List of political parties in the Federal Republic of Brazil

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This article is a list of the active political parties in the Federal Republic of Brazil. The country is a highly factionalized multi-party democracy. Since the establishment of the republic, no party has been able to effectively govern Brazil without the need of a coalition.

Parties Represented in the Federal Parliament

Party logo Party name Leader Founded Seats in the
Federal Senate
Seats in the
Chamber of Deputies
Governors Ideology
Fpn.png National Popular Front
Frente Popular Nacional
Ingrid Winckler Santos
12 / 90
102 / 542
6 / 30
PTB(1945) simbolo.png Brazilian Labour Party
Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro
Antônio Pontes Modesto
6 / 90
58 / 542
3 / 30
Simbolo udn.png National Democratic Union
União Democrática Nacional
Valdemir Mendes Souto
5 / 90
50 / 542
2 / 30
PSD(1945) simbolo.png Social Democratic Party
Partido Social Democratico
Camila Rojas Valderrama.jpg
Larissa Alves de Araújo
7 / 90
48 / 542
1 / 30
Partidoliberal.png Liberal Party
Partido Liberal
Maurizio Carrara daticamera 2018.jpg
Maurílio Motta Grossi
3 / 90
41 / 542
1 / 30
Logo of Ação Integralista Brasileira original version.svg Brazilian Integralist Action
Ação Integralista Brasileira
Paulius Saudargas.jpeg
Henrique Neres Honório
4 / 90
38 / 542
2 / 30
Legitimistas.png National Legitimist Legion
Legião Legitimista Nacional
John Brassard - 2019 (47899551081) (cropped).jpg
Fernando Sobral Fortunato
2 / 90
35 / 542
0 / 30
PCB logo.svg Brazilian Communist Party
Partido Comunista Brasileiro
Camila Antonia Amaranta Vallejo Dowling (2018).jpg
Patricia Santana Vilela
3 / 90
30 / 542
1 / 30
NationaLabouristParty.png National Labour Party
Partido Nacional Trabalhista
20170316 Klaus Fuerlinger M77 1.jpg
Walter Jung Schwarz
1 / 90
27 / 542
1 / 30
PSP(1956) simbolo.png Social Progressive Party
Partido Social Progressista
Mauro Carlos de Barros
3 / 90
22 / 542
2 / 30
PDC logotipo.png Christian Democratic Party
Partido Democrata Cristão
Celso Delgado.jpg
Gilberto Rinaldi Carmona
4 / 90
19 / 542
1 / 30
PartidoRepublicanoBrazil.png Republican Party
Partido Republicano
Simone Cardoso Crisóstomo
2 / 90
14 / 542
0 / 30
CDPlogo.png Proletarian Defense Front
Frente de Defesa Proletária
Alfredo Pacheco (2021) (cropped).jpg
Manoel Viana Nunes
0 / 90
10 / 542
0 / 30
PSBOld.png Brazilian Socialist Party
Partido Socialista Brasileiro
Informal meeting of ministers for foreign affairs (Gymnich). Arrivals Augusto Santos Silva (36284887033) (cropped).jpg
Moisés Galindo Eleutério
3 / 90
10 / 542
1 / 30
ALNlogo.svg National Liberator Alliance
Aliança Libertadora Nacional
Fernando Villavicencio (cropped).jpg
Cláudio de Oliveira Toscano
1 / 90
9 / 542
0 / 30
Logotipo COB.jpg Brazilian Workers' Confederation
Confederação Operária Brasileira
JKruk 20120714 ANDRZEJ SZEJNA IMG 9406.jpg
Eduardo Garcia Dubinski
2 / 90
8 / 542
0 / 30
Umb.png Brazilian Maximalist Union
União Maximalista Brasileira
JKruk 20120714 ANDRZEJ SZEJNA IMG 9406.jpg
Eduardo Garcia Dubinski
0 / 90
6 / 542
0 / 30
Gorro frigio1.svg Liberator Party
Partido Libertador
File:Lisa Rahming.png
Jéssica da Silva Moreira
1 / 90
7 / 542
1 / 30
Brasão do estado de São Paulo.svg Constitutionalist Party
Partido Constitucionalista
(Teodoro García Egea) Comité Ejecutivo Autonómico PP Madrid. 2018. (44906293944) (cropped).jpg
Felipe Müller Ferreira
0 / 90
5 / 542
0 / 30
WorkersCentralUnionlogo.png Workers' Central Union
União Central dos Trabalhadores
(Pau Marí-Klose) 20181024 2227 Seminario EAPN (30598337237) (cropped).jpg
Guilherme Telles Veiga
0 / 90
3 / 542
0 / 30
PVdoB.png Green Party of Brazil
Partido Verde do Brasil
Nicolas Démoulin.jpg
Roberto Martins Amorim
1 / 90
8 / 542
1 / 30
Braziliandemocraticparty.png Brazilian Democratic Party
Partido Democrático Brasileiro
Wilson Santiago 4nov2011.jpg
Edilson de Sá Aguiar
1 / 90
4 / 542
0 / 30