History of Gesaria

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Part of a series on the
History of Gesaria

The History of Gesaria spans nearly seven milennia, from the first civilizations in 6000BC up to the present day. It is said that the first Gesarian civilizations emerged from the southern foothills of the Himalayas near the Indian Province of Sikkim. For most of Gesarian history, several kingdoms rise and fall in a cycle, a kingdom is invaded by another, the invading kingdom rules for a while, before it too is invaded repeating the cycle.


Paleolithic(2.2 m- 7k years ago)

It is widely believed that the first humans(homo erectus) arrived in the land of Gesaria around 2.2 million years ago and numerous fossils are scattered all throughout the nation, with the oldest fossils even dating back to 3 million years ago.

During this period, early humans lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and often hunted in packs. The mountains of Gesaria also served as the homes of these early humans, living in massive caves such as the Yakaq Cave, which stretches for 1 mile and at a depth of 2.2 km below the surface at it's deepest point, functioning as the earliest city in Gesaria . While most residents just lived in the entrance of the cave and rarely explore the caves depths, ancient remains have been found as deep as 1.7 kms below the surface, indicating that the earliest residents of the cave would sometimes wander too deep and get lost, never to return.


The Neolithic Period began in Gesaria around 9000 years ago, with the invention of agriculture. Agriculture in Gesaria developed rapidly, with lush and spacious plains near the country being home to massive farms cultivating crops, primarily rice. It was also during this period when the first towns and cities developed, with the first settlement being Qana-Qanaqaa, founded in 6980BC. Qana-Qanaqaa is also the only settlement from this period still surviving today, and is the oldest continuously inhabited settlement in the world. These small towns gradually developed into the first civilization in Gesaria, the Empire of Qiaxing.

Metal Age(5500BC-1500BC)

The Metal Age began in Gesaria in 5500BC, with the region holding a vast amount of mineral deposits in it's mountains, which were mined by early humans to create items and weapons with metals like copper and iron. These metals also made Gesaria rich from trading with other countries. By 3000BC, the Qiaxing civilization was one of the most powerful and richest civilizations, with an estimated GDP today of 750 Billion USD.

The Legend of Yangchen and the Yangchenian Period(3000BC-2000BC)

The Legend

Main article: The Legend of Yangchen

It is said according to legend that the deity of a warrior princess named Yangchen Guul-la watches over the land of Gesaria, Poi(Tibet) and the neighboring region of Lilytopia ,constantly striking down what she deems as "forces of evil" who intend on disrupting the region's natural order. According to the accounts written by Dorjee Gyalzen, a Qakhok scholar around 3000 years ago, Princess Yangchen was born around 3000BC as the Empress of Gangtok, a city in Sikkim situated in the far North of Gesaria. It is said that Princess Yangchen was an extremely powerful princess whom everyone in the Kingdom feared and respected. In Dorjee's accounts, he mentions Princess Yangchen's extreme grip on power and stable rule in a region where rulers are often deposed from their thrones in a matter of months. It mentions how many critics of the Princess or people causing violence are often immediately thrown into dungeons where they are left to die in horrible conditions, but it also made the kingdom more peaceful and prosperous as there were hardly any conflicts between the many ethnic groups in the region.

Dorjee's accounts mention Yangchen's battle prowess and combat skills, especially displayed in the war against the invading tribe of Azunga, who suddenly invaded her Kingdom and burned many villages to the ground, killing many people.Yangchen immediately called up her army and faced the Azungas in battle, where Princess Yangchen single-handedly killed 7,000 men by herself. She went on to inflict many more defeats on the Azunga with her army of 7,000 , inflicting nearly 56,000-89,000 casualties on the Azunga, which represented nearly 75% of their male population. In March of 2975BC, her army reached the Azungan capital of Garjin, where she proceeded to defeat the city defenders and burn Garjin to the ground.

The sky on that day grew dark and cloudy as Yangchen entered Garjin with her army. The people of Garjin were all indoors trying to hide from her seething desire for revenge. The entire city was quiet until Yangchen screamed out loud "Men, burn this city to the ground and leave nothing breathing!". She lit a torch and began burning every house she came across as her men began killing those who were hiding inside. The sky glowed a dark orange as the city burned to ashes, along with the defenders of the city and the Azunga leadership while she watched from a hill away, satisfied with her revenge at the people who brought nothing but death and destruction to her domain.  -The Legend of Yangchen, Chapter 21

In a diary recovered from the Talbushek Archives believed to belong to Empress Yangchen, she remarked on the sheer amounts of loot she had captured from the enemy, writing, but may not be accurately translated - "In my unmatched glory, I have captured nearly 200 tons of gold and riches from the enemy, as well as around 10,000 people from all ages and backgrounds that I can now make to do my bidding".It is believed that the captured slaves from Garjin were later used to construct Yangchen's opulent palace, which still stands today in the city of Qana-Qanaqaa.

Empress Yangchen died at the age of 46 in Caldemount in 2954BC, potentially of liver cirrhosis due to her extremely lavish lifestyle, but in the legend, it is stated that Yangchen died after the Gods called her back to Heaven, saying that she had used her Mandate of Heaven well.

The Yangchenian Empire

Empress Yangchen left behind a large and powerful empire, whose rule was passed on to her daughter, Empress Xiang. The Yangchenian Empire would go on to outshine all of it's predecessors and control a vast amount of territory from Pakistan to Thailand. Many aspects of Yangchenian Culutre still exists to this day, like the Yangchen Calendar and the Yangin language.