Vitosian Survivor Season 9: In-Depth Episode Synopsis Part 2

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This is the Part 2 of the Episode Synopsis for Vitosian Survivor Season 9!

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Episode 6

Episode 6
On Cayenne (Adrian, Alicia, Anabel, Janeane, John, Liz, and Renata), after everybody returns to camp, Adrian CCs that one of the biggest wildcards is now gone and everybody is relieved. He says that he feels relieved as being around Liz was very stressful. He wonders how the rest of the game will play out. John says that they all just made a big move tonight and he is really proud of them. He says that these are the kinds of moves he wants to make as time goes on. John CCs that Liz, the emotional wildcard, is now gone. He hopes that she can find peace off of the island.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Anabel and Alicia are at the water well. Anabel says that she really trusts Janeane as she's trustworthy and sticks to her word. Alicia agrees and says that she has had no problems with Janeane that she can recall. Alicia CCs that one of the most trustworthy people she's come across in the game is Janeane. She doesn't know what it is about her but she knows that she can trust her. Adrian and John are in the shelter. Janeane joins them and John comments on how she is one of the more trustworthy people here. Adrian agrees. Janeane thanks them and says that she hopes that they can remain six strong. Adrian thinks that it's possible and CCs that nobody trusts John, which is why they can't remain six strong. John says that, if they can't remain six strong, it is best to turn on Alicia as she is pretty strong in challenges and could be a huge threat down the road. Adrian says that it's possible. John CCs that the biggest threats are Alicia and Anabel. The former is physically strong and the latter is mentally strong. He would love to take them out as they would be big moves. John says that, if they hesitate on the big moves, the strong players will end up at the end and they can't afford having any major threats at the end. Janeane CCs that John's problem is that he is open about targeting strong players and, at some point, she is pretty sure everybody has been mentioned at least twice to somebody else. She feels like the moment she is perceived as a threat, John will drag her name as a huge threat to ensure she is eliminated next.
On Titania (Andre, David, Hardy, Kaeghan, Journey, and Sam), Sam and Andre are alone in the shelter. Andre tells Sam that his inspiration for drawing was his mother as she is a professional artist. He really liked how creative she was and he grew interest because of it. Sam says that his mom is a retired teacher but, back when she was working, he really looked up to her. That and his love for kids caused him to pursue teaching. Andre CCs that, over the past few or so days, he's been really bonding with Sam and, as of now, Sam's his number one ally. Sam says that, to him, his inspiration for teaching was his dad as he is a university professor. Sam CCs that he can see himself heading to the end with Andre. He is very trustworthy and an all around great person. Journey is at the water well with Hardy. Hardy tells Journey that he really respects her for her fight and for what she stands for. He says Laurel is, no doubt, proud of her. Journey thanks her and says that she really misses her. Journey CCs that Laurel Edgren means the world to her and she wants to make her the happiest woman ever because she really deserves it. Hardy tells her not to give up and, that, her journey in the game isn't done yet. Journey chuckles at the pun and thanks him for cheering her up. Journey CCs that, as time goes on, she's grown a huge respect for the game and what goes into it. Journey tells Hardy that she wants to work with him to the very end. She says that she doesn't trust many people in the game and he has been one of the only people who has been consistently trustworthy to her. Hardy thanks her and CCs that he is genuine when he says that he wants to work with Journey as well. The game has been very hectic and he needs a trustworthy ally right now. David and Kaeghan are in the shelter. David tells Kaeghan that the merge should be coming up soon. Kaeghan wants the four of them to still work with each-other, especially since John is a shield for them. David agrees. Kaeghan CCs that, before the swap, he, David, Anabel, and John were in an alliance that took out Adam and Raabia. When it comes down to it, John has one of the biggest targets in the game and they need to protect him so they can go after other targets. David says that it won't be an easy road but, if they can manage, they can make it to the Final 4 together. Kaeghan CCs that he isn't dumb, though. A part of him thinks that David is a cop and he plans to use that to turn Anabel against him when the time comes.
Everybody is called to Tribal Council where it is revealed that they will vote for two of the first six (Adam, Rami, Raabia, Lauren, Evie, and Liz) to come back. However, everybody will only get one vote and the top two will face off. The duel ends up being between Lauren and Adam with John CCing that he voted Adam as Lauren is too strong of a social threat while Adam would be easier to defeat. Renata CCs that she wants Lauren to have another chance but she has too many connections in the game and it'll be easier to vote Adam right back out. Lauren wins and re-enters the game. She CCs that she can't believe she actually beat Adam! The host then announces that they are merging. Kaeghan CCs that he is super surprised that they are merging at Final 13.
As they head to the merge camp, Hardy CCs that he is ECSTATIC that Lauren is back in the game! He can't believe that he has his number one ally back in the game! After they arrive at camp, Lauren CCs that she is ecstatic to be in the game again and is even more ecstatic to see that Liz has been voted out. Since the beginning, Liz was erratic and irrational and it made her life in the game a living hell. Now that she can play with having to worry about Liz, she wants to play the game to the fullest! Andre says that Evie threw the comp to get rid of Journey so they ended up voting her out instead. Anabel adds that, when it came to Liz, she was voted out in honour of Lauren. Lauren says that she is touched and CCs that everybody in the game is so kind! She adores everybody and hopes that they can all keep in contact after the game is over. Lauren says that she, absolutely, respects everybody here and says that she will, no doubt, remember this moment and cherish the friendships she has with everybody here. She CCs that it made sense to keep Kaeghan over her and he is still here so, to them, they made the right move and loved that she was voted by them for a chance to get back into this game. Hardy gives Lauren a big hug and CCs that Lauren is the one person he wants with him in the finals as they've had each-others backs since the fallout with Liz. At the water well, Andre tells Sam that he's bisexual and wanted to tell him because of their bond. He says that he is out and proud and has been for a few years. He says that he didn't grow up out and proud and his biggest supporter growing up with his sister. Andre CCs that Devota has always been there for him when he needed it and he respects her so much. They both hug and Sam thanks him for telling him. Andre thinks that they should head back before people start talking. Sam agrees. Sam CCs that he also has a huge respect for the game. You go in thinking that things will end up a certain way but the game turns out to be very unpredictable, especially when you play it. He wants to make big moves, he wants to use an idol to negate votes, and he wants to head to the end with Andre. Even if that doesn't happen, he will cherish the experience. Journey and Janeane are talking in the shelter. Janeane is confused as to why Evie and Alicia started to fight and she knows that, if she probes, that could be the end of her. Janeane CCs that this couldn't be a coincidence. Alicia and Evie were very close and, suddenly, they fight. Either the fight was fake or somebody else was behind it. Journey is confused as well and says that they seemed like such close friends and then they hated eachother. Janeane thinks that somebody could be trying to mess with the friendships behind the scenes as to have them target each-other. Journey says that she would agree but Evie and Alicia are the only cases she knows of. Janeane CCs that she can't help but feel like they have a puppet master in their midst. Journey tells Janeane to be very careful as it could just be that Evie and Alicia has a disagreement and it blew out of proportion. Journey CCs that she doesn't trust many people on the island but she feels like she can trust Janeane. However, she can't help but feel like Janeane could dig herself a hole if she isn't careful. John is talking with Renata, Sam, Hardy, and Adrian. He says that, with 13 people here, it should be intriguing to try and control the numbers. He says that, while 7 is the majority, another tactic is tricking people to vote for other people. Hardy agrees. Adrian CCs that, after the initial happiness with Lauren coming back, people started venturing off and talking strategy with one person continuing to grow that target ... John. He says that John is a superfan and isn't aware that he is creating this monumental target on his back with every word he says. He is a nice guy but he isn't trustworthy in this game. Janeane and Alicia are at the water well. Janeane says that she found it odd that her and Evie went from being so close to fighting each other. Alicia says that Evie was talking a lot of smack behind her back about her. Janeane says that Evie never approached her and said anything. Alicia says that she did in general. Janeane CCs that she knows she shouldn't but she can't help but find the entire situation suspicious. Janeane asks if Alicia approached anybody else on the tribe to confirm. Alicia says that she didn't but she trusts her source. When Janeane asks who the source was, Alicia says that she won't rat the person out and CCs that her and Renata have established a close bond and it's possible that Janeane knew all along and is trying to create drama. She says that it sucks to doubt Janeane, of all people, but the interrogation is throwing her off. In the shelter, Alicia whispers to Renata that Janeane asked about her fight with Evie and asked if anybody orchestrated it. Renata says that Janeane is a very smart woman and may need to go. Alicia says that she trusts Renata. Renata says that some people don't trust Alicia, though, and there has been talk about her being targeted. Renata CCs that, by making Alicia a paranoid mess, she can put another target in front of her. She says that she has to make sure that SHE (Renata) is not on anybody's radar and she will do whatever it takes to stay under the radar. Renata says that she isn't surprised that Janeane questioned her as she (Janeane) spoke to her (Renata) about sending Alicia home due to her not "trusting her anymore". She tried to vouch for her but Janeane probably felt it best to talk to her (Alicia) in private. Alicia says how that makes sense. Alicia CCs that Renata has really been looking out for her and she really appreciates that. Renata CCs that she plans to manipulate Alicia to no end after the personal things her and Evie said about her earlier in the game.
ANDRE, SAM, AND KAEGHAN win a private feast.
Andre CCs that he's been developing a crush on Sam so a private feast, even with Kaeghan, is amazing. Kaeghan says that he really trusts them. Kaeghan CCs that Andre and Sam have come across as trustworthy and he is interested in an alliance just in case his alliance with David, Anabel, and John falls through. Sam says the same thing and thinks that they could add a fourth person to this and be set for the rest of the game. Sam CCs that a four person alliance can easily take control of the game as they are non-entities in the game so people would not expect them. Kaeghan says that Adrian doesn't appear to be allied with anybody and Andre and Sam agree that they could recruit Adrian. Andre finds a Hidden Immunity Idol in the feast and is open about it, saying that they could use it to their advantage. Andre CCs that this day is getting better and better.
Back in camp, Anabel and David are in the shelter. David says that John has been really loyal to them so far and that's why he feels like he can trust him when nobody else will. David CCs that John is the biggest wildcard in the game but, somehow, the guy knows how to be loyal. Anabel says that loyalty has a huge impact. She says that she really likes John as a person but he also needs to watch what he says. David says that he is surprised that John hasn't revealed the alliance like he has his plans to take over the game. David CCs that there is no doubt that John Finn is a threat and a part of him is conflicted on whether or not John should go next or later as, yeah, he is a good shield, but he is wayyyy too honest. Anabel thinks that John would've acted had he really had the intentions. She thinks that John is doing this on purpose so that his target is so huge that nobody would target him. David says that, if that is true and he makes it to the end, he has his vote. David CCs that, on the other end, if what Journey has theorized is true and it works like they expect, John may be one of the best players. Journey tells John, alone, at the water well, that people have been bringing his name up as he keeps talking about his plans and ideas and people can't seem to trust him. Journey CCs that she feels really sorry for John and wanted to help him out a bit. John says that he's a superfan and got excited ... quite a bit. John CCs that Journey is right and he really needs to tone it down a little. Andre, Sam, and Kaeghan return. Sam comments that the feast was alright but it's nice to be back with everybody. Sam CCs that the feast was amazing and the fact that he got to spend it with Andre and Kaeghan was great, especially Andre. Kaeghan and Adrian are at the water well. Kaeghan says that he was talking with Andre and Sam and all three of them want a four person alliance with him. Adrian says that he is in. Sam suggests the name "Core Four" and the others love it. Kaeghan CCs that he wants Core Four in the end, no doubt. Adrian CCs that he loves the alliance and it just started! Hopefully, it works out. Renata approaches David in the shelter and talks about her distrust towards Janeane. Renata CCs that everybody loves David so she figures that David has a lot of pull and she needs to move before Janeane remembers how she campaigned for Liz to go. David says that he has no problem voting against Janeane, CCing that Janeane has a fantastic social game so, if he can pull the votes, he will and send a great social player home.
ALICIA and SAM win Immunity!
Sam CCs that he didn't want to win Immunity but his target is John and he was in the Top 3. Sam whispers to Kaeghan in the shelter that it shouldn't be too hard to get the votes as they have the four, Journey, and Janeane so far. Kaeghan agrees that this should be an easy vote as people don't trust him. Journey CCs that she knows that the votes will fall onto John and she wants to give him a chance to redeem himself. Journey whispers to John that people may try to get rid of him now but she won't vote against them. She says that she will see who everybody is targeting and, if they can make a new majority voting block, that should save him. John says that he really appreciates it and CCs that he doesn't see himself targeting Journey as she is a genuinely fantastic person and a great ally. David tells Anabel in the shelter that he wants to target Janeane as she is super perceptive, very smart, and is a fantastic social player. Anabel agrees that, when you think about it, she is a threat. Anabel CCs that she does not like the idea of targeting Janeane. She cries a bit, saying that Janeane is a truly amazing person and a great friend but she can't betray her alliance this early and the only other target people want out is in her alliance and it's too soon to let John go. Janeane asks Kaeghan and Lauren about the vote. Kaeghan says that people want John out as nobody can trust him. Lauren says that John is a fantastic guy but his mouth has dug him a big hole. Janeane says that she is fine with that and CCs that, next time, however, she knows who she wants out next. At the water well, Janeane tells Adrian that she trusts him a lot so she wants him to know that she's been curious about why Evie and Alicia turned on eachother after being so close. Adrian says that it's pretty confusing as well. Adrian CCs that, outside of the Core Four, he trusts Janeane a lot. Janeane tells him that Alicia has confirmed a source and she remembers Renata mentioning to her and Alicia about how Liz was saying things about them. Adrian asks if Janeane thinks that Renata turned Evie and Alicia against eachother by telling them that the other person said shit about them. Janeane thinks that it could be paranoia but she could be right. She tells Adrian to watch Renata in conversations and see what she says to him in private conversations. As of now, nothing has been confirmed. Adrian thanks her. Janeane CCs that she found out the truth and she may pay for it if Alicia and Renata are very close. Either way, if something does happen to her in the game, she needs to plant the seeds to somebody else to ensure that Renata goes next. David is telling Kaeghan about the plan. Kaeghan thinks that it could be time to let John go but David says that Janeane is not in an alliance with them while John is and, if he goes, they could be the next targets. Kaeghan asks if they even have the votes and CCs that he will have to backstab one alliance tonight.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Alicia calls out Janeane for being deceitful. The two bicker.


Adrian votes for John
Alicia votes for Janeane
Anabel votes for Janeane
Andre votes for John
David votes for Janeane
Hardy votes for John
Janeane votes for John
John votes for Janeane
Journey votes for Janeane
Kaeghan votes for Janeane
Lauren votes for John
Renata votes for Janeane
Sam votes for John

With a vote of 7-6, JANEANE has been eliminated.

Episode 7

Episode 7
As everybody returns to the merge camp, Adrian CCs that the vote, tonight, was intense as Janeane warns him about Renata and, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, Janeane goes and he is left blindsided. He says that the vote was 7-6 and he is trying to wrap his head around the fact that 7 people voted Janeane out and he doesn't know why. He says that this is no coincidence and, now, he has no choice but to keep an eye on Renata. Renata CCs that everything went according to plan and Janeane, her target, is out. She is ecstatic. John thanks everybody who saved him and CCs that he, somehow, survived a 7-6 vote and there is, no doubt, that he is grateful, especially towards Journey as she spoke to him about how his mouth has made people weary of him and has been the one person who has spoken to him the most out of the past 3 days. He says that, what is really weird, is that he was never on a tribe with Journey and she trusts him. He really appreciates that a lot.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Adrian is taking a walk. He CCs that he's on a mission. He wants to take Renata and David out. It is clear that have a lot of control on the tribe so they need to take them out. Hardy and Lauren are sitting by the water. Lauren says that they were in the minority and that doesn't feel good. Lauren CCs that the vote was really close and they ended up in the minority. She hopes that they aren't targeted because of that and that, hopefully, they can get into the majority for the next vote. Hardy says that he heard that John was going home but something must have happened. Andre and Sam are at the water well. Andre is so confused over what happened. Sam says that Janeane must have done something as it made no sense as to why she left. Sam CCs that something is fishy as he had not heard Janeane's name come up at all. Andre says that he tried asking people about the possible reasons and nobody knows. Sam wonders about the 6 who voted with them. Andre says that there was the Core Four (Adrian, Andre, Kaeghan, and Sam), Janeane, and one other person. Sam says that, while it is good to investigate, it could get them in trouble. Andre agrees and CCs that, out of everybody, especially after the Tribal, he would like nothing more than to be in the Finals with Sam but they need to carve a path there first, somehow. Sam says that they should lay low and figure out who people want gone next and, maybe, they will see if there is a massive alliance. Andre hopes not but agrees that they can observe everybody and not get involved in strategy talk. Sam CCs that they were alone and he felt like it was a good time to ask. Sam asks about the possibility of them dating after the show. Andre says that he would like that and was worried about asking as he didn't want to make him feel awkward. Andre is very excited in the CC. Elsewhere, in the shelter, David and Renata are alone. David says that, with Janeane gone, he is hoping that they can stay loyal to each other as he's shown his loyalty. He CCs that the entire plan to get Janeane out was to recruit Renata so there is another number on his side. Everything he does in the game is very calculated. Renata says that there is no doubt that she is loyal now. In the water, Kaeghan and Adrian are talking. Kaeghan CCs that he voted Janeane out as she was a far bigger target than John, no doubt, and he wants to get to know the other three more before he jumps ship completely. However, he plans to lie about his vote. Adrian says that he doesn't know why Janeane left but he feels like there is a huge motive: because Renata wanted her gone. Kaeghan is confused, to which Adrian says that, before Tribal, Janeane warned him about Renata and said that she was the reason why Alicia and Evie grew apart and why Liz had the votes to go. Adrian CCs that Renata is a hidden mastermind that needs to go. Kaeghan said that she hasn't noticed Renata do much and wonders if Janeane overestimated. He CCs that the decision for Janeane to go came from David, not Renata. If he recalls, Renata was on board, though. Adrian says that, when Alicia and Evie started to fight, they were super close before and, all of a sudden, they fell apart. Kaeghan asks about the connection to Renata. Adrian says that Alicia told Janeane that she had a source that told her things about Evie and, also, Renata was talking to Alicia and Janeane about Liz. Kaeghan says that Janeane could've been paranoid. Kaeghan CCs that this conspiracy theory was Janeane's dying message in the game. If her theory turns out to be true, Janeane may have been very underestimated by him. Adrian says that they are playing Survivor so he knows people will use any tactic at their disposal. Kaeghan sees his point and CCs that David explained that Janeane was very observant and he sees Adrian the same way and wonders if the two of them were working together. Adrian CCs that he feels like he may be on the outs so, if they can find a way to get into the majority, he will be satisfied.
ALICIA, ANABEL, HARDY, AND LAUREN win REWARD (a trip to a local village).
Local Village Reward Segment
Lauren CCs that she loved the Reward and hopes to continue experiencing them. She says that she watched Survivor with her husband and kids and, now, she can tell them what the experience was like. She says that, yeah, there have been a lot of hardships but the experience has been very satisfying. John and Journey are alone in the shelter. John thanks Journey again and says that he is still here because of her. Journey says that she felt like John needed another chance. Journey CCs that a part of her felt bad for him and that is why she stepped in. John is a very friendly guy whose aspirations and excitement in the game are hindering him. She says that she felt like he was really alone and she didn't like that. John says that his excitement almost torpedoed his game and he has a chance to recover so he's been laying low. Journey says that she agrees with the idea. John CCs that he really owes Journey a lot so he plans to help get her to the Final 2. Hardy and Lauren are at the water well. Hardy feels like they've been doing a good job laying low. Lauren agrees and says that she shouldn't feel safe but it's good that she doesn't feel like a target. Hardy agrees, even though they were in the voting minority. Lauren says that John has been laying low and she likes that as she wants to trust John in the game but she can't. Hardy agrees and says that they still have a chance to be in the majority. Lauren wonders what Janeane did. Hardy says that he has no idea and CCs that, either way, they didn't get any votes and are one vote closer to making the Final 2 together. He says that he may lose to her as everybody loves Lauren but they have become such good friends and allies that he'd really like to see them make the Finals. Lauren CCs that Hardy is her "ride or die" as they say and she hopes that they can get to the Finals somehow. Anabel and David are in the shelter alone. Anabel says that, down the road, Hardy needs to go. David agrees and thinks that he should go in 11th and he has another target for the upcoming vote. David CCs that he can really trust Anabel in the game. The two bounce off ideas like crazy. Anabel asks who he thinks is a bigger threat than Hardy. David says Andre as he is a wildcard and he's noticing him become pretty close with Sam. Anabel says that Hardy and Lauren have a bond from dealing with Liz but David says that those two are big targets while Andre may slide under the radar. David CCs that Andre has the capabilities of playing a superb under the radar game and that is more threatening than Hardy and Lauren right now. Anabel understands and says that, after Andre, they should target Hardy and then Alicia. David agrees and says that it's a deal. Anabel says that she's grateful of their friendship. David agrees and says that, outside of the game, he'd like to keep in contact with her. David CCs that he respects Anabel enough to target Hardy and Alicia after Andre as they are partners in the game, first and foremost, and, as partners, they decide the targets together. He says that he is happy that Anabel has stepped up and named targets as they should be working together. He says that, working with her, he's gotten to know a very respectful and respectable person that he'd like to remain friends with after the game.
Anabel CCs that it's easy for people to see her as David's lapdog as he's made all of the decisions so far and that's why the Immunity and her naming future targets was that more important to her. She says that David has been supportive and that's when she, truly, knew that he was beyond trustworthy. Journey and Lauren are in the shelter. Journey says that Lauren's family is watching from home and is super proud of her. Lauren CCs that she adores how kind and supportive Journey is and wishes the best for her and Laurel. Lauren says that the same can be said for Laurel. Journey smiles and says that she would love to make it to the Final 8 and see Laurel. Lauren asks about Journey's parents, to which Journey says that she hasn't spoken to them in years as they weren't accepting of her sexuality and her relationship with Laurel. She says that she's been referring to Laurel's parents as mom and dad as they've been super supportive and nice. Lauren CCs that talking to Journey and hearing what she's been through, she has a lot of respect for her. She says that Journey has been so nice that she enjoys talking with her a lot. David tells Kaeghan that the next target is Andre. Kaeghan CCs that, at this point, he is no longer playing David's game. He has gotten to know the other members of the Core Four and he thinks it is time to turn the tables on David by making sure his target stays. Kaeghan tells Andre to use the idol as he is the target. Andre thanks him for the info and he says that, after observing everybody for a bit, he has the perfect idea of who should go. Kaeghan is curious. Andre CCs that, thanks to Kaeghan telling him that he is the target, he knows that he has the votes to get out a massive threat.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Alicia calls out John for laying low when he should own up to his mistakes. Journey and Alicia start to bicker. Alicia concedes and apologizes to John. After the votes, Andre plays his idol.


Adrian votes for David
Alicia votes for John
Anabel votes for Andre
Andre votes for David
David votes for Andre
Hardy votes for Andre
John votes for Andre
Journey votes for Andre
Kaeghan votes for David
Lauren votes for Andre
Renata votes for Andre
Sam votes for David

With a vote of 7-4-1, DAVID has been eliminated.

Episode 8

Episode 8
As everybody returns to the merge camp, Anabel CCs that ... she's completely blindsided. She doesn't even know how to process what just happened and, now, her closest ally is gone. Adrian CCs that everybody is confused as to why David left and who could've told Andre about him being the target. He says that Andre decided that he wanted David out and that's what happened. However, now, he is unsure about how he can get Renata out when it's obvious that the numbers aren't on his side. He says that it's best to continue strengthening bonds for now and focus on the task at hand later. Andre CCs that, after Kaeghan revealed that he was the target, he knew that David was behind the idea as everybody loved David and he saw Kaeghan talking to him in the shelter quite a few times. He suspects Kaeghan of not voting with them to take out John but, now, it is obvious to him that he is on their side, fully, now. Renata CCs that she is confused on how the plan was leaked to Andre.
Opening Credits
The next day, Kaeghan is cooking some rice while Sam, Andre and Adrian are in the shelter. The four joke around a bit and discuss hitting some bars after the game. Sam is really surprised how well they all get along. Andre asks their opinion on the vote. Adrian says that they pulled it off but, to avoid being targeted, they can't be around each-other much. Sam doesn't like the idea of them not hanging out as much but feels like it is the safest option for them. Later, Anabel CCs that somebody told Andre about the plan and she needs to find out who. Anabel talks with Kaeghan in the shelter. Kaeghan says that he really didn't see David as a threat and so it is weird to him that he was targeted. Anabel agrees and says that somebody told Andre about the plan and that's why David was targeted as David was the one who wanted to target Andre. Kaeghan says that the only way somebody would benefit from betraying David was if they saw it as a big move. He CCs that, in order to escape suspicion, he's decided that it's time to send John to the jury house. Anabel is out for blood and John is the easiest scapegoat at this moment. Anabel says that the idea makes sense and the only person who has been vocal about making big moves is John Finn. Kaeghan asks her if he is really loyal to anybody or if he is so obsessed with making a big move that he is willing to backstab an ally and try to pin it on somebody else. Anabel asks who he would pin it on. Kaeghan says that he has no idea but he wouldn't be surprised if he did try hard to blame somebody else. Anabel says that they need to keep an eye out on him, especially since he's been trying to lay low lately. Kaeghan CCs that Anabel is a super smart individual and he knows that this conversation meant everything in the long run. Later, Journey is with Anabel in the shelter. Journey says that, if she needs to vent or talk, she's here for her. Anabel says that she appreciates it. Journey says that her and David will, no doubt, be friends on the outside. Anabel hopes so and says that she would like to remain friends with her (Journey) as well. Journey appreciates that and says that they'll be great friends. Anabel CCs that Journey is an amazing individual and Laurel is one lucky woman. She says that Journey is so nice and so friendly. Anabel tells Journey that John is the only person who would've leaked the plan to Andre. She knows that John wants to make a big move and he took it. Journey says that she's noticed that John has been laying low after realizing that he messed up and feels like it would be too obvious. Anabel says that, sometimes, the most obvious answer is the correct one. At the water well, Journey tells John that there is some suspicion about him leaking the plan to Andre. John tells Journey that he appreciates her telling him and says that he didn't do it. He CCs that he's been laying low thanks to Journey's advice and, no doubt, his past actions are coming back to haunt him as David's elimination is being blamed on him. On top of this, he got a vote at Tribal Council and he doesn't know who voted for him. Journey says that they have a couple days to turn the vote around and says that she will never vote for him. John says that same and CCs that he trusts Journey to the very end. Sam, Andre, and Adrian are talking in the shelter. Adrian says that he is glad that Kaeghan isn't hanging out with them right now as he'd be outed. Sam thinks it's smart. Adrian thinks that they should go after Renata next. Sam wonders if they would even have the votes and points out that they only had the votes to take out David due to the idol. Adrian says that it's a good point but, if they get another idol, Renata would be a huge move. He CCs that Janeane was right and, that, Renata is really suspicious. Renata and Alicia are talking at the water well. Renata is surprised that Andre took out David. Alicia says that she can respect a good move. Renata tells Alicia that it's possible that Andre could see her as the next big target due to her immunity win and gameplay so far. Alicia feels like she wouldn't be due to her only winning one immunity. Renata points out her performance in the 2nd challenge. Alicia sees her point and thinks that taking out Andre would be a huge move as he controlled himself and 3 other votes. Renata CCs that she knows that everybody will hate her due to her strategy and gameplay. She says that her friends and family will tell people how nice of a person she is. However, she has one shot at the prize and she needs to make sure that she gets there. So, her strategy is to continue to make other people bigger targets than her, including Alicia.
The Reward is a private picnic and helicopter ride. Lauren wins and decides to take Hardy.
Lauren CCs that she is VERY surprised that she won a challenge. She says that the game has been both stressful and rewarding and she is glad to share the experience and the reward with her closest ally, Hardy. In the helicopter, Hardy thanks her for taking him. Lauren says that he shouldn't be surprised as they are close allies and this is to reward them overcoming the challenges so far in the game. Hardy thanks her again. He says that the game has been pretty insane and people have been trying to figure out the other 3 David votes that it's been exhausting. Lauren has noticed Sam has been around Andre a lot during the merge and feels like they are a duo. Hardy thinks she's right. Lauren also says that she had a conversation with Anabel earlier and she suspects that John told Andre the plan. Hardy chuckles and says that he is not surprised with how many times John has talked about wanting to make a big move. When they arrive, Hardy CCs about how great the picnic was and feels like he and Lauren are in a good spot in the game.
Back at camp, there is a montage of Alicia and John trying to find the idol with Alicia getting a 2nd idol in her possession. John CCs that he has tried and tried to find this idol but he can't find it anywhere. Alicia CCs that she is safe from anybody wanting to take her out. After Hardy CCs about Lauren's good position, there is a montage with different castaways talking about how much they like Lauren and really appreciate her around camp. Adrian CCs that Lauren is one of the kindest people on the island. Kaeghan CCs that he really respects Lauren as she has been nothing but kind. Lauren also CCs about being the mom of the merge tribe. Later on, Hardy and Adrian are in the shelter. Hardy says that he isn't obsessed about the David vote like Anabel is. Adrian says that he is the same way. He says that it's more and more obvious that they were a duo. Hardy agrees. Hardy CCs that, in the end, the votes for David don't affect him. He feels like, due to Adrian being a wildcard with no definitive allies that he can see, he may be the 4th vote but he isn't going to rat him out for it. Hardy tells Adrian that he respects him a lot in the game and feels like they could work together. Adrian feels the same way and CCs that Hardy is a calm, collected individual and is easy to talk to, which is why he can see himself working with Hardy down the road. Adrian tells Hardy that his main target is Renata and tells him about what Janeane said and the coincidences with her elimination. Hardy says that Renata, definitely, seems a bit suspicious but she doesn't seem too dangerous and Janeane's elimination was conducted by David. Adrian wonders if David was more of a mastermind around camp than he thought. Hardy says that David being dangerous is why he isn't too bothered with the vote. Hardy CCs that Andre did him a favour as there is a chance that David could've gotten to the end and won it all as most of the tribe trusted him like crazy. Later, Alicia shows Renata the idol and Renata says that Andre and Anabel won't be able to touch her now. Alicia wonders what Anabel has to do with anything. Renata says that Anabel has been trying to figure out the 4 votes for David and people around camp suspect her (Alicia) to be one of the votes. Alicia CCs about how Anabel is full of sh**.
ALICIA wins Immunity!
Back at camp, Alicia calls out Anabel for being very paranoid about the vote and says that SHE was NOT involved and, that, she voted for John. She tells Anabel that she's a self-obsessed snob who thinks that everybody needs to think the same way she does. Anabel and Alicia end up in a HUGE screaming match. Anabel CCs that Alicia is a downright lunatic and should check herself into an asylum. Adrian CCs that the outburst is so random that she had to have been told some lies ... from Renata. After things calm down, John thanks Alicia for her honesty that she voted for him. Alicia tells John that he's super untrustworthy and he's been hearing that he was one of the votes and it's bulls*** that people are blaming her ... like Anabel. Anabel tries to insist that she didn't and they end up in another screaming match. Later, at the water well, Kaeghan tells Sam that he's been laying the groundwork for John to go as it's either him or one of them. Sam agrees, even though John is a good shield and one of them could be next. Sam wonders if they could find a way to spare John this round but Kaeghan doesn't think that they will have the votes as he's tried talking to Hardy earlier and he's been insistent about John going. Sam wonders if the four of them could vote with Alicia for Anabel but Kaeghan feels like they would lose the trust of a lot of people. Sam agrees and thinks that they should talk to Andre and Adrian about this as well. Sam CCs that the Cour Four may have some control in the camp after all ... somehow.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Alicia lays into Anabel and John and people start ignoring Alicia, which infuriates her.


Adrian votes for John
Alicia votes for Anabel
Anabel votes for John
Andre votes for John
Hardy votes for John
John votes for Anabel
Journey votes for Anabel
Kaeghan votes for John
Lauren votes for John
Renata votes for John
Sam votes for John

With a vote of 8-3, JOHN has been eliminated.

Episode 9

Episode 9
As everybody returns to the merge camp, Journey CCs that, once everybody made up their mind, John's elimination was set in stone and she felt like it was too easy of a vote and even easier to make him a scapegoat. She says it wasn't right but that's the game. Kaeghan CCs that he managed to successfully pin David's ouster onto John. It would have been a harder job if John didn't brag about wanting to make a big move every five minutes. Anabel sits down in the shelter and CCs that she got three votes against her and she feels that it's best to target the other two next. She says that, with John gone, they've voted out a massive wildcard. She also adds that, despite her not trusting him in the game, she did believe that John was a super nice person. Alicia says that these councils won't get any easier so they all need to suck it up. She CCs that tomorrow is Day 25 and she's ready to crush the competition. Meanwhile, the others return from Tribal Council and it is the same thing every time. "That was so hard!" "Did you see the look on their face?" "We crushed somebody's dream!" Grow up.
Opening Credits
In the morning, Adrian, Andre, Kaeghan, and Sam are at the water well. They all joke around a bit and also talk about being friends, for sure, on the outside. They put their hands together and doing a quiet "CORE FOUR!". After that, Adrian says that Renata really needs to go. Kaeghan CCs that Adrian is obsessed with Renata but, so far, Renata has yet to win a competition. Meanwhile, Alicia has won two. Kaeghan says that Alicia worries him. Kaeghan CCs that a part of Janeane Coffey's theory is that Alicia and Renata are close to each-other and, if she left that Tribal Council, it would prove that. Janeane ended up leaving and, if the two of them ARE together, that gives him more reason to target Alicia. Kaeghan says that, if the two of them are together, it would make sense to target the stronger of the two first so they don't have to deal with that person later as they are, now, at the Final 10. The others point out how that makes sense. Adrian says that he is on board with taking out Alicia first and weakening Renata. Adrian CCs that Janeane brought up so many good points and he can't help but worry that Renata is this massive mastermind. However, Alicia won two immunities and almost won a third at the Final 12. Andre says that they need to make sure that they don't expose the Core Four. The others agree. Andre CCs that the Core Four has gotten rid of David and John and, now, their next target is Alicia Brooklyn Lorentzen. Later, Journey and Lauren are in the shelter alone. Lauren says that her husband, Freddie Paivas, and her met during high school and it was love at first sight. They both admit that it was lust at first but they both grew to actually develop feelings for each-other. At the time, she was known as Lauren Joan Moon. Lauren CCs that her brother, Paul Moon, who is a fantastic attorney, was Freddie's friend, which helped. Journey says that she seriously loves how much they have bonded. Journey CCs that a fantastic part of the experience is getting to know these people and what their lives are like. Alicia and Renata are walking down the beach. Renata tells Alicia that, no matter what, they need to stick together. Alicia says that she trusts Renata a lot. Renata CCs that Alicia and Evie made very hurtful comments about her that she overheard earlier in the game, which is why she split her and Evie up. Her mission, now, is to turn Alicia into the ultimate shield. While her and Alicia have bonded a bit, she can't help but remember the comments and that is what motivates her to win the game no matter what. Nobody insults her or her fiance ... ever. Andre and Sam are at the water well. Sam says that Anabel's had this attitude like she's out for blood after David's elimination and it's making him a bit uneasy. Sam CCs that Anabel went from playing under the radar to being at the front lines of strategy and not a single person is safe. To him, her and Alicia are his next targets. Andre agrees and says that she could be the next big wildcard. Sam thinks that they should target her next and keep Alicia around as a huge shield in front of him. Andre agrees and says that they shouldn't keep Alicia around for too long, tho, as she appears to be a physical threat. Kaeghan is in the shelter with Adrian. Adrian says that he's starting to see what people mean when they say that Andre and Sam are close. Kaeghan agrees but says that he isn't worried. Adrian CCs that Andre and Sam, much like Hardy and Lauren, are, no doubt, a duo. They head off to the water well together quite a bit and they seem to trust each other the most out of everybody. It worries him because of when they reach the Final 4 together. Adrian thinks that they should target one of them at the Final 5. Kaeghan agrees but, until then, he isn't too worried as they need to get to the Final 5 first. Adrian talks about his passion for the culinary arts and how he's a waiter while he's attending college. He says how he's been cooking since he was 10 thanks to his parents being chefs and, growing up, he's grown a huge interest. Adrian asks Kaeghan about his occupation and what inspired him to do it. Kaeghan says that he grew up playing games and wanted to make his own so he studied programming in high school and found some indie game jams and decided to try working on a project to submit for the next one. He says that he's almost done college and he's studying programming and graphic design and has submitted for a few indie game jams over the past couple years. Kaeghan CCs that he plans to own his own massive game company someday. Renata is talking to Lauren about how her brother inspired her to become a multimedia artist and how, growing up, she's always looked up to him as he was always so amazing. She says that, while she was inspired by him to pursue that, she isn't one because of him as she worked hard and loves her job. Lauren really respects that and CCs that, while she can suspect Renata of being far smarter than she lets on, she does like the moments where she shares moments of her life. Renata says that her parents were either too drunk or dragged away by the police so it was always her and her brother. She CCs that growing up was really hard but she is proud of where she is now. Anabel is taking a walk alone. She CCs that she is observing everybody and she can't help but see Hardy as a massive threat as he is liked by everybody and is a good competitor who is, purposely, holding back in the challenges as to avoid people catching on. She also says that Hardy and Lauren are a duo and seem to be the most likely two votes against her. Anabel is talking to Sam about how Hardy needs to go. She says that he will win in the end and tells him why she thinks that. Lauren, however, overhears the conversation, CCing that she needs to let Hardy know that Anabel needs to go. Hardy and Lauren are by the water well. Lauren tells Hardy about Anabel and Sam's conversation. Hardy says that Anabel's been on a rampage since David left so, at this point, it may be best to vote her out. Hardy CCs that Anabel is too big of a threat and she has been making her target bigger and bigger since David left. Lauren is confused as to why she isn't against Andre as he used the idol and sent David packing. Hardy is also confused but assumes that they talked to each other about the vote. Hardy is talking to Renata and Journey about Anabel's rampage since David left and how she is becoming too much of a wildcard. They agree that it's time for Anabel to go. Renata CCs that she isn't ready to let Anabel go just yet. Renata then talks with Anabel, saying that the votes are not in her favour. She says that Hardy is targeting her pretty hard. Anabel thanks her and says that it's in their best interest to send Hardy packing before it's too late. Anabel CCs that Hardy shouldn't have messed with her.
Survivor Auction! Anabel waits to get the clue.
There is a montage of Anabel finding the idol (She CCs that Hardy Halloway can't do anything to get rid of her now.) and calling Hardy out for targeting her. Anabel CCs that it's on between her and Hardy. Hardy and Lauren are at the water well. Hardy tells Lauren that, in the event that Anabel gets enough votes against him, he'll idol her out. Hardy CCs that it's an all out war of who can get the other out first and, in some way, it's made the game much more exciting. Lauren tells Hardy that she has his back. Hardy thanks her. Lauren CCs that she won't let Hardy leave that easily. Renata and Alicia are in the shelter. Renata says that they have a lot of people to choose from to target. Alicia agrees. Renata says that they have to keep Andre and Sam in mind for the future as well, especially Sam, as he is a phys ed teacher and has won an immunity already. Alicia asks about Hardy and Anabel. Renata says that they may have to choose a side. Renata CCs that the game has gotten interesting and she is like the commander hiding in the very back.
ANDRE wins Immunity!
Andre CCs that, now that he's won Immunity, they can, easily, take a shot against Alicia. Andre and Kaeghan talk in the shelter. Andre says that she was close to winning so, now, she needs to go. Kaeghan agrees and says that she is too big of a threat. Adrian and Sam joins them and Andre tells them about targeting Alicia. They are ready. Adrian CCs that Alicia is the next big wildcard as she goes off on everybody and has won Immunity twice already. They can't trust her. However, after Alicia goes, the Core Four needs to target Renata as he wants to avenge Janeane's shady elimination. Sam is talking to Lauren alone and says that the votes are shifting against Alicia and it may be best to take her out now before it is too late. Lauren agrees but says that Alicia will always be a threat while Anabel is a huge wildcard and may slide by. Lauren CCs that she adores Sam but Anabel needs to go before she gets the votes to go after Hardy. Lauren, later, talks to Renata about what Sam said about Alicia but she wants to target Anabel still. Renata agrees and says that it could be split between Alicia and Hardy so it may be best for Hardy or one of them to find an idol to protect him. Renata CCs that, unfortunately for Lauren, Alicia is a very close ally of hers and she may have just sealed Sam's fate. Renata tells Alicia that the votes are stacked against her, CCing that she knows about Alicia's idol and she's banking on that. Renata says that she's been hearing people say that they don't like her so the vote could be more personal than strategic. Alicia CCs that she is livid.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Alicia lays into everybody for being too shady. She, then, goes on a tirade and says that nobody on the tribe likes her and they are, very, ungrateful. Alicia, Hardy, and Anabel all use idols.


Adrian votes for Alicia
Alicia votes for Sam
Anabel votes for Hardy
Andre votes for Alicia
Hardy votes for Anabel
Journey votes for Alicia
Kaeghan votes for Alicia
Lauren votes for Anabel
Renata votes for Sam
Sam votes for Alicia

With a vote of (5)-(2)-(1)-2, SAM has been eliminated.

Episode 10

Episode 10
As everybody returns to the merge camp, Andre CCs that he just lost his closest ally in the game after an insane tribal council. He's unsure how to process it. Andre is, visibly, distraught, leading to Anabel to ask Andre if he had feelings for Sam. Andre says that he does. Adrian CCs that tonight was one insane night as three people played idols, Sam went home, and Kaeghan and him were shocked to hear that Andre and Sam were close. He says that, while the Core Four has lost a member, they still have a mission: vote Renata out as she is very dangerous. Alicia says that she's just happy that the plan to vote her out failed. Renata CCs that things went according to plan and she chose Sam due to his challenge ability out of him and Andre. She says that Hardy stopped being an option when she realized that Anabel would always go after him.
Opening Credits
The next morning, Andre, Kaeghan, and Adrian are in the shelter. Adrian says that two people voted for Sam and one of them has to be Alicia as Alicia voted for Anabel during the John vote. Kaeghan CCs that they were blindsided but they can bounce back. He says that Alicia Brooklyn Lorentzen's days in the game are numbered. At the same time, she could be a good jury goat. Andre says that he is so done with Alicia and her attitude. Andre CCs that Alicia is, both, a strong threat and a jury goat. She can win challenges very easily. However, she has a horrible social game. The reason that she has been a target for him is because of how unpredictable she is and he finds that to be dangerous. Andre says that, after Alicia goes, Renata is next, and then Anabel. He CCs that Anabel is sketchy and has been hanging around Alicia a lot. He can't trust her at all. Alicia and Anabel are talking. Anabel tells Alicia that she wants an official alliance between the two of them. She says that she trusts her a lot. Anabel CCs that Alicia is very unlikable, which makes her an amazing finals goat. She has gotten to know Alicia just to take advantage of her trust in the game. Anabel says that she is loyal with her to the end. Alicia says that she is open to that, completely. Alicia CCs that she may have not likes Anabel at first but, slowly, she is growing on her. However, her loyalty is to Renata 100% but Anabel can be 3rd. Hardy and Lauren are at the water well. Hardy congratulates her on making it to the Final 9 and staying under the radar. Lauren says that she is excited, CCing that she never thought that she would have made it to the Final 9. In a way, she almost didn't if it wasn't for the duel. Hardy says that, maybe, they will have the votes to take out Anabel this time, CCing that Anabel Gromatti is a massive target and she is coming straight for him. He needs her out at the next Tribal Council. He says that she has what it takes to win and people may be too scared to go after her. Lauren says that they have what it takes to get to the end. She CCs that Anabel and Alicia don't scare her. She is here to make it to the end with Hardy and they will not get in her way. She is seen walking along the beach, CCing that people may underestimate her in the game because of her age. However, she is very observant and she has no problem deceiving people. She will protect herself and Hardy no matter what. Hardy talks to Andre and says that voting for Alicia may be dangerous and they could catch her off guard and vote for Anabel. He CCs that he needs to recruit the troops before it gets too late. Andre says that he is open to that as long as Alicia, Anabel, and Renata leave one by one. Hardy CCs that Andre has been trustworthy so he has faith that Andre could be loyal. Alicia and Renata are at the water well. Renata says that she wants to target Adrian next. Renata CCs that Adrian is very hard to read and he isn't too engaging in strategic conversations with her. Renata says that he is a huge wildcard and it is hard to trust him. Alicia agrees and says that Anabel was thinking that he may have been one of the four votes to eliminate David. Renata says that she wouldn't be surprised. She CCs that Adrian is very suspicious and a part of her is worried about leaving him in the game for too long. Alicia says that she plans to call him out to strengthen his target. Renata says that she can do whatever she wants. Alicia CCs that people need to know that Adrian is a threat. Alicia gets in front of the camp and yells at Adrian that he is a wildcard and people need to know that. Adrian CCs that Alicia suddenly decides that isolating herself further is a good way to win. Alicia yells that he better pack his bags. Adrian decides to tell Alicia that, if she continues to follow Renata's orders, she'll leave the game with no friends and she'll realize how silly she was to follow her. The two engage is a yelling match. As it goes on, Anabel CCs that the drama is very annoying but, at least, it is not directed at her. Journey CCs that a part of her wishes that everybody would get along. Alicia CCs that Adrian needs to go or she will rip her hair out.

Renata says that Adrian needs to go next. The others agree. Anabel CCs that she has grown to trust Renata and she made a Final 2 with Alicia so a part of her feels obligated to go along with the plan. When Anabel leaves for the bathroom, Renata then convinces Alicia to use the idol on her if she loses immunity and Alicia says that she will. Alicia CCs that people may target Renata and she can't have that at all.

Back at camp, Andre is telling Journey that, to him, his targets are Alicia, Anabel, and Renata in any order. Journey CCs that, when one thinks about it, the three targets of Andre aren't coming after her and a part of her wants to play the middle. Andre says that they are the biggest threats in the game. Journey says that she can see why. Journey CCs that the game is turning into a warzone with her in the middle. She will have to choose a side eventually. Journey is talking with Hardy about Andre targeting Alicia, Anabel, and Renata. Hardy says that he would like to see Anabel go but he is up for whatever. Journey says that Adrian wants Renata out, Andre wants Alicia out, and Hardy wants Anabel out. Hardy says that they are all huge threats, CCing that it would be smart to have everybody team up and take them all out, no doubt. Journey is sitting alone in the shelter, talking to herself, saying that she is in such a good position that it's actually bad for her. Journey CCs that she has the trust of everybody in the tribe and checks up on everybody regularly. However, she has to choose a side or it will bite her in the end. Alicia, Anabel, and Renata return. Anabel CCs that life on camp is very peaceful and that makes her uncomfortable. While they were away, there could have bee strategizing. Andre is sitting in the water, CCing that the tribe is now united and it is time for the Core Four to claim another victim. Adrian is sitting in the shelter, CCing that, while they were away, he managed to get everybody onto the same page: Alicia. He will wait on the other two but, as she has two immunities under her belt AND an idol play, she needs to go.
ANABEL wins Immunity!
Anabel CCs that she can't be the target now. Renata is talking to Alicia at the water well. Renata tells her that they need to target another challenge threat this time and leave Adrian for later. Alicia asks why. Renata says that this person is holding back and she can see it. Renata CCs that this person thinks they are very sneaky. However, it is now obvious that they have been throwing challenges. Adrian, Andre, and Kaeghan are in the shelter alone. Adrian says that the Core Four is still in motion. He CCs that he's not giving up. Everything is in place and this vote should go smoothly. Kaeghan says that Alicia is the obvious vote as there is no way she would find another idol so quickly. Andre tells Kaeghan not to jinx it. He CCs that it has been a crazy ride so far and he wants to see it through to the end.
AT THE TRIBAL COUNCIL, Journey mentions that, for a bit, she had to endure Evie Cobo-Smith and she knows Hardy had to endure Liz. She says that, while the two of them are gone, the drama continues. Alicia defends herself and says that she calls people out when she finds that they spew bullsh**.


Adrian votes for Alicia
Alicia votes for Hardy
Anabel votes for Hardy
Andre votes for Alicia
Hardy votes for Alicia
Journey votes for Alicia
Kaeghan votes for Alicia
Lauren votes for Alicia
Renata votes for Hardy

With a vote of (6)-3, HARDY has been eliminated.