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Constitution of Janpia

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Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Janpian Union of Revolutionary States
Traditional Janpian: Hanoshye Unshyon o Rasterushyen Sumosh no Konstitushyon
Janpian Constitution Cover.png
Outer Cover of the Constitution of the Janpian Union of Revolutionary States
Jurisdiction Janpia
CreatedOctober 12, 1951 CE (11th year of the 4th era)
RatifiedFebruary 4th, 1954 CE (14th year of the 4th era)
Date effectiveFebruary 4th, 1954 CE (14th year of the 4th era)
SystemUnitary Lorist Party-State
Branches4 ( Office of the People's Marshal, Party Central Committee, Union of Party Members Committee, Revolutionary Ministry of the Workers' Union)

Party Central Committee

Union of Party Members Committee
ExecutivePeople's Marshal
JudiciaryJanpian Revolutionary Justice Tribunal under the Party Central Committee
First executiveHaschukio Toraigescho (debated)
LocationFort Kalinka, Ministry of Collective Information and Archives Building
Commissioned byJanpian Union of Government Workers' Party

The Constitution of Janpia, formally known as the Constitution of the Janpian Union of Revolutionary States (Janpian Traditional: Janosche Unschon o Rasteruschen Sumosch no Konstituschon), is the constitution or the absolute law with the purpose of establishing the Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party as the governing authority. The author is unknown, but historians and law scholars suggested that it was written collectively based on the earlier unwritten rules by the All-Labor Union Party, with additional changes to codify the laws and reduce it from being draconian


In 1948, the Union Pact was signed which establishes the United Front between the Janpian Union of Workers Party, the Janpian Lorist Party, and the Union Party. This formation was made to unite all leftist fronts of Janpia during the civil war, with the goal to unite the whole Janpian domain under a single banner for the workers. However, the establishment of the United Front faced certain challenges. One of them is the codification of laws, given that each Party have their own mandates and procedures on their modus operandi. In 1951, at the height of the Kusata Offensive, attempts were made to unify the legal structure, utilizing some laws from every Party under the Union Pact, which soon became the basis for the Janpian Constitution.

Organization of the Janpian Union of Government Workers' Party




We, the unions of Janpia, in order to build a just, equal, and peaceful international society, shall embody ourselves in accordance to the Revolutionary Ideals, and hereby establishes the Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party, as the governing authority, to promote common peace, unity, hardwork, and freedom, through the hands of discipline. Unless the revolutionary war is succeeded, we do ordain and promulgate in this constitution.

Article I: Revolution

The goal of the Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party (JUGWP), is to spread and lead Janpia in the current state of war against nations, groups, or people unenlightened by the Revolutionary Ideals. The JUGWP must act that suits best to the revolutionary interests, for state survival, or that best acts within the Revolutionary goals. The Janpian Union of Revolutionary States must pursue to completely eliminate and lessen these counter-revolutionaries worldwide to achieve an international society of eternal peace, unity, equality, and common good, under the guidance of the lorist ideals.

Article II: Fundamental Rights

Section I: Every partisan is granted with the right to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of assembly, association, and demonstration, the right to petition, the free exercise of religion, a right of basic necessities, the right to travel and the right to information on matters of public concern.

Section II: Each partisan has the right for basic necessities such as food, water, shelter. And must not be deprived on their compulsory obligations for education and labor, nor deprived from receiving health services.

Section III: No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Section IV: No law shall be passed abridging the right of the people to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.

Section V: The rights of workers to form unions, associations, for purposes not contrary to the Revolutionary Ideals, shall not be abridged.

Section VI: The workers have the right to rest. The Party shall develop rest and recuperation facilities for working people and stipulate systems for employee working hours and vacations.

Section VII: Partisans have the right to engage in scientific research, literary and artistic creation, and other cultural pursuits.

Section VIII: All partisans are equal before the law. In all prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved. The Party must always give a fair trial to anyone, in order to give proper justice, and to avoid prejudice.

Section IX: The personal freedom of the partisans shall not be abridged.

Section X: No partisan shall be arrested unless with the approval or by the decision of the justice tribunal, and arrests must be made by the Public Marshal Commission.

Section XI: Unlawful detention, or the unlawful deprivation or restriction of a partisan's personal freedom by other means, is prohibited.

Section XII: Freedom and confidentiality of correspondence of the partisans shall be protected. Except in cases necessary for security or criminal investigation, when the justice tribunal or the Public Marshal Commission shall examine correspondence in accordance with procedures prescribed by law, no organization or individual shall infringe on a partisan's freedom and confidentiality of correspondence for any reason.

Section XIII: When exercising their freedoms and rights, partisans shall not undermine the interests of the Party, society or collectives, or infringe upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other party members.

Section XIV: Equality of rights of the Partisans., irrespective of their nationality or race, in all spheres of economic, state, cultural, social and political life, is an indefeasible law.

Article III: Society Structure

The Janpian Union of Revolutionary States recognizes the fundamental principles of the society, and its ways to further strengthen the state, the people, and to upheld the revolutionary ideals.

Section I: The Janpian Union of Revolutionary States is a socialist state of workers and unions

Section II: The Unions and Intelligentsias, which grew and attained strength as a result of the overthrow of the nobles and emperors and the achievement of the dictatorship of the proletariat, constitute the political foundation of the J.U.R.S

Section III: All power belongs to the working people of town and country as represented by the Revolutionary Ministry of Worker's Union and the Union of Party Members Committee.

Section IV: Socialist property exists either in the form of state property (the possession of the whole people), or in the form of worker's cooperative and collective-farm property (Worker's Unions & Kolshaks)

Section V: The economic life of the Janpian Union is determined and directed by the state planned economy with the aim of increasing the public wealth, steadily improving the material conditions of the working people, raising their cultural level, and strengthening Janpian defensive capacity.

Section VI: Work is a duty and a matter of honour for every able-bodied partisan, in accordance with the principle: "He who does not work, neither shall he eat."

Section VII: Kolshaks or Workers' Unions under a Council, forms the basic societal and productive asset of the J.U.R.S. These groups must be made up of workers co-owning a productive force with an elected representative to the Union of Party Members Committee depending on their own organization.

Article IV: State Organization

The Janpian Union of Revolutionary States is a federal state, made up of parties, regions, unions, and kolshaks, who signed the Union pact which is the main root of the Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party.

Section I: The jurisdiction of the Janpian Union of Revolutionary States, as represented by the Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party, covers :

A) Representation of the Union in international relations, conclusion and ratification of treaties with other states;

B) Questions of war and peace;

C) The leading force of the Revolution;

D) Control and observance of the Constitution of the J.U.S.R and ensuring its conformity;

E) Confirmation of alterations of authority or jurisdiction between unions and kolshaks

F) Confirmation of the formation of new unions, associations or kolshaks.

G) Organization and direction of the Janpian Union of Revolutionary Forces;

H) Foreign trade on the basis of state monopoly;

I) Safeguarding the security of the state and its interests;

J) Establishment of the national economic plans;

K) Approval of the single state budget of the J.U.R.S as well as of the taxes and revenues from international trade

L) Administration of the industrial and agricultural establishments, enterprises and trading enterprises of unions and kolshaks.

M) Administration of transport and communications;

N) Direction of the monetary and credit system;

O) Organization of state insurance;

P) Establishment of the basic principles for the use of land as well as for the use of natural deposits, forests and waters;

Q) Establishment of the basic principles in the spheres of education and public health;

R) Organization of a uniform system of national economic statistics;

S) Establishment of the principles of labour legislation;

T) Legislation on the judicial system and judicial procedure; criminal and civil codes;

U) Laws on partisanship of the Union;

V) Issuing of all union acts of amnesty.

Section II: The highest state authority of the J.U.R.S is the People's Marshal and the Party Central, through the Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party

Section III: The Janpian Union of Government Worker's Party exercises all rights vested in the Janpian Union of Revolutionary States granted in A.IV-S.I (Article IV, Section I.) of the Constitution

Section IV: The creation of legislations for the J.U.R.S is exercised exclusively by the Party Central, based on the constituents developed from the sessions of the Union of Party Members Committee (UPMC)

Section V: The Party Central shall be made up of elected partisans which will be voted by the Union of Party Members Committee (UPMC). The term of the Party Central Commissars are indefinite and can only be removed by a major vote from the UPMC, retirement, or deranked from the party.

Section VI: The People's Marshal shall preside during Party Central and Union of Party Members Committee meetings, and must promote free speech.

Section VII: The People's Marshal must exercise, and promulgate the constitution, its laws, and lead the revolution. The People's Marshal is given the privilege to control the Revolutionaries, and access to the Revolutionary Council. The duty of the People's Marshal is to hold and express the views of the people, and party members during the state organ sessions. Furthermore, the People's Marshal is given the following privileges:

A) Convenes the sessions of the Party Central, and the Union of Party Members Committee;

B) Interprets laws of the J.U.R.S in operation, and issues decrees;

C) Oversees the Party Central, and the Union of Party Members Committee;

D) Conducts referendums on its own initiative or on the demand of the associations, unions, or kolshaks;

E) Annuls decisions and orders of the Union of Party Members Committee and the Party Central in case they do not conform to law;

F) In the intervals between sessions of the Party Central, relieves of their posts and appoints Party Ministers on the recommendation of the Union of Party Members Committee, subject to subsequent confirmation by the Party Central;

G) Awards with decorations and confers titles of honour of the revolution;

H) Exercises the right of pardon;

I) Appoints and removes the Revolutionary Council ministers and commissariats of the Janpian Union of Revolutionary Forces.

J) In the intervals between sessions of the Party Central, proclaims the event of an armed attack, or whenever necessary to fulfil international treaty obligations concerning mutual defense against aggression;

K) Orders mobilization or Total War Order;

L) Ratifies international treaties;

M) Appoints and recalls plenipotentiary representatives of the J.U.R.S to foreign states;

N) Receives the credentials and letters of recall of diplomatic representatives accredited to it by foreign states;

O) Proclaims martial law in separate localities or throughout the J.U.R.S in the interests of the defense of the revolution or for the purpose of ensuring public order and security.

P) Signs or rejects bills that passes A.IV-S.VIII (Article IV, Section VIII)

Section VIII: The People's Marshal is elected for an indefinite term by a public referendum, and can only be removed through resignation, or a majority vote from a public referendum set by the majority of the UPMC.

Section IX: A law is considered adopted if passed by the Party Central, by a majority vote from the Union of Party Members Committee, and with approval from the People's Marshal.

Article V: Union of Party Members Committee

The Union of Party Members Committee is the most important government organ of the J.U.R.S. It is a union of Party Members that serves in a Workers' Council or Kolshaks.

Section I: The Union of Party Members Committee (UPMC) is a union of all workers' unions represented by their own elected council for every 2 years. The UPMC shall be the main voice of the people in the general affairs of Janpia. They were also entrusted with various responsibilities concerning Janpian public affairs and labor.

Section II: The UPMC has the duty to elect, remove, or disqualify the Commissariat members of the Party Central through a major vote. The Union of Party Members Committee also have the right to set a referendum to vote out the People's Marshal as based on A.IV-S.VIII (Article IV, Section VIII) of the constitution.

Section III: Elected Commissars of the Party Central would have indefinite terms and can only be removed through resignation, or a majority vote from the UPMC.

Section IV: Through the A.V-S.II (Article V, Section II) of the constitution, the UPMC is given the privilege to direct and lead various ministries and state unions under the jurisdiction of the Party Central:

A) Ministry of Economy and Trade (MEAT);

B) Public Marshals Commission;

C) Janpian Revolutionary Ministry for Education (JRME);

D) Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation Development;

E) Ministry of Energy Worker's Union;

F) Revolutionary Health Worker's Group;

G) Fire Protection Ministry;

I) Ministry of Culture and Entertainment;

J) Ministry of Labor;

K) Ministry of Internal Affairs;

L) Janpian Revolutionary Justice Tribunal Ministry (JRJTM) ;

M) Janpian Revolutionary Ministry of International Communications (MIC);

N) Janpian Ministry of Collective Information and Archives (MCIA) ;

O) Ministry of Kolshak Unions;

I) Ministry of Industrial Development;

Section V: The Union of Party Members Committee is responsible to the Party Central and accountable to it; and in the intervals between sessions of the Party Central it is responsible and accountable to the People's Marshal

Section VI: The Union of Party Members Committee issues decisions and orders on the basis and in pursuance of the laws in operation, and supervises their execution.

Section VII: Decisions and orders of the Union of Party Members Committee are binding throughout the jurisdiction of J.U.R.S.

Section VIII: The Union of Party Members Committee:

A) Coordinates and directs the work of all Unions, Kolshaks, and of other institutions, economic and cultural, under its administration;

B) Adopts measures to carry out the national economic plan and the state budget, and to strengthen the labor output and credit system;

C) Adopts measures for the maintenance of public order, for the protection of the interests of the state, and for the safeguarding of the rights of partisans;

D) Exercises general guidance in respect of relations with foreign states;

E) Fixes the annual contingent of partisans to be called up for military service and directs the general organization and development of the revolutionary forces of the country;

F) Sets up, whenever necessary, special Committees and Central Administrations under the UPMC for matters concerning economic, cultural and defence organization and development.

Section IX: The Council of the Union of Party Members Committee is elected by the people of the committee, to serve for over 4 years:

A) The Chairman of the Council of the Union of Party Members Committee;

B) The Vice-Chairmen of the Council of the Union of Party Members Committee;

C) The Chairman of the State Planning Commission of the J.U.R.S;

D) The Chairman of the All-Unions and Kolshaks;

E) The Chairman of the Central Elections Committee;

F) The Chairman of the State Output and Bank.
