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Waldish philosopher Knut Arvidsen is widely credited with laying the philosophical foundation for combinationalism.

Combinationalism is a political and economic ideology that rose to prominence in the Northern world during the early 20th century. Combinationalism is based around the dual mandate principle, which claims that the purpose of the state is to uphold natural law by maximizing both individual rights and social justice. Combinationalists argue that these two objectives inherently conflict, creating a paradox where the existence of the state is simultaneously moral and immoral. The combinationalist solution to this paradox is public stewardship, a model in which the state seeks out the most efficient possible solution to social problems. Combinationalists also claim that the state should avoid market intervention altogether when other actors such as churches, families, and community organizations would provide superior solutions, and that these institutions should be actively encouraged and strengthened by government policy. Adherents of the movement are diverse in their views, but generally support limited government, property rights, subsidiarity, free trade, familialism, optimal taxation, and welfare reform.

Combinationalism developed in Waldrich during the late 19th century. The philosopher Knut Arvidsen is widely credited with laying the ideology's philosophical foundation with his 1887 essay Property and Justice, which coined much of the terminology associated with combinationalist discourse. After the Recession of 1924, combinationalist movements entered the political mainstream in several countries in TBA as a center-right solution to the social question. TBA became the first nation with an openly combinationalist government in 1930, when TBA and his TBA Party rose to power in the aftermath of the TBA. Combinationalism spread to Calesia after the Great War, when it was embraced by Gregorian democratic parties to serve as a model for post-war reconstruction. Waldish Lawspeaker Karl Fjellheim was an early proponent of Calesian combinationalism, enacting a series of economic and social reforms during the 1940s that became known internationally as the Waldish model.

Political scientists generally categorize combinationalism as a center-right ideology, occupying a middle ground between the interventionist approach of ordoliberalism and the laissez-faire approach of classical liberalism. However, combinationalism remains difficult to classify due to the significant ideological diversity between different movements. As a result, combinationalism has often been referred to as a “big-tent” ideology unified only by adherence to the dual mandate principle.




Despite the significant ideological heterogeneity within combinationalism, the vast majority of combinationalists adhere to several core principles. The most foundational concept in combinationalism is the dual mandate principle, which claims that the only objective of the state is to uphold natural law by maximizing both individual rights and social justice. Combinationalists argue that a fully voluntary society is unobtainable, so both elements of this mandate are inherently in conflict. For example, state efforts to alleviate the injustice of poverty necessarily require coercive action that infringes upon the rights of other individuals, such as wealth confiscation (taxation) or regulating behavior to more equitably structure society. Conversely, refraining from action altogether allows the state to fully respect the individual rights of its citizens, but leaves it powerless to uphold social justice by alleviating the unavoidable problem of poverty. Combinationalists view both outcomes as morally unacceptable, resulting in the "paradox of the state" - the situation in which state action and inaction are both simoulteneously necessarily and unethical. To rectify this predicament, combinationalists argue that the state's legitimacy relies upon its ability to find the "least bad" course of action, essentially achieving a Pareto efficient moral equilibrium.

Combinationalists claim that this outcome is achieved through public stewardship, the concept that the state has a moral obligation to operate efficiently. Under public stewardship, efficiency is defined as producing the most just possible society while infringing on individual rights the least. Failing to efficiently manage, or "steward", resources and capabilities that the state has acquired through force deligitimizes its authority, as it has deprived individuals of their rights and freedoms unnecessarily. Likewise, ineffective stewardship of public resources deprives the disadvantaged of the best possible assistance for their problems, making it morally reprehensible on both fronts.

Notable proponents


Classical combinationalism

Combinational liberalism

Integral combinationalism


Parties and movements

Criticism and support