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Rework of China based on May 5 draft:
1. Each county or municipality or area of equivalent statuses elects one delegate. If its population exceeds 300,000, they gain another delegate per every additional 500,000 people.
2. The term of office for the National Assembly is six years.
3. The National Assembly is the unicameral legislature of the republic which other institutions are subordinate to
4. The National Assembly:

  • Elects the President and Vice President of the:
    • Republic
    • Legislative Yuan
    • Control Yuan
  • Elects the Members of the:
    • Legislative Yuan
    • Control Yuan
  • Recalls the President and Vice President of the:
    • Republic
    • Legislative Yuan
    • Judicial Yuan
    • Examination Yuan
    • Control Yuan
  • Recalls the Members of the:
    • Legislative Yuan
    • Members of the Control Yuan
  • Initiates laws
  • Holds referenda on laws
  • Amends the constitution

5. The President is elected by the National Assembly
6. The President is the head of state
7. The President is the commander-in-chief
8. The President promulgates laws and issues mandates with the counter-signature of the President of the Yuan concerned
9. The President declares wars and negotiates peace and concludes treaties
10. The President declares and terminates states of emergency 11. The President grants amnesties, special pardons, remission of sentences and restitution of civil rights
12. The President appoints and removes civil and military officials
13. The President confers honors and awards decorations
14. The President may issue emergency mandates
15. The President can summon a meeting of the presidents of the five Yuan for the purposes of consultation or discussion of matters appertaining to two or more Yuan.
16. The President must be at least 40 years old
17. The President and Vice-President hold office for six years and can be elected once more (two terms of 12 years)
18. IF the President becomes vacant, the Vice-President becomes the president. If the President is incapacitated, the Vice-President discharges the duties of the Presidency. If both the Presiden and Vice-President are incapacitated, the President of the Executive Yuan discharges the duties of the Presidency.
19. If the President of the Executive Yuan has to discharge the duties of the Presidency, the period for this may not exceed six months.

20. The Executive Yuan is the executive branch of the governemnt of the Republic.
21. The Executive Yuan consists of a President (the Premier), a Vice-President (Vice-Premier), and a number of Executive Members that can be appointed and removed by the President.
22. The Executive Yuan consists of various Ministries and Commissions which separately exercise their respective executive powers.
23. The Ministers of the various Ministries and the Chairmen of the various Commissions are to be appointed by the President from among the Executive Members.
24. the President and Vice-President of the Executive Yuan can also concurrently serve as Ministers and Chairmen of Commissions.
25. The President and Vice-President of the Executive Yuan, its members, and the Ministers of the various Ministries and Chairmen of the various Commissions are individually responsible to the President.
26. The Executive Yuan shall hold meetings, presided over by the President of the Yuan, and consisting of the members of the Yuan, and the President... and the Vice-President.
27. The following matters are decided at an executive meeting:

  • Statutory and budgetary bills to be submitted to the Legislative Yuan
  • Bills concerning a state of emergency and amnesty to be submitted to the Legislative Yuan
  • Bills concerning declaration of war, negotiation of peace, conclusion of treaties and other important international affairs to be submitted to the Legyuan
  • Matters of common concern to the various Ministries and Commissions
  • Matters submitted by the President or President of the Executive Yuan
  • Matters submitted by the Vice-President of the Executive Yuan, the Executive Members, and the various Ministries and Commissions

28. The Legislative Yuan is the highest organ of the Republic's legislative branch. It is responsible to the National Assembly. I genuinely don't know the relation between the Legislative Yuan. Is it the upper house? That wouldn't make sense, because it would... Is it just the government in general? ALl the other branches are responsible to the National Assembly. I have no clue.
29. The Legislative Yuan has the powers of deciding on measures concerning legislation, budgets, states of emergency, amnesty, declaration of war, negotiation of peace, conclusion of treaties and other important international affairs.
30. The Legislative Yuan can interrogate the various Yuan, Ministries and Commissions
31. Members of the legislative Yuan are elected by the National Assembly from a list of candidates separately nominated by the delegates of the various provinces, Mongolia, Tibet, and citizens residing abroad. The candidates don't need to be delegates to the National Assembly. The representative number of candidates shall be proportioned as follows:

  • Provinces that have a population of more than five million but less than ten million nominate six candidates. Per each extra five million people, provinces nominate two extra candidates.
  • As an example: Guangdong would nominate 54 candidates.
  • Mongolia and Tibet nominate eight candidates
  • Citizens abroad nominate eight candidates too

32. The term of office for the Legislative Yuan is three years, and they're eligible for re-election
33. The Executive, Judicial, Examination, and Control Yuan can submit to the Legislative Yuan measures concerning matters within their respective jurisdiction.
34. The President, before promulgation or execution of a legislative measure adoptedb y the Legislative Yuan, request the said Yuan to reconsider it
35. If the Legislative Yuan, after reconsideration, decides to confirm the original measure by a vote of two-thirds or more of its members present, the PResident has to immediately promulgate or execute the said measure.
36. Members of the LegYuan cannot concurrently serve in any other public office or engage in any business or profession

37. The Judicial Yuan is the Republic's judicial branch, and attends to civil, criminal and administrative suits and judicial administration
38. Consists of a President and Vice-President who serve for three years and are appointed by the President.
39. The President is responsible to the National Assembly.
40. The Judicial President submits to the Presidents for action matters regarding special pardons, remission of sentences and restitution of civil rights.