User:Greater Carloso/Sandbox 4

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Redshield-Amihan Russel incidents
Final Combat Mission of MH-53 Pave Low, Sept. 27, 2008, Iraq.jpg
Duration2016/2015 - present
LocationSouthern Furukuran Sea, Musgorocia & Afurika
ParticipantsRedshields, Amihan Russel
Many civilians, light Nifonese causalities



Zabolekhovye crisis

"Sadly, there are many cultures not ready to enter the new world, the Lebanese and most Arabs especially the Maronites who are a rebellious and disorderly bitter people who cling to religion and nationalism, the Riysans, the Nifonese, the Slavs, the Afrikaners, and many others like Cuscatlanis and Inyurstans. These people are not fit and they must be given cultural correction in order to allow global evolution to take place their backward nationalistic cultures replaced with more progressive and cosmopolitan cultures. Sadly however irrational and ungodly alliance of SACTO has prevented this global transformation. SACTO must be eliminated along with the cultures and people's that empower it, those left can be reeducated to accept the new age of true order. In order to enter this new age the old values of fundamentalism, nationalism, and selfishness must be ended for the greater good of humanity and for the the great ones of knowledge."

— Anna Goldstein, Constitutional Crisis

Riots in South Oceanica

"Our enemies are many, stuck in their backwards ways, funding corporations and hired killers to silence opposition in their own countries and abroad. Here, we have a chance to strike a deathly blow to the enemy's morale, show them that they are mere mortals just like us and as weak as the flesh they inhabit. No sky wizard will save them from the momentum of justice! The very foundation of their joke of a religion will be shattered! Our own will and determination to achieve equality and tolerance for all will be enough to break their morale! By my own life, tomorrow we will take Little Kiyosu and drive the Yellow Menace out of South Oceanica once and for all!"

In March 2017, Stanley Bowden of the right-wing United National Front (UNF) party won the South Oceanican presidential election, sending shockwaves throughout the country. Protests and rioting spread throughout Dwanesbury, the country's capital, with crowds burning down several buildings, destroying cars and setting alight thousands of books related to conservatism and capitalist economics. The rioters were composed of a wide variety of groups opposed to Bowden; feminists, members of the black supremacist organisation Black Rising, transsexuals, homosexuals, climate activists, members of Antifa and furries, to name a few. The demonstrations went on for three days, causing millions of dollars worth of damage and leaving many innocent bystanders badly injured. From the beginning, there were allegations by right-wing media outlets that the protesters were receiving clandestine funding from unknown foreign entities, however these were dismissed as 'conspiracy theories' by mainstream organisers and the political establishment in South Oceanica. At the same time, the media began making unsubstantiated claims that the Nifonese government may have interfered in the election to help Bowden, further aggravating the protesters.

Eventually, the crowd began marching towards Little Kiyosu, a hub for the Nifonese community in South Oceanica.


-insert killdozer-

Hostile takeover

"I could give you money and power beyond your wildest dreams honey, you will have to attend our annual initiation ritual. Honestly Koijro you have spied on us, and I know you know of our rituals. I bet half of the intelligence community knows actually. But anyway, I was doing a little bit of research on you, how you destroyed the Li family, I really do not understand why I should trust you. Also, I know Inga is one of your agents and she is in New Yama, I could easily have one of my people leak that information, I am also working on finding the names of your informants all over the globe. So understand that resistance truly is futile when dealing with me, I am not your average man; I am an Übermensch! If you do not want to partake in our rituals, then you will sabotage the Nifonese economy for me, you will cut back your military spending, disarm all of your nuclear assets, thence join the global village."

— James Redshield, Secret of Conquest

In late 2017, Nifonese Shogun Maki Kojiro approached Russel's archrival, James Redshield; owner and primary benefactor of the Redshield Foundation, on organising the death of Russel, their common foe. They agreed to meet in Wenchuan three days later to discuss the matter further. Kojiro agreed that, in return for James Redshield getting rid of Russel and his board of directors, Nifon would withdraw all its support from Nashid's reigime in Bashriyya and the government of New Yama while allowing Redshield to treat them as part of their sphere of influence. Kojiro also promised to make sure John Miller's Bronze Serpent private military company would not disturb the operation to kill Russel.

Owing to his work as an intelligence officer before becoming Shogun, Kojiro managed to quickly gain James Redshield's trust, informing Kojiro about his Foundation's Lebenborn eugenics programme. He further claimed that Russel had used the Lebenborn programme to produce a daughter of Gregory Sears named Inga, as well as for his own mind control programme. Redshield also said that Inga's mother had been killed by one of his hitmen, though it had been framed as a suicide, and that he now wanted Inga back to provide a blood transfusion to his dying adoptive brother. James Redshield was lying, however, as he had no adoptive brother. Rather, Inga knew about the Redshield Foundation's cult and mind control activities and had access to many files that her mother had gotten hold of before her death. After this, Redshield revealed that his Foundation had discovered the 'master race' through cracking the human genome, claiming and at the same time warning Kojiro that humans would become obsolete and that transhuman Übermensch would replace them in the future. Redshield left the meeting after this, Kojiro vowing to have him killed once Russel was dealt with.

On 20 September 2017, Amihan Russel held a meeting of his board of directors in the newly reconstructed Babeel Tower in Kesslerstaadt. While the Redshield Foundation paid off the local police force, Charles Redshield; cousin to James and confidant of Russel, smuggled a suitcase with one kilogramme of C4 plastic explosives inside. Four hours into the meeting, Charles left and remotely detonated the explosives from a safe distance, apparently killing Amihan Russel and his entire board of directors.

After the supposed death of Russel, Charles Redshield led a hostile takeover of the Russel Trust and all its subsidiaries. Within days, the Redshield Foundation owned all of Russel's assets, including equipment, personnel and intellectual property. Not long afterwards, Charles received word that the head of the morgue that Russel's body was being kept and several of his assistants were found dead, all having apparently committed suicide. Furthermore, Russel's body had gone missing, supposedly after someone within Kesslerstaadt's police department had leaked its location. Fearing that Amihan Russel may actually be still alive, Charles set out to make sure James Redshield did not find out about this latest development.

In reality, Russel had actually survived the explosion with severe injuries. He was recovered from the morgue by the mysterious Lucius Morgenstern and DynaCorp leader Miguel Aquinas. Moving him to a secret medical facility in Kesslerstaadt, Russel was put into an induced coma and cutting edge technologies were utilised to reconstruct his body and heal his injuries. Concluding that gaining power through money had failed to realise their dream of a unified world government, Morgenstern began considering other methods for future operations. Over the next three weeks, Bashriyya's Nashid orchestrated a worldwide campaign against the Redshield Foundation, resulting in the death of at least one family member. Despite clear links between the perpetrators and the Bashriyyan government, Western media refused to pursue the story further due to the lucrative oil deals between Bashriyya and various governments.

Soon afterwards, a meeting of the Russel Trust, now under the control of the Redshields, was held in Kesslerstaadt. It transpired that James, who knew that the attacks were going to take place, had actually fed Nashid false information so he would target individuals within the Redshield Foundation who James suspected might betray him. At the same time, news had emerged that a mercury-based influenza vaccine developed by Redshield was actually causing people to become more vulnerable to influenza. In response, James demanded a full media blackout. Believing Russel was dead, James decided to call off his search for Inga, confident that he would have his final victory against the Nifonese government soon. This was to Miguel Aquinas' shock; who, in addition to aligning himself with Russel, was providing security for James Redshield. James showed a complete lack of discipline towards the threat Inga posed, now that she was working with the Nifonese government.

A week later, Aquinas attended a meeting with several other members of the Order of Balcom at a secret bunker in Kesslerstaadt. Lucius Morgenstern addressed the men from an unknown location, ordering Aquinas to stop protecting James. Russel also revealed himself to have recovered from his injuries, albeit with a currently irremovable piece of shrapnel in his head that resembled a devil's horn. Russel gave Aquinas the green light to begin their next operation in Afurika, involving the release of a plague which would be hoped to eventually cause Afurikans to submit themselves to the Order of Balcom and convert to their religion. Russel informed Aquinas that the Mcnernian branch of Redshield family were blaming him for the fact that Alistair Redshield was unable to walk, despite the serum needed to cure him already existing. Russel ordered Aquinas to send a communiqué to


"Redshied-san! You are the biggest bakayaro I have ever known! If I were you, I would have never attempted to bribe Maki Kojiro! On the contrary, I would have built a tomb from marble for him! That is, because as long as there is Lord in Heaven - Maki Kojiro shall NEVER BE DEFEATED!"

— Maki Kojiro, Secret of Conquest

Eighteen hours after the meeting, the Nifonese military commenced reconnaissance of Redshield's island with extremely stealthy Ku-181 Shinigami unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs). Intelligence revealed that the island was protected by a battalion-sized group of private military contractors. After being informed that one of drones had almost arrived near the island to assassinate James Redshield, Kojiro contacted James one final time before he ordered the strike. Feigning that he wanted to discuss permanent peace between the Redshield Foundation and Nifon, Kojiro asked what would he have to do to secure it, only for James to threaten Kojiro that, if he didn't join the Order of Balcom, he would leak the names of Nifonese special agents and informants around the world, and also sabotage the country's economy. After firmly rejecting James' order and refusing to comply with his demands, Kojiro gave the signal for the strike to begin. Seconds later, the Ku-181 launched two GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs at Castle Redshield, blowing James to smithereens and temporarily cutting the head off of the Redshield Foundation.

Bangkan coup attempt

Amihan Russel addresses a meeting of his new business associates in Kesslerstaadt.

"According to the information that was given to us by Upadhya, the branch of the ISCF operating in Carloso is being investigated by Conquistador for offering illegal abortion services, trafficking humans and taking part in the drugs trade, and the recent bombing in Bangka probably heightened their suspicions. Santander is probably unaware of Russel's involvement; we're all dead after all, so we have reason to believe he is trying to find concrete evidence that will allow the Carlosian authorities to close down Upadhya's cult for good. What better place to look than the den of the devil itself."

With several months now passed since the death of James Redshield, Russel began to plan his next move against the Nifonese. Bar a few individuals, Russel was still presumed dead by the rest of the world. His allies helped him to recover at least some of his assets from Redshield ownership and he began to assemble a group of business associates to help him in seeking revenge against the Nifonese. At the new Babeel Tower in Kesslersaadt, Russel revealed that he had enlisted the help of a Hindu guru called Swami Upadhya, leader and founder of the cult known as the International Shiva Consciousness Foundation (ISCF). Upadhya immediately found himself at odds with mercenary Walter Siemens, head of Siemens Self-Defense Forces, with their war of words almost devolving into a knife fight before Russel brought them back into line. Russel went on to explain his plan, involving an operation to hatch a coup in Bangka, a mainly Hindu island nation in the Southern Furukuran Sea that was well within the Nifonese sphere of influence. Russel planned to frame a terrorist attack on the Nifonese Kogyokist community on the island, stirring up anti-Nifonese sentiment and Christianophobia, setting the stage for the Bangkan Defense Forces to launch a coup led by officers with ties to the ISCF, forcing Nifon to intervene and engage in a long, expensive pacification campaign on the island.

After the unrest in South Oceanica in early 2016, Gene Karlson and several other survivors of the Litte Kiyosu incident had sought refuge in Kesslerstaadt. Having fallen on hard times, he had settled down in the slum area of Kesslerstaadt that had once been the city-state's industrial zone, alongside his second-in-command Aidan Meyer. A few days after the meeting, Karlson was visited in his apartment by a representative of Russel called Steven Nordholt, formerly head of the Amihan Foundation for Development of Freedom, Democracy and Progress (AFDFDP). Officially, he had been killed in the board room when Charles Redshield's bomb went off, but had mysteriously survived unscathed. Furthermore, almost all records of his existence had been subsequently erased from Russel Trust databases. Nordholt offered Karlson the chance to get his revenge against the Nifonese in Bangka for what happened in South Oceanica, which he gladly accepted. Nordholt then departed, telling Karlson that he would in contact in the new future about funding and resources for establishing his Homoguard and a new branch of Homofront to be deployed in Bangka when the time came.


After the failure of the coup, Upadhya and the ISCF were forced into hiding and its number of followers were greatly diminished.

Unrest in New Edom

War in Bagongo

