Library:Oxidentale Timeline

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Modern polities:

Mutul - The Mutul
Orun Redisus - Orun Redisus
Sante Reze - Sante Reze
Zacapican - Zacapican

Defunct polities:

Adjacent Nations:

Prehistory-2000 BCE

1999-1500 BCE

1499-1000 BCE

599-500 BCE

499-400 BCE

399-300 BCE

299-200 BCE

199-100 BCE

99-1 BCE

1-99 CE



















  • Zacapican 1899 - Pluricontinental revolutionary war enters active phase, Red Banners are formed as an alliance of peasant rebels in eastern territories of Angatahuaca in Oxidentale


  • Zacapican January 1904 - Red Banners break into Angatahuacan stronghold in central Yakuzonco plateau, expelling Angatahuacan forces from much of the region. Xallipan and other peripheral territories in Oxidentale break away as separatist states soon thereafter.
  • Zacapican April 1904 - Angatahuacan troops are evacuated from Pulacan to reinforce the mainland, triggering refugee wave of Angatahuacan loyalists. Xolotecatl Acuixoc, rank First Lieutenant, is transferred from his native Pulacan to Ayahuatenco to fight the rebels.
  • Zacapican Late 1904 - Famine of "the Hunger" begins in Ayahuatenco as access to food producing regions is cut off.
  • Zacapican 1906 - Xolotecatl Acuixoc, rank Captain, deserts the Angatahuacan navy to fight for the Red Banners
  • Zacapican 1907 - Red Banners break through the Mixtepemec, fighting onto the desert coast of Ayahuatenco. Angatahuaca surrenders in June. The severe phase of the Hunger subsides, after ~4 million have starved to death in Ayahuatenco.
  • Zacapican 1907-1909 - Revolutionary power struggle. First split is between pro-seperatists and anti-seperatists, following that a split in the anti-seperatists between decentralizers and centralizers.
  • Zacapican November 1909 - Xolotecatl Acuixoc, rank Admiral, having risen to prominence among the centralizer faction, seizes power. United Republics becomes the United Zacapine Republics (concept of Zacapine is invented).
  • Zacapican Mid-1912 - Zacapican invades Mutulese Xallipan (now northern Zacapican) some months after the start of the Belfrasian invasion of the Xuman peninsula.
  • Zacapican 1924 - Military clique led by Navy officers close to Xolotecatl Acuixoc attempt a coup, which fails. Following a purge, Xolotecatl abolishes the unified military command, splitting the Navy, Army, and National Guard into fully independent structures.
  • Zacapican 1927 - Fully independent Zacapine Navy is deployed to Malaio in defense of Pulacan. Innovations in naval aviation are made.
  • Zacapican 1936 - Xolotecatl Acuixoc is assassinated. First Troika of the military heads is convened as an emergency junta.
  • Zacapican 1940 - Nochcalima Acuixoc, widow and second wife of Xolotecatl, rises to power and begins de facto rule over Zacapican through her influence network and her late husbands political machine.
  • Zacapican 1958 - Nochcalima Acuixoc dies from smoking too many cigarettes.
  • Zacapican 1967 - Zacapican intervenes in Cuhonhico. It goes poorly, and generates much political turmoil on the home front.
  • Zacapican 1970 - The Technocracy loses its grip on power amid the anti-war movement. An anti-war independent wins the Tepachoani seat in the 1970 elections, overseeing Zacapine exit from the war in Malaio and execution of the Nochcalima-era naval refit plans. Modern Zacapine Navy is is built.
  • Zacapican 1974-75 - An important figure of the independent regime in Zacapican undercuts the Tepachoani, taking credit for ending the war and aligning with a socialist mass party of the opposition. Socialists win the 1975 election, beginning the Dictatorship of the Socialist Intelligentsia phase of Zacapine politics.


  • Zacapican 2004 - Zacatlilco disaster occurs. Zacapican enters state of total mobilization to contain the disaster, which has severe economic effects down the line but greatly mitigates the immediate harm of the disaster. Socialist government receives praise for its effective response.
  • Zacapican 2007 - Documents surface showing the intelligentsia knew of and ignored design flaws that led to the Zacatlilco disaster. Important members of the Socialist government are implicated.
  • Zacapican 2008 - Xochitlalpan disaster occurs, with a lesser contamination than Zacatlilco. The disaster is in a fuel reprocessing plant, which the technocracy neglected to scrutinize during their efforts to secure all reactor facilities in the country after 2004. Government debt and inflation crisis related to disaster cleanup creates economic slowdown.
  • Zacapican 2010 - Despite loss of public faith in the Socialist technocracy, the political machine established over 35 years manufactures enough consent to keep the party in power. Party old guard keep the status quo line, despite rising discontent stemming mainly from unemployment and the revelations about '04 and '08.
  • Zacapican 2015 - Socialists are defeated badly in elections, causing a wakeup call. Old guard empower the populist wing, resulting in the political rise of Zianya Xcaret within the socialist technocracy.
  • Zacapican 2019 - Battle of the Salacian takes places. Zacapine Navy engages with Gristol-Serkonos, ending in cease-fire after a few days.