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| [[Cœurfourré]] || [[Nouville]] || TBD || [[Nouville]] || Special Border Zone
| [[Cœurfourré]] || [[Nouville]] || TBD || [[Nouville]] || Special Border Zone
| [[Huguîles]] || [[Ville de la Perle]] || TBD || [[Ville de la Perle ]] || Overseas Territory
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Latest revision as of 01:44, 15 August 2024

The National Directorate of Notreceau
Direction Nationale de Notreceau
Flag of Notreceau
Largest cityPasserville
Official languagesNotreceauen
GovernmentElective Stratocratic Technocracy
• Maréchal
Théo Faucheux
• Directeur National
Lucile Romilly
• 2020 estimate
• 2018 census
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
₥3.4 trillion
HDI (2019).906
very high
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+414
ISO 3166 code.NDN

The National Directorate of Notreceau (commonly referred to as Notreceau or simply The Directorate) is an elective stratocratic technocracy located on the continent of Omand in the world. Notreceau is divided into nine (9) regional departments and one (1) special border zone. The national capital and seat of government is located in Réuvières. Notreceau shares a land border with Luminerra to the South and Costa Mejis to the North.

Notreceau is home to over 120 million people with a total land area of [insert].

The geography and climate of Notreceau is varied and diverse. The Southern portion of the nation is dominated by the [Alpes] Mountain Range, the peaks, foothills and valleys of which run through the central portion of the border with Luminerra and result in subalpine and alpine tundra climates. The Western part of the nation is primarily coastal plains and light rolling hills, featuring a subtropical climate resulting in hot and dry summers and mild winters. The central and Northern portions of the country consists primarily of rolling plains and rivers while the Eastern portion of the country is heavily forested and features an Oceanic climate.

Since the 1990s Notreceau has established itself as a leading manufacturing economy within the world, utilizing a dirigistic planning model. Notreceau's ability to manufacture large amounts of high quality, finished products makes it one of the premier exporters of industrial and household productions on the Omandan continent. Following large scale starvation during and after the occupation by the Soviet Order from 1971 to 1979, the Notreceauen government has implemented a land usage plan to ensure food sustainability for the populace. This has resulted in a highly regulated agricultural industry and aggressive land planning policies.

Since the 1940s Notreceaun economy has become ever the more dependent on the importation of raw material to sustain its manufacturing output. [Put in part of about where these come from and etc etc here.]


The first recorded name for the area comprising portions of modern day Notreceau appears in the "Rex et Patria" declaration dated to 503 B.C. where the territory is referred to as "Salsuginis," literally "The Rolling Plains" in the archaic Patrian language. Prior to this the territory was known by a variety of names, most notably Terarbres by the indigenous Premcêtre peoples. Between the foundation of the Patrian Empire and its eventual collapse in 451 A.D. Salsuginis was the official name for all territories inhabited by Patrians north of the Alpes Mountain, growing to include most of modern day Notreceau during the conquest of the Proto-Notreceauen tribes and supplanting local names as the Patrian language became dominant. Usage of the name Salsuginis was commonplace until at least 600 A.D.

During the reign and especially following the collapse of the old Patrian Empire, a gradual linguistic evolution as a result of the intermixing of local languages and the Patrian language occurred resulting in the Neo-Patrian languages, of which modern Notreceauen is a member. The first recorded use of Notreceau to refer to the territory occurs in the charter of the city of Réuvières in 345 A.D. in which the citizens of the city declare "The land of the people shall be a cradle and thus we proclaim it as such, Notreceau, Our Cradle." The name would not gain common usage domestically or internationally until the conquests of the Nivaible Confederacy and subsequent proclamation of the Kingdom of Notreceau in 597 A.D. Although the territory was still referred to as Salsuginis in Luminerra until at least the 14th Century A.D.




Notreceau is a unitary stratocratic technocracy with an elected head of state. The structure of the Notreceauen state arose after the liberation of Notreceau by [Whatever our coalition name is] in 1979. The former government in exile, comprised primarily of military leaders of the Free Notreceauen forces established Charter of the Notreceauen Directorate in 1981 following a period of martial law. The Charter established the structure of the government, laws and regulations regarding citizenship, and the nationalization of religious institutions as well as certain businesses and economic sectors.

The primary components of the National Directorate of Notreceau are the Marshal of the National Directorate, The National Director, and the various departments and department heads within the governmental bureaucracy. Due to the structure of the government outlined in the 1981 Charter, the government can be described as a flowing hierarchy with department heads appointed and reporting to the National Director and the National Director being directly appointed and serving at the discretion of the Marshal.

Marshal of the National Directorate

The highest position in the Notreceauen government is the Marshal of the National Directorate, which is an elective position responsible for matters of state within the Notreceaun executive. The Marshal exercises limited influence and authority within the Notreceauen government and is primarily responsible for maintaining national cohesion and representing Notreceauen on the world stage. Outside of ceremonial and diplomatic roles, the Marshal does conduct two vital services within the the day-to-day function of the Notreceauen government. Primarily the Marshal serves as Commander-in-chief of the Notreceauen military, holding the highest military rank attainable within the command structure of the Notreceauen armed forces. The Marshal is also responsible for appointing the National Director who serves as the unelected head of government. The National Director serves at the behest of the Marshal and may be replaced at any time, though this is unusual with most Marshal's serving their term in conjunction with a single National Director.

The Marshal of the National Directorate serves for a five (5) year term upon election with no term limits imposed. In order to be considered for candidacy for the Marshalship an individual must be a natural born citizen, forty five (45) years of age, has currently been an active member of the Notreceauen military for ten (10) consecutive years, and possess the minimum rank of Général de brigade or service equivalent.

The Charter of the Notreceauen Directorate maintains that the only circumstance upon which a sitting Marshal may be forcibly removed from office is in the event that he or she is found guilty of violating the laws or regulations found within the 1981 Charter by the Department of Public Confidence and Accountability.

National Director

The National Director of the Notreceauen government serves as the head of government and is directly appointed by and serves at the discretion of the sitting Marshal of Notreceau. Although unelected, the National Director's tenure is almost always tied closely to the electoral fates of the Marshal who appointed them. The National Director's primary duties include conducting executive operations (including but not limited to; creating and enacting executive orders, appointing diplomats and regulatory officers and enforcing law on the national level), appointing the directors of the various departments that make up the bulk of the Notreceauen government, and approving all national-level legislation proposed by the various departments.

Because National Directors serve at the behest and pleasure of the Marshal of Notreceau they can be replaced at any time, though this is an unusual occurrence and most National Directors have historically served until the tenure of their Marhsal ended. Although the only official criteria for Directorship is five (5) concurrent years of active military service; historically National Directors have been persons aged forty (40) or older, of good moral character, and natural born citizens of the National Directorate who have obtained the rank of colonel or service equivalent. Upon appointment to National Director individuals receive the rank "General de armee" in the Notreceauen Directorial Army.

National Departments of the Directorate

Due to its technocratic and bureaucratic nature, the day-to-day function of the National Directorate's government is highly reliant on a series of specialized National Departments responsible for formulating policy and legislature on issues pertaining to their respective specialties. Each National Department is headed by a Director who is appointed by the National Director of Notreceau. The various departments generally also have sub-departments headed by sub-directors, for example the Department of the Interior contains the Department of Infrastructure and Transportation, and is headed by the Director of said department. Department directors appoint any sub-directors that may exist under their preview.

Because department heads are appointed by the National Director their tenure is normally tied to the tenure of the National Director, however there is generally not a high level of turnover in the lower and mid-level of the departments leaving a broad continuation of policies throughout administrations.

List of National Departments and Function

Name Director Function Sub-Departments
Department of the Interior Lambert Plourde Responsible for maintaining and administrating government land, collecting tax, conducting the census, maintaining and building infrastructure, energy and wildlife regulation. Department of Land and Natural Resources, Department of Tax and Census, Department of Energy, Department of Wildlife Compliance and Regulation, Department of the Treasury and National Bank, and the Department of Infrastructure and Zoning.
Department of Industry Adrienne Fabien Responsible for devising the national central economic plan, industrial regulation, mining regulation, labor regulations, maintaining and operating government owned industry, agriculture and fishing, technological innovation and space exploration, patent enforcement, and trade. Department of Labor, Department of Agriculture, Department of Mining and Resource Extraction, Department of Innovation and Exploration, Department of Trademark Compliance and the Department of Commerce.
Department of Justice and Enforcement Matthias Trembley Responsible for administrating and maintaining national law enforcement agencies, national intelligence agencies, administrating and maintaining national courts and judiciaries, and maintaining border security. Department of Investigation, Department of Internal Security, Department of the Judiciary, and the Department of the Gendarme.
Department of National Defense Léon Blanc Responsible for maintaining and administrating the various armed forces of Notreceau, military intelligence, military technology development, military procurement and conscription compliance and management. Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force, Department of the National Defense Force, Department of the National Maritime Defense Force, Department of Procurement and Logistics, Department of National Service and the Department of Defense Research and Development.
Department of Health and Personnel Albert Blanchette Responsible for regulation of the medical industry and hospitals, government aid and social programs, urban development and public housing and religious affairs and clerical management. Department of Medical Affairs, Department of Social Care, Department of Religious Affairs and the Department of Urban Growth and Housing.
Department of Public Confidence and Accountability Jean Duluth A special department organized as a commission consisting of the respective heads of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The only department that exists outside the purview of the Marshal or the National Director, the DPCA is responsible for ensuring that no government action violates the National Charter. Not Applicable


Notreceau's unique elective system makes political parties in the traditional sense largely irrelevant within Notreceauen political life. Because candidates for Marshal must be high ranking active duty officers of the Notreceauen military, the vast majority of platforms are devised on a by-candidate basis rather than a consistent party-line basis. However it is not uncommon for groups of notable and high ranking officers to band together into temporary "cadres" in support of candidates for Marshal. These cadres often conduct the majority of public speaking and rally organization for candidates, while private non-military citizens or organizations often provide funding for campaigns.

Because Marshal's serve five year terms, the campaign cycle normally begins at the end of the third year of a Marshal's term. During this time influential or publicly visible officers will normally start to congregate around a candidate (or in the case of the incumbent begin speaking about the upcoming election) and private groups will begin to organize funding coalitions. The deadline for registering for the election is six months before election day, on the deadline all registered officers standing for the Marshalship are granted leave to pursue the campaign trail (this is called the "Guerre en fauteuil" or "Armchair War" colloquially.)

While there have been some deviations throughout history, the majority of Marshals have been broadly described as center-left to right wing on the political spectrum.

Administrative Divisions

Notreceau is divided at the highest level into nine (9) Departments and one (1) special border zone. Within these Departments there exists a variety of smaller administrative subdivisions including arrondissements (comparable to county level government), cantons (comparable to township level government) and communes (comparable to town or city level government). There are also five (5) urban cantons (large cities with a series of communes within them); the capital city of Réuvières is one such city containing twenty (20) communes. The former Department of Cœurfourré comprises the special border zone with Luminerra and is subject to a unitary military government with certain restrictions and laws unique to its area.

Departments of Notreceau

Department Department Capital Population Largest City Overseas/Metropolitan
Île-de-Notreceau Réuvières TBD Réuvières Metropolitan
Pays de l'océan Passerville TBD Passerville Metropolitan
Terreocheuse Belégliger TBD Belégliger Metropolitan
Cœurerre Villeaines TBD Villeaines Metropolitan
Foronde Cambois TBD Cambois Metropolitan
Hautays Chemageux TBD Chemageux Metropolitan
Côteiux Ville de Pont TBD Côteville Metropolitan
Périphceau Deuxièlle TBD Deuxièlle Metropolitan
Basseres Maraiserre TBD Maraiserre Metropolitan
Cœurfourré Nouville TBD Nouville Special Border Zone
Huguîles Ville de la Perle TBD Ville de la Perle Overseas Territory

Citizenship and National Identity


Unlike many countries around the world, Notreceau does not grant citizenship on the basis of jus soli (commonly known as birthright citizenship.) Instead, Notreceau grants citizenship by birth on the basis of jus sanguinis, in this instance meaning that at least one parent of the child must already posses Notreceauen citizenship for them to be automatically granted citizenship. This policy was codified in the 1981 charter as a means to protect the nation and its people from the large number of Transnapistaini nationals residing in the country as a result of the previous occupation. Prior to the 1963 General's Coup the 2nd Republic of Notreceau did utilize jus soli and any of those granted citizenship under this previous policy were permitted to retain their citizenship.

Children born to foreign parents who have been residents of the nation for at least five (5) years are eligible to begin the process to obtain citizenship at the age of thirteen. At the age of eighteen (18) these persons are granted citizenship so long as they have maintained residency during this time period.

The National Charter of Notreceau defines the following basic credentials for attaining citizenship:

  • The applicant has been a legal resident of Notreceau for five (5) consecutive years.
  • The applicant is of good moral and legal standing with no history of violence or political subversion.
  • The applicant is willing to renounce citizenship of any their home nation.
  • The applicant has no other disqualifying factors.

Upon acquisition of citizenship, immigrants under the age of forty five (45) must register with the Department of National Service in order to complete their mandatory (3) years of national service.

National Identity


