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BLACKSTAR_ (Nayéshitorai NUMATADÉKA_), formerly known as the Order of the Black Star, is an international anarchist movement, originating within the lands of the former Revolutionary Democracy of Itheria. The movement, heavily decentralized, does not have official leadership outside of autonomous militia, however, the anonymous individual who is known as OPERATOR_ serves as a figurehead for the movement and for the various anarchist free states that claim to fall under the BLACKSTAR_ movement from their creation.

Nearly all followers of the BLACKSTAR_ movement tend to be Lukaiist, and subscribe to either the pacifist sect of anarcho-Lukaiism, commonly referred to as "indirect;BLACKSTAR_". or the militarist sect of anarcho-Lukaiism, commonly referred to as "direct;BLACKSTAR_". The movement is largely based within Lukai's concept of the Wheel of Liberty, believing that humanity's destiny is determined through the constant turning of said Wheel of Liberty, which is a metaphor for the evolution of progress throughout history, and where the wheel will spin further and further until humanity is united through said liberty. The indirect/direct split in the group is based around the question of whether to "accelerate the Wheel", a metaphor for spreading liberty via revolution, or to "keep the wheel spinning", a metaphor for maintaining liberty through peace.

Many militias that are followers of direct;BLACKSTAR_ have been designated a terrorist group by multiple nations, known for instigating many rebellions and revolutions worldwide, most notably conflicts such as the Itheri Civil War (also known as the ASCENDANCY_), the Nightcrestian Civil War, and the Flena Uprising in the Holy Empire of Loaf where militias following direct;BLACKSTAR_ instigated uprisings and revolution. However, many direct;BLACKSTAR_ militia also serve as participants in ongoing conflicts such as the Hacakian-Sofinjamnic War, where they fight on one or more sides on the conflict to gain influence. direct;BLACKSTAR_ gained global prominence fairly recently when in the Itheri Civil War it served as a major participant and created numerous free states from the former territory of Itheria, splitting the remaining segments of the former country into other sovereign states to "accelerate the Wheel".