Military State of Sethtekia Sethriat | |
Motto: Sethtekia Aeternum! Sethtekia the Eternal | |
Anthem: Sethtekian Religious Anthem | |
![]() | |
Status | Superpower |
Location | Nordic Nations |
Capital | Carpathia, Sethtekia |
Largest Metropolis | Carpathia |
Official languages | English, Norse, German |
Recognised national languages | Danish, German, Norse |
Religion | Templaric Christianity |
Government | Stratocracy, Military Dictatorship |
• Grand Marshall | Dolf Krieg |
• Grand Commander | Alexi Petrov |
Legislature | Chamber of |
House of Commanderies. | |
Area | |
• | [convert: invalid number] |
Population | |
• Estimate | 300,000,000 |
Currency | Sethtekian Mark (SRM) |
Time zone | UTC+2 (GMT) |
Date format | 00 - Month - 00 Anno Domini |
Driving side | right |
Calling code | +47 |
Internet TLD | .st |
The Military Dictatorship of Sethtekia is a vast nation of 6,522,232,835 citizens, a number that fluctuates constantly. The form of government is known as Psychotic Dictatorship, which is defined by some as the rule by a sole absolute authority prone to whims not always in line with the people's wants or needs. The beloved national animal of Sethtekia is the Imperial Eagle. The economy of Sethtekia is classified as All-Consuming, which means, it is all about the Economy in Sethtekia where investing and the acquisition of capital is All Consuming. The economy is tied to the strength and value of the Reichsmark, its national currency and is driven by the Uranium Mining industry where much of the population is employed in some capacity or another. Civil Rights in Sethtekia is classified as Unheard Of , which means, Civil Rights are just a dream in Sethtekia where they are generally Unheard Of and the 'Thought Police' run roughshod through the streets. Political Freedom in Sethtekia is classified as Outlawed , which means, the political protesters of Sethtekia are summarily arrested, determined guilty and shot in this nation of Outlawed Political Freedoms where the police are judge, jury and executioner. Sethtekia is one of the largest nations in the world with one of the most powerful militaries and largest militaries in the world. In the Greater Nazi Empire it has the largest standing army to date. With 90% of all of its male populace between the ages of 15 and 32 in the military or training to be in the military.
Sethtekia is a protector nation in which it will use any force necessary to ensure the people of Sethtekia and her protectorates are safe from assault whilst ensuring the Greater Nazi Empire is safe from all whom dare topple her.
Due to the SS's love of mythos and lore. The Fuhrer made the Reichsmarshal at the Time Alder Rommel no relation to Erwin Rommel. On May 08, 1945 the USSR collapsed as a successful invasion or Russia during the winter of 1944. It was renamed to Sethtekia. Over the years the iron fist the Sethtekian government grew larger and more powerful. By 1958 the Sethtekian Military was being rebuilt and was already large as it was. With enough food grown the population began to boom. Soo much so that the mothers that gave birth to more then 5 children were regarded as heroines of the Sethtekian Government. Adeliah Staffel is the most prolific Sethtekian mother in all of its history birthing 25 children to Sethtekia. She is regarded currently as the Sethtekian Königreichsmutter. In 1979 the Population was estimated to be nearly 1.25 billion after the average Sethtekian family was producing six or seven children each. As the population grew so did the demand for food and the farms began to pop up. Prisoners were sent to these farms and were forced to labor to produce large and vast crops for the people while getting minimal rations to ensure there were enough for the people. By 2018 the population would swell to well over 6 billion people.
After the death of Alder Rommel in 1959 his second in command was a much younger Colonel named Alastair Staffel. His wife was the Sethtekian Königreichsmutter became the next leader of Sethtekia he'd lead Sethtekia into a growing technological age as it was roughly 8 years ahead of the world after Sethtekian Special Forces began to kidnap scientist and forcing them to advance Sethtekia. He'd lead Sethtekia for the next 40 years until his death in 1999 at the age of 88. During his time Sethtekia saw a booming age. His predecessor was Admiral Sergei Petrov assumed command at the age of 59. He rebuilt and made the Sethtekian Navy a powerhouse as the army and airforce was strong, but it had a tiny navy in comparison. Over the next 21 years he'd serve with dignity and respect of the people. Upon his death due to stage IV Lung Cancer that killed him abruptly and quite suddenly. He was diagnosed with cancer and six days later he made an announcement of his condition. Later that night he died.
The wishes of the Kommandant was for his grandson Dolf Ubermensch. The Ubermensch family was once the Kroshkinev's of the USSR but because Nazi Germany won the war and took over the Russian people. Several famous families of aryan descent were renamed. His being one of them. Kommandant Dolf Ubermensch assumed command of the Sethtekian people at the young age of 34 the youngest leader Sethtekia has had in its history. In 2020 he was a well beloved person and statues were erected of his person. The most famous one is at Carpathia City Square next to his Grandfather giving the Sethtekian Salute which is the Roman / Nazi Salute. He has persued many military operations of the clandestine nature and is the father of the Sethtekian Death Squads which was rounding up criminals and executing them. But all in all the people truly loved Kommandant Dolf who was also named the Riechsmarshal.
The Sethtekian Geography is mostly tundra and artic lands during the winter the tempatures go well below freezing but the cities infrastructure can keep the people at a relatively comfortable temperature during the days as the streets are line with heaters to ensure that they can at least keep the bitter cold to a minimal of 25 degrees Fahrenheit which is as the average temperature in the winter is only 5 degrees. With a Tundra like enviroment it really makes it hard to farm hence why most of the atlantic touching area's is mostly its farmland for the rest of the nation. The borders of the farmland to the rest of the world is an Iron Curtain Wall with Gun Turrets and Artillery just behind it to ensure the Farmland is protected.
With its many sprawling hills and large forests its a wonder how the country fits soo many people in them. The country is well defended as most of the mainland is reserved for the military most of the coasts of Sethtekia are entirely city. One of the most beautiful locations in all of Sethtekia is the Mountains that are present but most of them are off limits for unknown reason many speculate they are the location of secret military facilities are built into the mountains.
Due to deforestation which was a large problem for Sethtekia after a few government initiatives the Sethtekian forest of Ural was protected with its 500 square miles and it was allowed to grow to whatever size it will. Entering the forest is strictly forbidden as to prevent forest fires as all the entry points are guarded by Machine Guns for some reason.
One of Sethtekia's largest tourist attractions is hiking and skiing on Mount Elbrus with several government run Ski Resorts located there to keep a watchful eye on anyone who enters Sethtekia. The Tourism industry isn't very large in this large nation instead most of the people tend to come to Mount Elbrus on their own when they can afford to keeping the Ski Resort well packed. SO much so that the city surrounding Mount Elbrus has almost more hotels in the city then any other city in Sethtekia.
If Skiing isn't your thing most of the citizens love to go hiking in the many paths and forest surrounding the city of Mount Elbrus which has carved a path through the forest. Which during Military Training days they use Mount Elbrus as a training Ground for Mountain and Forest Operations. As with a country as large as Sethtekia its hard to describe the harsh terrain and weather that comes around for them. It is a nation of hardened people taken over and conquered.
As with any authoritarian and fascist nation there is always been some terrorist cells who would try to destroy the Sethtekian way of life. On July 23rd 2018 terrorists attacked a shopping mall with a Grenade launcher. Though he was killed almost instantly the attack still killed 55 people. And he was linked to the islamic extremist group Al Quaeda. Sethtekia sent a quick and swift strike against the Afghanistan based nation by moving troops into the country. The world was horrified by the Sethtekian actions as Sethtekians began to butcher everyone in their path committing war crimes. Leaving entire towns burning and bodies in the streets.
The largest population in the world and with one of the most prohibitive nations. The country is vastly what many people would think the Aryan's are with the caucus people's traits as signs of purity. In fact the average Sethtekian is fair skinned and blue eyes hair color differs but that is also strictly regulated. Men are to wear military high and tights or ancient Viking Hair style of long hair on top with no hair on the sides. Beards are only allowed to be worn by civilians and military officers. This vast nation of militarized people wear uniforms as well. Though they are stylish by world standards. They nethertheless are required. With a nation as large as Sethtekia the people have to be kept in line somehow and by that Sethtekia has outlawed and made lengthy prison sentences for small offenses and executions are quite regular. In fact they are so regular that they are televised and are considered entertainment. Children play with toy guns in the streets and pretend to be Sethtekian warriors as they will one day grow up to be. And when a boy hits the age of 15 he will be taken from his family and put into one of the many military training camps that are placed throughout the country.
There they will spend their formative years being trained to be soldiers. And upon 21 they will serve in the military for an additional 2 years if they elect to stay in the military they may serve as soldiers until 32. Where they will be given military jobs that are not frontline and are the mechanics, the pilots and any administrative job necessary. If they are 32 and choose to leave the military.
The people of Sethtekia speak three languages though the official language is the international language of English as it has been for the last 300 years. However when you pair the Russian Language with the German language the accent is undeniable. As with the harshness of both languages they create this conglomeration of harsh with grinding accents.
Sethtekian religion is currently set at Templaric Christianity. In which they at worship services will sing ancient chants to their god and read from strictly the bible. They have no doctrinal differences as anyone who opposes what the bible states is executed. This country has a strictly heterosexual populace as homosexuality is not only illegal but its an executable offense with only about 45 homosexuals are executed a year by decapitation and disembowlment. The people are very devoted spiritually and believe they are doing the right thing. The Sethtekian government has allowed a small group of Jews to live in their nations borders but they are not granted rights or Sethtekian protections other then just living in Sethtekia with only about 6 million Jews live in Sethtekian borders.
The Sethtekian race is a combination of the "Aryan" and the Russian people. As the fair skin and blue eyes is a common sight in the nation. Hair color is a bit different and was strictly controlled to be natural colors as unnatural colors are individuality and is frowned upon. The Sethtekian people can thank their requirements to marry to those from other areas. The Vikylars and Sethrians are amongst the most desired when it comes to women and the Sethtekians and Sethrians create larger "Aryans" with the average Sethtekian at 5'7 and average Sethrian at 6'0 the combination usually has always created a 6'0 Sethtekian.
The Sethtekian Government is a strict fascist nation that outlaws things that are to be believed of immoral capacity. With some of the harshest prison sentences in the world. Simple criminal offenses result in 20 years in labor camps and worked till either death or release. The prisoners however never are granted freedoms back. Once an offense is made they are a slave to the government permamently and are usually only able to find the worst and most dangerous jobs. As many of the labor camps are surrounded by uranium mining while Sethtekian soldiers wear NBC gear the miners are not granted that unless they are not prisoners.
The government's laws are strict and the country is ruled by an iron fist. Even with this being said its quite interesting to see the Sethtekian people actually love their leader's. As they have a cult of personality. Political posters span the sides of walls. Grand Military Parades are done once a year on Sethtekia's Independence Days with over 80 million soldiers marching for the international community's to view. However when the government isn't working on the Sethtekian Dolf reports to the Reich's military command and oversee's military operations within the Nazi Empire.
Foriegn Relations and Diplomacy
These four words are virtually non-existent in Sethtekian vocabulary. They have what they call the Doctrine of Aggressive Diplomacy and Zero Tolerance. In fact they are soo strict in their Zero Tolerance that any aircraft be military or civilian that enters Sethtekian Airspace without authorization of the nation is shot down by the Sethtekian Air Force or Anti-Air Defenses littered around the nation. Any boats entering Sethtekian Waters are sunk regardless of country of orgin or purpose. It is said that Sethtekia claimed most of the artic circle but scientific and cruise liners tend to avoid the Sethtekian borders as any survivors of the attacks are left to drown and anyone caught trying to aid them will be executed on the spot. Their borders are well defended with parts of it having a Concrete Wall and others with Chain Link Fences. Snipers and Machine Gunners are in towers to oversee the border anyone entering the nation is quickly executed once they enter Sethtekian lands which extends to exactly 50 feet beyond the fences.
Foriegn Diplomacy is always Sethtekia first which this does cause a large issue with many people but they do have the military to back it up. In fact one of the Sethtekian's greatest diplomatic point is mutual destruction. If you go to war with Sethtekia and launch a weapon of mass destruction. Sethtekia will use any means to destroy that nation even if it means mutal annihilation.
The Sethtekian Military is the crown jewel of the Sethtekian people. In fact they are very proud of the fact they have the largest standing military and defense forces. In fact its standing size is larger then most of the Nazi Empire's population. As Sethtekia's military takes up 1/25 of the Greater Nazi Empire's population. Which is currently at 25.5 billion people. It is one of the largest navies as the Sethtekian spend a great deal to upgrade their navy to be up to standards. They currently have over 880 Vessels in the Sethtekian Navy. The Sethtekian government requires all males and females to serve up to 2 years of combat service in the military or 5 years in the civilian corps. In which many times they tend to stay till they are no longer able to be allowed into combat for instance once they reach the age of 33 or attain the rank of captain they are kept from the battlefield unless they're role is necessary to the security of the Sethtekian people. The Military takes up almost 45% of the Sethtekian governmental spending each year and this is to ensure that they have the most technologically advanced military assets they can acquire from a overly sized nuclear and biological stockpile with equally sizeable chemical stockpile. To tanks with depleted uranium armor and artillery units with the same. Each soldier is equipped with body armor and MX9 Rifle to ensure they are well prepared. While their machinegunners carry SAW249s.
Sethtekian Army "Kein Rückzug weder eine Rückkauf" - Sethtekian Army Motto (No Retreat, No Surrender) The Sethtekian Army goal is to take and capture enemy lands and ensure it held onto for as long as possible.
The Sethtekian Army is the largest part of the Sethtekian military boasting nearly 45% of the entire military. They have more then 8000 Combat and Main Battle Tanks as well as upwards of 45 Battalions of Artillery and mechanized infantry. With nearly 50 Regional Armies from 10,000,000 men each. Each Border State has one of these armies nearby if not based out of them.
Sethtekian Air Force "Die Himmel gehören uns, das Wrack gehört dir." ~ Air Force Motto (The Skies are ours, the wreckage is yours) Equipped with F-35BII Lightnings and A-35 Blitzkrieg's the Sethtekian Airforce is to ensure that the airspace of Sethtekia is not only secure but protected. They also key in the Sethtekian invasions as they provide close air support. They work closely with the Army Aviators in helicopters often escorting them and transporting their aircraft.
Sethtekian Navy "Immer ausdauernd." ~ Motto (Always Enduring)
With a Navy as large as Sethtekia's they are always on the move with 15 Fleets. The Sethtekian Navy ensures the Sethtekian Waters are secure and the zero tolerance Sethtekia has for vessels entering her are destroyed swiftly.
The Sethtekian Economy is boosted by uranium mining and arms manufacturing. However the utility jobs are done by those whom are forced to serve in the military but do not pass the fit for combat status. Instead they are still given combat training but they are sent to the Civilian Corps where they'll work in the civilian districts such as city jobs and government jobs. As well as Government and civilian Administration. Those whom serve their forced five years may continue to serve in the civilian corps which most never leave due to the decent pay they make at the job they are trained in. Civilian jobs that are not part of the Civilian Corps such as retail and international business those are done by those whom have had a high IQ level that didn't have the pertinacity towards math or science. As the Sethtekian Government plans out its economy each year the inflation is relatively small considering.
The culture of Sethtekia is very generic. As most of the TV Shows are of Crime and other things that are non-existant. Only TV Shows authorized by the government are allowed. And none of those are allowed to be anti-Sethtekian. The Sethtekian people wear uniforms for the most part. As fashion is high end but retail stores only sell uniformed pieces. Underwear is not regulated as Sex within marriage is encouraged. So much soo that the only place to buy non-uniform items are at the government regulated Sex shops that sell items for love-making. They will import lingerie and negilee. However due to pornography is highly regulated. Any purchase requires said member be presenting a State ID to be swiped to be in the registry for Pornograhpic topics.
Within marriage sex with the spouse is not regulated as there are no sodomy laws towards married individuals within the confines of marriage. However sodomy between non-married individuals is highly regulated and illegal.
The Sethtekian people live in a world where the police is judge jury and executioner. With no-regards to the peoples unrest or anger. Those who vocalize and plan against Sethtekia are wiped out before they are a threat.
That being said the people being a majority of the nation are pro-sethtekia and are for it. As Ultra-nationalism is encouraged.