BBV Season 21: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Vitosium Season 21!

How does the game work?

The contestants, known as "houseguests" must become the last one standing to win $500 000! The week begins with somebody becoming the Head of Household or "HOH" for short. This person then nominates two people for "eviction", which is the term for "elimination" in this show.

After this, they compete to win the Power of Veto, which allows the holder to save one of the two nominees. Of course, the option to not use it is there. Should the Power of Veto, or POV for short, be used, the reigning Head of Household must name a replacement nominee. This person can not be the ex-nominee who was just saved or the Power of Veto holder.

The only choice for the two nominees is to campaign to ensure that they stay past the end of the week. Once that time comes, everybody, except for the nominees, vote for who they want gone. The Head of Household can only vote in the event of a tie. The person with the most votes is "evicted" and must leave the game immediately. Following this, another Head of Household competition is held but the outgoing HOH is not eligible to win it.

Additional Info For This Page

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Contestants have these confessionals in the "Diary Room". Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 1st Group Introductions:

Cait Golitsyn:

JJ Rayment:

Summer De Matteo:

Terry Crespo:

As the four enter, Summer DRs that it feels amazing to be back in the house! Terry DRs that he is so grateful to play without the coach twist. JJ, as they go to find their beds, immediately suggests an alliance. The others agree. Cait DRs that it is far too soon for an alliance but JJ will, most likely, win the first HOH.

2nd Group Introductions:

Callen D'Aleo:

Ingrid Hargrave:

Reuben Kam:

Veronika Marsocci:

As this group enters, Reuben DRs that it has been quite a few years since Season 15. He hopes he can actually make the jury this time but he plans to gun for the win. As they all go to find beds, Cait DRs that she sees Ingrid and is so curious why she is here. As Ingrid lays on her bed, she DRs that she won't take 10th Place like last time. She is here to win and she knows she can. The eight of them sit down and toast to being the first eight and for being on All Stars 3! Callen DRs that it is amazing to see them get along. He knows it won't be forever. Veronika DRs that her biggest obstacle will overcoming her target as a previous winner. Ingrid DRs that the only threat is Veronika as she won before. She believes that she can use her, though.

The host, Sofia Venoa, comes on screen and says that, before the next two groups arrive, the eight of them will be competing in an Immunity competition!

1st Immunity Comp / Terry wins!

DR Count:
Cait (1)
JJ (1)
Terry (2)
Veronika (1)
3rd Group Introductions:

Marsden Famara:

Rosario de Caria:

Saundra Frost:

Vanda Aguilar:

As the four enter, Marsden DRs that it feels amazing to be back after nine years! Ingrid sees Saundra and DRs that Saundra is here and she doesn't deserve to be. She is not an All Star. Saundra DRs that she sees Ingrid and she doesnt care. She probably expects a reaction after three years. Rosario DRs that the tension is thick between Saundra and Ingrid. They both seem to be ignoring each other. As they go to find beds, Rosario whispers to Saundra that, if he wins HOH, he will put Ingrid up. Saundra thanks him. Rosario DRs that Saundra seems like a good ally to have so he wanted to make that promise. Callen tells them that they just finished an Immunity Challenge, which Terry won. The four congratulate Terry. Vanda DRs that, most likely, they will have to do one as well.

4th Group Introductions:

Brynn Roth:

Holly Forcina:

Justin Coronil:

Lacey Graham:

As they enter the house, Brynn DRs that it is too late to turn back now. She is fully committed to winning the game. Vanda is very, very excited to see Holly and Lacey. She DRs that Lacey is her all time favourite winner and Holly is the best player to never win!

2nd Immunity Comp / Marsden wins!

DR Count:
Brynn (1)
Justin (1)
Marsden (2)
Saundra (2)
Rosario (1)
End of episode.
Episode 2 Celeb Group Introductions:

Amber Dias-Ivanov:

Claudia de Sobo:

Diamond Sosa:

Donovan Carucci-Blake:

Lee Farello:

Lexi de Garo-Booth:

Quintino Cima:

It is the morning of Day 2. Sofia Venoa announces that seven more will join them but not all of them will stay. As the celebrities enter, Diamond DRs that she may be the most excited celebrity to be here but it isn't set in stone yet. Vanda DRs that these celebrities were crazy players. A part of her wants to target them immediately. Sofia Venoa welcomes everybody and says that not everybody here is an official houseguest as two will be leaving today.

? wins HOH!
Episode 3 Diamond DRs that she just won HOH and ahe couldnt be more excited to NOT be the first one out. Diamond and Lee are in the storage room. Diamond tells him that she is very worried about Rosario, as well as Season 17. Lee agrees. Diamond tells Lee that the best option they have is to move forward together. She is also worried about Saundra due to how she called people out during Season 17. Lee brings up that Season 17, in general, is pretty dangerous. Diamond agrees. Lee DRs that the returnees from Season 17 are massive, massive threats. He can't trust anybody from that season. They are far too good and should go as soon as possible. Reuben is with Rosario, Vanda and Terry in the living room. He says that, since Season 15, he got married to the love of his life, [Jodi]. They were together for six years before Season 15 and he proposed three months after the finale. He DRs that he can't imagine his life with anybody else. He says that they have two kids. In one of the bedrooms, Saundra approaches Ingrid and asks if they could talk. Ingrid refuses to talk to her because all Saundra did was yell at her. Saundra DRs that Ingrid is oblivious as the reason she yelled at her was due to how manipulative she, Ingrid, was. Saundra says that Ingrid was being very sneaky, manipulative, and she tried to use Corinne as a puppet so she called out her game but that was Season 17. Ingrid says that she was just playing the game. Saundra says that she played her hands too obviously and they couldn't trust her. Ingrid tells Saundra that she doesn't trust her to play an honest game with her. Saundra tells Ingrid to let it go as Ingrid took her out in Season 17 so they are even. Ingrid then boasts about doing so then and how she will do so again. Saundra gives up and leaves the room. Saundra DRs that she tried but to no avail so she plans to move on, although she will be in danger if Ingrid wins HOH. Ingrid, Veronika, JJ, and Reuben are in the kitchen. Ingrid DRs that she has, no doubt, returned due to becoming an underdog due to a reckless wildcard like Saundra. Ingrid says how they need to get Saundra out either this week as the replacement or next week as she will do nothing but call out everybody's games and claim that she's the Queen of Justice for "calling out the bad people". Veronika notes that Ingrid targeting Saundra is more personal than strategic as, in Season 17, Ingrid was proven to be very sneaky and controlling so Saundra calling out her game made sense because she was protecting her friend, Corinne. Ingrid tells Veronika that Saundra is not a good person at all. JJ DRs that Ingrid is starting to piss him off as she is veering into personal attack territory. In Season 17, he put up with it as she was the perfect shield but, now, he has no plans to work with her. In one of the bedrooms, later, JJ, Brynn, and Vanda are talking alone. Brynn brings up how they (Brynn and JJ) are known as some of the most physical players, which means that they will have the biggest targets on their back. JJ says that he thinks he will be targeted first due to how he wasn't vulnerable until Final 9. Vanda says that she is fine with this alliance as everybody will need to protect each-other. She DRs that the best thing about the alliance is that she can use Brynn and JJ as shields. Brynn DRs that she doesn't think she will ever have as good of an ally like Joseph and people have already crowned her as "The Veto Queen" which puts a monumental target on her back so, this season, she plans to really lay low for a bit. Vanda and Rosario are in the storage room. Vanda says that the both of them may be targeted early so it is best that they help each other out. Rosario agrees and says that it's best to see where everybody's head is at. Vanda DRs that she wants to work with Rosario as he was one of the best players in Season 18 so it is better for them to work together than against each other. Cait, Callen, Justin, Lexi and Veronika are in the kitchen. Lexi says how JJ and Brynn need to go first due to how many comps they won in their seasons. Season 17 could easily work together. Callen comments on how Brynn is known as "The VETO Queen" in the community. Justin DRs that it's odd for Lexi to point that out as there is no way that Saundra and Ingrid will ever work with each other. Diamond and Claudia are in the HoH room. She tells Claudia that it may be in their best interest to have all the celebrities work together. Claudia agrees and says that they may be targeted as soon as a celebrity doesn't win power. Claudia DRs that she won way too many competitions in her season. She feels like she will be the first celebrity to go.
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
Episode 4
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
Episode 5
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.

Week 2

Reuben is with Diamond and Lee in the bathroom. He says that this season being 95 days is only seven more days than Season 15 as that was 88 days. He DRs that one advantage he could have had was endurance when it comes to the game but he only made it to Day 35. He says that he got 12th and hopes to make it to, at least, jury. Lee and Diamond say that they hope to make it to jury. Reuben DRs that his plan is to lay low the first two weeks and let the others canabalize each other. In the meantime, he is making bonds.
Week 2 Episode 6 ? wins HOH!
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
Episode 7
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
Episode 8 Reuben and Marsden are in the backyard. Reuben says that he does not want Ingrid to stay. Marsden says that Ingrid could, easily, be a shield in front of them. Marsden DRs that Reuben isn't seeing the bigger picture. Nobody likes Ingrid at all and would keep targeting her. Reuben says that, while that is true, she is such a despicable person that Big Brother would become an even bigger game of endurance. Reuben DRs that his vote is personal.
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.

Week 3

Week 3 Episode 9 ? wins HOH!
(Lost their vote: Donovan, Justin, Lee, Rosario, Vanda, Veronika)
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
Episode 10
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
Episode 11
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.
? wins HOH!
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.

Week 4

Week 4 Episode 12 Justin wins HOH!
Justin wins HOH and has to nominate three people. He, initially, decides to target JJ with Brynn as a backup.
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
Episode 13 Justin notices that his ally, Marsden, is playing really hard and debates if he is even a close ally to Marsden or if he has everybody in his pocket. Meanwhile, Cait doesn't trust Callen.
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
Episode 14
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.

Week 5

Week 5 Episode 15 Cait wins HOH!
Cait wins HOH and targets Callen. JJ and Reuben have a huge fight. Brynn and Diamond have a huge fight. Cait tries to get Saundra and Brynn be pawns but Saundra tells her that, if she puts her up, she will target her. Cait then decides to target the remaining celebrities.
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
Episode 16 Donovan, Diamond and Lee, now Nominated, all conspire to get Cait out as soon as possible. Cait gets suspicious of Justin and talks to Donovan and Diamond about taking him out instead, which they are okay with. Alone, Cait even debates sending Rosario home. Donovan begins to campaign to send Cait home next week, which gets back to her thanks to Summer.
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
Episode 17
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.
? wins HOH!
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.

Week 6

Week 6 Episode 18 ? wins HOH!
? nominates ? and ? for eviction.
Episode 19
? wins the VETO!
? uses the VETO on ?
? re-nominates ?.
Episode 20
style="background:#ffcccc"? has been evicted.

Week 7

Week 7 Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Week 8

Week 8 Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26

Week 9

Week 9 Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29