Colonial Posessions of Shazbotdom throughout the Solar System

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The Shazbotdom Empire is planning on instituting at least one Colonial Posession on Mars, Venus, and Luna. With the possibility of more to be added over time. These will be built by the Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration.

Segments Used on Terrestrial Colonies

Standard Segments

These Segments are standard for Colonies that are slated to host human life. These will be the primary segments utilized for the Lunar and Martian colonies.
Segment Image Description
Solar and Battery
Storage Farm
The primary component of the Lunar Colony is a facility that is designated as The Farm. This is the main power generation facility of the colonies. The Farm is expandable to be able to increase Solar Production as is needed for the Colonial Usage.
Main Airlock
Utilized for the main entrance to the Colony for those who wish to walk around the Lunar Surface. The airlock will be available for all residents, and Space/Environmental Suits will be included in each residence for all residents of that dwelling.
Family Housing Units
This segment will have 16 Family Housing Units set in a stack system with 4 stacks of 4 Units. These units can hold a family up to 4, making this section of the Colony to hold up to 64 Colonists.
Observation and
Hydroponics Bay
Sitting at the top of the Family Housing Units is an Observatory/Hydroponics Bay. This Hydroponics Bay is a primary Oxygen production facility and uses advanced Hydroponics technology to help stimulate the production of O2. This system will work in conjunction with CO2 Scrubbers built into all the other segments.
Singles Housing Units
Both Dorm and Mini Apartment Style Units make up these segments of the Colony. The Dorm Style Units are three small bedrooms with a common area while the Mini Apartment Style Units will have a bedroom, kitchen, and living area.
Lunar Human
Landing Facility
The Landing Facility, which will be in one of two locations, depending on the layout of the specific Colony, will including the landing Pad, one access hatch on either side of the landing pad, and a Check-In/Walking Hallway underneath the pad. The Landing facility will be the primary way for citizens to arrive at the colony and to leave the colony to either move or go on vacations away from home.
Martian/Venusian Human
Landing Facility
  The Landing Facility for the Martian and Venusian Surfaces, will include two Landing Pads specifically designed for use with the Chi-class Martian/Venusian Lander. This Landing Facility will be twice the size of it's Lunar Counterpart due to the size of the Lander to be used.
Crop Landing
Landing Pad for the To Be Developed Crop Transport Vehicle to land at for the transportation of crop from the closest Farming Colonies
Crop Storage
And Store
The primary commerce area of the Colony. This will be where crops from the Farms will be stored and then available for 'purchase' by the Colonists.

Hydroponics Farm Segments

In an effort to maintain the Lunar Colonies as self-sustaining, the Imperial Space Administration is in the process of developing multi-use Farming Segments for several smaller Farming Colonies that will be strategically placed on the Lunar Surface to grow food for the Colonies. These Farming Colonies will including Housing for up to 10 Farmers.
Segment Image Description
Main Airlock
Utilized for the main entrance to the Farming Colony, utilized for any repairs on the exterior of the Farm.
Solar Farm
Like all facilities of the Empire, the Solar Farm for each Farming Colony will be the primary power generation and storage facility.
Farm Housing
Housing with one residential unit per floor.
Small Farm
Small Farming Segment used to farm crops. Can be easily rotated between different crops, depending on the tastes of the colony at the time.
Large Farm
Large Farming Segment used ot farm crops. Mainly used for crops that are main staples of cooking.
Storage Barn
Storage building to hold crop after harvesting and before transport.
Crop Landing
Landing Pad for the To Be Developed Crop Transport Vehicle to land at for the transportation of crop to the closest Colony
Lunar Human
Landing Facility
A singular landing pad designed to work in conjunction with the Lunar Lander.
Martian/Venusian Human
Landing Facility
  A singular landing pad designed to work in conjunction with the Martian/Venusian Lander.



Sea of Tranquility

Sea Of Tranquility Colony
The First Lunar Colony of the Shazbotdom Empire is situated at the Sea of Tranquility, on the near side of the Moon. This settlement serves as a vital outpost and gateway to space exploration for the Shazbotdom Empire. With its strategic location and state-of-the-art infrastructure, the colony plays a crucial role in advancing the Shazbotdom Empire's ambitions in the vast expanse of space.
This Colony of the Shazbotdom Empire was established in 2024, during the middle stages of space exploration. The primary objective behind this project was to establish a human settlement on the Moon, which would provide a strategic vantage point for scientific experiments, technological advancements, and the eventual colonization of other planets. The Colony is situated just north of the Sea of Tranquility, in the Descartes Highlands region. This location was chosen due to its favorable conditions, such as abundant sunlight, low surface gravity, and minimal atmospheric interference. The colony is spread across a surface area of approximately 10 square kilometers, housing various facilities and amenities necessary for the well-being of its inhabitants.
This colony's infrastructure includes state-of-the-art living quarters, storefronts, storage facilities, and landing facilities. These facilities are equipped with advanced equipment and technologies that promote scientific discoveries and technological advancements. Additionally, the colony boasts advanced medical equipment, ensuring the health of its residents. The Lunar Colony of the Shazbotdom Empire offers a diverse array of cultural and recreational activities for its residents. The colony boasts a state-of-the-art Technolgoy, ensuring that residents have access to virgual libraries, art galleries, and theaters. This technology serves as a means to alleviate the monotony of living in a confined space, offering a refreshing escape from the rigors of everyday life on the Moon.
While the Lunar Colony of the Shazbotdom Empire has achieved significant milestones, it faces numerous challenges. The harsh lunar environment poses challenges to habitation, necessitating advanced life support systems and robust infrastructure. Additionally, the colony's remoteness and lack of resources necessitate constant resupply missions from Earth, which adds complexity and logistical hurdles.
Despite these challenges, the colony's future prospects are promising. With continued advancements in space exploration technologies and discoveries of new resources on the Moon, the colony's infrastructure and capabilities are expected to expand. Moreover, the possibility of establishing human settlements on other planets, such as Mars, opens up new opportunities for the Shazbotdom Empire and its Lunar Colony.

Sea of Tranquility Farms

Sea Of Tranquility Farming Colony - Farming Colony Alpha
The establishment of the lunar hydroponics farming colonies are a revolutionary endeavor that could revolutionize human space exploration and settlement. Lunar hydroponics refers to the process of growing plants in a soilless medium, typically using nutrient-rich water and a controlled environment. By leveraging the principles of hydroponics, these colonies seeks to provide a sustainable food source for future astronauts and establish a base for future lunar exploration.
The feasibility of lunar hydroponics farming has been a subject of intense study for decades. Scientists and engineers have explored various methods and technologies to overcome the challenges of lunar soil, limited water availability, and extreme temperature variations. These efforts have culminated in the development of advanced hydroponic systems that can operate efficiently in the harsh conditions of the moon.
Advantages of Lunar Hydroponics
  1. Access to Abundant Resources: The moon possesses vast reserves of water in the form of frozen ice at the poles. Hydroponics allows the efficient extraction of this water, which can then be used for irrigation purposes. Additionally, the moon's low gravity environment eliminates the need for heavy soil, reducing transportation costs and simplifying the overall infrastructure.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Lunar hydroponics systems can be powered by a compact and energy-efficient solar energy system. The absence of atmospheric interference allows for maximum sunlight absorption, resulting in higher energy conversion efficiency. This self-sufficiency in energy generation reduces reliance on external resources, making the farming colony more resilient and sustainable.
  3. Resilience to Lunar Environments: Lunar hydroponics systems are designed to be resilient against extreme temperature fluctuations and radiation levels. The use of insulated cultivation chambers, temperature control systems, and radiation shielding ensures that the plants receive optimal conditions for growth. This resilience provides a stable food source even in the most challenging lunar environments.
  4. Future Expansion: The establishment of the first lunar hydroponics farming colony serves as a foundation for further exploration and development of the moon. As the colony grows and sustains itself, additional modules can be added to expand its capabilities and support a larger population. This scalability enables long-term lunar settlement and increases the chances of establishing commercial operations and scientific research.
Despite these challenges, the establishment of the first lunar hydroponics farming colony offers numerous opportunities for scientific advancement, economic development, and space exploration. It provides a sustainable food source for future astronauts, paving the way for long-term lunar exploration and potentially establishing human settlements beyond Earth.

Luna 2 Colony

Currently in the planning phase. The location is yet to be determined at this point in time. Planned to be slightly larger than the Sea of Tranquility location.


Martian 1 Colony

Currently in the Launching phase. The location is yet to be determined at this point in time.


Sigma Station

Currently in the Researching phase. This will be one of the largest undertakings in the short history of Colonization for the Empire. Planned to be at an altitude of ~600km, the plan calls for this station to utilize Ionic Engines to ensure that the Space Station Spins at set RPM, creating gravity for the inhabitants. It will also have hydroponics to make oxygen and give the ability to grow crops for its inhabitants.