History of Vistulzka

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The history of Vistulzka dates back to the inception of the Duchy of Sarmat that comprised of Viswe. This was followed by the establishment of the Duchy of Pereya by Karpatskans and the Duchy of Géza by the Hetumoger. Before the formation of these duchies, the area had been inhabited by the Proto-Sarmats. Traders of the Hernician Empire were aware of people living in Vistulzka, and referred to the area as Vistla. The collapse of the Hernician Empire was a direct cause to the War of Cedynia that led to the Duchy of Sarmat to invade the Duchies of Pereya and Géza. The Treaty of Wełnica, one of the most important documents in Vistulzkan History bore a new state and the first modern iteration of the nation state, the Grand Duchy of Vistulzka in 922. Alongside the creation of the Grand Duchy was the Kingdom of Hetumoger.

In 953, the Treaty of Asotthalom was signed alongside the marriage of the Viswe-Karpatskan Casimir IV and the Hetumoger Sarolt II.