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Part of a Series on
People's Commonwealth of Eurasia
PCE - Народное Содружество Евразии
Flag of the PCE
The People's Government
Other Regional Info

Eurasia, officially the People's Commonwealth of Eurasia is a medium-sized region, with a community of 26 nations and no World Assembly Members. It was founded by the Socialist Commonwealth of Elizabeth on May 11, 2012. Eurasia is currently home to 26 nations, and it's sole leader is Glorious Premier Elizabeth Rosalva, who maintains total control over the region. Uniquely, for a very small region, Eurasia sports it's own forum, with it's own domain of , although the forum is currently inactive.

In Eurasia, denizens scatter at the sight of strangers and are careful to keep carefully blank faces when approached. Political freedoms are extended only to close friends and relatives of the leaders of the region's governments. The almost total lack of economic activity in the country is a constant sore spot for politicians. Inhabitants rarely are visited by the tax collector, and the region boasts a paltry median tax rate of -1%. The economies of nations in the region tend to be dominated by the private sector, with on average only -1% of the economy comprising the public sector. Commerce is low priority for governments, accounting for an average of -1% of public expenditure, although commerce is generally seen as a source of tax revenue.

Denizens of the Eurasia are poorly educated, with rampant illiteracy. Criminality is rife within the region, with law enforcement struggling to cope. Governments allocate a meagre -1%, on average, of their budgets to law and order. Denizens have small defense forces. Public transport is an afterthought, with only -1% of total government budgets in the region being devoted to it.

Governments in Eurasia find themselves in a constant state of disarray, with very little co-ordination, only -1% on average of government budgets being devoted to Administration. Some government provision is made for healthcare, but at an average of only -1% the provision for healthcare in the region is paltry. Welfare in the region is minimal, with only a small amount of expenditure being devoted to spending on social security. Spirituality is a moderate priority of governments within the region, with-1% of government budgets being devoted to Spirituality.

Social inequality is rife amongst the nations within Eurasia. The environments of the nations in the region are almost universally appalling.