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{{Infobox country
{{Infobox country
  | conventional_long_name = Dominion of New Marenesia
  | conventional_long_name = Republic of New Marenesia
  | native_name = Nusantara (East-Arhoman)
  | native_name = Nusantara (East-Arhoman)
  | image_flag =
  | image_flag =  
  | motto = “Excelsior”
  | motto = “Excelsior”
  | capital = Newark
  | capital = Douglaston
| official_languages = Anglish<br/>East-Arhoman<br/>NM Sign Language
  | government_type = Presidential republic
  | government_type = Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
  | demonym = New Marenesian
  | demonym = New Marenesian
  | leader_name1 = [[Creighton III of Great Anglia|Creighton III]]
  | leader_name1 = Philip Doyle
| leader_title2 = Premier
  | leader_title1 = President
| leader_name2 = Philip Doyle
  | leader_title1 = Monarch
  | legislature = Senate
  | legislature = Senate
  | currency = New Marenesian Nomisma
  | currency = New Marenesian Nomisma
|recognized_languages=Anglish<br/>East-Arhoman<br/>Celtic<br/>NM Sign Language}}  

The Dominion came into independence as a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy after adopting the Statute of Godstone and having accepted the full external autonomy from [[Great Anglia]]. Yet, New Marenesia is still a constitutional monarchy under King Creighton III. The executive branch is led by the directly elected Premier. While the unicameral, Senate has its seats are allocated by population.  
== Geography ==
New Marenesia is located in the southern hemisphere and is comprised of three main islands St. Newfoundland, or Seran, St. Edmund, or Tumasik and King Edward’s Island, or Haru. The islands are located between the Adlantic and South Orient Oceans, which has long made them a point of trading and strategic importance. Newfoundland, the eastern island is the largest landmass in the Republic with the New Marenesian Alps running down its length. The range is comprised of 18 peaks higher than 3,000m, dividing the island into a wet and rugged west coast with fjords and glaciers and a drier, more rolling east coast. Urban development on Newfoundland is centered around Brownlow Bay. It’s deep and sheltered waters have long made it a strategic position in both defense and trade. St. Edmund, the northwest island is composed of rocky shores, rolling farmland, glacial valleys, barren headlands, highlands, woods and plateaus. King Edward’s Island, the southwestern island has a combination of long beaches, dunes, red sandstone cliffs, salt water marshes, and numerous bays and harbors. Because as the nation is an archipelago it has extensive marine resources. Additionally, the ocean moderates New Marenesia’s humid continental climate. 
[[File:Aoraki Mount Cook.jpg|thumb|Mount Kematian from Silver Lake]]
== History ==
Indigenous New Marenesians are mainly comprised of Nusantaran Islanders who themselves are descendants of the original Azano-Marenesian explorers. The earliest evidence of settlement in the region dates to 50,000 BCE during the Second Migration of the Azano-Marenesian people. Over the millenniums that followed the population developed into the unique Nusantaran Islanders. The islanders would later form suku (tribes) which had dynamic relations ranging from cooperation to hostility. [[File:Mi-kmaq People.jpg|left|thumb|306x306px|Nusantaran Islanders Encampment by an unknown artist, c.1691]]In late 1500 when the Great Anglian explorer Captain Sir Henry Brownlow made the first Europan landfall on Newfound. After Brownlow was killed by a hostile suku, no further Europans visited the islands until 1627 when Europan and Argic whalers started visiting the islands. After trading with the whalers for foreign technologies an intersuku arms race began, culminating in the Musket Wars. The Musket Wars were between 1659 and 1698 and resulted in the death of approximately 35,000 Nusantaran warriors.

Ethnically, the original New Marenesians were the Nusantaran Islanders. A group native to the region, widely known for the seafaring and navigating prowess, having traded as far away as [[Europa (continent)|Europa]]. In 1500, Captain Henry Brownlow made landfall and introduced the Anglians to what they would rename and colonize as New Marenesia. Over the coming centuries, thanks to inclusive democratic values and lenient immigration laws, the island nation is now a melting pot of nationalities.  
Since 1492, over a thousand convicts of various crimes per year were transported to the Gallambrian colonies. After their secession and independence were affirmed by the Treaty of Brecnock in 1645, the Great Anglian government was forced to find a new alternative. King Donald I sent the Anglian Navy to establish a new penal colony. Most early residents of the new colony were convicts serving out sentences for minor crimes until their emancipation.

Today, the Dominion is an advanced market economy and a wurldwide leader in foreign direct investment, with foreign companies paying 80% of New Marenesia’s corporate taxes. The country is rich in natural resources including petroleum, hydropower, fish, forests, and minerals. Through heavy taxation, the nation is able to provide a robust welfare state for its citizens.
In 1639, when King Magnus III of Gotneska was killed without an heir apparent creating a power vacuum with competing claims, the Kingdom of Gotneska was plunged into turmoil. This resulted in the First Gotneskan Migration, where Gotneskans in search of a better life crossed the Adlantic Ocean and settled on King Edward’s Island.  

== Geography ==
Fur traders also entered the area to harvest sea otters and beavers. One of New Marenesia’s oldest and largest companies the Brownlow Bay Company was founded in 1670 by Sir Theodore Astor I, the patriarch of the prominent New Marenesian Astor family. The company established trading posts across the islands, some of which have become cities which still exist today including Fort Astoria, now known as Astoria and Flagstaff Fort, now known as Flagstaff,
New Marenesia is located in the southern hemisphere and is comprised of three main islands Tumasik, Haru and Seran. Seran, the eastern island is the largest landmass in the Dominion with the New Marenesian Alps running down its length. The Range is comprised of 18 peaks higher than 3,000m and terminates in deep fjords. Haru, the southwestern island is less mountainous but, has substantial volcanic activity. The nation’s largest lake, Lake Teluk Rohis located in one such volcanic caldera. Urban development on Tumasik, the northwestern island is centered around Port Nicholson. It’s deep and sheltered waters have long made it a strategic position in both defense and trade. What remains of undeveloped terrain on the island is hilly and has been preserved as National Parks. Because the nation is an archipelago it has extensive marine resources. Additionally, the ocean moderates New Marenesia’s humid continental climate.  
The Royal Proclamation of 1698 declared Great Anglian sovereignty over all of New Marenesia on March 13, 1698. As the settlers demands for land grew, so did the unrest among the Nusantarans, resulting in a series of armed conflicts and an increase in Anglian imperial presence. Accordingly, Sir Fraser Douglas, who had become as one of the Brownlow Bay Company’s first shareholders was appointed as the colonies first Governor General. Fraser dreamed of building “a second Anglia on the shores of the South Orient”. He settled on the shores of Brownlow Bay and founded the new capital, Douglaston.
By the start of the 18th century New Marenesia had dramatically changed from the time of First Landing. Between the Musket Wars and diseases brought by the missionaries, more than 40% of the pre-contact Nusantaran Islander population had died. Religiously too, change had come when Tacolic Catholic missionaries settled on the islands and within a century had converted the majority of the population. The establishment of the colony’s Senate along with economic and social reforms saw the penal colony transform into a civil society. The colony’s achievement of being a representative government was commemorated in 1765 by King William V proclaiming New Marenesia a Dominion of the Anglian Empire.
In 1805, the Statue of Godstone was passed, stating that the Anglian parliament could not legislate in New Marenesia. This would later be clarified in the Constitution Act of 1856. As the Dominion’s population grew, so did industry; notably forestry, agriculture and fishing. The immense temperate rainforests on the coast drew loggers, whose timbers built the Anglish Navy’s fleet. Sheep were first introduced to New Marenesia to feed the whalers. The sheep were found to flourish on the islands resulting in an economic boom. With the nation’s increasing diversification, a new liberal government was voted into power. This resulted in women’s suffrage, a minimum wage and the right to unionization being wrote into law. During the 1910 Economic Crisis, the Republic went through a deep depression, resulting in the creation of the government’s modern welfare state and protectionist economy.
[[File:Easter Earthquake.jpg|thumb|Adlantic Coast Highway after the Easter eurthquake]]
On April 21, 1946, the massive Easter Sunday eurthquake killed 133 people. With a moment magnitude of 9.2 lasting 4 minutes and 38 seconds, it was the second most powerful eurthquake in the history of the wurld. The subsequent tsunamis and landslides destroyed much of the Republic’s coastal villages and infrastructure. The following Building Standard Law of 1950, required all new construction to be eurthquake resilient to avoid another such tragedy.
Being fourth in line with no chance at the throne, Gotneska’s Princess Brónach emigrated to New Marenesia following the well-worn path of fellow expats and settled on King Edward Island, in the Flagstaff suburb of Iana, home of the Gotneskan diaspora. Her presence became the catalyst for the United Monarchist Party, which aims to convert the republic to a principality. The UMP has seen become a major party on King Edward’s Island.
Following the 1974 Economic Crisis there were changes in policy regarding economic reform, tax cuts, welfare reform, an increase in competition, and a ban on borrowing to fund current spending. In the 1970s, the environmental movement gained rapid speed around the wurld and caused a rise in nature tourism which became an important source of national revenue. Accordingly, a rise in environmentalism has since seen half of all land in the Republic has become protected as national parks.
In 1979 the Second Gotneskan Migration with the start of the Gotneskan Civil War, which lasted until 1984. By 1998 with the dramatic increase in Catholics there became a growing disenfranchisement with being ruled by a Protestant monarchy. Resulting in the 1999 New Marenesian republic referendum where 54.87% of the votes were cast yes. The referendum ended the remaining statutory role of the Anglican monarchy in relation to New Marenesia with the nation leaving the Commonwealth.
The new Republic, despite being voted in by a Catholic majority enshrined religious freedom and separation of church in the new Constitution. This separation later allowed liberal stances on contraception, abortion and divorce to be passed into law. Modernization brought secularization, causing the traditionally high levels of religiosity to dip, but the nation is still one of the most religious in the wurld. By 2018, housing prices in New Marenesia were the fourth-least affordable in the wurld. It is believed that foreign money laundering is a driving force in the increasing cost of living. Resulting in a tax on empty homes, housing speculation and foreign buyers.
== Government ==
[[File:Goverment House 2.jpg|left|thumb|Government House in Douglaston]]
The New Marenesian Constitution adopted in 1856 is the government’s legal foundation. A new Constitution was adopted in 1999 was notably changed due to New Marenesia’s transformation from a dominion to a republic. It outlines rights of individuals and citizen participation in public affairs along with the powers of the Republic.
The Republic of New Marenesia is a presidential constitutional republic and liberal democracy with three separate branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It has an elected President who serves both as head of state and as head of government. The President is also the leader of the executive branch and the Commander-in-Chief of the New Marenesian Defense Forces. The President appoints Councilors (subject to Senate approval) to the Council, the principal official advisory body to the President. The President also appoints other officials, who administer and enforce laws and policies through their respective agencies.The Vice President is the runner-up in the presidential election and is the president’s top advisor and his Senate liaison. The Senate is a unicameral parliament with its seats allocated by population. Senators serve part-time for four years terms. The Supreme Court acts as the highest appeals court the judiciary and interpreting laws passed by the Senate. The New Marenesia’s capital is Douglaston.
Direct democracy is a hallmark of the New Marenesian political system. Approximately four times a year, voting occurs over various issues; these include both initiatives and referendums, where policies are directly voted on by people, and elections, where the populace votes for officials. By calling a referendum, a group of citizens may challenge a law passed by the Senate by gathering 50,000 signatures against the law. If so, a national vote is scheduled where voters decide by a simple majority whether to accept or reject the law. A constitutional initiative allows citizens to put a constitutional amendment to a national vote, if 100,000 voters sign the proposed amendment. The goverment can supplement the proposed amendment with a counterproposal. Then, voters must indicate a preference on the ballot if both proposals are accepted.
The Republic is considered one of the most stable and well governed nations in the wurld. Known for its lack of corruption, civil rights and high voter turnout. Unfortunately, it still has socioeconomic issues such as a widen wealth gap along with disproportional levels of Nusantaran Islander incarceration and poverty.
=== Military ===
The New Marenesian Defence Forces are comprised of the New Marenesian Army, the New Marenesian Navy and the New Marenesian Air Force. The Defense Force are all-volunteer organizations with the purpose of defending New Marensian territory and citizens. Additionally, they promote civil defense, peacekeeping, upholding international law and commitments to its allies and partners. New Marenesia is ranked as one of the most peaceful nations in the wurld and doesn’t currently have any significant national security issues. The New Marenesian Defence Forces instead have been focused on non-military public service activities and foreign military operations. The New Marenesian Military Academy, better known as The Citadel provides the undergraduate education and training of commissioned officers for the New Marenesian Defence Forces. It also provides continuing professional military education to officers preparing for command and staff appointments.
== Economy ==
New Marenesia is an open economy and is known for its competitiveness, economic freedoms and high flow foreign direct investments. Foreign companies are the main driver of the Republic’s economy, employing a quarter of the private sector workers in the country and paying 80% of New Marenesian corporate tax. Following the 2007 Banking Crisis, the Republic became a main destination for international pharmaceutical and technology corporate tax inversions.
The nation is a leading exporter of fish, wool, pharmaceuticals, Christmas trees, lobster, gypsum, and wild berries. About half of the nation's exports consist of industrial and commercial machinery, such as computers and electronic and electrical equipment. The area around Astoria known as the “Silicon Forest” is home to companies specializing in hardware such as computer chips, electronic displays and printers. While Flagstaff is home to the nation’s military industrial complex including Flagstaff Iron Works, Duplex Corporation and the Marenesian Industrial Group. Over recent years, the nation’s high standard of living, diverse culture and strong economy have led to a “brain gain” from other nations resulting in an increase in innovations.
== Demographics ==
57.2% of New Marenesians identify as of being Europan descent, 25.5% identify as Nusantaran Islanders, 16.5% as Argic (mainly Gotneskan), and 0.8% as other ethnicities. Although Anglish is not the official language of New Marenesia, it is in practice the national language. Other major languages include East-Arhoman and Celtic. New Marenesian Anglish is distinctive is a from other variations of Anglish with a distinct accent and lexicon.

== History ==
== Culture ==
[[File:Mi-kmaq People.jpg|left|thumb|306x306px|Nusantaran Islanders Encampment by an unknown artist, c.1691]]
Early Nusantaran Islanders adapted Azano-Marenesian culture, eventually becoming a unique culture. Europan and subsequent settlers brought their own cultures along with Christianity. The early rural life in New Marenesian has led to a self-image of rugged, hardworking problem solvers. Environmentalism is prominent throughout the nation. Environmentally conscious services such as recycling and public transportation are widespread, most notably in the more populous areas.
Indigenous New Marenesians are mainly comprised of Nusantaran Islanders who themselves are descendants of the original [[Azano-Marenesian peoples|Azano-Marenesian]] explorers. The earliest evidence of settlement in the region dates to 50,000 BCE during the Second Migration of the Azano-Marenesian people. Over the millenniums that followed the population developed into the unique Nusantaran Islanders. The islanders would later form suku (tribes) which had dynamic relations ranging from cooperation to hostility.  

In late 1500 when the Great Anglian explorer Captain Henry Brownlow made the first Europan landfall on Tumasik. After Brownlow was killed by a hostile suku, no further Europans visited the islands until 1627 when Europan and [[Argis|Argic]] whalers started visiting the islands. After trading with the whalers for foreign technologies an intersuku arms race began, culminating in the Musket Wars. The Musket Wars were between 1659 and 1698 and resulted in the death of approximately 35,000 Nusantaran warriors. At the start of the 18<sup>th</sup> century Tacolic [[Catholic Church (Eurth)|Catholic]] missionaries settled on the islands and by the end of the century had converted the majority of the population. Between the Musket Wars and diseases brought by the missionaries, more than 40% of pre-contact Nusantaran population had died.
Traditional Gotneskan music and dance have become mainstream parts of modern Marenesian culture. Baseball is the most popular sport in the country. But, rowing, sailing, and yacht racing are also popular events. There are many museums and historical societies throughout the nation, with many being located in Douglaston. Finally, religion has long played a significant role in the cultural life of the island.

Since 1492, over a thousand convicts of various crimes per year were transported to the Gallambrian colonies. After their secession and independence were affirmed by the Treaty of Brecnock  in 1645, the Great Anglian government was forced to find a new alternative. King Donald I sent the Anglian Navy to establish a new penal colony. The Treaty of Perairan Yang Bising, declared Great Anglian sovereignty over all of New Marenesia on March 13, 1698. Most early residents of the new colony were convicts serving out sentences for minor crimes until their emancipation. As the settlers demands for land grew, so did the unrest among the Nusantarans, resulting in a series of armed conflicts and an increase in Anglian military presence. The establishment of the colony’s Senate along with economic and social reforms saw the penal colony transform into a civil society.  
New Marenesisa has long had a maritime orientation toward whaling and fishing, in addition to farming. The Repbulic has developed a distinct cuisine, dialect, architecture, and government. Its cuisine has a reputation for its emphasis on local seafood and dairy; clam chowder, lobster, and other products of the sea are among the nation's most popular foods.
[[Category:New Marenesia]]
[[Category:New Marenesia]]

Revision as of 02:04, 20 May 2024

Republic of New Marenesia
Nusantara (East-Arhoman)
Motto: “Excelsior”
Recognized languagesAnglish
NM Sign Language
Demonym(s)New Marenesian
GovernmentPresidential republic
• President
Philip Doyle
CurrencyNew Marenesian Nomisma


New Marenesia is located in the southern hemisphere and is comprised of three main islands St. Newfoundland, or Seran, St. Edmund, or Tumasik and King Edward’s Island, or Haru. The islands are located between the Adlantic and South Orient Oceans, which has long made them a point of trading and strategic importance. Newfoundland, the eastern island is the largest landmass in the Republic with the New Marenesian Alps running down its length. The range is comprised of 18 peaks higher than 3,000m, dividing the island into a wet and rugged west coast with fjords and glaciers and a drier, more rolling east coast. Urban development on Newfoundland is centered around Brownlow Bay. It’s deep and sheltered waters have long made it a strategic position in both defense and trade. St. Edmund, the northwest island is composed of rocky shores, rolling farmland, glacial valleys, barren headlands, highlands, woods and plateaus. King Edward’s Island, the southwestern island has a combination of long beaches, dunes, red sandstone cliffs, salt water marshes, and numerous bays and harbors. Because as the nation is an archipelago it has extensive marine resources. Additionally, the ocean moderates New Marenesia’s humid continental climate.

Mount Kematian from Silver Lake


Indigenous New Marenesians are mainly comprised of Nusantaran Islanders who themselves are descendants of the original Azano-Marenesian explorers. The earliest evidence of settlement in the region dates to 50,000 BCE during the Second Migration of the Azano-Marenesian people. Over the millenniums that followed the population developed into the unique Nusantaran Islanders. The islanders would later form suku (tribes) which had dynamic relations ranging from cooperation to hostility.

Nusantaran Islanders Encampment by an unknown artist, c.1691

In late 1500 when the Great Anglian explorer Captain Sir Henry Brownlow made the first Europan landfall on Newfound. After Brownlow was killed by a hostile suku, no further Europans visited the islands until 1627 when Europan and Argic whalers started visiting the islands. After trading with the whalers for foreign technologies an intersuku arms race began, culminating in the Musket Wars. The Musket Wars were between 1659 and 1698 and resulted in the death of approximately 35,000 Nusantaran warriors.

Since 1492, over a thousand convicts of various crimes per year were transported to the Gallambrian colonies. After their secession and independence were affirmed by the Treaty of Brecnock in 1645, the Great Anglian government was forced to find a new alternative. King Donald I sent the Anglian Navy to establish a new penal colony. Most early residents of the new colony were convicts serving out sentences for minor crimes until their emancipation.

In 1639, when King Magnus III of Gotneska was killed without an heir apparent creating a power vacuum with competing claims, the Kingdom of Gotneska was plunged into turmoil. This resulted in the First Gotneskan Migration, where Gotneskans in search of a better life crossed the Adlantic Ocean and settled on King Edward’s Island.

Fur traders also entered the area to harvest sea otters and beavers. One of New Marenesia’s oldest and largest companies the Brownlow Bay Company was founded in 1670 by Sir Theodore Astor I, the patriarch of the prominent New Marenesian Astor family. The company established trading posts across the islands, some of which have become cities which still exist today including Fort Astoria, now known as Astoria and Flagstaff Fort, now known as Flagstaff,

The Royal Proclamation of 1698 declared Great Anglian sovereignty over all of New Marenesia on March 13, 1698. As the settlers demands for land grew, so did the unrest among the Nusantarans, resulting in a series of armed conflicts and an increase in Anglian imperial presence. Accordingly, Sir Fraser Douglas, who had become as one of the Brownlow Bay Company’s first shareholders was appointed as the colonies first Governor General. Fraser dreamed of building “a second Anglia on the shores of the South Orient”. He settled on the shores of Brownlow Bay and founded the new capital, Douglaston.

By the start of the 18th century New Marenesia had dramatically changed from the time of First Landing. Between the Musket Wars and diseases brought by the missionaries, more than 40% of the pre-contact Nusantaran Islander population had died. Religiously too, change had come when Tacolic Catholic missionaries settled on the islands and within a century had converted the majority of the population. The establishment of the colony’s Senate along with economic and social reforms saw the penal colony transform into a civil society. The colony’s achievement of being a representative government was commemorated in 1765 by King William V proclaiming New Marenesia a Dominion of the Anglian Empire.

In 1805, the Statue of Godstone was passed, stating that the Anglian parliament could not legislate in New Marenesia. This would later be clarified in the Constitution Act of 1856. As the Dominion’s population grew, so did industry; notably forestry, agriculture and fishing. The immense temperate rainforests on the coast drew loggers, whose timbers built the Anglish Navy’s fleet. Sheep were first introduced to New Marenesia to feed the whalers. The sheep were found to flourish on the islands resulting in an economic boom. With the nation’s increasing diversification, a new liberal government was voted into power. This resulted in women’s suffrage, a minimum wage and the right to unionization being wrote into law. During the 1910 Economic Crisis, the Republic went through a deep depression, resulting in the creation of the government’s modern welfare state and protectionist economy.

Adlantic Coast Highway after the Easter eurthquake

On April 21, 1946, the massive Easter Sunday eurthquake killed 133 people. With a moment magnitude of 9.2 lasting 4 minutes and 38 seconds, it was the second most powerful eurthquake in the history of the wurld. The subsequent tsunamis and landslides destroyed much of the Republic’s coastal villages and infrastructure. The following Building Standard Law of 1950, required all new construction to be eurthquake resilient to avoid another such tragedy.

Being fourth in line with no chance at the throne, Gotneska’s Princess Brónach emigrated to New Marenesia following the well-worn path of fellow expats and settled on King Edward Island, in the Flagstaff suburb of Iana, home of the Gotneskan diaspora. Her presence became the catalyst for the United Monarchist Party, which aims to convert the republic to a principality. The UMP has seen become a major party on King Edward’s Island.

Following the 1974 Economic Crisis there were changes in policy regarding economic reform, tax cuts, welfare reform, an increase in competition, and a ban on borrowing to fund current spending. In the 1970s, the environmental movement gained rapid speed around the wurld and caused a rise in nature tourism which became an important source of national revenue. Accordingly, a rise in environmentalism has since seen half of all land in the Republic has become protected as national parks.

In 1979 the Second Gotneskan Migration with the start of the Gotneskan Civil War, which lasted until 1984. By 1998 with the dramatic increase in Catholics there became a growing disenfranchisement with being ruled by a Protestant monarchy. Resulting in the 1999 New Marenesian republic referendum where 54.87% of the votes were cast yes. The referendum ended the remaining statutory role of the Anglican monarchy in relation to New Marenesia with the nation leaving the Commonwealth.

The new Republic, despite being voted in by a Catholic majority enshrined religious freedom and separation of church in the new Constitution. This separation later allowed liberal stances on contraception, abortion and divorce to be passed into law. Modernization brought secularization, causing the traditionally high levels of religiosity to dip, but the nation is still one of the most religious in the wurld. By 2018, housing prices in New Marenesia were the fourth-least affordable in the wurld. It is believed that foreign money laundering is a driving force in the increasing cost of living. Resulting in a tax on empty homes, housing speculation and foreign buyers.


Government House in Douglaston

The New Marenesian Constitution adopted in 1856 is the government’s legal foundation. A new Constitution was adopted in 1999 was notably changed due to New Marenesia’s transformation from a dominion to a republic. It outlines rights of individuals and citizen participation in public affairs along with the powers of the Republic.

The Republic of New Marenesia is a presidential constitutional republic and liberal democracy with three separate branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. It has an elected President who serves both as head of state and as head of government. The President is also the leader of the executive branch and the Commander-in-Chief of the New Marenesian Defense Forces. The President appoints Councilors (subject to Senate approval) to the Council, the principal official advisory body to the President. The President also appoints other officials, who administer and enforce laws and policies through their respective agencies.The Vice President is the runner-up in the presidential election and is the president’s top advisor and his Senate liaison. The Senate is a unicameral parliament with its seats allocated by population. Senators serve part-time for four years terms. The Supreme Court acts as the highest appeals court the judiciary and interpreting laws passed by the Senate. The New Marenesia’s capital is Douglaston.

Direct democracy is a hallmark of the New Marenesian political system. Approximately four times a year, voting occurs over various issues; these include both initiatives and referendums, where policies are directly voted on by people, and elections, where the populace votes for officials. By calling a referendum, a group of citizens may challenge a law passed by the Senate by gathering 50,000 signatures against the law. If so, a national vote is scheduled where voters decide by a simple majority whether to accept or reject the law. A constitutional initiative allows citizens to put a constitutional amendment to a national vote, if 100,000 voters sign the proposed amendment. The goverment can supplement the proposed amendment with a counterproposal. Then, voters must indicate a preference on the ballot if both proposals are accepted.

The Republic is considered one of the most stable and well governed nations in the wurld. Known for its lack of corruption, civil rights and high voter turnout. Unfortunately, it still has socioeconomic issues such as a widen wealth gap along with disproportional levels of Nusantaran Islander incarceration and poverty.


The New Marenesian Defence Forces are comprised of the New Marenesian Army, the New Marenesian Navy and the New Marenesian Air Force. The Defense Force are all-volunteer organizations with the purpose of defending New Marensian territory and citizens. Additionally, they promote civil defense, peacekeeping, upholding international law and commitments to its allies and partners. New Marenesia is ranked as one of the most peaceful nations in the wurld and doesn’t currently have any significant national security issues. The New Marenesian Defence Forces instead have been focused on non-military public service activities and foreign military operations. The New Marenesian Military Academy, better known as The Citadel provides the undergraduate education and training of commissioned officers for the New Marenesian Defence Forces. It also provides continuing professional military education to officers preparing for command and staff appointments.


New Marenesia is an open economy and is known for its competitiveness, economic freedoms and high flow foreign direct investments. Foreign companies are the main driver of the Republic’s economy, employing a quarter of the private sector workers in the country and paying 80% of New Marenesian corporate tax. Following the 2007 Banking Crisis, the Republic became a main destination for international pharmaceutical and technology corporate tax inversions.

The nation is a leading exporter of fish, wool, pharmaceuticals, Christmas trees, lobster, gypsum, and wild berries. About half of the nation's exports consist of industrial and commercial machinery, such as computers and electronic and electrical equipment. The area around Astoria known as the “Silicon Forest” is home to companies specializing in hardware such as computer chips, electronic displays and printers. While Flagstaff is home to the nation’s military industrial complex including Flagstaff Iron Works, Duplex Corporation and the Marenesian Industrial Group. Over recent years, the nation’s high standard of living, diverse culture and strong economy have led to a “brain gain” from other nations resulting in an increase in innovations.


57.2% of New Marenesians identify as of being Europan descent, 25.5% identify as Nusantaran Islanders, 16.5% as Argic (mainly Gotneskan), and 0.8% as other ethnicities. Although Anglish is not the official language of New Marenesia, it is in practice the national language. Other major languages include East-Arhoman and Celtic. New Marenesian Anglish is distinctive is a from other variations of Anglish with a distinct accent and lexicon.


Early Nusantaran Islanders adapted Azano-Marenesian culture, eventually becoming a unique culture. Europan and subsequent settlers brought their own cultures along with Christianity. The early rural life in New Marenesian has led to a self-image of rugged, hardworking problem solvers. Environmentalism is prominent throughout the nation. Environmentally conscious services such as recycling and public transportation are widespread, most notably in the more populous areas.

Traditional Gotneskan music and dance have become mainstream parts of modern Marenesian culture. Baseball is the most popular sport in the country. But, rowing, sailing, and yacht racing are also popular events. There are many museums and historical societies throughout the nation, with many being located in Douglaston. Finally, religion has long played a significant role in the cultural life of the island.

New Marenesisa has long had a maritime orientation toward whaling and fishing, in addition to farming. The Repbulic has developed a distinct cuisine, dialect, architecture, and government. Its cuisine has a reputation for its emphasis on local seafood and dairy; clam chowder, lobster, and other products of the sea are among the nation's most popular foods.