User:Greater Carloso/Sandbox 4

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Amihan Russel incidents
Final Combat Mission of MH-53 Pave Low, Sept. 27, 2008, Iraq.jpg
Duration2016 - present
LocationSouthern Furukuran Sea, Musgorocia & Afurika
ParticipantsAmihan Russel
Many civilians, light Nifonese causalities



Zabolekhovye crisis

Riots in South Oceanica

Hostile takeover

"So understand that resistance truly is futile when dealing with me, I am not your average man; I am an Übermensch! If you do not want to partake in our rituals, then you will sabotage the Nifonese economy for me, you will cut back your military spending, disarm all of your nuclear assets, thence join the global village."

— James Redshield, Secret of Conquest

In late 2017, Nifonese Shogun Maki Kojiro approached Russel's archrival, James Redshield; owner and primary benefactor of the Redshield Foundation, on organising the death of Russel, their common foe. They agreed to meet in Wenchuan three days later to discuss the matter further. Kojiro agreed that, in return for James Redshield getting rid of Russel and his board of directors, Nifon would withdraw all its support from Nashid's reigime in Bashriyya and the government of New Yama while allowing Redshield to treat them as part of their sphere of influence. Kojiro also promised to make sure John Miller's Bronze Serpent private military company would not disturb the operation to kill Russel.

Owing to his work as an intelligence officer before becoming Shogun, Kojiro managed to quickly gain James Redshield's trust, informing Kojiro about his Foundation's Lebenborn eugenics programme. He further claimed that Russel had used the Lebenborn programme to produce a daughter of Gregory Sears named Inga, as well as for his own mind control programme. Redshield also said that Inga's mother had been killed by one of his hitmen, though it had been framed as a suicide, and that he now wanted Inga back to provide a blood transfusion to his dying adoptive brother. James Redshield was lying, however, as he had no adoptive brother. After this, Redshield revealed that his Foundation had discovered the 'master race' through cracking the human genome, claiming and at the same time warning Kojiro that humans would become obsolete and that transhuman Übermensch would replace them in the future. Redshield left the meeting after this, Kojiro vowing to have him killed once Russel was dealt with.

On 20 September 2017, Amihan Russel held a meeting of his board of directors in the newly reconstructed Babeel Tower in Kesslerstaadt. While the Redshield Foundation paid off the local police force, Charles Redshield; cousin to James and confidant of Russel, smuggled a suitcase with one kilogramme of C4 plastic explosives inside. Four hours into the meeting, Charles left and remotely detonated the explosives from a safe distance, apparently killing Amihan Russel and his entire board of directors.

After the supposed death of Russel, Charles Redshield led a hostile takeover of Russel Financial and all its subsidiaries. Within days, the Redshield Foundation owned all of Russel's assets, including equipment, personnel and intellectual property. Not long afterwards, Charles received word that the head of the morgue that Russel's body was being kept and several of his assistants were found dead, all having apparently committed suicide. Furthermore, Russel's body had gone missing, supposedly after someone within Kesslerstaadt's police department had leaked its location. Fearing that Amihan Russel may actually be still alive, Charles set out to make sure James Redshield did not find out about this latest development.

In reality, Russel had actually survived the explosion with severe injuries. He was recovered from the morgue by the mysterious Lucius Morgenstern and DynaCorp leader Miguel Aquinas. Moving him to a secret medical facility in Kesslerstaadt, Russel was put into an induced coma and cutting edge technologies were utilised to reconstruct his body and heal his injuries. Concluding that gaining power through money had failed to realise their dream of a unified world government, Morgenstern began considering other methods for future operations. Over the next three weeks, Bashriyya's Nashid orchestrated a worldwide campaign against the Redshield Foundation, resulting in the death of at least one family member. Despite clear links between the perpetrators and the Bashriyyan government, Western media refused to pursue the story further due to the lucrative oil deals between Bashriyya and various governments.


Bangkan coup

Unrest in New Edom

War in Bagongo