Leviathan Federation

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The Leviathan Federation
"Leviathan Federation"
Motto: " In God We Trust "
Anthem: The Star Spengled Banner
StatusBuilding a new home on sparkalia
Official languagesNon at the federal Level
Recognised national languagesMix Earth Languages
Ethnic groups
GovernmentConsitutional Federal Democracy
• President of the Leviathan Federation
William B. Leviathan
• Vice President of the Leviathan Federation
Henry T. Rutherford
LegislatureThe Congress of the Leviathan Federation
Senate of The Leviathan Federation
Leviathan House of Representitives
• Estimate
90 septillion
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$13.521 decillion
• Per capita
CurrencyLeviathan Dollar (LFD)
Driving sidecentrialist.
Calling code+1
Internet TLD.lf

The Leviathan Federation

The Leviathan Federation is a nation that originates on earth. the Leviathan Federation is accidentally landed on sparkalia after traveling through a wormhole transporting Federation From its originating Universe to the Sparkalian Universe(Universe is commonly refered to as a realm.) do to escaping from the Asteriod Feild which once was the earth. after The Greys(yes consperisy aliens) destroyed the planet. after what is commonly refeared to as the Rapture, Armageddon, end of days, and many other biblical terms.

The Government of the Leviathan Federation

the Leviathan Federation is classified as a Federal Republic with currently has 10 state and a federal district. 3 Territories and an Island possesson.

The Federal Government

The government operates under a guides of checks and balances the system has three branches consisting of the

Executive: which includes the Presidental Office and the Cabinate which is appointed by the president with the approval of the senate. the president is the Commander and Chief of the Leviathan Armed Forces and veto bills of the congress.

Legislative: up of the Senate and the House of representatives. where the senate is act as delegates and diplomats to other nations, and signs bills into Federal law, and Amend the consitutition with approveal of both the executive and judicial branchs. they also hold the power of impeachment however the people can veto this or force an impeachment.

Judicial: these are apointed by the president and apporved by the senate. they interpet Federal Law and decide rater this violates the consitutition or not.

the leviathan federation has 22 senators 2 senators for each state while the territories and federal district does not and 34 representatives 1 representative for each city, county, territory, and federal district.

The Law of the Leviathan Federation

Leviathan Population

the leviathan is a rapidly growing population of 225,000,000. which is made up of beings of many species, many races, many cultures, and many religions. which enjoy many freedoms given to them such as free education. and free education all people are entitled to the job and life they want if they can work for it so long as it does not hurt others. they also enjoy the entitlement to having there voices hear in the government. the people can vote for new leaders as well as vote to have them removed.

Leviathan Technology

The Leviathan Federation is a techonologicaly advanced nation though it does still use older technologies as back ups. the nation is allways researching new technologys and actively encourages and rewards creativity. and use of the technology in defense of the nation.

house hold technologies


  • Units: Robotic Pets.

Year Invented: 2035 which consist of types Mechanical Synthetic Organisms and Nanorobotic Synthetic Organisms has a couple of main varients such as Base Units, Medical Units, Defense Units the Base Unit being a toy and generally are fun and comforting. and the medical units being a verient which is given to people with medical conditions or to help in hospitals to calm patients. Defense Units which help defend schools

Mechanical Synthetic Organisms which are given the name do the Biodesign of the robots do to them having a biology inspired design such as a Endoskeleton and pneumatic muscles which closely resembles Biological Muscles, and Multi-Processor Neurochip which each processor does a spacific job like a biological brain which has many cortexs that are responsable for different Functions, a Layered Skin which consists of layering fabric on the mechanics of the robot to insure free movement. which has a layer of Gel like silicon rubber placed on top which acts like fat with a shock sensor inlayed into it. than a thinner more solide rubber is place above that. which has a tissue like fabric inlayed and a leather like matterial with a touch sensor inlayed into that.

Nanorobotic Synthetic Organisms/Nanite Swarm Synthetic Organisms NSO/NSSO Invented in 2163 A.D are the pretty much the same as MSO's however they use nanites which simulate cells of a biological and more closely resembles a actual organism. where the Individual Nanite acts as a Stemcell and than specializes or modifies itself for a spacific role such as a Neuron which acts as ether a connector, processor or memory cell. while another may make up a skin cell and form flesh and act as a form of hyper advanced touch.

Units are Human level intelligent robotic animals which do feel emotions and pain. Units can speak and hold a conversation more than passing the turing test thouch this is a togglable option (though they can still send messages to the owner or owners parrents/guardians). many units dont have this enabled but they are still understandable to a degree the do not make animal noises randomly but are different depending on what the unit is moddeled after. Wild units generally disable it. finding that for reasons which are still being questioned that it makes it easier to comfort troubled or tramatized children. Units are known for there ability to keep secrets as well unless the parents or authorities need to know such as Domestic Violance, Abuse, Bullies, etc. units can contact emergancy services in case of medical incidents and emergancies. Units are very careing when it comes to there owners. they will do next to anything. units are also extremely forgiving they forgive almost instantly. though it does not mean abuse does not have effects on units. which will look sad and shy away. to act as a form of guilt trip to prevent people from harming units. this generally works altho there are select few who do not care and will destroy units for fun though this is frowned apon. the people who do this usually have mental illnesses or do not like units because they are seen as an abmonination to others such as religious cults. though they tend to winover there haters.

to describe unit behavor is innocence they are progammed to be careing and loving and to confort others. they tend to win over almost everyone even those at first hate them. being sometimes the only thing that some children trust because its the only thing that hasn't hurt them or is trying to hurt them. they will do everything they can to protect children spacificly as that is what they where originally designed for though they will protect adults they prioritise Children wild units tend to choose children rather than adults because they tend to think children need them more.

Unit ownership is a bit complex because its not based on a remote or anything physical other than the owner. to claim units the owner askes the unit if they can claim it or if it has an owner to which the unit will ether nod its head yes or no or simply say yes or no. if the unit has no owner than it will ask if you want to claim it if the person will say yes or no rather if they want to keep the unit or not. the owner can chose to give up the unit if they tell it that they wish to unclaim the unit or dont want the unit. the ask for confermation on that a couple to make shore the owner is absolutely shore on rather the owner really wants to give up the unit. which generally upsets units but if the owner goes through with it the unit will shut down rather than enter stasis. units cannot be sold unless they are shutdown. you can tell if a unit is in stasis or shutdone because if you touch a unit will wake up. instantly thouch shutdown units are still active to an extent to get them out of this mode need to be given the commade to wake up by simply saying wake up a couple times. or come in cotact with water such as getting rained on or having water spilt on them. in this case the unit will wake and be come a Wild unit which will seak out a new owner. Wild Units can Choose an owner if a unit chooses an owner than no one can claim them until the get a yes or no from the person they choose which the general choose kids that they think needs them. this can take while because the kid maybe shy or not shore the unit may be trying to win them over in the time by trying to let them know they are a friend and not trying to hurt them.

Units play a major role in Leviathan Society as Protectors and Companions. Units are the National Robot of the Leviathan Federation.

commercial technologies

Military technologies

Exerpemental Technologies

Leviathan Military

Leviathan History