Midwestern English

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"An" is omitted, most commonly on the A vowel. In example "That's an adorable dog." would be changed to "That's a-dorable dog." Contrary to what one may think, this is a pre-dissolution and not Slavic.

Slavic Inherited Grammar


Midwestern speech changes between states, compared to predissolution, the country has a much more recognizable dialect. Vowels such as A and O are drawn out, the th- sound is very flat or replaced with a D or T.

I.E. "Three bags of chips." would be pronounced 'Tree baegs a' chips".

"Hand me those pliers from over there." would be changed to "Hand me tem pliers over der won'tcha?"


  • boulevard, a grassy median strip
  • berm, boulevard, or terrace, a grassy road verge
  • soda, a bottled carbonated drink
  • bubbler, a drinking fountain
  • breezeway or skyway, a hallway-bridge connecting two buildings
  • eh?, a question tag (particularly used in the northern sections of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan)
  • frontage road, a service or access road
  • hotdish, a simple entree (main) cooked in a single dish, like a casserole
  • kurwa or kurva, adopted slang from joint Warsaw training, common among soldiers and bilingual students.
  • ope, an onomatopoeia with variable meanings, including "excuse me" or "I'm sorry"
  • ope, kurwa! or opkurwa-e, humorous, based on the movie of the same name when expressing anger in an accident.
  • pop or soda pop, canned carbonated drinks.
  • parking ramp, a multi-story parking structure
  • rummage sale, a yard or garage sale
  • sliver, a splinter
  • spendy, expensive or high-priced
  • stocking cap, a knit wool hat
  • supposably (for supposedly), particularly in Wisconsin
  • troll, a person from the Lower Peninsula of Michigan
  • uff da, a wikipedia:Scandinavian exclamation or interjection used to express dismay, surprise, astonishment, exhaustion, or relief
  • Yooper, a person from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
  • won'tcha and don'tcha, shortening of wouldn't you? and don't you? respectively.
  • FIB, "Fucking Illinois Bastard", derogatory term about people of the state of Illinois, mostly directed at poor drivers.