Vitosian Survivor Season 25: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 2

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This is the Part 2 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 25!

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Episode 6

Episode 6
Who has an idol?

Dawnea (Kiran idol)
Veronica (Agus idol)

On Kiran (Annie, Carleigh, Dawnea, Evie, Giorgio, Perla), as they head back to camp, Annie CCs that she tries to warn Brandon but her warning fell on deaf ears. At this point, she needs to focus on what to do next. At camp, everybody is shocked at how much Brandon was playing the entire time. Carleigh shouts out John Finn from Season 9. Perla shouts out Isaac Culiati from Seasons 13 and 14. In the shelter, Dawnea and Perla whisper to each-other. Dawnea says that they are finally at the Final 13. Perla says that they only have 10 more tribals left. Dawnea CCs that she has done everything she could to get this far. Now that they may be at the merge, the two of them need to start thinking about their resume. Dawnea says that they need to orchestrate some big eliminations. Perla is in on the idea and jokes about how much Dawnea is into the game now compared to the beginning when she was a fish out of water. Perla CCs that it's great to see Dawnea get excited like this because she believes that the two of them could make it to the end, 100%!
In the morning, Evie and Giorgio are sitting on the beach. Giorgio says that, if they have to go to Tribal again before the merge, he doesn't know who to take out. When asked why, Giorgio says that everybody on their tribe is really friendly. Evie says that, somehow, it doesn't feel like the six of them would be unified in the merge. Giorgio feels the same way, CCing that what makes this conflicting is that they are all nice but they will probably all turn against each-other when the merge hits. He says that he doesn't feel safe and is glad he has a trustworthy ally. Evie says that, regarding targets, she would go for Annie as she IS a poker player. Giorgio says that they could easily use her, though. Evie CCs that Giorgio is a great friend in the game. It seems like he could be trustworthy but, after a crazy pre-merge, nobody is really trustworthy.
Everybody merges into the Alborza tribe!
The Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Brayden, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji, Veronica), Brayden CCs that it is a dream come true for him to make the merge! However, they are still at Final 13 and that means that nobody is guaranteed jury yet. Veronica is looking around suspiciously. She CCs that her and Raaji are not safe at all. She NEEDS to find a second idol! She immediately runs off into the forest. Carleigh CCs that, right as everybody merges, Veronica runs off to find an idol so her, Evie, Sam and Raaji immediately follow her. As Raaji tails behind, Sam quickly whispers to Evie and Carleigh that Raaji and Veronica are super tight. He CCs that it is a race to find the idol before Veronica and Raaji do. Back at camp, everybody is confused. Annie says to everybody that Veronica is not a smart player. There is a montage of everybody trying to find the idol. Raaji CCs that Veronica running off just put a massive target on their back. Now, it's now or never to find the merge idol. Carleigh CCs that Veronica just ran off so a couple others, including herself, went to find the idol as well. There is this huge montage of Carleigh, Evie, Sam, Raaji and Veronica trying to find the idol. Sam CCs that it is just pure chaos. Evie CCs that she wants to make sure that nobody else gets the idol. Brayden CCs that he waited awhile and then went in to find the idol. Brayden finds the idol, CCing that, as a superfan, this is a HUUUGE moment for him! Annie and Evelyn, while in the water, talk. Evelyn says that, as alum, they should protect eachother. Annie agrees. Evelyn CCs that she took the chance while all the chaos was going down to make an alliance with the poker player, Annie Maglio. They are both from Season 12 so that alone should help. Dawnea, David and Evelyn are in the shelter. Evelyn CCs that The Visionaries needs to claim another victim and there is one person who nobody likes that is the easiest option. Evelyn suggests that they go after Baylor as she is beyond rude to people, even now, and she is too unpredictable as a vote. The others agree. David CCs that the idea is to convince Dawnea to go after Baylor. In the end, it is a game of numbers. Giorgio joins them and David mentions that they should go after Baylor, especially before jury starts. Evelyn calls her Taniya 2.0. Giorgio says that he is unsure and, that, they could use Baylor as a shield if people want her out so badly. David argues that Baylor could easily coast to the end. Giorgio says that she isn't a threat like Annie. Giorgio CCs that he understands why people want Baylor out. Nobody likes her attitude or how she treats people. However, when you have Annie Maglio, the poker player, still left in the game, that is asking for them to lose. Dawnea says that them taking out Annie could be a huge move and she made it much farther than on Season 12. Evelyn says that a part of her wants Annie to make it to jury and they could, easily, use her for this vote. Evelyn CCs that Annie is an ally of hers and her going this soon is really bad for her.
It is time for the Reward Challenge. They are told that it will be a trip to a local coffee shop with muffins, danishes and letters from home. However, one person had to sit out of the reward. Evelyn chose to sit out. Brayden, Carleigh, David, and Perla won!
Reward segment! Brayden CCs that it is such an amazing experience! He still can't believe that he is here! David CCs that everything tastes so good! When they get the letters, Carleigh CCs that her parents have always been super supportive and it is amazing to hear from them. At home, she is the oldest (26) and her younger siblings (19 and 17 respectively) still live with her parents. They have always gotten along. Perla CCs that it was amazing to hear from her husband, Callisto. He's doing okay, their kids are doing okay and everything at home is going great! She is excited to win the prize for them! David CCs that his letter was from his younger (24) sister, Ashlyn Harris. Everybody is doing well and that is so reassuring for him to hear. Also, he is now an uncle! Brayden CCs that getting a letter from his family means so much to him. This hasn't been an easy experience so getting this letter keeps him motivated.
The Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Brayden, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji, Veronica), Sam CCs that the merge is where the game can change drastically. Yeah, The Visionaries has been going well so far but that is 4 people out of 12. Sam and Evelyn are talking in the shelter. Sam says that, while Brayden and David are gone, they need to focus on Raaji and Veronica, not Baylor. Evelyn agrees but wonders if they will have the votes right now or if they should wait a couple votes where people will want to take out the duo. Evelyn CCs that the next vote really matters. Raaji and Veronica are a duo and Baylor is not a nice person and can't be relied on for her vote. Baylor would be an easy finals goat but it is just trying to gain her loyalty is where she feels it's impossible. Brayden, Carleigh, David and Perla return! Everybody meets in the shelter where, as they talk about the Reward, Veronica says that she has an announcement: Brayden, David, Evelyn and Sam are in an alliance and took out Celine and Connor during the pre-merge. Raaji CCs that Veronica just dropped this bomb and everybody is silent. Either this will open up a chance to expose them or they will think Veronica is lying. Veronica says that her, Raaji and Baylor were the minority. David CCs that the entire alliance knows well enough to not react to it. Not one of them even spoke up. Brayden then continues talking about the Reward. He CCs that he wants to continue the conversation as if Veronica didn't speak up at all. Later, Raaji and Veronica are with Carleigh, Giorgio and Perla in the water. Veronica insists that the four of them are in this alliance and will control the votes until the end. Perla says that 4 people can't control the votes at merge. Veronica argues that they did control the pre-merge, though. They need to be taken out. Perla CCs that, if they controlled the votes, they would have split up the showmance but they didn't. David is with Evelyn on the beach. David says that if they all meet up, even once, everybody will believe her. At this point, they need to play telephone. Evelyn agrees. David CCs that Veronica managed to put them into an interesting position. However, the four of them are smart enough to make sure nobody believes her. Evelyn is talking with Sam in the shelter. She says that David brought up how that they need to play telephone to make sure nobody catches onto them. Sam says that it was inevitable. Evelyn CCs that Sam is right ... it was inevitable whether Veronica said anything or not. The best alliances are the ones playing the most cautious game. Sam is with Brayden in the water. He tells Brayden that they need to play telephone from now on. Brayden says that it will be annoying but he agrees. Sam CCs that nobody spoke up when Veronica made the accusation so he trusts that the game of telephone will go over smoothly. Sam says that they are golden as long as they target Raaji and Veronica at this point. Baylor will go at any time and can be an actual shield for them, even if her vote isn't guaranteed. Brayden agrees and says that Raaji is stronger, physically, so he should go first and then Veronica. Sam says that he will pass the plan along. He CCs that he came up with the idea while Brayden and David were gone and he is so glad the others are on board. The showmance needs to be top priority! Dawnea is talking with Perla, Annie and Giorgio. She says that, while the showmance is focused on four people who are NOT them, she feels like Evie is the biggest wildcard in the game and should go. She CCs that the showmance is a shield, Baylor is a shield and, right now, the four people Veronica accused of being in an alliance will always go after that showmance. However, Evie is playing under the radar and, to her, she is more dangerous right now.
Giorgio wins IMMUNITY! Giorgio CCs that he felt like he was safe and didn't need to win it but the wrong person winning it would mean that he could be a target.
The Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Brayden, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji, Veronica), Sam and Evie are in the shelter. Sam tells her that the showmance really needs to go. They are a guaranteed alliance. Evie agrees. Sam CCs that he is putting in a lot of work to ensure that one of them goes home. Sam is now talking with Annie and Baylor in the water and suggests going after Raaji as he is a huge physical threat compared to Veronica. Annie says that she is fine with that but Baylor is, openly, unsure. Sam CCs that he does not trust Baylor at all after that. Baylor is talking with Raaji about how Sam is campaigning for Veronica to go. Raaji CCs that he won't go down that easily. He thanks Baylor and says that David should go over Sam right now. Raaji is talking with Veronica and says that the alliance wants him gone. Veronica says that she has an idol so that won't be happening. She CCs that Sam really messed up talking to Baylor. David and Evelyn are talking with the shelter. He says that they have done all that they could do. Evelyn says that they should have a slight majority as long as nobody wants to vote him out. Evelyn CCs that the showmance has been campaigning for David to go. How many votes he gets will determine things. David CCs that the showmance can try time and time again but he isn't leaving easily.
It is Tribal Council! Before the votes are read, Veronica plays her idol on Raaji, leading Brayden to play his idol on David.

Annie: Raaji
Baylor: David
Brayden: Raaji
Carleigh: Raaji
Dawnea: David
David: Raaji
Evelyn: Raaji
Evie: Raaji
Giorgio: David
Perla: David
Sam: Raaji
Raaji: David
Veronica: David

A re-vote happens after a lot of whispering!

Annie: Veronica
Baylor: Sam
Brayden: Veronica
Carleigh: Baylor
Dawnea: Evelyn
David: Veronica
Evelyn: Veronica
Evie: Dawnea
Giorgio: Dawnea
Perla: Evelyn
Sam: Veronica
Raaji: Brayden
Veronica: Brayden

By a vote of 5-2-2-2-1-1, Veronica Monteiro is the eighth castaway eliminated!

Episode 7

Episode 7
Who has an idol?

Dawnea (Kiran idol)

On the Alborza tribe, (Annie, Baylor, Brayden, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji) on the way back to camp, Brayden CCs that Veronica was a worthy opponent and hopes that they can be friends outside of the game. Right now, though, his priorities lay with The Visionaries. Raaji heads over to the shelter. He CCs that his closest ally, Veronica, is now gone. He doesn't know how to feel right now. David sits down on the beach. He CCs that it has been one hell of a ride until now. After watching the others, he feels like he knows everybody quite a bit. Dawnea is, no doubt, the mom of the tribe and is super funny, Perla is super sweet and caring, Giorgio is also funny and loves sports, Evie is one of the most honest people left in the game, Carleigh is very understanding and is super supportive, Annie is very analytical, Raaji is an all around great guy and Baylor loves to trash talk. Those are just the people not in The Visionaries.
In the morning, Brayden and Raaji are alone in the shelter. Raaji says that he respects Brayden's game a lot. He CCs that Brayden is, no doubt, the head of the alliance. At one point, he thought it was David but, no, it is Brayden for sure. Brayden thanks him and says the same about him. Brayden CCs that Raaji is such a good guy. In the end, the fact that they both respect each-other says something. Raaji says that the alliance is still obvious to him but he loves the control they have had so far. He adds that, if they get to the end, he has their vote for sure. Brayden says that the same goes for him. Brayden CCs that Raaji and Veronica clocked the alliance but he will not admit to it aloud as you never know who is close by. David and Evelyn are at the water well. Evelyn says that Veronica may be gone but they still have Raaji to worry about. David says that Raaji is a great guy and may do a lot better now that Veronica is out of the game. David CCs that the target was Raaji but Veronica was always going to be their Plan B. Raaji is super likable and doesn't play hard, which makes him potentially influential. Evelyn says that they need to secure the votes against him or somebody else. David says that he can try and work over Dawnea if she can try Carleigh. Evelyn says that she is good with that. She CCs that the alliance has made the Final 12 but the real challenge has just started: the merge. Evelyn is talking with Sam. She says that they need to work on people. David is taking care of Dawnea, she is handling Carleigh and he should try Giorgio. Sam says that he is good with that. He CCs that the game of telephone has helped hide the alliance even further. All they need now is the majority votes. Before David can talk to Dawnea, Carleigh comes over to him and asks to talk to him. Carleigh CCs that she doesn't know if this alliance Veronica mentioned is true but what is true is that she has yet to really bond with David. They had an amazing conversation during the Reward but that was it. They are sitting in the water. She says that she got into Survivor around Season 10 of this version. David says that, for him, it was Season 9 then he went back and watched all the seasons. Carleigh admits that she has only ever seen 10 and 6. Carleigh CCs that she is not a superfan like David and only saw 2 seasons before coming on. However, they do have other common interests. Carleigh says that her favourite comedian is Jeremy Quentin. Yeah, he has no filter but he is so funny. David says that he agrees completely with Jeremy Quentin. David CCs that it turns out that Carleigh and him love hard rock music and hiking. David says that they have to ally without a doubt. He CCs that, to him, Carleigh seems like she could be a good ally but only time will tell right now. Meanwhile, Evelyn notices the two talking and CCs that plans changed when Carleigh approached him so she'll talk to Dawnea. Dawnea and Evelyn have a really nice conversation with Dawnea making jokes. Dawnea CCs that she can't help it if she makes people laugh. Evelyn CCs that she feels like Dawnea and her made progress today.
Evie wins Reward! She chooses to bring along Evelyn, Giorgio and Perla to the spa day! Evie CCs that, of course, she was going to bring her number one ally, Giorgio. As for Evelyn and Perla, this is a good opportunity to secure more allies.
On the reward, they all enjoy the spa. Giorgio CCs that this may be the best day of the entire experience. Evelyn CCs that she is so grateful that Evie brought her. Perla CCs that she would rate the spa 5 stars! Evie CCs that the spa was so nice! They even got to eat food after! As they eat, Evie brings up allying. The others are for it. Evie CCs that the Reward was a success! Evelyn CCs that Evie being a number is strategy but Evie being an ally is personal.
On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Brayden, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji), while the other four are still in the Reward, Dawnea and Raaji talk about the four person alliance (Brayden, David, Evelyn, Sam). Dawnea says that, even if the alliance was real, that is 4 against 8. Raaji says that they either start taking them out now or wait until they brainwash everybody. He CCs that he can't let this alliance have anymore control. What sucks is that the four of them have amazing social games so everybody is misted! Raaji is at the water well with Baylor. He says that they were good pre-merge and he hopes that they are really good during the merge because he needs her more than ever. Baylor says that flattery will get him everywhere. He CCs that he will bow down to anybody's ego if it means making this possible. EVERYBODY FROM THE REWARD RETURNS! Perla CCs that she wishes that the spa day lasted longer! Annie and Evelyn are at the water well. Annie says that she is unsure if she can be the fifth wheel to this alliance. Evelyn says that she would not be the fifth wheel. Annie says that she knows she will be because the four of them are tight. Evelyn says that she doesn't know that. She CCs that Annie is bringing up concerns and it is not what she needed right now. Annie says that, if she can vote one of them out and replace them, then she is in. Evelyn says that the more numbers, the better. Annie CCs that Brayden, David, Evelyn, and Sam have this huge bond and she won't be able to expose any cracks in there so she might as well join Raaji. Evelyn CCs how annoyed she is that Annie is turning on her. Evelyn talks to Brayden. She tells him that Raaji swayed Annie over and she refuses to join them. Brayden says that Raaji is gaining power. The best move may be to vote Baylor out now since everybody wants her gone. Brayden CCs that Annie has turned into a massive wildcard. To him, it is now down to her or Baylor. David, Sam and Carleigh are all in the shelter. Sam CCs that he feels a bit confident but he also isn't. A part of him feels like something is off and, maybe, they haven't been as good, socially, as they want to believe. Carleigh says that, before she even considers working for the potential alliance Veronica mentioned, she wants safety. David says that, right now, he trusts this three the most and feels like they could go all the way to the end. David CCs that, right now, he needs to secure that vote. Sam CCs that he saw what David did and decided to play along. Sam agrees and says that this is his ideal Final 3. Carleigh says that, if that is how they feel, then she is good with this Final 3. She CCs that only time will tell if she can trust these two. Raaji is talking with Perla. He says that they may be only 4 people but, if people freaked out over potential duos or trios, why not a 4 person alliance? Perla CCs that a part of her may believe Raaji ... maybe. Her biggest concern is if this alliance even exists right now. The guy lost Veronica so ... maybe. Raaji tells her that she is safe with him, not with them. He CCs that he will NEVER give up! Annie and Evelyn are in the water. Evelyn says that she wants to go to the end with her. They were both from Season 12 and she wants their redemption to end with the two of them in the end. She tells Annie that she, right here, promises her Final 2. Evelyn CCs that she will say whatever to get Annie to flip back.
PERLA WINS IMMUNITY! She CCs that the upcoming vote is such a mystery that anybody could go home. That is why she wanted to win this badly.
On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Brayden, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji), Perla and Dawnea are at the water well. They promise themselves Final 2 again. Dawnea brings up a couple of funny stories about how her and Stefon met. She CCs that she trusts Perla a lot. She does not trust anybody else except for Evelyn. In the shelter, Brayden is talking to Annie, Evelyn and Evie (CCing that he needs to pitch Baylor's elimination as she is the easiest vote) about how it is a good time to send Baylor packing. She is too much of a mystery and nobody will be able to control her vote. Evie CCs that Brayden is right. Baylor is, openly, toxic, and doesn't have loyalty to anybody. On the other hand, Raaji is also right that a potential 4 person alliance could exist. He mentioned Brayden as the leader and he is super charismatic so, if there was a four person alliance, a part of her believes that Brayden is the head of it. Evie is now in the jungle. She CCs that Raaji and the 4 person alliance are so focused on each-other, maybe she has some time to look for an idol. As Evie finds it, she jumps for joy in her CC! She is ecstatic! David is talking to Carleigh and Giorgio. He says that Baylor is rude, entitled and selfish. She seems like a finals goat but she does not deserve that satisfaction. It is better to take her out now, especially since they can't control her vote, then deal with her. He CCs that he is fighting for this! Sam is with Dawnea and Perla. He says that, if the alliance actually existed, they would target Raaji. However, his target is Baylor. He says that it makes more sense for her to go in his eyes. Sam CCs that he is fighting hard right now because he feels like he made some real bonds in the alliance. Sam is with Brayden in the shelter. He says that he wants the four of them laughing and chatting until the end. If not, they need to meet up on the outside. Brayden agrees and says that he wants the four of them to be close friends after this. Sam CCs that they have never had a disagreement and they love to joke around with each-other. He wants to experience that 'til the end. Evelyn and David are in the water. She says that the game of telephone has ruined their group activities. David says that, after the game, they have all the time in the world after. Evelyn agrees. Evelyn CCs that this has been a much better experience than Season 12. She is in an alliance that she adores! David CCs that he would choose this over the trainwreck that was him, Connor and Nicole any day!
It is Tribal Council!

Annie: Brayden
Baylor: Brayden
Brayden: Baylor
Carleigh: Baylor
Dawnea: Brayden
David: Baylor
Evelyn: Baylor
Evie: Brayden
Giorgio: Brayden
Perla: Brayden
Sam: Baylor
Raaji: Brayden

By a vote of 7-5, BRAYDEN Cima is the ninth castaway eliminated and the first member of the jury!

Episode 8

Episode 8
Who has an idol?

Dawnea (Kiran idol)
Evie (Alborza idol)

On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji) on the way back to camp, Sam CCs that he is stunned! Completely stunned! He is upset that Brayden is gone but so impressed that Raaji pulled it off. Back at camp, Baylor accuses everybody of being jealous. Nobody is having it and they all tell her to shut up. Evelyn CCs that Brayden deserved to stay over Baylor of all people. Raaji CCs that working with Baylor is like working with the devil. At least it is clear that nobody will vote for her at the end and that is what he is counting on. In the shelter, David and Carleigh are laying down. Carleigh says that she risked her position and Brayden went home anyway. David thanks her for voting with him and Carleigh smiles. She CCs that the alliance couldn't last. Hopefully, she will be the new fourth. On the beach, everybody starts heading towards the shelter. Raaji CCs that he can't believe he pulled it off. For once, he isn't in the minority and he loves that. In the end, though, he respects Brayden a lot for the game he played.
In the morning, Evie CCs that David, Evelyn and Sam will always be targets. Right now, she is worried about Carleigh coasting to the end and potentially winning. She has the capabilities of being a strategic queen AND she is likable. On top of that, nobody wants her out. Evie is talking with Annie and Perla. She says that Carleigh managed to go from top target to not a target during the pre-merge. She commends that a lot. Perla says that Carleigh did what Brandon could not. Annie says that Carleigh is just plain likable. Evie says that this is why she needs to go soon. Perla CCs that Carleigh IS a big threat down the road. The question is when as it could be too soon. Evie is with Giorgio. She says that Annie and Carleigh are her top targets. Carleigh is playing this incredible under the radar game and Annie is a poker player that managed to turn things around on Lee. Giorgio says that he is fine with them going next. Evie CCs that, out of everybody in the game, she trusts Giorgio the most. They have been allies since the very beginning. Giorgio says that they need to be careful to make sure that their campaigning doesn't make them targets. Giorgio CCs that Evie and him have been allies since the beginning but he feels like she is the biggest threat. She is very strategic and everybody loves her. Dawnea, Evie and Giorgio are in the shelter. Dawnea and Evie are cracking jokes. Giorgio doesn't talk at all. Giorgio CCs that he knows Evie will beat him in the end. Maybe she will try and take him out beforehand. Evie and Perla are in the water. Evie CCs that her strategy is making sure anybody but her and Giorgio are targets. Evie tells Perla that Carleigh is a very smart person. She will, no longer, be the cutthroat one down the road and they don't need that person. Perla agrees. Evie is with David. She says that Annie may be a potential member of his alliance but he needs to remember that she is a poker player. David says that he doesn't trust Annie too much anyway. David CCs that he wants The Visionaries to stay together and Annie has proven that she doesn't have Evelyn's back so why would she have anybody's back. Giorgio is talking to Dawnea at the water well. He says that Evie has been throwing her name under the bus. Dawnea is surprised and says that they got along well. Giorgio says that her humour is why she wants her gone--she is too good of a social player, apparently. Dawnea CCs that she has to confirm this with Evie right away. Dawnea is walking with Evie along the path and says that Giorgio came up to her to not too long ago and said that she was trying to throw her under the bus. Evie CCs that she can see right through Dawnea. Evie is talking with Giorgio in the shelter and says that Dawnea is throwing him under the bus and is saying that he is trying to turn people against her (Evie). Giorgio says that, obviously, Dawnea is lying. Evie says she knows but wants to give him a heads up. Giorgio CCs that he is going to try again. Giorgio is with Dawnea in the water. He tells her that Evie told him what she told her. He says that they need to focus on getting her out this round. Dawnea is surprised and CCs that she is starting to suspect that Evie believes her and Giorgio to be close when that isn't the case. Dawnea and Evie are at the water well. Dawnea says that Giorgio is not the loyal ally she thinks he is. She says that Giorgio came up to her, said that she told him when she told her and that they need to focus on getting her (Evie) out. Evie says that this entire thing is a mess right now. She CCs that a part of her thinks that Giorgio could be turning on her. Raaji is in the shelter with Baylor, Carleigh and Perla. He says that David, Evelyn and Sam need to go and he doesn't care which order they go in. Perla says that, if they have to go against any of those three first, she prefers to not vote for Evelyn. Baylor decides to personally insult them all and Carleigh tells her to shut up. Baylor tries to claim that what she says is true but Carleigh yells at her to stop then storms off. She CCs that she refuses to be on Baylor's side of any vote. As of now, David, Evelyn and Sam are her closest allies. Along a the beach, Carleigh tells David and Sam that she is with them one hundred percent. She says that Raaji was talking to her, Baylor and Perla and wants the three of them (D, E, S) out in any order. Sam CCs that this isn't anything new but if Carleigh wants to join their side, he welcomes her as a number. Sam thanks her again for voting against Baylor last time. Carleigh says that she will vote against her again, no problem. David CCs that, if they can flip Annie, they have the votes. However, Annie is super unreliable. Had she voted for Baylor to go, Brayden would have beaten her in the tie breaker.
SAM wins Reward and takes Annie, Dawnea and Perla with him.
IT IS A FEAST! Sam CCs that he needs to flip Annie, Dawnea and Perla and this is a good way to do so. As they eat, Annie CCs that Sam doing this confirms that he isn't holding a grudge against her for voting out Brayden. Dawnea CCs that she appreciates that Sam did this. Perla CCs that he suspects Sam wants her as a number but she is just enjoying this Reward too much to jump to any conclusions. Perla directly asks Sam what he wants. Sam says that he wants an alliance with the four of them. Annie declines it and says that she wants to think about it. Sam CCs that Annie just declined an alliance! He respects her being bold but now he knows that he can't work with her. Sam, Annie, Dawnea and Perla all talk about how much they enjoy the Reward. Afterwards, Annie whispers to Sam that she'll talk with him in a bit. Annie CCs that he doesn't want an alliance with the four of them. However, an alliance with Sam would benefit her.
On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Giorgio, Perla, Sam, Raaji), Baylor and Raaji are in the shelter. He says that, one hundred percent, he wants them in the Final 3 together. Baylor says that she would love that. He CCs that Baylor has a horrible social game and he wants to use that to win the whole thing in the end. At the water well, Carleigh, Evelyn and David are talking. David says that he spoke with Sam before the challenge and just spoke with Evelyn and they are all good with her being the new 4th. He CCs that nobody can replace Brayden but they need a new 4th member right now and Carleigh is super trustworthy. Carleigh CCs that she is super excited! She says that, with her, The Visionaries will need a rename. Evelyn CCs that her, David and Sam are still The Visionaries. The alliance with Carleigh ... has yet to be named. Raaji is talking with Carleigh in the water. He says that their best bet is voting for Evelyn as she is connected to Annie and The Visionaries. Carleigh agrees and says that she is up for Evelyn to go. She CCs that she is just pulling his leg. She would love to vote Annie out but, if Evelyn can flip her, maybe they can be one strong unit. Evelyn is with Annie in the shelter. Evelyn says that she really wants them on the same side moving forward. Annie says that she is fine with that. It was just that Brayden was an amazing player and way too dangerous for this game. Evelyn CCs that she can't blame her. All she hopes for is that Annie won't vote against her. Evelyn says that what happened happened and she just wants to move forward. Annie says that she is up for it as it seems like nobody on The Visionaries really held a grudge against her. Annie CCs that she may have ruined things with Evelyn momentarily but she still wants them in the Finals together. If she is the new 4th member, that will just make things easier. Raaji is with Dawnea, Perla and Baylor in the shelter. He says that, from this moment forward, they need to work together or they will be taken out. He thinks they have Carleigh as well but Annie and Evelyn have that Season 12 connection so he isn't going to try and get her vote. Dawnea CCs that her and Perla spoke and decided to go forward with Raaji. There is little chance they'll be allied with David, Evelyn and Sam who will take each-other to the end.
SAM wins Immunity! He CCs that, just in case, there is a chance he really needed this. Now he just needs to make sure that David and Evelyn don't go.
Giorgio CCs that he needs a team moving forward. Giorgio talks with Annie, Dawnea, Evelyn and Sam in the shelter. He says that he pulled together the most trustworthy people on the tribe and he wants them together. He says that they can be called The Supreme Team. Annie CCs that the more alliances, the better! He says that they can be the ULTIMATE FINAL 5 ALLIANCE! They can make it to the end and become legends! Evelyn CCs that she likes the sound of that. He says that they need to target Evie before it's too late. She is a mega mastermind and has everybody wrapped around her finger! He says that, if they don't act soon, she will get to the end and win. He CCs that this is his final stand. Elsewhere, Carleigh and David are sitting on the ground. Carleigh says that she thought she was gone for sure in the beginning. David says that he was almost gone as well. He was allied with Nicole and Connor. Nicole left on Day 3 and Connor decided to advertise their alliance for whatever reason. It became a tie-breaker between them and that was scary. Carleigh CCs that with every day they talk, she feels like she can trust him more and more. However, she isn't going to be blinded. David CCs that Carleigh was a great choice as a new 4th. He really likes talking to her. Raaji is talking with Perla. He says that, if this plan goes through, they will be in a very good position. Perla agrees. Raaji CCs that a lot is riding on this Tribal Council.
Dawnea, openly at Tribal Council, feels like the alliance of 4, now 3, don't have the power to do anything. Raaji argues with her that they took out three people. Dawnea argues that 3 people don't have the numbers. Raaji argues that Annie is the newest fourth because of her connection with Evelyn. He argues that Annie and Evelyn NEED to be separated and reminds people that Annie is a gambler! Before the votes are read, Dawnea stands up and says that she is making a one million dollar mistake if this doesn't benefit her and uses the idol on Raaji. At that point, Evelyn says that she will be going if nobody uses the idol on her. She says that, if Evie or Giorgio has an idol, she will vote whoever doesn't use it on her in the re-vote if there is one. Evie stands up and uses the idol on Evelyn and tells her that she owes her if there is a re-vote. Here are the votes!

Annie: Raaji
Baylor: Evelyn
Carleigh: Raaji
Dawnea: Evelyn
David: Raaji
Evelyn: Raaji
Evie: Giorgio
Giorgio: Evie
Perla: Evelyn
Sam: Raaji
Raaji: Evelyn

Annie: Giorgio
Baylor: Evie
Carleigh: Giorgio
Dawnea: Evie
David: Giorgio
Evelyn: Giorgio
Evie: can't vote
Giorgio: can't vote
Perla: Evie
Sam: Giorgio
Raaji: Evie

By a vote of (5) - (4)-1-1 / 5-4, Giorgio Cusano is out, becoming the second member of the jury.

Episode 9

Episode 9
Who has an idol?

Nobody! :ooo

As of now, the episodes are now just an hour.
On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Perla, Sam, Raaji), on the way back to camp, Evie CCs that she did what was necessary in the last moment. The one thing about her is to never underestimate Evie Madruga. Back at camp, Evelyn CCs that she is so grateful that Evie saved her but she knows that a part of her did it to get back at Giorgio so she can't take full responsibility of that move. In the end, she gave Evie her word and Giorgio went. Annie says that she can't get over what happened. Dawnea says that something like that never happened in Season 12. Annie says that, even if it did, she didn't last long enough. They all chuckle. Annie CCs that they are at the Final 10. Years ago, she dreamed of getting this far and now she has. To be in another chaotic season is just the cherry on top.
In the morning, Raaji CCs that they had a chance to get somebody else onto their side but the votes for Evie to stay were there and he was in the minority. However, he is so glad that the idol was used on him. Perla says to him that everybody is shocked and they need to move on that. Raaji asks what she means. Perla says that they need to take advantage of people being so shocked and be like "hey, let's have a simpler tribal and vote together". Perla CCs that she doesn't mind a messy Tribal Council. However, what happened last night was not in her favour. Raaji says that Evie and Evelyn are going to be close now but Annie is still a wildcard and they need to bring her back in. Raaji CCs that Annie and Baylor are huge wildcards. Annie and Evelyn have that Season 12 connection but Annie is worried about the remnants of The Visionaries while Baylor will flip on you in a dime so she needs constant pampering. Raaji, Dawnea and Baylor are in the shelter. Baylor says that she wants to make Final 3 no matter what. She knows she will be the fan favourite so, if they f**k her over, they will get burned badly on social media. She says that she chose them to come with her to the Final 3 so she wants to make sure that they are on the same page as her. Dawnea and Raaji say they are. Dawnea CCs that she hates Baylor and will never vote for her in the Finals. She is so entitled and gives them this empty threat that won't happen every couple days. Baylor says that all of her friends are super successful and she wants to be the queen of Survivor. If they take that away from her, Vitosium will hate them. Dawnea says that, if they are in the Final 3, it is not like they can vote against her anyway. Baylor says that the rest of them could be jealous of her like they have been this entire game. Dawnea CCs that she's over it. She'll take Baylor with her and Perla to the end. Evie and Raaji are at the water well. Raaji says that he is so impressed with her and hopes that she can be on their side. Evie says that Raaji tried to vote him out that night so he needs to expect more than her just accepting she will. Raaji understands. Evie says that she organized the move last minute to get Giorgio out. As far as they were concerned, they were playing the middle. Now, she had to choose a side and people have already come up to her and confirmed their votes. David, Carleigh, Annie, Evelyn and Sam. were the votes for her to stay. Baylor tried to lie but she kept making it about herself. Evie CCs that Raaji has a lot of balls to come over to her and tell her "join our side even though we wanted you out".
The reward is a zip line journey! Sam, Raaji and Carleigh win! Carleigh CCs that she really wanted to win this and her team did!
REWARD SEGMENT! They all have CCs about their excitement! As they enjoy some juice and roast beef sandwiches, Sam discusses having a fear of heights and getting over it in the most insane way possible. His fiancee, Shontanna, jokingly suggested skydiving and, while drunk, he decided to go through with it. When he was sober, they spoke again about it and they went ahead with it. Sam CCs that he almost fell off a four story building when he was 7. Since then, he was deathly afraid of heights. So, two years ago, he went skydiving and ... would never do it again. Raaji says that he has never skydived or zip lined but, after this, he would try sky diving, even once. Carleigh says the same. Raaji CCs that there is something about this game that brings out the adventurer in you. He loves the game!
On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Perla, Sam, Raaji), David and Evelyn are talking at the water well. David says that it's obvious that Raaji needs to go as the leader of the other side but, just in case he wins Immunity, they need another target and he thinks that it is Baylor's time to go. Evelyn agrees and says that, while Baylor is the perfect finals goat, she is a vote they'll never have because she is so self-absorbed. Evelyn CCs that Baylor's not worth the hassle. David CCs that it won't be unanimous but he knows that the possibility of her going home is big. Carleigh, Sam and Raaji arrive back! Sam CCs that, during the reward, Raaji proposed an alliance with Carleigh, who told him about it. He knows that Carleigh is loyal to them, especially now. Sam is with David in the water. Sam says that Raaji proposed an alliance with Carleigh and told her that it would be them, Dawnea, Perla and Baylor. Sam says that it seems like Evie is up for grabs. David says that he would be too after Raaji's side voted for her to go. David CCs that they need to secure Evie, who has been in the middle with Giorgio. David is with Evie. He tells her that the war going on is nuts right now. Evie says that she agrees. David says that he sees no reason to vote her out and saw no reason a few days ago. Evie thanks him and says that she chose a side. Evie CCs that a part of her feels secure with the one side but with Evelyn, mostly. Evie says that she'll vote with them tonight and, hopefully, they can secure something to go all the way. David says that he would love that. David CCs that Evie seems trustworthy and he wants to see where that gut instinct goes.
Raaji wins Immunity and then flaunts the hidden immunity idol he found earlier. He CCs that he wants to let the other side know that his side can't be touched. All he has to do is play this correctly.
Raaji CCs that he wanted to keep the idol a secret until after the Immunity challenge. Winning it made the reveal that much sweeter. Annie is with Raaji in the shelter. She says that she feels like her game is in jeopardy because her and Evelyn share a connection through Season 12. However, she was allied with Julissa Bird, not Evelyn Markham. She says that she knows Evelyn is a super smart cookie and will target her eventually to bring her own target down. Raaji asks how that would work. Annie says that people will always see them as a duo so Evelyn would target her so that people wouldn't view them as such and take her out like the last Tribal Council. Annie CCs that a part of her feels like she is on the bottom of the totem pole. Raaji says that he will not vote for her tonight and, if she feels like way, taking out Evelyn was a part of his plan anyway. Raaji CCs that this works out for him. David and Carleigh are in the water. David says that he learned to swim from his mom and used to have a huge fear of water. Carleigh asks how he got over it. David says that he took swimming lessons from his mom to ensure that he would never drown. Carleigh CCs that David just fascinates her. It's something about him that draws her in. Dawnea and Perla are at the water well. Dawnea says that she feels disrespected as an ally that Raaji did not tell her that he found the idol the morning after Tribal Council. She CCs that she is LIVID that Raaji hid that from her. It shows her that he doesn't trust her enough. Perla says that they may have to cut him loose soon because she feels the same way. Raaji doesn't trust them at all, despite being on his side. Dawnea says that they are just votes to him. Dawnea CCs that Raaji did the wrong thing at the wrong time.
At Tribal, Carleigh tells Raaji off for being arrogant and letting the power go to his head. Before the votes are read, Raaji makes a grandiose speech about saving his ally. He uses the idol on Baylor. Here are the votes!

Annie: Evelyn
Baylor: Sam
Carleigh: Baylor
Dawnea: Sam
David: Baylor
Evelyn: Baylor
Evie: Baylor
Perla: Sam
Sam: Baylor
Raaji: Sam

By a vote of (5) - 4-1, Sam is out, becoming the third member of the jury, shocking those who voted for Baylor, as well as Annie.

Episode 10

Episode 10
Who has an idol?

Nobody! :ooo

On the Alborza tribe (Annie, Baylor, Carleigh, Dawnea, David, Evelyn, Evie, Perla, Raaji), as they get back to camp, Evelyn CCs that she is so confused because, out of the four of them, Sam was the most under the radar. Her, David and Brayden's names were in people's mouths constantly. Back at camp, Evelyn is openly shocked about not being targeted and doesn't know whether to thank Raaji or not. Raaji says that Sam was a good physical competitor and was the one person nobody wanted to target aside from him. David CCs that he stopped underestimating Raaji when Brayden left. With Raaji's reasoning tonight, he knows that he is his biggest competition in this game. David says that he respects the move. Raaji thanks him. Raaji CCs that 2 out of 4 members are gone. Not only is this for Veronica but also for himself because that group of 4 were very powerful.
In the morning, Annie and Evelyn are in the shelter. Evelyn says that she is still shocked that she received a vote that night. Annie says that it was Carleigh, which shocks Evelyn. Annie CCs that she has to lie to Evelyn right now. If she knew the truth, that would spell the end of their alliance. Annie says that Carleigh came up to her beforehand and tried to flip the vote. Evelyn says that she is super shocked because she thought her and Carleigh were good. Annie says that the only person she can really trust right now is her. Evelyn thanks her for telling her all this. She CCs that she does not believe Annie one bit. She knows that Annie is lying to her because Carleigh has been feeding her information about the other side while she (Annie) has been super sketchy. Right now, she sees Annie as somebody who can go after Raaji. At the water well, David, Dawnea and Perla are laughing and joking around. David and Dawnea, especially, crack each-other up. David CCs that, recently, he has started to see Dawnea and Perla as a duo. Dawnea is the more social one while Perla is the more strategic one. They are very awesome people, though. In any other season, they could have been the Charlize and Jasmine of the season--the super powerful friendship duo! Maybe they still can be. Perla says that she doesn't like there being two sides like this but she couldn't help but vote out Brayden and Sam because of the whole The Visionaries thing. David agrees and says that, in any other season, he would have wanted the three of them to be allies from the get go and feels like, maybe, them and Evelyn can be the new powerful four person alliance. Perla CCs that she sees what David did there ... but he has a point. David CCs that he could have worded that better but he wanted them to know that there is still a chance for this alliance. Perla says that she is up for this alliance and says that Annie is at the top of her list after Raaji. She says that Raaji did not tell them about the idol and played it off like a reveal to everybody. Dawnea says that she isn't hurt by it but it made her suspicious. Perla says the same. Dawnea CCs that she feels like Raaji has no real loyalties so, at this point, they can't be on his side. In the shelter, Baylor tries flirting with Raaji, who isn't flirting back. Baylor CCs that she has tried flirting with him for days and, now, she is getting annoyed. Veronica is gone and has been for weeks and SHE is right HERE. Raaji says that he doesn't like her like that. Baylor says that he flirted and kissed Veronica so why not her. Raaji says that he feels something for Veronica--that's why. Baylor says that he isn't officially dating her though. Raaji says that he wants to see if something would happen. Baylor says that it won't and he is stupid for not taking the opportunity to get with somebody more worth it. Raaji CCs that saving Baylor kept her vote on his side but at what cost. He says that nobody should have to deal with anybody like her. Baylor CCs that Raaji needs to apologize because she is offended.
Carleigh, David and Evelyn win a special performance from a band!
REWARD SEGMENT! They all enjoy it! Two CCs each! They end with the reward with David making a toast to Brayden and Sam.
Raaji talks to Dawnea and Perla in the shelter and tells them what happened with Baylor and the two of them are disgusted with her. Dawnea CCs that Baylor needs to learn human dignity. Perla says that Baylor can go for all she cares. She CCs that she is conflicted because Raaji is a threat but Baylor's a POS. Carleigh, David and Evelyn return. Raaji, David and Evelyn are in the water. He tries to make a truce with them because he wants Baylor out after a conversation earlier. David is disgusted in his CC that Baylor said all that. Evelyn CCs that, if she was Veronica and heard that, she would slap Baylor. Raaji CCs that it isn't like he doesn't feel safe or uncomfortable. He says that Baylor finally crossed the line with him and this is a personal vote for him. In the shelter, David, Evelyn, Dawnea and Perla are together. David brings Evelyn up to speed about the alliance proposal and Evelyn says that she is all in. She also says that, if Dawnea and Perla want Annie gone after Raaji, she will GLADLY vote her out. She knows that Annie was the single vote for her to go. Evelyn CCs that she is super excited. David CCs that this puts Raaji, Annie and Evie on the outs for him cause he wants Carleigh in the end with him. Perla CCs that it's better to give the opposition a better route than to try and fail to take them out. Dawnea CCs that this is the real dream team for her.
Carleigh won immunity! Carleigh CCs that she managed to beat Baylor and Raaji so, now, they have to decide who goes.
Evie CCs that she has not been in the loop for a few days and that is worrying her. She manages to find an idol in 10 minutes and CCs that, for the past few days, she has been looking and looking so, today, it was just a process of elimination. Nobody can suspect her of finding one in 10 minutes. Raaji is with David. David says that he has a lot of respect for him because he managed to pull off Brayden and Sam's blindsides. Raaji says that he respects him too and feels like he underestimated him a bit. David chuckles and adds that, if so, then it made no sense that he was targeted constantly pre-merge. Raaji corrects himself and says that, when they suspected Brayden of being the leader, that is when he underestimated David. Raaji CCs that everybody in that alliance is dangerous. He is glad he took out two members. Maybe, once Baylor goes, he can blindside another. Baylor tries to tell Evie that she doesn't know if she can trust Raaji anymore because he won't flirt with her. Evie is taken aback and says that Baylor is the dumbest b***h she has ever met for saying something so stupid. This causes a screaming match between the two of them (Evie being "jealous" vs Baylor being entitled). Ultimately, Evie wins the fight and Baylor storms off. Evie CCs that somebody had to tell her. Evie is joking around with Dawnea. Evie then asks where her head is at. Dawnea says that it's coming down to Raaji or Baylor. Evie says that it should be an easy vote regardless. Raaji is a very powerful player and Baylor can't be trusted at all. She CCs that she isn't conflicted like the others. She knows where her vote is going.
Here are the votes!

Annie: Raaji
Baylor: Raaji
Carleigh: Raaji
Dawnea: Raaji
David: Raaji
Evelyn: Raaji
Evie: Raaji
Perla: Raaji
Raaji: Baylor

By a vote of 8-1, Raaji is out, becoming the fourth member of the jury. Raaji is, beyond, blindsided.