefully, he can right this by taking the biggest threat out: Cody Berry. Jack CCs that, despite Kyle being a good option for an ally, he feels like it will only be good if Kyle made an alliance with him and Dean as he trusts Dean the most. Jack talks to Dean about, potentially, allying with Kyle. Dean says that he is unsure as Brandon, Cody, Hayes, and Kyle are all going after each-other and if may just be best to just ally with Mike. Jack sees his point. Jack CCs that every move in this game matters so he needs to be really cautious. Thankfully, there are times when he and Dean can just talk about whatever and there is something he wants to tell him.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle),Angel CCs that the scrambling is going to skyrocket. At least, if it gets too much, she can talk to Shontelle about whatever. She is, no doubt, her closest ally. Charlotte and Jessica are at the water well. Jessica tells her that they should calm down on the gossip talk. The last thing they need is to be known as Alicia and Evie 2.0. Charlotte agrees and says that they have been going overboard with it lately. Jessica CCs that they need to focus on how to get Alicia out. Charlotte tells Shontelle that they need to make a big move in this game. Shontelle asks what kinda move that would be. Charlotte tells her that she wants to vote for Alicia. Charlotte CCs that she will not rest until Alicia is out. Shontelle CCs that she can see how Alicia is a threat. The only question is, if Alicia goes, will Charlotte and Jessica isolate themselves again. Angel and Libby are at the water well. Angel says that the people on the block are Alicia, Charlotte, and Jessica. However, it may be good for them to target Sarah. Libby agrees and says that Sarah has what it takes to be really sneaky in this game. Angel CCs that nobody will see Sarah coming and she could dominate this game. Libby says that, if they can get the votes, they should go for it and then target the twins (C and J) next round. Libby CCs that this could be a really big move and she is excited. Angel talks to Shontelle and says that tonight is huge for them. Shontelle agrees. She CCs that her two biggest allies in the game are Angel and Libby. If they both vote one way, she will vote with them. They have both come up to her and mentioned Sarah. At the same time, though, Sarah could be good for their tribe.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Andrew joins them but sits away from them. Alonzo reveals that, after a person is voted out, they will be allowed to vote in the next Tribal Council. Other than that, not much conversation happens.


Alicia votes for Charlotte
Angel votes for Charlotte
Charlotte votes for Alicia
Jessica votes for Alicia
Kaylyn votes for Charlotte
Libby votes for Charlotte
Sarah votes for Charlotte
Shontelle votes for Charlotte

Andrew votes for Jessica

With a vote of 6-2-1, Charlotte Woodward is the second castaway voted out.

Episode 4

Episode 4
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), as they walk back to camp, Jessica CCs that she just lost her closest ally in the game to a near unanimous vote. While she is curious about the vote for her, she is more worried about going next. Angel CCs that, with Charlotte gone, Jessica is up for grabs. At the same time though, she is also an easy target. At camp, Jessica says that there was no need to rub salt in the wound by voting for her. She says that it, legit, accomplished nothing. She says that ALL of them are cowards. Alicia says that it was Charlotte or her and they chose Charlotte. Jessica says that Charlotte did not deserve to go home! Alicia says that all Charlotte and Jessica did was isolate themselves for 9 days! Alicia CCs that Jessica is acting bananas and she is ready for her to go next.
It is Night 3!

Andrew walks up to a sign after being voted out and reads that he has the opportunity to get back into the game or choose to leave. He chooses to fight. He CCs that he feels so blindsided but he respects the move and it is what it is. He plans to get back into the game and win. He arrives at the cabin where he finds a note saying that after being voted out, that castaway will, not only have the opportunity to get back into the game but also vote at the next Tribal Council. He CCs that this is HUGE. He hopes the guys lose again so he can vote Sam out. He does not want him to be there when he returns to the game.

It is Night 6!
Alonzo tells Andrew that Tribal is cancelled tonight due to Sam being ejected and Emma quitting. After he leaves, Andrew CCs that it is insane that Sam was ejected but this is good for his game when he returns. It is Night 9!
Charlotte comes across the same sign. Charlotte CCs that she wants to get back into the game and vote Alicia out. She refuses to let her game end here. As she enters the cabin and her and Andrew hug, she reads the note and gets excited. Charlotte CCs that it looks lie she will get her revenge sooner than she thought. Andrew asks about Emma but Charlotte says that a quitter like her doesn't deserve acknowledgement and the same goes with Sam. Andrew says that he understands where she is coming from. Charlotte CCs that all she cares about is re-entering the game. That is all. Alonzo enters the cabin and says that, as they know, whoever is voted out will have that opportunity to get back into the game. He says that, due to what happened on Day 6, there will now be TWO opportunities to get back in and the first one will be tomorrow morning. The two of them are excited. After Alonzo leaves, Andrew tells Charlotte that they can both win the two opportunities. He says that, once they are both back in, he wants them to work together. Charlotte says that she is, completely, okay with that.

Opening Credits
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike, Sam), Jack CCs that he has a secret that he doesn't mind the whole world knowing. He wants to be a good representative of his community. Everybody is gathered at the shelter. He CCs that, at first, he didn't want this to be his story or to have people treat him differently. Now, he wants people to know because he wants them to accept him as who he is. Jack says that he wasn't really open about his past because of who he used to be. He says that he doesn't want people to label him differently or treat him differently. Mike says that he will always accept him for who he is and he will stand up if people treat him differently. The others all agree that they won't treat him any differently. Jack says that he is transgender, to which he gets support from the others. Dean CCs about how brave Jack is while Hayes CCs that he knows people who are transgender and will always fight for them. Jack CCs that he appreciates the support.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Jessica is alone in the shelter. She CCs that she needs to move on but she sincerely doesn't like anybody else on her tribe. Libby approaches her and sits down, CCing that she wants to give Jessica another chance. She tells Jessica that she should socialize more with the others. She says that, yeah, it is, no doubt, hard losing Charlotte, that doesn't mean her game is over. Jessica CCs that Libby has a point.
At the Challenge Arena, Alonzo tells everybody that there will be two opportunities for the castaways to get back into the game. He also says that, as he told Grezant, the most recently voted out castaway WILL vote at the next Tribal Council. He then says that the first opportunity to get back into the game starts today. Andrew and Charlotte come out. Mike CCs that this is incredibly intense. Jessica CCs that she is rooting for Charlotte. Cody CCs that Andrew was an amazing ally and he would love to see him come back in. Libby CCs that Charlotte coming back into the game is bad for her game. Kyle CCs that EVERYTHING fell apart when Andrew left so, if he returns, it may be even more unpredictable. Dean CCs that he was the reason why Andrew left so he is worried about him coming back in. ANDREW wins the Challenge. He CCs that, today, Andrew Ambrogi gets another shot at the million!
On Yesard, Dean CCs that he is in huge trouble now as Andrew coming back was the worst outcome for him. Everybody welcomes Andrew back. Cody CCs that, as Andrew will find out, the Baneful Bros all turned on each-other. Cody and Andrew are at the water well. Cody tells Andrew that, before he does anything, the Baneful Bros are over. Andrew is really shocked. Andrew CCs that a lot happened in 7 days, for sure. Cody says that Brandon, Hayes, and Kyle are all targeting each-other. Andrew is shocked and says that way too much happened while he was gone. Cody says that it is the nature of the game. Cody CCs that he needs Andrew to adapt as he needs him as an ally. Kyle talks to Dean and says that he doesn't know how to feel about Andrew coming back. He CCs that Andrew leaving allowed him to see that the other Baneful Bros need to go. He says that, even if he has to take the shot against Andrew, he will. Dean says that it was unexpected, for sure. He asks what Avila would do. Kyle jokes that Avila would kick everybody's asses because she is not afraid of ANYBODY. They chuckle. Kyle CCs that if his fiancee, Avila, was competing, she would dominate the game for sure. Kyle says that she would probably kick HIS ass if he didn't fight for his life in the game. They also chuckle at that. Kyle CCs that Avila is the toughest woman he knows and he loves that about her. She does not take any bulls**t or give people bulls**t either.
On Grezant (Alicia, Angel, Charlotte, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), Angel talks to Alicia about how Sarah will dominate this game if they don't watch out. Angel CCs that her biggest competition is Sarah. Everybody likes her and nobody is targeting her. Alicia says that she does feel the same way. She says that she is good with most of the people on the tribe. Alicia also adds that Shontelle is the same way. Alicia CCs that Sarah and Shontelle are in the best positions in the tribe. Angel says that Shontelle is trustworthy and wouldn't go against them. As for Sarah, they need to act fast, to which Alicia agrees. Angel CCs that, thankfully, she is really good with Shontelle so that is another vote for Sarah. Jessica and Libby talk. Libby says that she will be honest that it will take some time for people to trust her because all she did was hang out with Charlotte. Jessica says that she understands and hopes to work to get back in everybody's graces. Libby says that she has no problem working with her as long as she never backstabs her. Jessica agrees to that and says that she does not want Libby to backstab her, to which Libby agrees to. Libby CCs that she wants Jessica in her debt, no doubt. She also genuinely feels bad for her and wants to help her. It's conflicting. Libby talks to Shontelle about them keeping Jessica for another round since she doesn't have anybody else. Shontelle says that it is her fault that she is that way. Libby says that they can use Jessica now that Charlotte is gone. Libby CCs that Jessica is on her way out so, if she saves her, she wants Jessica to be loyal to her and mainly her. Shontelle talks with Jessica at the water well. She says that she has Libby to thank that she now has a bigger shot in the game. She says that, like the others, she wanted Jessica out next but Libby brought up good points as she has nobody now. Jessica says that she will be super loyal to her and Libby, CCing that Libby just saved her and she can't be any more grateful for what she did. As for Shontelle, she didn't need to be rude to her.
Libby CCs that she has worked hard to save Jessica so, now, it is time to see if it was worth the effort. Libby tells Kaylyn and Sarah that Jessica can help them so it makes no sense to get rid of her right away. Kaylyn CCs that Libby is bringing up some good points when it comes to keeping Jessica around. However, that means finding another target. Kaylyn says that they just need to think of another target. Sarah chimes in and says that they can always target Angel. Kaylyn says that she is unsure. Sarah CCs that Angel is very sneaky and very manipulative. She also knows that Angel is coming after her. Sarah is talking with Shontelle and says that there is one person who they need to watch out for and that is Angel, which shocks Shontelle. Shontelle CCs that Angel is her closest ally and Sarah is now targeting her, which makes sense as Angel wants her out. So, Sarah might've caught on. Sarah tells Shontelle that Angel may not be loyal to anybody and could Joni or Gino her way to the end. Maybe even Cinto her way there. Sarah CCs that it is a risk as Shontelle and Angel seem close but it's a risk worth taking. Maybe. Later, Angel and Shontelle are at the water well. Shontelle tells Angel that Sarah wants her out badly so it may be the two of them on the chopping block tonight.Elsewhere, Angel is talking to Shontelle about targeting Sarah. She says that the two of them are good so she hopes that she can vote her way tonight. Angel CCs that this could be her last stand.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, Charlotte joins them but sits away from them.


Alicia votes for Sarah
Angel votes for Sarah
Jessica votes for Angel
Kaylyn votes for Angel
Libby votes for Angel
Sarah votes for Angel
Shontelle votes for Sarah

Charlotte votes for Alicia

With a vote of 4-3-1, Angel Lockey is the third castaway voted out.

Episode 5

Episode 5
On Grezant (Alicia, Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, Sarah, Shontelle), as they head back to camp, Shontelle CCs that she was, completely, blindsided. They HAD the votes! They get back to camp. Shontelle CCs that she spoke with Jessica and Libby and it turns out that they chose to vote the other way and not even tell her. Alicia says that she wished she knew where the votes were going. Alicia CCs that she was just targeting Angel three days ago. They bonded, yes, but nobody told her of any other plan. It is clear to her that she is at the bottom and the people at the top are Jessica, Kaylyn, Libby, and Sarah. Sarah says that it will be hard for her to forget the vote because she was almost voted out. Alicia tells Sarah that nobody told her anything so she went along with Angel's plan. Sarah says that Angel's plan got her voted out. Alicia gets pissed off and tells Sarah that she better not act all high and mighty because of the vote. Alicia CCs that Sarah is pissing her off. Shontelle pulls Libby aside and asks why she wasn't told about the vote. Libby says that Angel was sneaky, manipulative, and the two of them were close. Shontelle does a double take and asks if Libby took out Angel because her and Angel were friends in the game. Libby says that what's done is done. Libby CCs that her and Shontelle were good allies but her and Angel were closer. By taking out Angel, Shontelle would focus more on her. Shontelle CCs that, when she gets the chance, Libby is GONE.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Alicia and Shontelle are at the water well. Alicia says that it is VERY obvious that the two of them are on the bottom now. Shontelle agrees and says that Libby confirmed with her last night that Angel left because her and Angel were close. Alicia says that Libby should not be underestimated and maybe they should have made a move on HER instead of Sarah. Alicia CCs that she is shocked that she is in this situation now. Shontelle CCs that she is so incredibly pissed off at Libby right now. Alicia says that she will admit that she wanted Angel gone before the Charlotte vote but things changed and now the two of them are paying the price. Alicia paces back in forth in frustration. Shontelle CCs that it's time for her and Alicia to turn the tables on the rest of their tribe. Alicia sits down and says that she didn't know a single thing about Angel. Shontelle says that she is a 28 year old chef. No siblings, good relationship with her parents, and was single with no kids. Alicia says that the two of them must have been close for Angel to reveal ANYTHING about herself. She CCs that Angel was not open about who she is, which sucked because she was a fun person to be around.
On Yesard (Brandon, Dean, Hayes, Jack, Kyle, Mike), Kyle talks to Cody and tells him that it could be good to remake the Fatality Boys but with less people. He CCs that that a new alliance is in order. He is fine with Andrew playing the leader again but he wants to make sure that he, Kyle, is safe. Cody says that he can see the benefit so they should talk to Andrew later. Brandon is with Mike in the shelter. Mike tells Brandon that he wants Andrew to stick around for awhile. Brandon agrees. Mike says that Andrew can be a good vote on their side. He CCs that everybody is STILL blindsided over Andrew coming back but it could be good for them as Andrew and Brandon were allies in this "Fatality Boys" alliance. Brandon says that they should talk to Andrew about a three person alliance as soon as possible. He CCs that he may be in a good position right now but the game changes every hour. Brandon talks to Andrew on the beach. He says that he feels confident with him back. Andrew says that he feels the same with Brandon and, that, he is still an open number for an alliance. Andrew CCs that he needs to lay low or else he will be targeted again. If people want to make alliances with him, he won't decline. At the shelter, Mike tells Andrew and Brandon that the three of them could rule this game. They have the smarts and the physical capabilities to do so. Andrew says that they would need two more numbers to make an alliance. Mike says that Dean and Jack should be good. Mike CCs that taking majority was easier than he thought. What is good is that the people on the outs are all targeting each-other.
On Grezant, Kaylyn is at the water well with Sarah. She tells Sarah that the under the radar game may be over for them because of the last vote and what happened after. Kaylyn CCs that she wanted to play under the radar but, now, it looks like playing a more direct game will be good for them. They need to avoid looking like the next Angel. Kaylyn says that it is clear that they are in a good position right now but she doesn't want to feel comfortable. Sarah says that she feels very comfortable right now and Kaylyn should too. Sarah CCs that her move against Angel took out the one person who was gunning for her for days. She feels like she can finally relax but Kaylyn can not.
On Yesard, Hayes is talking to Andrew in the shelter. He says that he is very used to life in the wild as his parents taught him survival skills every 2nd weekend with their trips when he was in high school. He CCs that he is like a younger version of Survivor Joe. He says that he knows how to prepare fish well with very little ingredients and supplies because he has had to. Andrew says that he would like to learn how to fish sometime, with Hayes offering to help. Hayes CCs that he could use his knowledge to help him in the game. The only problem is he has yet to because he wants to be seen as the main supplier and teaching others how to do things will only make him more expendable. Andrew says that he really appreciates what Hayes has done for the tribe, CCing that Hayes has been the one mainly getting fish, setting up the fire, and cooking. He is also super nice so he doesn't know why Brandon and Kyle want him gone so bad. Hayes tells Andrew that, despite Brandon and Kyle wanting him out, he knows that the two want each-other out more. Andrew says that it sucks how everybody turned on each-other. Hayes CCs that he heard his name come from Kyle's mouth and that escalated fast. Soon, everybody's name was being thrown out by the former members of the Fatality Boys. Hayes says that, after Kyle said his name, he went to Brandon, who decided to confront Kyle, who then tried to turn Brandon against him. Then they all had a huge fight, which then lead to all three of them targeting each-other. Andrew CCs that Kyle being at the center of this surprises him.
On Grezant, Shontelle and Libby talk at the water well. Libby asks if they are good, to which Shontelle says they are. Shontelle CCs that Libby is her main target but she doesn't want her to know that. Libby says that is good and apologizes for not cluing Shontelle about the vote. Libby CCs that the best path forward is to patch things up and never try and be deceitful to her again. She promises to be honest to her about everything from now on, to which Shontelle appreciates that. Libby CCs that her next target is Alicia.
On Yesard, Cody talks to Mike about how they should target the weakest person on the tribe. He says that Brandon, Hayes, and Kyle want each-other out badly but all three of them are strong and can help the tribe. Mike says that he agrees, CCing that it is not good to target the three strongest competitors on their tribe. Cody says that the two weakest people on their tribe are Dean and Jack. Mike says that he has bonded with Jack more so he is fine with Dean going. He CCs that it sucks but he doesn't want to be in this position again until the merge so a weak competitor has to go. Cody talks to Andrew about how it would be better for them to target Dean as he is the weakest person on the tribe. Cody CCs that Yesard needs to remain strong or else they will truly crumble. He tells him that the three targeting each-other is destroying them from the inside. Andrew agrees and says that the three of them need to make a truce for now. Mike talks to Brandon and says that Cody has suggested going after Dean as he is the weakest. Brandon is unsure as Kyle is coming after him hard and it will be good for them if he goes. Mike doesn't understand how that will benefit the both of them as Kyle is just one person. Brandon says that Kyle was the person who MADE the Fatality Boys so he is very influential. Brandon CCs that Kyle's threat level is high and this may be the only opportunity to take this shot. When Cody approaches Kyle about the plan for Dean to go, Kyle is adamant about Brandon being a huge threat that could influence everybody. Kyle CCs that he is good with Cody so he hopes that he understands that the mega fan of the show needs to go.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, stuff happens. When a tie happens between Brandon, Cody, Dean, and Kyle, Tribal gets chaotic as Andrew, Hayes, Jack, and Mike (and Angel) are the only votes eligible. There is a lot of drama but Brandon takes the time to out Kyle as the person who started the drama between him, Kyle, and Hayes. While Kyle and Brandon end up in a screaming match, Cody then speaks up and confirms that the conversation happened, which was the final nail in the coffin for Kyle.


Andrew votes for Dean
Brandon votes for Kyle
Cody votes for Dean
Dean votes for Cody
Hayes votes for Brandon
Jack votes for Cody
Kyle votes for Brandon
Mike votes for Kyle

Angel votes for Andrew

Andrew votes for Kyle
Brandon can not vote
Cody can not vote
Dean can not vote
Hayes votes for Kyle
Jack votes for Kyle
Kyle can not vote
Mike votes for Kyle

Angel votes for Kyle

With a vote of 2-2-2-2-1/5-0, Kyle Romblon is the fourth castaway voted out.