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Vitosian Survivor Season 9: In-Depth Episode Synopsis: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center" ! style="background:#afc7c3"|Introductor...")
(Replaced content with "{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center" ! style="background:#afc7c3"|Introductory Statement |- | This is the episode synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 9!<br /><br /><big>Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. '''Confessionals''' are private moments when the contestant will tell the '''camera''' informatio...")
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! style="background:#afc7c3"|Introductory Statement
! style="background:#afc7c3"|Introductory Statement
| <big>Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. '''Confessional'''s are private moments when the contestant will tell the '''camera''' information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as '''CC''' or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.
| This is the episode synopsis for [[Vitosian Survivor Season 9]]!<br /><br /><big>Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. '''Confessionals''' are private moments when the contestant will tell the '''camera''' information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as '''CC''' or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.</big><br />
<br />
[[Vitosian Survivor Season 9: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 1|Part 1]]<br />
[[Vitosian Survivor Season 9: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 2|Part 2]]<br />
[[Vitosian Survivor Season 9: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 3|Part 3]]

[[Category: Vitosium]]
==Episode 1==
{| class="wikitable article-table" style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size:8pt; width=100%; line-height:18px;" align="center"
! style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 1
| Adam, Adrian, Alicia, Anabel, Andre, David, Evie, Hardy, Janeane, John, Journey, Kaeghan, Lauren, Liz, Talieh, Rami, Renata, and Sam arrive on the beach. As they do, '''''Anabel CCs that she isn't to be underestimated. Her brain is always thinking of scenarios and her ability to write captivating character development should prove that she has a good read on people. Anabel Rohde may be the next Sole Survivor. Adam CCs that he's a father of two and a husband. That is why nobody will see him coming because he has a family to look after. Hardy CCs that a part of him is nervous but the rest of him is excited. However, he knows to lay low at the beginning.''''' The host, ''Alonzo Di Roma'', greets everybody and asks if they are ready to begin Season 4. Everybody cheers and '''''John CCs that he has been waiting for this moment!''''' Alonzo tells them that, in a series first ... everybody must head to Tribal Council in a few minutes. '''''Liz CCs that she put her life on hold and, now, there is a chance that she could go home on ''Day 1''. She starts sobbing and says how she had to go through a breakup, she lost a friend due to an argument, and now ''this''.''''' Upon arriving, the host tells them that ''they'' will be deciding the tribes. He says that they will have a vote on who should be the tribe captains. '''''Adam CCs that he's seen predictable insurance claims but ''this'' was not predictable.''''' These people will be immune from the first tribal that they attend as they will also be exempt from it, not even having the ability to vote.  '''''Lauren CCs that she's a mother of three so she knows how to tell when somebody plans to be naughty. She says that her goal is to vote somebody who is ''not'' that type of person. David CCs that he is looking around and he sees Journey, who looks very serious and very ready to play and, to him, she seems like the type who could handle the responsibility.''''' The host also tells everybody that they will not be able to vote for themselves and they will know if they do. He then reveals a billboard with everybody's name and, that, they have one minute before voting starts. '''''Journey CCs that she's ready for this. She says that Sam comes off as a prankster while Evie comes off as the popular high school chick. She says that she then sees Anabel who comes across as a scholar and that's good enough for her.''''' While voting, '''''Adrian CCs that the person he votes for, probably, won't even choose him. His vote is for somebody who he thinks will be an easy threat so that they focus on somebody who may coast their way to the end. Hardy CCs that Liz looks like she won't be able to handle the pressure of being out here. Andre CCs that John looks like a superfan while Liz looks super nervous and will, probably, fold under pressure. He says that, at the same time, David looks responsible. Anabel CCs that David looks like the wise older gentleman that has enough experience and, to her, that's good enough.''''' After the voting, the host reveals that David and Journey received the most votes and will become the tribe captains. '''''David CCs that he was hoping to not become a tribe captain as his target will, no doubt, increase substantially. He then says that, on the other hand, he could make an alliance easier due to that.''''' '''David''' chooses ''Hardy''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Sam''. '''David''' chooses ''Anabel''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Renata''. '''David''' chooses ''Kaeghan''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Andre''. '''David''' chooses ''Lauren''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Janeane''. '''David''' chooses ''Adam''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Rami''. '''David''' chooses ''Liz''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Alicia''. '''David''' chooses ''John''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Adrian''. '''David''' chooses ''Talieh''. '''Journey''' chooses ''Evie''. '''''Evie CCs about how pissed off she is because she was chosen last as well as on the other tribe, away from Hardy. She says that Journey is going to pay dearly for ruining her chances at a romance with Hardy.''''' The host tells the tribes to go to their respective camps.
| {{tribebox3|cayenne|Over on Cayenne (Adrian, Alicia, Andre, Evie, Janeane, Journey, Rami, Renata, and Sam), '''''Evie CCs that, now, she has to find an available man who isn't Hardy. She says that, thankfully, Sam is pretty hot.''''' Rami suggests that they do a proper introduction. Adrian says that he is a waiter from Toronto. Evie says that she's a bartender from northern Alberta. Renata says that she is a multimedia artist from Ottawa. '''''Renata CCs that her strategy is to keep the target off of her back and increase everybody else's. She says that the first step is to get to know everybody and then try and turn them against each other ... somehow.''''' Sam says that he is a high school P.E. teacher and swim coach. '''''Evie CCs that the more Sam talks, the more she likes him. Sam CCs that he's looking around and Andre has his attention. Sam hopes that Andre is also into guys and, maybe, they could hook up.''''' Sam also adds that he's from Ontario. Andre says that he is a catalogue illustrator from Quebec. '''''Andre CCs that he's never heard of his show until his younger sister, Devota, competed on Season 1. After that, he watched Seasons 2 and 3 with her and he feels ready to take on the island.''''' Rami says that he is a cashier by day ... and a comic illustrator by night. '''''Rami CCs that he's been working on a comic for the past three years and it's been successful to an extent. He says that he absolutely loves working on comics and it was his passion since he was young.''''' Alicia says that she is a film projector operator from Quebec. '''''She CCs that she's always gone to the movies when she was younger so, when she got this job, it felt like it was her chance to work at her 2nd home. She comments on how nice the staff is and how welcoming the entire place feels.''''' Janeane says that she is a commodity broker from Quebec as well. Journey finishes off the introductions by saying that she is a realtor from B.C. '''''Journey CCs that, in actuality, she is an English professor.''''' Adrian asks if anybody has made a shelter before. Sam says that he's gone camping a lot, plus his dad is a carpenter so he's learned some things.}}
| {{tribebox3|titania|On Titania (Adam, Anabel, David, Liz, Hardy, John, Kaeghan, Lauren, and Talieh), David starts off the introductions by saying that he is a retired graphic designer, '''''CCing that he was a top inspector in the force before his retirement two years ago.''''' Anabel says that she is an author with two books out already. Hardy says that he is a former fitness coach and is, now, a radio host. '''''Hardy CCs that being a fitness coach and being fit helped him love himself but, at some point, it clicked ... he really wanted to do radio and a friend of his introduced him to the business after he pursued a diploma.''''' Kaeghan says that he is an indie game developer, Lauren says that she has drawn pictures for children's books, Liz says that she is a student studying computer science, Adam says that he is an auto damage insurance appraiser, Talieh says that she is a host on an online news channel, and John says that he is also a student but he's been studying ... the game. There is a lot of silence. '''''John CCs that he's been a mega super fan and has studied the game and is, now, ready to play it. Adam CCs that he's had insurance meetings less silent than this.''''' As they are working on the shelter, Hardy whispers to Liz, asking if she is alright as she was super nervous at the beginning. Liz whispers back that she is fine and she really appreciates that he asked. '''''Liz CCs that Hardy is just ... amazing.''''' Liz tells him that she was just nervous about going home first. Hardy tells her that he doesn't think anybody on this tribe will vote her out first. After the shelter is completed, John gushes over being in a shelter in ''the'' Survivor. Talieh says that she's seen more impressive. '''''Talieh CCs that she is here to win but she will never be afraid to speak her mind. She isn't impressed with the shelter but her tribe, on the other hand, she thinks is alright.'''''}}
| {{tribebox3|cayenne|On Cayenne, their shelter is finished. Journey congratulates everybody on the hard work and '''''CCs that she believes in her tribe as they are all hard workers, as well as nice. However, a part of her doesn't see that lasting and, when it comes down to it, it's all about not making too big of an impression as you'll be the first one sent packing.''''' Evie and Alicia are at the water well. Evie is complaining about how fake and pretentious Journey is. Alicia sees what she means. '''''Evie CCs that she's not trying to be a b***h but first impressions mean a lot to her.''''' Alicia thinks that Adrian looks like a douche. Evie agrees and says that it's the hair. '''''Alicia CCs that, while her and Evie were at the water well, they bonded over their dislike for the tribe and made a Final 2.''''' Evie hopes that they can do massive damage and take control of the game. Alicia agrees and says that she would love to see Journey leave. '''''Alicia CCs that Journey comes off as somebody trying to pander to people and it annoys her to no end. She loves how she can gossip with Evie.''''' Evie thinks that they should do a Final 4 with two of the guys and try and get with them by the end. Alicia loves the idea and calls dibs on Andre, while Evie says that she's going for Sam. Journey is talking with Janeane and Adrian in the water. She says that she is married to her childhood crush after many years, Laurel. Janeane and Adrian congratulate her on the marriage. Janeane asks how they met, to which Journey says that they ended up being neighbours back in Grade 5 onwards. She says that she didn't develop the crush until Grade 7 and they started dating in Grade 9. '''''Journey CCs that she is doing this for her and her wife, no doubt.'''''}}
| {{tribebox3|titania|Everybody is gathered in the shelter. Lauren says that she's been an illustrator ever since high school. She says that she pursued graphic design but ended up helping her friend create children's books and has been doing so for the past 14 years. Everybody respects that. '''''Adam CCs that he has only been an insurance appraiser for 8 years so he's impressed.''''' Adam says that he grew up loving cars but didn't want to be a mechanic so he got into the insurance business. '''''Talieh CCs that a part of her needs drama right now as that's what she lives for--seeing as how her job relies on that. She says that everybody is incredibly boring.''''' John says that he's a massive superfan of the game and he's hoping to make some big moves while he's here. He also says that he is ready to catch some snakes and call them out if need be. '''''John CCs that he's hyped. David CCs that he can't believe John is open about that.''''' Later that night, Hardy and Kaeghan are talking. Kaeghan says that he can't get over how open John is about wanting to play big. Hardy says that he doesn't trust John at all and '''''CCs that John is making himself a huge target'''''. The next morning, Liz and Lauren are sitting by the water. Liz says that she misses her family and friends. Lauren says that, if she can hold out for 38 more days, she could bring the grand prize home for them. Liz hopes so. '''''Liz is sobbing in front of the CC about how much she misses her friends and family.''''' David and Anabel are at the water well. David was hoping to be able to talk to her. He says that she comes across as trustworthy and intelligent and that is the kind of person that he wants to work with. Anabel thanks him and asks if he's a cop. '''''She CCs that she's written a twist like this before and it isn't too surprising for people to lie about their occupation.''''' David asks her to keep it between them. After she promises, he reveals to be a retired police inspector. '''''David CCs that, if Anabel can't be trusted and she leaks this, he will have to turn it around on her.''''' Anabel says that she likes the idea of the two of them working together, no doubt.}}
| Both tribes reconvene and it is revealed that they will be competing for both reward and immunity. For the reward, the winning tribe will get tools to help them fish. '''CAYENNE WINS IMMUNITY!'''
| {{tribebox3|cayenne|'''''Journey CCs that she is ecstatic that her tribe won as she doesn't have any one person that she doesn't like on her tribe.''''' Andre tells the tribe that he has a lot of experience fishing so he can help those who don't have the experience. Sam raises his hand and admits that he has never fished before. '''''Sam CCs that a part of him just wanted to bond with Andre, although he is telling the truth about his lack of experience.''''' As they go off fishing, Janeane asks Rami about his comic. Rami says that it is a mixture of genres and he's been experimenting since the 70th comic. He says that it started out as half-assed comics when he was younger and, when he got older, he was inspired by his old comics to recreate them and continue them. '''''Janeane CCs that life on the island has been fun so far as she has been making a lot of friends and learning a lot about the others.''''' Adrian tells Janeane that he has been hiking a few times but hasn't been camping. '''''Janeane CCs that this is an experience of a lifetime and she hopes to enjoy it as much as she can.'''''}}
| {{tribebox3|titania|'''''David CCs that he, carefully, chose his tribe and he has no regrets. However, somebody needs to be voted out and he can't even vote.''''' Kaeghan and Talieh are at the water well. Talieh says that Liz has been annoying her since they got on the tribe. Kaeghan says that while Liz is very emotional, she did help their tribe quite a bit in the challenge. Talieh thinks that Liz just got lucky, '''''CCing that Lix needs to go before she brings about the end of their tribe'''''. Kaeghan thinks that they should focus on John due to his constant talk about him being a superfan. Talieh agrees and thinks that John could be a bigger wildcard. In the water, Liz, Lauren, and Adam are talking. Liz hopes that the votes don't fall on her. Adam makes a joke about her insurance being approved as a means to say that she will survive the joke. It's awkward but Liz feels assured, '''''CCing that she is grateful to have made some friends on the island'''''. Lauren says that John has been making himself a huge target as of recent due to his talks about wanting to make a big move. John, meanwhile, is talking to Kaeghan about targeting Anabel due to her looking like a strategic threat. '''''John CCs that he is all about big moves and he plans to make them while he is in the game.''''' He says that, if you watch Anabel closely like he does, you can see her thinking. Kaeghan comments that everybody is thinking about the game, '''''CCing that he really wants to take John out'''''. David and Anabel are in the shelter. David says that he's thinking John or Adam. When Anabel asks about Adam, David says that he sees Adam as somebody who will coast by and will be under the radar. '''''He CCs that Adam could be dangerous moving forward. He could lay low and then strike when the time is right near the endgame. The guy doesn't talk much strategy or really talk to him that much. In the end, he is a wildcard'''''. Anabel agrees and says that a lot of people are focused on John. David says that John may be a massive target but he is too good of a physical competitor to get rid of right now. Anabel agrees with that. Hardy and Liz are walking and talking. Liz brings up targeting John. Hardy thinks that John could be useful for their tribe right now as he isn't a weak competitor. Liz is worried about him but Hardy says that all they would have to do is not listen to him. Liz asks who he hopes to target. Hardy says that Talieh hasn't been the most social around camp and she looks bored and miserable. '''''Liz CCs that Hardy is, downright, amazing and hot. If she had a choice, her and Hardy would be in the finals.'''''}}
| AT  TRIBAL COUNCIL, John is quiet about his target and says that it's a secret and somebody will be blindsided for sure. Talieh calls out John for being sketchy.<br />
<br />
Adam votes for '''John'''<br />
Anabel votes for '''Adam'''<br />
David, as Tribe Captain, is not present.
Liz votes for '''Talieh'''<br />
Hardy votes for '''Talieh'''<br />
John votes for '''Adam'''<br />
Kaeghan votes for '''Adam'''<br />
Lauren votes for '''Talieh'''<br />
Talieh votes for '''John'''<br />
<br />
Adam says that he's just a simple insurance appraiser and is, in no way a threat. Talieh says that she didn't cost them the challenge and, if they vote her out, they will lose the next immunity challenge.<br />
''Adam can not vote during the re-vote.''<br />
Anabel votes for '''Adam'''<br />
David, as Tribe Captain, is not present.<br />
Liz votes for '''Talieh'''<br />
Hardy votes for '''Adam'''<br />
''Adam can not vote during the re-vote.''<br />
Kaeghan votes for '''Adam'''<br />
Lauren votes for '''Talieh'''<br />
Talieh votes for '''Adam'''<br />
<br />
With a vote of 3-3-2/4-2, '''ADAM''' has been eliminated.

Latest revision as of 20:16, 29 February 2024

Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 9!

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3