Library:Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1977)

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Coat of arms of the Soviet Union (printed version, FireBrick).svg

(Fundamental Law)
of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The Great October Socialist Revolution, accomplished by the workers and peasants of Russia under the leadership of the Communist Party headed by V.I Lenin, overthrew the rule of capitalists and nobility, smashed the shackles of oppression, established the dictatorship of the proletariat, and created the council state — a new type of state, the basic instrument for defending the revolution's gains, and for constructing socialism and communism. Humanity thus began the globally historic turn from capitalism to socialism.

After achieving victory in the civil war and repelling imperialist intervention, the Soviet authority implemented profound social and economic transformations, and put an end once and for all to exploitation of man by man, to class antagonisms, and animosity between nationalities. The union of the council republics in the Soviet Union increased the powers and opportunities of the peoples of the country in the construction of socialism. Social ownership of the means of production and genuine democracy for the working masses were asserted. For the first time in history of humanity, a socialist society was created.

The brilliant strength of socialism was demonstrated by the immortal feats of the Soviet people and their Armed Forces in achieving the historical victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory strengthened the prestige and international position of the USSR and revealed new favorable opportunities for the growth of socialism, national liberation, democracy and peace across the whole world.

Continuing their constructive work, the workers of the Soviet Union have ensured the rapid and all-round progress of the country and the improvement of the socialist system. They have strengthened the alliance of the working class, the collective-farm of peasantry and people's intelligentsia, and friendship of the nations and nationalities of the USSR. The socio-political and ideological unity of Soviet society, in which the working class is the leading force, has developed. The aims of the dictatorship of the proletariat having been achieved, the Soviet state has become a state of the whole people. The leading role of the Communist Party— the vanguard of all the people, has grown.

In the USSR, a developed socialist society has been built. At this stage, when socialism is developing on its own foundation, the constructive forces of the new system and the advantages of the socialist way of life have been revealed, and the workers are more extensively enjoying the fruits of their great revolutionary gains.

It is a society in which powerful productive forces and progressive science and culture has been established, in which the well-being of the people is constantly improving, and more extensively favorable conditions for the all-round development of the individual have arisen.

It is a society of mature socialist social relations, in which, on the basis of the convergence of all classes and social strata and of the juridical and factual equality of all its nations and nationalities and their fraternal cooperation, a new historic community of people— the Soviet people, has formed.

It is a society of highly organized ideological and class-conscious workers- who are patriots and internationalists.

It is a society in which the law of life is the concern of good of all for each and the concern of each for the good of all.

It is a society of genuine democracy, in which the political system ensures effective administration of all public affairs, the ever-greater active participation of the working class in the government, and the combining of the real rights of citizens with their duties and responsibilities to society.

A developed socialist society is a natural stage in the path towards communism.

The supreme goal of the Soviet government is the construction of a classless communist society, in which there will develop a communist self-government. The main tasks of the socialist state of all the people are: the creation of a material and technological base for communism, to develop socialist social relations and transform them into communist ones, to upbring the man of communist society, to raise the workers' material and cultural standards of living, to ensure the security of the country, and to promote the consolidation of peace and the development of international co-operation.

The Soviet people:

  • Guided by the ideas of scientific communism and complying faithfully to their revolutionary traditions,
  • Relying on the great socio-economic and political gains of socialism,
  • Striving for the further development of socialist democracy,
  • Taking into consideration the international position of the USSR as a constituent part of the international system of socialism, and conscious of their international responsibility,
  • Preserving continuity of the ideas and principles of the first Soviet constitution of 1918, the 1924 Constitution of the USSR and the 1936 Constitution of the USSR,

Affirm the foundations of the social order and policy of the USSR, determine the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and the principles of the organization and goals of a socialist society of all the people, and proclaim them in this constitution.


Chapter 1. The Political System

Article 1. The USSR is a socialist state of the entire people, expressing the will and interests of the workers, farmers, and intelligentsia of all the working people of the nations and nationalities in the country.

Article 2. All power in the USSR belongs to the people.

The people exercise state power through councils made up of people's deputies, which form the political foundation of the USSR.

Article 3. The organisation and functions of the Soviet state are based in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism: the election of all bodies of state power from bottom to top, their accountability to their people, and the binding of decisions made by higher authorities for lower ones. Democratic centralism combines cohesive leadership with initiative and creative activity on the job, with the responsibility of every government body and official for their assigned work.

Article 4. The Soviet state and all its bodies operate on the basis of socialist legality, ensures the protection of law and order, the interests of society, and the rights and freedoms of citizens.

State and public organizations and their officials are obliged to comply with the constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws.

Article 5. The most important issues of state and public life are brought to the attention of the public for discussion, and also put to a popular vote (referendum)

Article 6. The leading and guiding force of Soviet society, the core of its political system, state and public organizations is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The CPSU exists for the people, and serves the people.

Under Marxist-Leninist doctrine, the Communist Party determines the general prospects for the development of society, the line of internal and foreign policy of the USSR, manages the grand constructive activities of the Soviet people, and gives a systematic, scientifically-based character to its fight for the triumph of communism.

All party organizations operate within the framework of the Soviet constitution.

Article 7. Trade unions, the All-Union Lenin Communist Youth Organization, cooperatives and other public organizations, in accordance with their statutory objectives, participate in the management of state and public affairs and in decisions both political, economic and socio-cultural.

Article 8. Work collectives participate in discussions and decisions of state and public affairs, in the planning of production and social development, in training and arrangement of personnel, in discussing and solving issues of managing enterprises and institutions, in improvements to working and living conditions, the use of funds intended for the development of production, as well as for socio-cultural affairs and material promotion.

Work collectives develop socialist emulation, contribute to the spread of advanced working methods, the strengthening of the discipline of labor, educate their members in the spirit of communist ethics, tends to the increase of their political consciousness, and their cultural and professional qualifications.

Article 9. The main direction of the development of the Soviet political system is the continuous development of socialist democracy: of the ever-broader involvement of citizens in administration of state and public affairs, improving the state apparatus, the promotion of the activities of public organizations, reinforcing people's control, strengthening the legal foundations of state and public life, the expansion of publicity, and the continuous consideration of public opinion.

Chapter 2. The Economic System

Article 10. The basis of the economic system of the USSR is the socialist ownership of the means of production in the form of state (public) and collective farms or cooperative property.

Socialist ownership includes the assets of trade unions and other public organizations that are necessary for the fulfillment of their statutory tasks.

The state protects socialist property and establishes conditions for its multiplication.

Nobody has the right to use socialist property for the purposes of private profit and other selfish purposes.

Article 11. State property is the common property of all Soviet people and the main form of socialist ownership.

The exclusive property of the state includes the land (soil), its minerals, its water and its forests. The state owns the means of production in industry, construction and agriculture, the means of transportation and communication, banks, the assets of state-organized trade, public and other enterprises, the main urban housing stock, as well as other assets necessary to carry out the tasks of the state.

Article 12. The property of collective farms and other cooperative organizations and their associations are the means of production and other assets they need to carry out statutory tasks. The land borrowed by collective farms is assigned to them for their free and perpetual use.

The state promotes the development of collective farm and cooperative assets and its convergence with the state. Collective farms, like other land users, are obliged to use the land effectively, treat it with care, and enhance its fruitfulness.

Article 13. The basis of personal possessions of the citizens of the USSR is earned income. Personal possessions may include everyday items, personal consumption, amenities and household farms, houses and earned savings. The personal possessions of citizens and the right to inherit it are guaranteed by the state. Citizens may use plots of land provided to them by established law for the running of subsidiary farming (including keeping livestock and poultry), fruit-growing and vegetable growing, as well as individual housing construction. Citizens have a duty to rationally utilize the land plots provided to them. State and collective farms provide assistance to citizens in managing their farms.

Possessions, both personal and public, should not serve to extract unearned profit or to be used to the detriment of the interests of society.

Article 14. The source of the growth of social wealth and the well-being of the Soviet people and every individual is the labor, free from exploitation, of the Soviet people.

In accordance with the socialist principle "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", the state exercises control over the measure of work and consumption. It determines the rate of taxation on income subject to taxation.

Socially useful work and its results determines a person's position in society. The state, combining material and moral incentives, encourages innovation, a creative attitude to work, and contributes to the transformation of labor into the first vital need of every Soviet person.

Article 15. The supreme goal of social production under socialism is the most complete satisfaction of the growing material and inner needs of the people.

By guiding the creative activity of workers, socialist emulation, achievements of scientific and technological progress and improving the forms and methods of economic management, the state ensures an increase in labor productivity, an increase in production efficiency and quality of work, and a dynamic, planned, and proportional development of the national economy.

Article 16. The economy of the USSR constitutes a single national economic complex, including all branches of social production, distribution and exchange on the territory of the country.

Economic management is carried out on the basis of the state planning of economic and social development, taking into account industrial and territorial principles, with a combination of centralized management with the economic independence and initiative of enterprises, unions, and other organizations. In this case, economic calculations of profit, cost, and other economic levers and incentives are considered.

Article 17. In the USSR, in accordance with the law, individual labor in the fields of handicrafts, farming, consumer services, as well as other types of activities are permitted based exclusively on the personal labor of citizens and members of their family. The state regulates the activity of individual labor and ensures it serves the interests of society.

Article 18. In the interests of generations both present and future, the USSR adopts the necessary steps taken for the protection of, and scientifically based, rational use of the land and its minerals and waters, the plant and animal kingdoms, the preservation of the purity of water and air, the reproduction of natural wealth, and the improvement of the human environment.

Chapter 3. Social Development and Culture

Article 19.. The social foundation of the USSR is the unbreakable union between the workers, farmers, and intelligentsia. The state contributes to the strengthening of the social homogenity of society - the erasure of class differences, differences between urban and rural, mental and physical labor, and a comprehensive development and rapproachment of all nations and nationalities of the USSR.

Article 20. In accordance with the communist ideal of "Free development of each is the condition for the free development of all", the state pursues as its goal the expansion of real opportunities for citizens to use their creative abilities and talents for the comprehensive development of the individual.

Article 21. The state cares for the improvement of working condition, the protection of labor and its scientific organization, with the goal of reducing and ultimately eliminating all arduous physical labor through complex mechanizatoin and automation of production processes in all sectors of the national economy.

Article 22. The USSR implements a consistent program of the transformation of agricultural labor into a form of industrial labor, the extension of the network of educational, cultural and medical institutions, public catering, services and utilities to rural areas, and the transformation of hamlets and villages into comfortable settlements.

Article 23. Based on the growth of the productivity of labor, the state pursues a policy of increasing the wages and real income of workers.

In order to more completely satisfy the needs of the Soviet people, public consumption funds are created. The state, with the broad participation of public organizations and work collectives, ensures the growth and fair distribution of these funds.

Article 24. In the USSR, state systems of healthcare, social security, services and public catering, consumer services and public utilities are operated and developed. The state promotes and encourages the activities of co-operatives and other public organizations for the providing of all types of services for the population. The state promotes the development of mass physical culture and sports.

Article 25. In the USSR, there exists a constantly improving unified system of public education which provides general educational and professional training of citizens, serves communist education, the cultural and physical development of youth, and prepares them for work and social activities.

Article 26. In accordance with the needs of society, the state provides for the systematic development of the sciences and training of scientific personnel and organizes the introduction of the conclusions of scientific research into the national economy and other spheres of life.

Article 27. The state concerns itself with the protection, enhancement, and augmenting of cultural values for the moral and aesthetic education of the Soviet people, raising their cultural level. In the USSR, the development of professional and folk art is encouraged in every way.

Chapter 4. Foreign Policy

Article 28. The USSR steadfastly pursues the Leninist policy of peace and advocates the strengthening of the safety of people and extensive international cooperation.

The foreign policy of the USSR is directed towards ensuring favorable international conditions for the building of communism in the USSR, protecting the state interests of the USSR, strengthening the position of world socialism, supporting the struggle of peoples for national liberation and social progress, preventing wars of aggression, achieving general and complete disarmament and the consistent implementation of the principle of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems. War propaganda is prohibited in the USSR.

Article 29. The USSR's relations with other states is based on the principles of sovereign equality; that is mutual renunciation of the threat or usage of force, inviolability of borders, the territorial integrity of states, peaceful settlements of disputes, non-interference in internal affairs, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, equality of rights and the rights of people to control their own destiny, cooperation between states, good faith fulfillment of obligations arising from universally recognized principles and norms of international law and from treaties concluded by the USSR with other states.

Article 30. The USSR, as a constituent part of the world system of socialism and the socialist community, develops and strengthens friendship and cooperation and friendly mutual assistance with socialist countries on the basis of the principle of socialist internationalism and actively participates in economic integration and the international socialist sharing of labour.

Chapter 5. Defense of the Socialist Fatherland

Article 31. The defense of the socialist Fatherland constitutes the most important functions of the state and is the concern of all its people.

In order to defend socialist gains, the peaceful labor of the Soviet people, and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the Armed Forces of the USSR are created, and universal military service is established.

The duty of the Armed Forces of the USSR to the people is to reliably defend the socialist Fatherland, to be in constant combat readiness, and guarantee an immediate response to any aggressor.

Article 32. The state ensures the security and defensive capabilities of the country and equips the Armed Forces of the USSR with everything that is required.

The duties of State bodies, public organizations, officials and citizens to ensure the security of the country and the strengthening of its defensive capacities shall be determined by legislation of the Soviet Union.


Chapter 6. Citizenship of the USSR and Equality of Citizens

Article 33. The USSR establishes a common union citizenship. Every citizen of a union republic is a citizen of the USSR.

The grounds and procedure for acquiring and losing Soviet citizenship are determined by the Law on Citizenship of the USSR. Citizens of the USSR abroad shall enjoy the protection and patronage of the Soviet state

Article 34 Citizens of the USSR shall be equal before the law, irrespective of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, sex, education, language, attitude to religion, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

Equality of the citizens of the USSR shall be provided for in all spheres of economic, political, social and cultural life.

Article 35. Women and men have equal rights in the USSR.

The realization of these rights is assured by providing women with equal opportunities with men in education and vocational training, work, remuneration and promotion, social, political and cultural activities, as well as by special measures to protect the labor and health of women, by creating conditions enabling women to combine work and motherhood, by providing legal protection, material and moral support for motherhood and childhood, which includes paid leave and other benefits for pregnant women.

Article 36. Citizens of the USSR of different races and nationalities have equal rights.

The exercise of these rights is ensured by a policy of comprehensive development and convergence of all nations and nationalities of the USSR, the education of citizens in the spirit of Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism, and the opportunity to use their native language and the languages of other peoples of the USSR.

Any direct or indirect restriction of rights, establishment of direct or indirect advantages, of citizens on racial and national grounds, as well as preaching of any racial or national exclusiveness, enmity or contempt, shall be punishable by law.

Article 37. Foreign citizens and stateless persons in the USSR shall be guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for in the law, including the right to appeal to the courts and other state bodies for the protection of their personal property, family and other rights.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons in the territory of the USSR are obliged to respect the constitution of the USSR and to observe Soviet laws.

Article 38. The USSR grants the right of asylum to foreigners persecuted for defending the interests of workers and the cause of peace, for participation in revolutionary and national liberation movements, progressive socio-political, political, scientific or other creative activities.

Chapter 7. Fundamental Rights, Freedoms and Duties of Citizens of the USSR

Article 39. Citizens of the USSR possess the entirety of socio-economic, political and personal rights and freedoms proclaimed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USSR and Soviet laws. The socialist system ensures the expansion of rights and freedoms and the continuous improvement of the living conditions of citizens as programs of socio-economic and cultural developments are implemented.

The usage of rights and freedoms by citizens must not harm the interests of society and the state, or the rights of other citizens.

Article 40. Citizens of the USSR have the right to work, i.e. to receive guaranteed work with wages in accordance with its quantity and quality and not lower than the minimum amount established by the state, including the right to choose a profession, occupation and work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, professional training, education and taking into consideration social needs.

This right is guaranteed by the socialist system of economy, the steady growth of productive forces, free vocational training, improvement of labor skills and training in new specialties, and the development of systems of vocational guidance and employment.

Article 41. Citizens of the USSR have the right to rest. This right is ensured by the establishment for workers and employees of a working week not exceeding 41 hours, a shorter working day for a number of professions and industries, a shorter duration of night work, the provision of annual paid vacations, days of weekly rest, as well as the expansion of the network of cultural, educational and health-improvement institutions, the creation of favorable opportunities for recreation at places of residence and other conditions for the rational use of free time.

The duration of working hours and rest of collective farmers is regulated by collective farms.

Article 42. Citizens of the USSR have the right to health protection.

This right is ensured by free qualified medical care provided by public health institutions, the expansion of the network of institutions for the treatment and promotion of the health of citizens, the development and improvement of safety and industrial sanitation, the implementation of extensive preventative measures, measures to improve the environment, special care of the health of the younger generation, improving the prohibition of child labor unrelated to education and labor education, the development of scientific research, and the assurance of the longevity of active life for citizens.

'Article 43. Citizens of the USSR have the right to material security in old age, in case of illness, total or partial disability, and loss of the ability to work. This right is guaranteed by social insurance for workers, employees and collective farmers, temporary disability benefits, payment at the expense of the state and collective farms, of pensions for age, disability and loss of the ability to work, employment of citizens who have partially lost the ability to work, care for elderly citizens and the disabled, and other forms of social security.

Article 44. Citizens of the USSR have the right to housing.

This right is ensured by the development and protection of the state and public housing stock, the promotion of cooperative and individual housing construction, the fair distribution under public control of the living space provided, and programs for the construction of comfortable dwellings and public utilities. Citizens of the USSR are obligated to carefully treat the housing granted to them.

Article 45. Citizens of the USSR have the right to education.

This right is ensured by the free availability of all types of education, the implementation of universal compulsory secondary education for young people, the extensive development of vocational, technical, specialized secondary and higher education based on the relationship between education and life and production, the development of remote and evening education, the provision of state scholarships and benefits to pupils and students, the free provision of school textbooks, the possibility of schooling in one's mother tongue, and the creation of conditions for self-education.