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Great War (Esvanovia)

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Great War
Date22 January 1931 (1931-01-22) - 12 April 1951 (1951-04-12) (20 years, 2 months and 21 days)

Non-decisive victory for the Triple Pact, owing to the collapse of the Korean Democratic State and the removal of Marquesan from the conflict.

Decisive victory for the Triple Pact, with Kaskaida forced to surrender and large amounts of territory taken from it by Anagonia.

Commanders and leaders

The Great War (1931-1951), also known by a variety of other names depending on the role of individual nations within it, was a global conflict between the Triple Pact and Marquesan League throughout a period of twenty years. Fighting took place on all continents excluding Nivalia, making it, as of the current year, the only war to have belligerents on every majorly-inhabited continent. It would be one of the deadliest wars in history, in both civilian and military casualties (especially due to the severe spread of disease within its wake), and has variably claimed the title of most deadly.

The war can generally be traced to diplomatic tensions between Anagonia and its associated allies, most especially the Korean Democratic State, and Marquesan with its own associated allies, most especially Kaskaida. Ongoing games of influence between the two powers in East Hiakemiria, and the loss of the Chamorro Islands to Kaesong a mere three years earlier had set the stage for conflict, which was catalyzed due to the murder of a Marquesan tourist in the Korean Democratic State. A lack of means for diplomacy to occur and preexisting desire for conflict to continue upon both sides would lead to attempts at peace failing to materialize, eventually causing Marquesan to declare war directly upon the Korean Democratic State, drawing Anagonia into the conflict due to pre-existing pacts of mutual defense, this initial series of events spiraling to a far greater extent with the entry of Kaskaida into the conflict owing to pre-existing nationalist tensions with Anagonia, causing other powers to eventually join the conflict. The conflict was a highly dynamic one, with pre-existing strategies based on the ground conflict which occurred in the Nachmere War being found inadequate to the conditions of the Kistavich/Anagonian Front.

The war would occur in periods of heightened conflict across a larger period of 20 years, being the longest modern conflict in history fought between actual states, eventually ending with both peace treaties between the primary powers in each faction which were formed after the Atomic Bombing of Fuzan and the elimination of Kaskaida after its attempts to extend the conflict via the Battle of Patria.


The first recorded use of the term "Great War" would be by an Anagonian newspaper in 1921, citing that the then-ongoing attempts at diplomacy in the wake of the 1931 Incident had the potential to spiral into "...A war so Great it will leave the world shaken forever", later being used as a title for memoirs in the immediate aftermath of the conflict by several previous officers in many militaries. It has occasionally been described as the "War to Eclipse all War", although this turn of phrase has generally fallen out of favor with the conflicts of the modern period.


Political Conflict over East Hiakemiria

In the wake of Kaesong's independence in 1890, and the latter Chamorro War, the traditionally dominant geopolitical position of Marquesan in East Hiakemiria would find itself in flux, with the Anagonia aligned Korean Democratic State presenting a threat to Marquesan's remaining holdings in the region, most especially the aligned power of the Janpian Empire. The Anagonia-KDS relationship would be founded on the shared desire for industrial and economic profit acquisition in the region, with the KDS voluntarily acting as something of a vanguard for Anagonian geopolitics in the region in exchange for material and military assistance, a policy carried-on from the late Kaesong period, where similar politics expressed themselves.

Marquesan would naturally attempt to shore up its position in response to these provocations, with the Janpian Empire receiving greater support, independence, and military aid to hopefully prevent a KDS seizure of territory from them, which would allow for the KDS to have greater naval security in the region and allow it to dedicate more resources to Chamorro.

These tensions would manifest themselves in an Arms Race, which would result in greater tension between military powers in the region, and creating the conditions which would lead to the large-scale militarization of all powers involved in the earliest days of the war.

Post-Colonial Tensions in the Korean Democratic State

While the seizure of the Chamorros defused nationalist tensions which were building in Kaesong, it would not calm Pan-Hiakemirism based tensions over the continued presence of Marquesan in the East Hiakemirian Region, which would eventually express itself in the 1931 Incident. Before that point, though, it would express itself in the favoring of Anagonia and joint-condemnations of colonialism and plans to invade and demilitarize Marquesan being shared between them.

Kaskaidan Nationalism in the Prewar Period


1931 Incident

Main Article: 1931 Incident

The 1931 Crisis was a series of events leading to the lynching of a Marquesan tourist in the Korean Democratic State.

January Crisis

Progression of the Conflict

Hiakemirian/Marinan Front

insert campaigns here eventually

Naval campaigns

Janpian Naval Front

In December 1933, aircraft from the Korean Democratic State launched a surprise attack against a Janpian fleet stationed at the Unschon Isle, with the objective of halting Marquesan influence among the Janpian aristocrats, and to act as a precautionary strike against the Janpian military build-up in the area. Following this event, the Janpian Empire declared war against the Korean Democratic State in the now infamous Luhrenschan Declaration. Regardless, the opening attacks resulted into a major loss of carriers for the Janpian Empire, forcing them back to a battleship-centered doctrine. This was also regarded as an eye opener for the Imperial Command at that time, which inspired some younger members of the navy branch to develop the Decisive Battle Doctrine to cope from the attacks. Eventually, the doctrine was not adopted by the Imperial Navy, and it was only utilized during the early years of the Janpian Civil War, when the Union Fleet utilized it at the Battle of the Janosche Sea. During the battle, the Union Fleet managed to destroy the last remnants of the Janpian Imperial Fleet by launching a single decisive strike, which prevented the northern and southern imperial taskforce from linking up.

(Cut the current paragraph into two in order to add the 1933-1940 operations)|

Doctrinal Developments

The primary doctrine of the Korean Democratic State during this period would be carrier-based, with the Minibetto-class Fleet Carrier proving itself a colossal threat to Janpian infrastructure and naval capabilities- with the capacity to carry 60 aircraft each, three-carrier groupings of a singular Minibetto and two Uguisu (each carrying 20 aircraft of their own) could utilize over 100 aircraft in a singular battle. This would prove, in the minds of the Korean Democratic State's military hierarchy, that the carrier would be the ultimate weapon of naval conflict- leading to the scrapping of several planned battleship designs and the eventual creation of the massive Shihoku-class Fleet Carrier, itself able to carry 100 aircraft on its own.

These developments would lead to a rethinking of the Bandit's War naval doctrine which had lead Kaesong/KDS naval policy until this point, with a new doctrine - the Kenshi no Kyōgi, or Swordsman's Doctrine, which called for the division of naval forces into a central thrust primarily consisting of carriers and a fast escort - alike to that of a blade - while slower, more heavily armed forces, such as the one completed Tanuki-class Battleship with its 15-inch cannons utilized the immediate confusion caused by the carriers to envelop and destroy hostile forces.

Chamorro Front

Atomic Bombing of Fuzan

Kistavich/Anagonian Front

Kaskaidan front

Sardan front

insert more campaigns


Main Article: Battle of Patria

Kozakuran front

Loyalist bombers using parafrag bombs to destroy rebel aircraft.

Decades of growing unrest between Ikki-aligned and the Hasegawa-aligned daimyos erupted into full civil conflict in the Kozakuran Empire in 1946. The conflict begun with the decapitation strike of the rebel leaders in the city of Funamachi in October 1946. The resulting air strike led by the loyalist elements of the Kozakuran Imperial Air Force destroyed the keep of the Funamachi Castle, killing several high-ranking daimyos aligned with Ikki Kinzosai.

Loyalist forces engaged the rebels on all fronts, with artillery duels occuring in the Nakaoku Heights. Foreign support begun to arrive in the new front in early 1947, as the Triple Pact and the Marquesan League picked sides in the conflict.

<More war and bloodshed here>

Cessation of hostilities was declared in late 1951 by Emperor Totoha using his emergency powers after Loyalist forces captured the rebel capital city of Funamachi.


See: Korean Civil War, Janpian Revolution , Kozakuran Secession Crisis (insert other major historical events after the GW here)

Formal End of the War

Of the original four combatants (Anagonia, the Korean Democratic State, Kaskaida, and Marquesan), only two (Marquesan and Anagonia) would be involved in the diplomatic discussions arranged to organize an end to the war, with both Kaskaida (owing to a belief that a continuation of the conflict would be generally favorable) and the Korean Democratic State (no longer possessing a state apparatus to send a diplomat). Meridon would pay a pivotal role in arranging peace in the conflict despite its later entry into such.

Peace Treaties, National Boundaries


there were probably a lot

At least 3

Experience of Soldiers


War Correspondence, Attaches

Economic Effects


The Great War would see the development of the jet engine, nuclear armaments, and other key military and industrial technologies throughout the 20 years it occurred.

Legacy and Memory