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Some of the popular traditional dishes are Elephant Steak with Bell Peppers, is also commonly covered in chopped pecans for added flavor. Fallooplesburgian Cheese Wheels are also very popular, they're commonly eaten along with some Fallooplesburgian Wine and allow for a good bit of modification to one's pallet.
Some of the popular traditional dishes are Elephant Steak with Bell Peppers, is also commonly covered in chopped pecans for added flavor. Fallooplesburgian Cheese Wheels are also very popular, they're commonly eaten along with some Fallooplesburgian Wine and allow for a good bit of modification to one's pallet.
Wawaism is the official religion of Fallooplesburg. It's based around the idea that the Wawa from the home of the gods uses it's power to assist you on the path that best suites you. Because of this it must remain in it's domain during everything but emergencies which the last one took play back in 300 AD according to the stories given to the official record keeper at the time.
The Wawa Created the Domain of the gods, and then created some other gods. Starbuck, The god of Space. Horton, the god of Time. And Dunkin, the god of the underworld. Starbuck spent alot of time expanding the universe, Horton spent time, creating time and making sure that it was working correctly. And the Wawa created the first humans in Anteria. And Dunkin guided them to the underworld when it was their time to die.
But he eventually decided that he was sick of his job so he made the Bonk to do it for him. But the bonk was corrupted by envy, he told humans that if they called him the one true god that he would let them live forever, this was a lie but he got many younger people scared of death to join him.
This started a massive holy war, many humans died. Until eventually the Wawa came and intervened he and the bonk had a large battle. The Wawa came out victorious but very injured, he banished the bonk and all his followers and then retreated back to the domain of the gods to assist his followers.

Revision as of 23:50, 22 September 2020

Das Gemeinwesen von Fallooplesburg
The Commonwealth of Fallooplesburg
Flag of Fallooplesburg
Coat of Arms of Fallooplesburg
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Once bound by chains, now we are free."
Anthem: Fallooplesburgian National Anthem
Updated Province Map.png
and largest city
Official languagesGerman
Ethnic groups
GovernmentDemocratic Monarchy
• King
Lionel Von Jevine
• Head of Diplomatic Affairs
Luca Von Steiger
LegislatureParliment of Fallooplesburg
• established by the Independent Party
October 11th 1802
• Total
548,264 km2 (211,686 sq mi)
• 2020 census
• Density
28.1685994338/km2 (73.0/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2020 estimate
• Total
$903 Billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
$903 Billion
• Per capita
Gini (2018)Steady 24.9
HDI (2018)Increase 0.679
CurrencyScrap (FBS)
Time zoneUTC-1 (AZOT)
• Summer (DST)
Driving sideright
Calling code+985
Internet TLD.flb


The Commonwealth of Fallooplesburg is a huge, genial nation, remarkable for its ubiquitous missile silos, sprawling nuclear power plants, and restrictive gun laws. The compassionate, hard-working, cynical population of 15.4 million Fallooplesburgians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Healthcare, Education, and Law & Order. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Belem. The average income tax rate is 21.0%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The strong Fallooplesburgian economy, worth 903 billion scraps a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Tourism industry, with major contributions from Book Publishing, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Information Technology. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 74,865 scraps, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

The military is recruiting war criminals to join its weapons research teams, the number of students attending university has reached a record high, and criminals and college students are taking an interest in the government's new weed-killing program. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Fallooplesburg's national animal is the Elephant.


603-1597: The Tribal Era

Around 603 AD was the date on the oldest Fallooplesburgian record from the old Tribal Council. The Ethnic Fallooplesburgians had a somewhat simple life, they made friends with the Sarmanthian Peoples, fished in the Marmor Sea and Anchor Lake, and prayed to the Wawa. They told scary ghost stories to keep their children in line, rode elephants to carry large amounts of goods to other communities. And had an overall thriving community.

They had a mostly peaceful existence for many centuries, they didn't ever want to modernize and denied Syrgastan's request with help modernizing. This turned out to be exactly what Syrgastan had hoped for and it left the old tribal peoples defenseless against the might of the modern Syrgastani Empire. They annexed New Sarmanthia and Fallooplesburg and incorporated them into a large empire.

1598-1799: The Imperial Era

In 1598 AD Sarplesgani Empire formed out of modern day New Sarmanthia, Fallooplesburg, and Syrgastan. The ethnic Fallooplesburgians were enslaved and overall treated poorly. The mostly peaceful natural life the natives had was over and they would never get it back. Religious leaders were taken away and made into public examples of believing and spreading heresy.

Their largest town was replaced with Belem in 1632, which later would become the capital of the country.

In 1732 a poor Fallooplesburg man by the name of Stanley Steiger begins making informal speeches to other citizens about rising up and taking independence. Many people begin following his ideals considering the unfair treatment of ethnic Fallooplesburgians. This is the start of the Independent Party, who strive for independence for Fallooplesburg. Many of the party's leaders were targeted and anytime something bad happened they blamed it on them, all someone had to do to get away with their crime was vandalise something saying "Freedom For Fallooplesburg!" or something similar.

The poor majority of the region wanted reform, but the nobility continued to spend needless amounts of money on delicacies and luxurious items. And everytime they needed more money they just taxed the poor, they won't mind a percent or two right? This was the last straw, the tax rate was up to 23.2% and many people died either from lack of food and water, or their house got taken away and the were left to wander the savanna. Some people marched in Belem demanding lower tax rates. Many of the protestors were arrested or killed.

1800-1845: The Revolutionary Era

In 1800 is when all the unrest came to a head. A few Fallooplesburgians rose up and decided to fight against the Sarplesgani Empire. Local sympathetic militias began helping out in the fight. The Sarmanthians get inspired by Fallooplesburg and rise up to help in the fight in 1802. They are ultimately defeated in 1806 and the treatment of civilians gets even worse, as they are seen as week individuals who even with some Sarplesgani soldiers couldn't win. Diplomats go to Flatstone and exchange some land for military assistance against the Sarplesgani Empire in 1819.

In 1824 the Sarplesgani Civil War begins, the Sarmanthians and Fallooplesburgians have been preparing for 5 years, building support and strength. The Sarplesgani Empire believed that Fallooplesburg couldn't come back from the 1800 uprising. Fallooplesburg declared independence and established the houses a year later in 1825 but as generals, Stanley Steiger, now Stanley Von Steiger, was elected the first king of Fallooplesburg and led them through a tough war all the way until 1845, when Syrgastan finally surrendered, Flatstone got a little bit of coastal land to open trade to the newly formed nations of Fallooplesburg, New Sarmanthia, and Syrgastan.

Fallooplesburg was finally independent again after nearly 250 years.

1846-1924: The Construction Era

In 1847 King Raymond von Aegir I began a road-building project to make travel easier across country and new large cities were being built. Belem was made the capital and the first monarchal election happened. House Aegir won with their candidate Raymond von Aegir II who led the country to some very decisive victories during the war. After King Stanley died and King Raymond took power, he began bolstering the agricultural sector, the manufacturing sector was floundering with Fallooplesburgs low access to metals. SO they went all in on agriculture and began selling tropical plants like Coffee Beans, Bananas, and Pineapples to nearby nearby non tropical nations like Flatstone. They also sold extra firearms after the war to Flatstone and made a good bit of money off of it.

The First Cheese and Wine festival is held in 1870 to encourage farmers to do better.

1925-Present: The Prosperous Era

In 1925 after the economy was secure Fallooplesburg began investing in Nuclear Research, and improving relations with neighboring countries.

The Army was being modernized, but only the army, the Navy and Air Force both fell behind as Fallooplesburg saw no ocean access and did not keep up with plane design making the JP-821 in 2003 but sticking with old 1930-era designs from 1930-2002.

In 1950 Fallooplesburg made their first working Nuclear Power Plant after using the Uranium in the desert. They sold the blueprints to other countries and began the process of putting the whole country on nuclear power. This allowed them to end coal imports for their coal power plants. This also began the research of WMDs which have been incorporated into the modern day Fallooplesburgian army.

The Marmor Trade Pact was officially created in 2020 along with Fallooplesburg joining SADA to help protect, and improve relations with Southern Anteria. Fallooplesburg also celebrates 175 years of peace.

House Mairel was established in August 2020. Taking a bit of land from both House Jevine, and House Ledod.


Fallooplesburg has a very agriculture heavy economy, with rougly 30% of territory being used as farmland. The mining industry is also fairly adaquate down in the desert portion of the country, and overall supplies enough materials for nuclear energy around the country.

Fallooplesburg grows many tropical crops in it's tropical areas. The some of the plants are: Coffee Beans, Bananas, and Pineapples. There are also many vineyards and farms around the country making Cheese and Wine large exports.

After the revolution, Fallooplesburg had more guns than it knew what to do with, and made alot of money selling them to other countries going through wars of their own. They produce very little weaponry and even have instituted gun control laws hoping to keep it's citizens safe

The mining industry down south gains a good bit of Uranium, Copper, and some Rubber up in the rainforests.


Active Imports:

100k annual tons of Refined Steel from Neferheim.

Active Exports:

1500 monthly tons of Cheese to Neferheim.

500 gallons of wine to Flatstone.

Potential Exports:

Up to 900k tons of Coffee Beans.

Up to 500k tons of Acacia, and other Savanna and Tropical wood.

up to 100k tons of Cheese.


Fallooplesburg has a unique type of government. There are five houses of nobility: House Aegir, House Steiger, House Ledod, House Ailmir, and House Jevine. and every time the king/queen reaches the age of 40, the next king is chosen by the people, the people within a houses territory will choose which child of the noble family will be put into the running for king/queen. All of the selected candidates will be voted on by the people and that family will get control over the capital territory until the king/queen dies.

Important People from the Houses:

King Raymond von Aegir III (House Aegir, King of Fallooplesburg for 30 years) Stefanie von Steiger (House Steiger, Head of Diplomacy) Noah von Ailmir (House Ailmir, current King of Fallooplesburg)


The Parliment is used to decide is Proposed House Laws are going to be instituted, and as an advisory board for the monarch, they cannot override the monarch's decision though.

Parlimentary Parties

  • Independent Party | Formed 1732
  • Green Party | Formed 1923
  • Conservative Party | Formed 1872
  • Labour Party | Formed 1848
  • Nationalist Party | Formed 1933




Fallooplesburg's Ground Army. About 600,000 in active service, 100,000 in each house's territory. They go through a 2-year training process that involves agility and marksmanship training. another 500,000 are in reserve forces that will only be called into action if needed.

All equipment.

Fallooplesburg has been keeping up with military modernization. Because even though their peaceful, they want to be ready for a war.


Fallooplesburg has one larger battleship and 5 light cruisers that are used to escort trade ships, across the Marmor Sea.


Fallooplesburg has 512 JP-821 Fighter Jets that are in good condition. The pilots perform regular exercises to maintain skill, Fallooplesburg is still testing many plane designs

Military Installations




Fallooplesburg is famous for it's various cheeses that it produces. It also grows alot of various kinds of nuts, like Macademias, Pecans, and Walnuts. Coffee Beans are also one of Fallooplesburg's biggest exports and is an overall very popular drink in Fallooplesburg. Seafood is very rare, and considered a delicacy, in the south as much southern water is used as ports and military installations rather than for fishing. In the north however seafood is much more common but it's poor shelf life leads to landlocked areas being left with bad seafood.

Many savanna animals' meats are used to make traditional Fallooplesburgian cuisine. Early in Fallooplesburgian history savanna animals were attributed with specific values, elephants were strong and helpful, lions were brave, cheetahs were fast, etc. and it was believed that if you ate the animal's meat you would gain the attributed quality, although cheetahs were rare catches. While that belief isn't as much known about today, many savanna animals are still used to make traditional Fallooplesburgian cuisine in different restaurants across the country.

Some of the popular traditional dishes are Elephant Steak with Bell Peppers, is also commonly covered in chopped pecans for added flavor. Fallooplesburgian Cheese Wheels are also very popular, they're commonly eaten along with some Fallooplesburgian Wine and allow for a good bit of modification to one's pallet.


Wawaism is the official religion of Fallooplesburg. It's based around the idea that the Wawa from the home of the gods uses it's power to assist you on the path that best suites you. Because of this it must remain in it's domain during everything but emergencies which the last one took play back in 300 AD according to the stories given to the official record keeper at the time.

The Wawa Created the Domain of the gods, and then created some other gods. Starbuck, The god of Space. Horton, the god of Time. And Dunkin, the god of the underworld. Starbuck spent alot of time expanding the universe, Horton spent time, creating time and making sure that it was working correctly. And the Wawa created the first humans in Anteria. And Dunkin guided them to the underworld when it was their time to die.

But he eventually decided that he was sick of his job so he made the Bonk to do it for him. But the bonk was corrupted by envy, he told humans that if they called him the one true god that he would let them live forever, this was a lie but he got many younger people scared of death to join him.

This started a massive holy war, many humans died. Until eventually the Wawa came and intervened he and the bonk had a large battle. The Wawa came out victorious but very injured, he banished the bonk and all his followers and then retreated back to the domain of the gods to assist his followers.