Vitosian Survivor Season 15: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 3

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This is the Part 3 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 15!

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Episode 11

Episode 11
As they head back to camp, Libby CCs that she was almost voted out and that was a huge wake-up call for her. Kaylyn CCs that Libby had an idol and then voted for her. Somehow, she didn't leave. When they are back at camp, Shontelle asks who voted for Kyle. Jack CCs that, if he and Dean confess, they will get heat for it. Shontelle asks again. Libby says that it is clear that most people voted for her and Shontelle is paranoid about who voted for Kyle. Jack CCs that, thankfully, Libby was there to help, albeit unintentionally. Shontelle says that Libby is flip-floppy and untrustworthy. Libby says that if anybody is untrustworthy, it is SHONTELLE. Case in point, the Jessica vote and the Sarah vote. Shontelle says that she voted out Jessica and Sarah because of what happened to Angel. Libby says that she got her revenge already! Cody CCs that he'll admit to taking advantage of Shontelle's want for revenge as that means that she won't vote for them to go. It helped them get what they both wanted: it saved him during the Jessica vote and she gets her revenge. Libby tells everybody that Shontelle will not rest until she gets what she wants and THAT is more dangerous than her (Libby). She CCs that she is one foot out of the game already so she needs to think of a new strategy.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Cody is alone in the forest. He CCs that he is shocked that Kyle is gone. He still has Andrew, Shontelle and Brandon but he wasn't expecting Kyle to be the first one out of the alliance. A part of him expected himself. In the shelter, Dean, Jack, Alicia and Kaylyn are relaxing. Dean CCs that he took advantage of Libby threatening to play her idol and took out Kyle. He feels like Kyle going will help flip Brandon back. Later, Libby talks to Kaylyn by the water well. She apologizes about how she acted the past couple of days. Libby CCs that her first step to take back control is to apologize to Kaylyn as it was wrong to go at her in the first place. She says that she takes responsibility for her actions. She then says that they need to take Shontelle out as they are the last two people who voted for Angel. Kaylyn CCs that she doesn't know if she can trust Libby but she is right about Shontelle's warpath being bad for both of their games. Kaylyn tells Libby that, from now on, no more random flip floppiness from her. She does not want Libby to turn on her randomly again. Libby says that it is them two to the very end. Kaylyn CCs that she doesn't know if she can trust Libby again but she won't deny a truce if it means getting out a huge threat to them. Kaylyn says that she doesn't know where Alicia stands. Libby says the same. Alicia is by the water, alone. Alicia CCs that, throughout the game, she has played under the radar. She has let people go after each-other. In an odd twist, though, Shontelle, her closest ally, has stopped the strategy talks since before the failed Libby vote. She feels like she has moved on and, right now, she has nobody. Alicia talks with Jack and Kaylyn in the shelter. She says that she does not have a single person in the game right now and says that the one person who she was close with abandoned her. Dean comes by and Jack repeats what Alicia said. Dean tells Alicia that it is time for Shontelle to go. Dean CCs that this is the perfect opportunity for him to get the numbers. Dean says that they could all team up and take out Shontelle. The others are good with that idea. Alicia CCs that she wants to be more active in the game now and this is how she plans to do it. Elsewhere, Andrew and Cody are at the water well. Cody says that losing Kyle sucked but they can't lose hope. The Brogade is still strong. He CCs that they need to move on and try to take out Libby again. It is clear that she will try and manipulative whoever. Once they take her out, they will have Kaylyn on their side. Cody says that they have Shontelle, Brandon, and will, soon, have Kaylyn. After that, they control the votes. Cody CCs that the name of his game is "pandering". He will vote for who you want gone but he expects the favour to be repaid. As long as who you don't want gone is any member of the Brogade, he is good. Cody talks with Kaylyn about how Libby will flip on her again and they can't have that. He says that, as allies, he is looking out for her. Kaylyn says that she knows that but also can't ignore Shontelle as well. Cody CCs that Kaylyn just brought up Shontelle and this is bad as Shontelle is very loyal to him. Cody says that Shontelle has not, once, brought up her name to him and just brought up Libby as the last person she wants out. Kaylyn says that what he says is reassuring. She just wants to make the best decision for her game right now. She CCs that she can't just sit and wait. This is a move she has to make at this next Tribal Council. Brandon and Jack are in the water. Brandon tells him that he wanted Kyle out later but, at least, he is gone. He CCs that his revenge plan came to an abrupt halt and he wasn't a part of Kyle going, which sucks. Jack says that, now that Kyle is gone, he hopes that Brandon is on their side again. Jack CCs that Brandon was with Kyle, Cody and Andrew, who Dean and him noticed is a trio. That is why they targeted Kyle and not Brandon.
KAYLYN wins Reward and chooses to take along Alicia with her to a hot dog and hamburger feast.
During the reward, Kaylyn says that she wanted to get to know her more. Alicia thanks her for bringing her along. She CCs that she hasn't been the most open about herself but feels like she can with Kaylyn as she feels this trust towards her. Kaylyn CCs that Alicia and her are each-other's only chances to get to the end now. Everybody else will backstab each-other five times over.
Shontelle talks with Cody and says that, after Libby, she wants to go for Kaylyn next. Cody says that he was thinking about going for Dean next but Shontelle says that she would rather go for Libby. Cody says that he is just looking for diversity in their voting. Shontelle says that she will vote for who she wants regardless. Cody CCs that Shontelle appears to be under the impression that she will be controlling every vote. Cody talks with Andrew and Brandon about how Shontelle wants to control every vote. Cody says that they can take out Shontelle when they no longer need her vote. It is cruel but it is the truth in this game. Cody CCs that people can see him as a a heartless villain for that but Shontelle getting to the end and claiming the Jessica and Sarah votes is not what he needs. Sooner or later, she will go. Andrew says that, after Libby, if she doesn't want to vote their way, she can go because he does not need to deal with a wildcard. Andrew CCs that they have gone with the idea of going ahead with Shontelle's revenge but there is a point where it needs to end before THEY look like the ones being manipulated. Alicia and Kaylyn return from the reward. Alicia CCs that she needed that reward. Shontelle and Alicia talk by the water well. She says that she knows they haven't talked much but she needs her vote for Libby to go after the immunity challenge. Shontelle CCs that she can feel the power going to her head but she HAS the power right now and she wants to take advantage of it before it is gone. She tells Alicia that Libby is dangerous and very manipulative. She CCs that, contrary to belief, she is no longer wanting revenge for Angel. After the Sarah vote, she is just using that to get what she wants in the game. In a game like this, you HAVE to be manipulative and Libby is just a huge threat to her game. Alicia tells her that she will think about it. When Shontelle insists, Alicia says that she will vote as an ally, not just as a number for her. Brandon and Dean are alone in the shelter. Dean asks if he is still close with Cody and Andrew, who are, no doubt, together and running this game. Brandon tells him that he doesn't know if he can turn on them just yet because it is just the two of them. Dean CCs that Brandon being in Cody and Andrew's pocket is bad for his game.
ALICIA wins Immunity! She CCs that the wrong person winning this would have been disastrous. Thankfully, she is a non entity to a lot of people in the game right now so her winning means nothing but safety for herself.
Dean CCs that he knows how he wants to vote but it is all up in the air for everybody else. Dean and Jack are by the water well. Jack tells him that he trusts Alicia enough to vote with them but Kaylyn could be swayed. Dean says that the only other option is to try and convince Andrew and Cody. Jack says that he doesn't trust them, though, CCing that trusting the wrong people here will send one of them out of the game. The two of them have not voted with them so he doesn't trust that they will this time. Dean talks with Andrew and Cody and says that he feels like Shontelle is a really big threat. Andrew CCs that he is unsure if he wants to let go of Shontelle just yet. Andrew talks with Brandon and says that Dean just approached him and Cody about Shontelle. Brandon says that losing Shontelle right now could be bad for them but he isn't too sure. He says that they should go through with it if they get more allies in the process. Brandon CCs that he will turn on the alliance in a couple of rounds. Right now, he needs to be secured and, oddly enough, that is with Andrew, Cody and Shontelle. Brandon talks with Cody about the plan to send Shontelle packing. Cody says that it is a risky one for sure but she is trying to control the votes and they can't look like coattail riders. Elsewhere, Kaylyn talks to Andrew and says that she is hoping that they can switch the vote from Libby to Shontelle and she will be super loyal to them. Andrew CCs that he is so confused about this vote!
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, stuff happens. Cornilio gives the a heads up that the next Tribal Council is tomorrow!


Alicia votes for Shontelle
Andrew votes for Shontelle
Brandon votes for Shontelle
Cody votes for Shontelle
Dean votes for Shontelle
Jack votes for Shontelle
Kaylyn votes for Shontelle
Libby votes for Shontelle
Shontelle votes for Libby

With a vote of 8-1, Shontelle is the tenth castaway voted out and is the fourth member of the jury.

As they return to camp, Libby CCs that Shontelle is gone and she can relax now, thankfully. Libby thanks them. In the morning, Cody and Kaylyn talk by the water well. He says that he hopes that they can continue to work together in this game. Kaylyn says that they will, no doubt. She CCs that she finds Cody to be trustworthy and he even kept his word! Alicia and Kaylyn are talking by the water. Kaylyn says that, with Shontelle out, they need to think of the next target. Alicia says that they both know they can't trust Libby. Kaylyn wonders if she will tone things down, though. Alicia doesn't know as she flipped on Kaylyn then flipped on Shontelle. She feels like, if Libby really wanted Shontelle out, she would have fought for that right after the Sarah vote but, instead, she tried to cover her ass by placing the blame elsewhere. Alicia CCs that she just can't trust Libby at all! In the shelter, Libby CCs that she kickstarted the Shontelle vote and it worked! Now, she needs to continue rebuilding her relationships with Kaylyn. Kaylyn joins her and Libby tells her that the vote was fantastic and they did a great job. Kaylyn says that they need to aim bigger now. Libby agrees and says that the next target should be Andrew. She CCs that Andrew has had his fun but, now, his time is over! As Libby cooks, Kaylyn CCs that she has an alliance with everybody left in the game. She has to backstab somebody but she is unsure about Andrew as he just voted with her when he didn't have to. Dean and Jack are at the water well. Jack CCs that the vote last night went well and they both made it to the Final 8. Jack says that they have been the closest of allies since Day 1 and, now, they are at the Final 8. Dean says that it is amazing that they got this far considering how they were on the outs. Dean CCs that the Kyle vote worked in their favour and they got no backlash from it from the others so he considers that to be a plus. Jack thinks that they are in a good spot. Dean says that he is surprised considering how they took out Andrew, before he came back, Hayes, and Kyle. Jack says that, somehow, Mike took the fall for the Hayes vote. Dean says that they shouldn't feel comfortable until they are in the Final 3. Jack agrees. Dean CCs that there is no celebrating for them until they are in the Finals together!
KAYLYN wins Immunity!
Libby tells Kaylyn, alone, that she is committed to making things right with her. Kaylyn says that, if she gets a single vote against her tonight, the truth is broken moving forward so she wants Libby's word that the vote is Andrew. Libby says that it is, CCing that she really means it. Libby asks Kaylyn why she voted for Sarah to go. Kaylyn says that it really hurt but, when Sarah kept saying things that dug a hole for her, she didn't want to be affected by association and flipped at the last minute. Libby says that she flipped on her the ways he did because she wasn't expecting it and she is sorry. Kaylyn says that she is sorry for not notifying her of the flip. Libby says that, from now on, they are allies to the very end. Kaylyn says that she is fine with that. Libby CCs that she is so happy that she fixed her relationship with Kaylyn! Andrew talks with Dean and Jack and says that he really hopes that they stick together because he needs them more than ever if they plan to stop Libby. He says that she has convinced everybody to vote out Shontelle and she will control the votes from now on. Jack CCs that, at that moment, he will curious so he told Andrew the target to see what he would do. Dean CCs that nothing Andrew said made sense. Everybody wanted Shontelle out. Jack says that Libby wants Andrew out.
AT TRIBAL COUNCIL, stuff happens.


Alicia votes for Libby
Andrew votes for Libby
Brandon votes for Libby
Cody votes for Libby
Dean votes for Libby
Jack votes for Libby
Kaylyn votes for Libby
Libby votes for Kyle

With a vote of 8-1, Liberty "Libby" is the eleventh castaway voted out and is the fifth member of the jury.

Episode 12

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 15