BBV Season 4: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Season 4!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 The host, Sofia Venoa, welcomes the audience to Big Brother. Every week, the houseguests will compete for luxuries, as well as power. One lucky houseguest will become the Head of Household and will nominate two houseguests for eviction.

The first five to enter are Caleb, Emmalynn, Shawn, Maia and Gracie. Once inside, Shawn CCs that he's seen the past three seasons. Despite that, he doesn't know what he is getting himself into but he expects to enjoy himself. Caleb CCs that he is such a big fan of the show. So he is ready to win the grand prize. The five of them choose their beds. Gracie CCs that she has her husband and two kids at home cheering for her right now. She misses them already but is glad to take this journey for them. The five of them are pretty cordial to each-other.

The last five to enter are Callum, Fernanda, John, Lilia and Rodrigo. Once inside, John CCs that he is ready to dominate this game. He'll just win every competition, no problem. Fernanda CCs that she doesn't know how well she will be in the challenges but she will be able to charm everybody in the house. She is ready to play! As they sit down, Callum mentions that there were only 10 of them on the stage. Emmalynn suspects a twist. She CCs that there will probably be intruders like Seasons 2 and 3. Shawn CCs that Emmalynn expects a twist and she may be right. The past two seasons had intruders so why not this one.

Living room introductions

Sofia Venoa reveals to the houseguests in the living room that there will be five houseguests joining them from previous seasons. Caleb CCs that he is stoked and ready to play with some former houseguests. Maybe he can learn something from them. Gracie CCs that the game has evolved so who knows what the veterans will do now. Shawn CCs that everybody was freaking out but they need to remember that the first two seasons were not strategic like they are now. Sofia continues and says that there will be five duos and each duo will be playing as one houseguest. They can be nominated together and they can be evicted together. However, only one person from that duo can win a competition and who participates each week will fluctuate week by week. Lilia CCs that the good news about this is that the "new houseguests" will have some form of disadvantage.

The first duo is ... Sonia and Vanessa Vomlel from Season 2!
Sonia says that Season 2 was an insane ride. Vanessa says that the whole game changed in Season 3. Everything they knew about the game has been changed completely. Sonia wonders how they will adapt but Vanessa doesn't have any worries. She (V) says that, despite any struggles, they have each-other's backs like they've always had. They hug! Sonia says that, since her season, she has gotten engaged and married. She is now Sonia King-Vomlel! Vanessa says that, as of three months ago, she got engaged herself.

The second duo is ... Angie and Jude DeLeon from Season 1!
Angie says that it has been three years since they were on the show. Since then, they've moved in together, gotten married and they have three beautiful ... dogs together!

The third duo is ... Ava Saldana and Derrick Panancio from Season 2!

The fourth duo is ... Bethany Sapateiro and Brad Alvim from Season 3!

The fifth and final duo is ... Brennan Castelli and Maddy Klein from Season 2!

Ding dong! Sonia and Vanessa are the first to enter! Sonia and Vanessa CC: Vanessa says that it was just mind-blowing being in a new house with new rules. Sonia says that they need to adapt quickly with this group.
Ding dong! Angie and Jude are the second to enter! Angie and Jude CC: Jude says that he is suuuper excited to play this new game. Angie hopes that she knew what she signed up for.
Ding dong! Ava and Derrick are the third to enter! Ava and Derrick CC: Ava says that everybody will get along now but it won't last once the first competition happens. Derrick says that they need to win it to secure their safety.
Ding dong! Bethany and Brad are the fourth to enter! Bethany and Brad CC: Bethany says that the two of them are here to redeem themselves. Brad says that he wants to prove that he can use a VETO correctly.
Ding dong! Brennan and Maddy are the last to enter! Brennan and Maddy CC: Maddy says that she is ready to kill everybody with kindness. Brennan laughs and comments over how cheerful she said that.

Sofia Venoa says that, while there are twenty of them inside the house, there are only fifteen houseguests this season. However, she is not done delivering twists just yet. This season ... will have no audience voting. Rodrigo CCs how HUGE that is! Every season in the past had a lot of audience involvement. That means it's just them. Maia CCs that with every season, the game really changes. Gracie CCs that she was really not expecting this. Sofia says that they have a couple hours to chat before she talks to them again. Bethany and Brad CC: Bethany says that this is really their second chance. Brad says that there is no audience judging them this time. They will do what they want. As they explore the house, there is an Ava and Derrick CC: Derrick still can't get over how much the game has changed. Ava feels like its not the same game at all, period. However, she still plans to win it all! In one of the bedrooms, Brennan and Maddy CC: Brennan says that the two of them are far more prepared than the other duos. They

Note: Some scenes.

Note: Sofia tells everybody about the team twist and that, before any are decided, one duo will leave TONIGHT! Everybody except for the duos then vote out a duo. Bethany and Brad are evicted.

Episode 2 With Bethany and Brad evicted, Sofia Venoa says that it is time to choose teams. However, due to their being an uneven amount of players, two people will be granted two weeks of immunity. In the backyard, the teams are chosen with Fernanda and Lilia becoming immune for two weeks.
Episode 3 Note: John is very volatile and is targeted as a result.
Episode 4

Week 2

Week 2 Episodes
Note: Caleb's HOH is very very very messy.

?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.
?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 3

Week 3 Episodes
Note: Fernanda is targeted due to her being a jackass to everybody since the beginning.

?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.
?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 4

Week 4 Episodes
?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.

?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 5

Week 5 Episodes
?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.

?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 6

Week 6 Episodes
?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.

?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 7

Week 7 Episodes
?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.

?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 8

Week 8 Episodes

?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.
?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 9

Week 9 Episodes
?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.

?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 10

Week 10 Episodes
?? puts up ?? and ?? for eviction with ?? as his target.

?? wins the VETO and uses it on ??. ?? is the replacement.

?? is voted out.

Week 11

Week 11 Episodes