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Acea Spaceport - Rockets go up

Davidii Sky Yards - Large aircraft manufacturing along with an airport. Headquarters for the enclave's military here. Is also end of the line for the rail line that travels from Solingarch.

Huvila - Where the rich people live. Has golf and yacht clubs

Davidii Sea Yards - Waterfront area for shipping goods and they build boats in the area

Frostinn- It's an ok part of town holds most of the middle class. Has several large mega buildings, factors, and office jobs.

Kókon- Poorer sector of town. Has a large manufacturing hub here. Lots of people down on their luck.

Circle Promenade- Fashion and passion can be found in this section of town that never sleeps so wear your sunglasses. There is also a ferry line here.

Old Sitruuna- The oldest section of town where you can see where it all started. Known for its smell of fish and history.

Solingarch Border -A wall crosses this part of the southern border there are two points for crossing between the wall. There's sure to be some tunnels and holes around here.

1.Eastern checkpoint

2. Western Checkpoint (Road and rail line entry points)

Interact Sitruuna map2.png