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National Treasure (Pulacan)

A National Treasure (Nahuatl: X, SePala: Y) is a tangible site, artifact or cultural work deemed to have pre-eminent value by the government of Pulacan. There are eighteen National Treasures, kept consistent since their first introduction in 1961. It is the highest such designation issued by the Secretariat of Cultural Affairs. The number of artifacts is significant, corresponding with the number of months in the Nahua calendar used in Pulacan. In addition to being of significant historical or cultural value, a National Treasure must also in some way correspond to one of eighteen "national values" drawn up by the Secretariat. As such, the designation of certain National Treasures has generated some controversy.


No. Image Name Location Type National Virtue Description
1 Shuzenji Onsen 20100518.jpg Cuamochicpac Historic Town Cuamochicpac altepetl, Y Department Artificial site (town) Community faith Cuamochicpac is a temazcalaltepetl, a type of town centered around a temazcal or hot springs renowned for religious or scenic locations. The site of the springs bears archaeological evidence of ritual worship dating back to the 1st century BCE; indigenous beliefs and Cozauist temples alike see major festivals celebrated at the site. The town is also listed for its well-preserved centuries-old public baths, still in use despite the modern rise of in-home bathing. The site is therefore linked not only to Pulacan's history, but to the traditional practices of communal bathing and their associated rituals as well.


Historicity of objects

Issues of nationalism