List of designated terrorist groups or organisations in Greater Kamilistan

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The list of below shows the list of numerous terrorist groups or organizations within Kamilistan, or have been designated as a terrorist group by the Kamilistan Government, the groups violated the Section 3 of the Security, Law and Order Act which describes "Any groups, or organizations, the wants to overthrow, or by hurting and harming innocent civilians by violent means, and using Extremist and Radicalization thoughts, and as well as Religious Extremist shall be designated as a terrorist group, and must be stopped, or shall be hunted down for good". Many of which, that are shown are currently active, and currently being hunted down one by one by the Cormokia Special Reapers and its branches, with the Security Command for Anti-Terriosm or SCAT.


Logo Name Leader Founding Years Descriptions and Objective Estimated Members
United Islamic Revolutionary States Bashir Yaramin Al-Ramoud Al-Sahin 2003 UIRS for short is a Islamist Extremist group that wants to create an Islamic State within Kamilistan, with Theocracy Revolutionary thoughts, they have a de-facto territory which made out of Central Kamilistan, though it is currently been declining since they are fighting against the National Kamilistan Free Army and the Kamilistan Government itself.   500 000- 600 000
Al-Shahdan Al-Muria Admed Yabour Al-Yarah Sahir Muhammed 2012 Established by former fighters of the Amam Al-muminin Al-haqiqiiyn, they seek to established an Emirate within Kamilistan, by throwing out the Kamilistan Government, it joined hand with the BTP and the Islamic Mujaheddin of Kamilistan or IMK, they are notable for their Suicide Bombings against the Police and as well civilians who are deemed as "Un-Holy", the ASAM Group currently declining in a fast pace, out of any groups. 19 000 - 20 500 (Declining)
Hezerbilah Khalid Juranayan Koryan 2007 Example Example
Islamic Mujahidden of Kamilistan Yasin Bakar Abu Yasar Al-Hayr 2010 Example Example
Armavir Free Legion Example Example Example Example
United Action Defensive Forces Bakial Yarakangali Example Example Example
Combat Protection and Strike Force Joseph Yastankar Vladimir Example Example Example
Kırmızı Nuəkälęr Hücreyär Dimitri Tavirovich Iliroski 1997 Translated as Red Nuclear Cells in Kamilistani, it is an terrorist organization in Kamilistan, and as well as in Persiya, Russia, Turkey and the Bulgarian Republic, it is an Collectivist-Anarchist that wants to overthrow the governments, and to destroy private ownerships of industry, it was the mindbranch armed-wing of the old Popular Anarchist Party or PAP. Unknown, some say its 5 000 - 5 400
Wolves Legion Yildirim Ahmet Fazirzayev 2008 A Far-Right, Ultranationalist, and hate group, and as well a Nazim group that have made multiple attack, in attack in terms of riots against non-Turkish people, especially the Armenians. They have a "Neo-Ottomans" mindset 2 000 - 3 000
Sìirt Salvation Brigade Example Example Example Example
Kırmızı Hücreyär 71 Example Example Example Example
Kars Free Military Council Example Example Example Example
Vans Regional Liberation Brigade 15th Example Example Example Example
Free Kamilistani Army - Eastern Coalition Example Example Example Example
Erzurum Military Council Example Example Example Example
Free Armavir Army Example Example Example Example
Mus Joint Operational Command Example Example Example Example
South Kamilistan Popular Advancement Forces Kazem Shawah Mosselami 2027 Base in the Autonomous Administrative Region of Iraqi-Kamilistan, the PAF is majority Shia militia founded by Kazem Shawah, the militia is made out of multiple merges of other smaller militia which were the Iraqi People's Fighter's Front, Ali Qassemi Brigades of the Revolutionary State and the Council of the Shia People. The militia's was originally planned to overthrow the puppet government of Iraq under the Kamilistan's government, but now plan's to merge with what's left of the rest of Iraq. After Bashkar's takeover of the country, the PAF had agree to laid down arms with the agreement to surrender. 900 - 1 500
NK Flag.png Grand Congress of the Emirates of the People of the North Kadush Suleiman Khazarawayanzi 1998 The Grand Congress of the Emirate of the People of the North Kadush is a Salafist, Wahabis organization that seek to breakaway from Kamilistan and form an Islamic State up in the North Kadush (Name for North Kamilistan Region). It was inspired by the Mujaheddin Movements in the east, the Grand Congress have ties with ASAM, and currently the group is declining after the dead of Hussein Tarawazar Lanyarkar 200 - 900
Kamilistan Liberation Forces "Altan Ali Division Example Example Example Example

Political Organization

Political Organizations that are under the Federation List of Sanctioned Political Unions
Logo/Flag Name Leader Founding Information, Objective and Ties Estimated members Special Notes
Example New Recontructive Union for the Free Kamilistan Government Region Example Example Example Example
Example [[Democratic Elective Party Democratic Elective Party in the Free Kamilistani Territories]] Example Example Eple
Example Salvation Governmental Alliance "Rafåh içyin" Example Example Once part of the NKFA umbrella, the SGA is made out of Azarbs whom they are once part of the NKFA Azarbs Branch or NKFA-AB, the SGA have 3 department which are the Salvation Governmental Alliance - Political Bloc, Salvation Governmental Council and the Salvation Forces for the Liberation of the Azarbs Example
Example United Congress of the Western Turkĭryá States Example Example Specially styled as the United Western States Congress, it is one of the major 3 of the Western Liberation Cells 20 umbrella, Example
Example Socialist Movement of Northern Fighters Example 1998 A socialist and left-winged nationalist political movement that is base in Kalsakia, Example
Example 2 Dark Colour Association - Leaning Lefts Vadislav Royadin 2005 Founded as an "Political Organization" branch of the Free Leaning Coalition(Dissolved}, it is an Anarcho-Communist terrorist organization. The 2DcA Double L have been always mistaken as either part or a political branch of the  Kırmızı Nuəkälęr Hücreyär or RNC. It carries out urban guerilla warfare, mostly in the North, it have multiple ties with other small terrorist group, notably the "Defenders", an rival to the "Confronters", they also carry our extortion, kidnapping, and as well torture before letting their victims go.   60 - 90