User talk:Aswick

Revision as of 21:58, 26 July 2020 by Maltropia (talk | contribs) (Re: Plagiarism)
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Re: Plagiarism

It has come to the attention of the IIwiki administration team that one of your articles, Parliament of Aswick, contains content which is substantially plagiarised from another source, namely the Wikipedia article wp:Parliament of the United Kingdom. As you know, plagiarism is explicitly prohibited under the IIWiki Standards and Conventions and as such I am issuing you an official administrative citation. Please correct the offending articles, removing all plagiarised content and replacing it with original material, and any other article of yours that similarly plagiarises other writers' intellectual property, and familiarise yourself with IIWiki's Standards and Conventions. Unresolved instances of plagiarism will be deleted by administrative action in two weeks.

~ Mal do the talking thing 21:58, 26 July 2020 (UTC)