Timeline of Theodoran History

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First Principality

  • 1328 CE: The first Principality of Theodoro (Afthentía Póleos Theodoroús kaí Parathalassías; "Lordship of the City of Theodorous and the Parathalassias") is founded within the Byzantine Empire as a grant to the nobleman Dēmḗtrios, crowned as Prince Demetrius.
  • 1453 CE: The Byzantine capital Constantinople falls to the Ottomans. The Principality falls under the dominion of Trebizond, a Byzantine rump state in north-east Anatolia.

First Serene Principality

Neo-Byzantine Empire

Neo-Trapezuntine Empire

Second Serene Principality

First Republic

Greek Republic

Samiot Republic

Samiot Empire


First ASSR

Nazi Occupation

Second ASSR

Second Republic

Modern Day