Category:Pages using infobox country with syntax problems
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Pages in category "Pages using infobox country with syntax problems"
The following 181 pages are in this category, out of 181 total.
- Achkadia
- Achkland
- Aitic Union
- Alkiya
- Aoraqet'ya
- Artarum
- Aursi
- Ayeran
- Blancafort
- Californian Empire
- Corporative Cooperative Australia
- Demescia
- Dolplandia
- Draite
- Eldamar
- Gensokyo
- Grangua
- Greater Niagara
- Gregoria
- Haara
- Hiluxia
- Israel and the Sinai
- Judaean Republics
- Justicial State
- Kobolis
- Kva Norale (Amador)
- Lieuaban
- Marovoay
- Molenston
- Most Sovereign State of Kamlausia
- New Timeria
- New Waldensia
- North Hyeogmyeong
- North Korinon
- Nostayne
- Poicary
- Produzland
- Republic Of Stallmore
- Rhodevus
- Ribétia-Montiverde
- Rodaves
- Sestra Republic
- Shadun
- Sodor (Kalrania)
- Songjiang
- Southern Union
- Taos
- Taranima
- Thalassic Federation
- Timeria
- Tyreseia
- U.R.R.
- United Federated States of Baltanla (RSS)
- United Kingdom & Realms of Columbia
- Vale of the north
- Valyrion
- West Florida
- Yarahche
- Yryel
- Zharr
- Afalia
- Alliance of Kalponic Cities
- Ayeli
- Bogmia
- Bravo Rio
- Brumen
- Colony of Westerzonland
- Commonwealth kingdoms
- Cradebetia
- Daobac
- Englean Democratic Republic
- Grandst Land
- Keija
- Kustakuna
- Kyievska Rus
- Kyievskä Ŕus
- Monemvasia
- Ostania
- Pelostan
- Polvokia
- Radictistan
- Rothgard
- Rus of Ukraine
- San Calia
- Shaunteville-La-Patrici
- Sokhanistan
- Thahn
- The Best Nation
- The Irish Free State of Northern Ireland
- Tianlong
- Vilcasuamanas
- Wosrac
- Zhousheng
- Éire Nua
- Ómaksa
- Abbara
- Abelia
- Anagonia
- Andrenne
- Anyuaa
- Artemisya
- Coreia do Leste (East Korea)
- Costak
- Costak (old)
- Covenant (Talin)
- Creania
- Crovallia
- Dunavie
- Eastern Anterian Commonwealth
- Faragint
- Federal Republic of Velika
- Florencia
- Galactic Union
- Gassasinia
- Goyanes
- Grand Barony of Wittelsburg-Hampdorf
- Hacyinia
- Hansan Commonwealth
- Hylia
- Iasamun
- International Football Association
- International Sunalayan Football Association
- International Union of Foclaininth
- Iwenland
- Kharmaaqtuq
- Kifathe
- Kingdom of Artorias
- Kolhar
- Kumur Empire
- Kuterigont
- Latin Empire (WorldBox)
- Leopoldópolis
- Lumaria
- Lyradon
- Mageiros League
- Malor-Kanada
- Mitō
- Neuweland
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Istastioner's Universe)
- North River Federation
- Old Kingdom of Trjebia
- Organization of Pythian Nations
- Oya'in
- Pryrus
- Republic of Pentium
- Romassa
- Rutinia
- Sartoria
- Sefesia
- Shinkei
- Southern Meridian Republic
- Syraranto
- Telmerian Union
- The Celesterran Empire
- Travegia
- Trident Union
- Tuskena
- Tytherial
- Udo
- Union of Ventismarian Nations
- United Navy of Malgax
- Unogonduria
- Valle Crucis
- Veccuk Empire
- Ventismar Union
- Vladivona
- Zalluabed
- Zambia-Rozengria
- Zhenia
- Zhiguryian monarchical government in exile.
- Étlaurlande