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Popular State of Seuria
Stát Coitianta Seuria
and Largest City
Official languagesSeurian
Ethnic groups
  • 74.28% Seurian,
  • 16.82% Arcadie,
  • 10% Other
GovernmentAssembly-Independent Republic (defacto One-Party State)
• President-Minister of Seuria
Baxter Faucher
• Representative of the Tionól
Randolph Daniels
LegislatureThe Tionól
November 13th, 1974
• 2030 estimate
32 Million
• 2030 census
GDP (nominal)2030 estimate
• Total
632 Billion
• Per capita
Gini (2030)Positive decrease 42.2
HDI (2030)Steady 0.795
CurrencySeurian Livre (SUL)
Time zoneUTC+1 (Seurian Standard Time)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (CE)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+55

The Stát Coitianta Seuria, also known as the Popular State of Seuria or more commonly as simply Seuria, is a country located in Kistavich. It borders the République Autonome d’Arcadie and Kaskaida navally. It shares no land borders with any currently existing states. As of the 2030 census, it had a population of approximately 32 million, this being the largest population to have ever existed on the islands at once. Seuria comprises three major islands, and a number of smaller ones generally believed to number in the low hundreds (116, approximately).

Seuria as a state was long occupied by Arcadie - with domination of the islands as an autonomous province existing since the early 400 BCE period (following the rule of Oisean Macmathan), and direct rule having been a reality since the quashing of independence attempts (such as the Lá na Feirge) in the 1700s. Seuria would break way from Arcadie following the efforts of Maynard Wallaker and his Party for National Liberation - the latter lasting and morphing past the death of its founder, and becoming the primary source of political power within the nation. Owing to historical cultural spread (primarily through Meridon in the form of exiles from the occupied islands and Anagonia owing to historic conflicts), Seurian exists as a widely used international language in Kistavich - although it is generally irrelevant elsewhere.

Seuria is, as mentioned, a defacto one-party state organized around the institution of the Party for National Liberation - now known, as of 2026, as The Independence Rally, with every President-Minister of the period since independence having been a member of such, including the current PM Baxter Faucher. It maintains strong relations with Meridon despite severe political differences, owing to Meridonian support in the establishment of Seurian independence. It additionally maintains a strong xenophobic stance towards Arcadie, with the two nations not sharing embassies and refusing to conduct formal relations with one another, a stance unpopular amongst an entrenched grouping of Arcadie-descendent individuals who were unable or unwilling to leave post-independence. Seuria is not a major power, and relies on Meridonian support for most of its defensive preparations.

Etymology / Terminology


Ancient Seuria

Seurian peoples are presumed to have emerged from the Kistavich continent, with their inhabitation of the islands being seen as something of a historical fluke, a short-term land bridge presumed to be the reason why so many were capable of moving to inhabit the region which would eventually break away despite directly-found remnants of such. Historically, the primary inhibitors of the region would be known as the Insular Seurians.

Historically, Seuria would have a strong seafaring culture from an early period of history, with the earliest points of sea-based contact with other early state entities occurring in the 600 BCE period - with the Ancient Seurians inhabiting many of the islands of the overall Western Kistavich Islands Chain, and engaging in trade with both the natives inhabiting the current-day Kaskaidan landmass and with the early states of Arcadie. During this time frame, many small kingdoms would rise and fall tied to the properties and leadership of local minor nobility - until one, the High Kingdom of Seuria established by Fedelmid Macmathan, managed to last past the death of its founder through a large scale process of land reform and administrative changes, including the destruction of certain settlements found highly unwilling to unite under the Macmathan banner.

The Seurian High Kingdom would encroach gradually on the territory of pre-modern Arcadie, through both trade and through the seizure of key port cities in exchange for supporting their previous owners in military actions to seize the territory of their rivals.

Seurian Invasion

Overt invasion would begin under the reign of Oisean Macmathan, who used the invasion as a means to secure his power over the native nobility - which at this time was again becoming resurgent after the diffident rule of his father. In an effort to distinguish himself and establish a legacy which would leave him in a position of power, he would use troops already present in occupied cities (and their outlying territories) to launch a full scale invasion of the then-feuding statelets of Arcadie, eventually successfully seizing the vast majority of the territory of such despite fierce opposition. With this gambit successful, his plans for a full-scale purge of the nobility were prevented by his sudden and unexpected death.

His children would move to continue the invasion into Kistavich, which would eventually result in both the creation of sympathetic leadership in Dracaduna, the occupation of territory in both what is now Kaskaida and regions near what is now Jin, and the attempted invasion of Minor Kistavich / Anagonia, which would eventually result in the collapse of the Seurian High Kingdom. This collapse was both military and domestic - with the occupied territory of Arcadie falling into a massive revolt, involving both already present resistant figures and the general populace which had been turned to anti-state activities owing to a collapse in food security. A litany of crimes would be engaged in by both sides, most infamously the Journée du Sang massacre conducted by Jeanne d'Ay de Gesapsgel.

Seuria itself, with its key ports (and much of its fleet) seized by the revolting Arcadie, would be invaded and conquered, with high casualties to the invading forces. It would be incorporated into Arcadie as a semi-independent territory of such, although the population would eventually be calmed by the provision of large-scale clan-backed (as in: backed by the ruling clan of Arcacie) food provision and material seizure of noble land, which left the territory in a somewhat governable state.


Autonomous Period

The "Decade of Blood"

Pre Red-Winter

The War of National Liberation


Modern Period


The topography of Seuria is primarily comprised of broadleaf forests, with a number of native species (around 80+) adapted to such. This geographic similarity is not shared with the outlying islands or the north of Seuria's primary island, which have less temperate climates, with a notably colder (or warmer, in the case of the southern islands) temperature. The national animal of Seuria is the Seurian Baum Marten, which is somewhat domesticated. The main rivers of Seuria are the Trent, Severn, and Mersey, which were historically used for travel across the divided statelets of the period. The primary makeup of the islands is basalt, likely formed during the opening of the Seurian-Arcadie Sea. Seuria's highest mountain is the Helvellyn, standing at 950 meters (3,116ft).


Most of Seuria has a temperate climate, with generally cool temperatures and plentiful rainfall all year round - an average of 210 raining days per year. The skies are often clouded, with heavy winds being somewhat common. Seuria was one of the first states to invest in a large capacity in weather reporting systems (and systems for the spreading of such information), to allow for the recording and preparing of key areas of the nation for storm conditions.


Foreign Relations













